< Hebrews 2 >

1 Wherefore wee ought diligently to giue heede to the thinges which wee haue heard, lest at any time we runne out.
Seetõttu tuleb meil eriti silmas pidada kõike, mida me oleme kuulnud, et me ei kalduks kõrvale.
2 For if the worde spoken by Angels was stedfast, and euery transgression, and disobedience receiued a iust recompence of reward,
Sest kui juba inglite kaudu räägitud sõnum oli kohustuslik ning iga üleastumine ja sõnakuulmatus sai karistuse,
3 How shall we escape, if we neglect so great saluation, which at the first began to be preached by the Lord, and afterward was confirmed vnto vs by them that heard him,
kuidas siis meil õnnestuks põgeneda, kui me ei hooli nii suurest päästest, mida esmalt kuulutati Issanda enda suu läbi ja mida on kinnitanud need, kes seda kuulsid.
4 God bearing witnes thereto, both with signes and wonders, and with diuers miracles, and gifts of the holy Ghost, according to his owne will?
Jumal on ju seda kinnitanud tunnustähtede, imede ja mitmesuguste võimsate tegudega ning Püha Vaimu andidega, mida ta jagas oma tahte kohaselt.
5 For he hath not put in subiection vnto the Angels the world to come, whereof we speake.
Jumal ei alistanud inglitele tulevast maailma, millest me räägime.
6 But one in a certaine place witnessed, saying, What is man, that thou shouldest bee mindefull of him? or the sonne of man, that thou wouldest consider him?
Pühakiri tunnistab sellest: „Mis on inimene, et sa temale mõtled, või inimese poeg, et sa temast hoolid?
7 Thou madest him a litle inferiour to ye Angels: thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and hast set him aboue the workes of thine hands.
Sa tegid ta veidi alamaks inglitest, sa pärgasid ta au ja hiilgusega,
8 Thou hast put all things in subiection vnder his feete. And in that he hath put all things in subiection vnder him, he left nothing that should not be subiect vnto him. But we yet see not all things subdued vnto him,
ja alistasid kõik tema jalge alla.“Temale kõike alistades ei jätnud Jumal midagi talle alistamata. Aga praegu me ei näe veel, et kõik on alistatud tema alla.
9 But we see Iesus crowned with glory and honour, which was made litle inferiour to the Angels, through the suffering of death, that by Gods grace he might taste death for all men.
Siiski me näeme, et Jeesus, kes viivuks tehti alamaks inglitest, et ta Jumala armu läbi maitseks surma igaühe eest, on nüüd pärjatud au ja hiilgusega surma kannatamise pärast.
10 For it became him, for whome are all these thinges, and by whome are all these things, seeing that hee brought many children vnto glory, that he should consecrate the Prince of their saluation through afflictions.
Sest Jumalale, kelle jaoks ja kelle läbi on kõik, oli kohane teha kannatuste kaudu täiuslikuks nende pääste teerajaja, selle, kes pidi viima kirkusesse palju lapsi.
11 For he that sanctifieth, and they which are sanctified, are all of one: wherefore he is not ashamed to call them brethren,
On ju nii pühitsejal kui ka pühitsetavail üks ja seesama Isa. Seepärast Jeesus ei häbenegi nimetada neid vendadeks ja õdedeks:
12 Saying, I will declare thy Name vnto my brethren: in the middes of the Church will I sing praises to thee.
„Ma tahan kuulutada sinu nime oma vendadele, koguduse keskel tahan ma laulda sulle kiitust!“
13 And againe, I will put my trust in him. And againe, Beholde, here am I, and the children which God hath giuen me.
Ja veel: „Ma panen oma lootuse tema peale.“Ja veel: „Siin olen mina ja lapsed, kelle Jumal mulle on kinkinud.“
14 Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himselfe likewise tooke part with them, that hee might destroye through death, him that had the power of death, that is the deuil,
Sellepärast, kuna lapsed on lihast ja verest, sai temagi lihaks ja vereks, et surma läbi murda selle vägi, kes hoiab surma võimu – see tähendab kuradi –
15 And that he might deliuer all them, which for feare of death were all their life time subiect to bondage.
ja vabastada kõik, kes olid kogu elu olnud surmahirmu orjuses.
16 For he in no sort tooke on him the Angels nature, but hee tooke on him the seede of Abraham.
Sest kindlasti ei tulnud ta appi inglitele, vaid Aabrahami järglastele.
17 Wherefore in all things it behoued him to be made like vnto his brethren, that hee might be mercifull, and a faithfull hie Priest in things concerning God, that he might make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people.
Seepärast ta pidi igas mõttes saama nende sarnaseks, et temast saaks halastav ja ustav ülempreester Jumala ees inimeste pattude lepitamiseks.
18 For in that he suffered, and was tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted.
Kuna ta ise on kannatanud ja tundnud kiusatusi, suudab ta aidata neid, kes on kiusatustes.

< Hebrews 2 >