< Hebrews 13 >
1 Let brotherly loue continue.
Yaa suagi mani liiga leni mi buama yi kpiiba po,
2 Be not forgetfull to intertaine strangers: for thereby some haue receiued Angels into their houses vnwares.
Yin da sundi ki yaa gaandi bi niba cangu. yeni bi tianba den ga Malekinba cangu kaa bani.
3 Remember them that are in bondes, as though ye were bounde with them: and them that are in affliction, as if ye were also afflicted in the body.
Yin yaa tiadi mani a kpaada po nani yi moko nani yi moko taani leni bani ki tie kpaada yeni, yin yaa go tiadi yaaba n laadi fala nani yinba yi yaaba moko n ba fidi ki lee laa fala buolu yi gbanandi nni yeni.
4 Mariage is honorable among all, and the bed vndefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will iudge.
Yua kuli n jigini li ñiigili, ke joa leni poa taayienu u duanu kani n da naa leni joagindi kelima U tienu baa jia yaaba n ye ti joagindi nni leni conconma buolu kuli danba.
5 Let your conuersation be without couetousnesse, and be content with those things that ye haue, for he hath said, I will not faile thee, neither forsake thee:
Yin da pa mani i yula mi ligi buama, ama yin mangi yi pala leni yin pia yaala,
6 So that we may boldly say, The Lord is mine helper, neither will I feare what man can doe vnto me.
kelima U tienu wani O yaaba yedi: N kan ŋaa ŋa faabada N kan lu ŋa faabada Lan wani leni papaali ke ti baa fidi ki yedi: O Diedo tie n todi ka, n kan jie li ba kuli; o nisaalo ba fidi ki tieni be?
7 Remember them which haue the ouersight of you, which haue declared vnto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering what hath bene the ende of their conuersation.
Yin yaa tiadi mani yi gobidi kaaba po, ban yaaba n den wani yi U tienu maama. diidi mani ki lee bi yema n juodi maama yin ŋoadi bi dandanli fuuli.
8 Iesus Christ yesterday, and to day, the same also is for euer. (aiōn )
Jesu Kilisiti o tie yendo wonla, dinla, leni yaa yogunu n kan gbeni. (aiōn )
9 Be not caried about with diuers and strange doctrines: for it is a good thing that the heart be stablished with grace, and not with meates, which haue not profited them that haue bene occupied therein.
Yin da teni bangitoa canma n yaani yi pala kelima li ŋani li pali n ya gbie ki paa leni li ŋanbili, ki lan da tie leni mi jiema ka, kelima yaaba yaaba n puni bi yula li po, laa todiba leni li ba kuli.
10 We haue an altar, whereof they haue no authoritie to eate, which serue in the tabernacle.
Ti pia yaa padibinbinli ke yaaba n tuuni li gbandieli nni naa pia u sanu ki je li jiema.
11 For the bodies of those beastes whose blood is brought into the Holy place by the high Priest for sinne, are burnt without the campe.
Yaa yandi ke o kopadicianbado padi ti tuonbiadi po ki kuani mi soama u kaangagidi ŋamu nni, bi yen ñani ban kodi yaa yandi ki sia hali nii n po.
12 Therefore euen Iesus, that he might sanctifie the people with his owne blood, suffered without the gate.
Lan yaapo ke Jesu moko wan den bua ki ŋanbi ki ñani bi niba tuonbiadi, leni o soaceli, o den laa fala kiden kpe u dogu buliñoabu nii n po.
13 Let vs goe foorth to him therefore out of the campe, bearing his reproch.
Lan wani tin ña mani ki gedi O poo nii n po ki taani leni o o fee nni.
14 For here haue we no continuing citie: but we seeke one to come.
Kelima yaa ŋandunli n yene niini tin ye naani ti pia yaa diema n ba yaa ye u yogunu kuli, ama ti lingi yaa diema n kpendi nne.
15 Let vs therefore by him offer the sacrifice of prayse alwaies to God, that is, the fruite of the lippes, which confesse his Name.
O yaa po tin yaa tendi U tienu o yogunu kuli ti pagidi nani li padili yeni; lan bundi ke ti ñoacuuna n ya pagi o yeli.
16 To doe good, and to distribute forget not: for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Yin da sundi ki yaa tiendi mi ŋanma leni ti bulcindi kelima laa padili buolu n yen mangidi U tienu pali.
17 Obey them that haue the ouersight of you, and submit your selues: for they watche for your soules, as they that must giue accountes, that they may doe it with ioy, and not with griefe: for that is vnprofitable for you.
Yin yaa tuodi mani yi gobidi kaaba ki go ya pia bi po li fangili kelima bi guu yi naani kelima bi faa togidi U tienu nintuali. yin yaa tiendi yeni lan tie ban ya tuuni laa tuonli leni li pamanli ki lan ya tie leni li dunli kelima laa pia yi po todima baa kuli.
18 Pray for vs: for we are assured that we haue a good conscience in all things, desiring to liue honestly.
Yin yaa jandi ti po, kelima ti tama ke ti pia o siedi ŋamo ti pala nni ti bua li bonli kuli nni ki yaa pia yaa tagu ŋani.
19 And I desire you somewhat the more earnestly, that yee so doe, that I may be restored to you more quickly.
N go baa miadi yi yin yaa tiendi yeni lani n tie min fidi ki cua yi kani tontomi
20 The God of peace that brought againe from the dead our Lord Iesus, the great shepheard of the sheepe, through the blood of the euerlasting Couenant, (aiōnios )
Mi yanduanma Tienu yua n den fini ti Diedo Jesu O yankpaŋamo bi tinkpiba siiga kelima O soama yaami n kuani yaa ŋantaado n baa ye o yogunu kuli po, N teni yin fidi ki yaa tuuni a tuonŋama ki go tiendi o (aiōnios )
21 Make you perfect in all good workes, to doe his will, working in you that which is pleasant in his sight through Iesus Christ, to whom be praise for euer and euer, Amen. (aiōn )
yanbuama. Wan yaa tiendi i yemi nni yaali n dagidi o po kelima Jesu Kilisiti po wan yua n die ti kpiagidi yaa yogunu n tu u yu! Amina! (aiōn )
22 I beseeche you also, brethren, suffer the wordes of exhortation: for I haue written vnto you in fewe wordes.
N go miadi yi n kpiiba, yin tuo ki ga i naa tundi kelima n diani yi waamu bebe liga.
23 Knowe that our brother Timotheus is deliuered, with whome (if hee come shortly) I will see you.
Yin bandi ke bi luodi ti kpiilo Timote, o yaa cua n kani tonma ti baa yegi ki cua ki lee yi.
24 Salute all them that haue the ouersight of you, and all the Saintes. They of Italie salute you.
Yin fuondi mani yi gobikaaba kuli leni U tienu nigagidi ŋanba kuli; Italia yaaba moko fuondi yi.
25 Grace be with you all, Amen. ‘Written to the Hebrewes from Italie, and sent by Timotheus.’
U tienu ŋanbili n yaa ye leni yi kuli Amina!