< Hebrews 12 >
1 Wherefore, let vs also, seeing that we are compassed with so great a cloude of witnesses, cast away euery thing that presseth downe, and the sinne that hangeth so fast on: let vs runne with patience the race that is set before vs,
ahei naki undi gbugbuu ba kata ni yiri shubi yi u kle ni tre ukika ko gye cuwo wa ani nawa ita ni tau ni nla tre wa anigba ta uni son bu vu sur ni tsar wa a hei ni koshishibu
2 Looking vnto Iesus the authour and finisher of our faith, who for the ioy that was set before him, endured the crosse, and despised the shame, and is set at the right hand of the throne of God.
uki ka yo shishi mbu ni irji wa wau yi wu mumla utaba ace tere ujaji ugyawa hei ni koshishima wa vu sur ni giciye da wur sur le ni shan wakuson niwo kori wukur siyi allah
3 Consider therefore him that endured such speaking against of sinners, lest ye should be wearied and faint in your mindes.
naki bika rhimre ma uwa vu sur yiri adawana nla tere ni na du yi wuton ko bika bacuwo na
4 Ye haue not yet resisted vnto blood, striuing against sinne.
bina kle gbangba ni gbi sur ni nla tr wa tsar wa ukayi bi le rina wu bikparisu ni tere wa ba hla nitere ni mini
5 And ye haue forgotten the consolation, which speaketh vnto you as vnto children, My sonne, despise not the chastening of the Lord, neither faint when thou art rebuked of him.
vur mu na banhoron rji ni ro na wu bi yi me na se niton wa bano horonma
6 For whom the Lord loueth, he chasteneth: and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receiueth:
anaki ba wu irji ani horon ni biwa wa kpayeme ni ba wani hukunta ni biwa a kpa ba
7 If ye endure chastening, God offereth him selfe vnto you as vnto sonnes: for what sonne is it whom the father chasteneth not?
vusur niya ni son wu horo irji ni tei ni na bi minima u vur rime wa tema na no horo na?
8 If therefore ye be without correction, whereof al are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sonnes.
wubi tana hei ni horona na ind bariba hei niwu bishegukena ubina minina
9 Moreouer we haue had the fathers of our bodies which corrected vs, and we gaue them reuerence: should we not much rather be in subiection vnto the father of spirites, that we might liue?
u hei na kiki hei ni bate ugbugbuu wa ba hurance nita wuki no ba daraja ba wa ana wa kiyi ni ubanmu wu ruhuniya ni sona na
10 For they verely for a few dayes chastened vs after their owne pleasure: but he chasteneth vs for our profite, that we might be partakers of his holinesse.
u ba tembu ba no ta horo wu ton zizama ubi ma urji wa ani hurace nita nikon wu bimawa ki fe rabo ni mitsarkinma
11 Now no chastising for the present seemeth to be ioyous, but, grieuous: but afterwarde, it bringeth the quiet fruite of righteousnesse, vnto them which are thereby exercised.
u ba horo wa abi ni ton ma u hei ni loma u yar sur uani gni mini u ruhaniya ni adalci ni du biwa ba gni ba nimi
12 Wherfore lift vp your hands which hang downe, and your weake knees,
wu anaki u bika mla wo bi tei wa ani reto ni kpanubi wa ba kaduwa
13 And make straight steppes vnto your feete, lest that which is halting, be turned out of the way, but let it rather be healed.
bika wu kon wa gegere me wu kpe wa a vu kuma ni ko san dunazina waka se
14 Followe peace with all men, and holinesse, without the which no man shall see ye Lord.
bika wa son se ni kpabi nirayuwa wutsarki wa ana hei tokina bandi wa ani to rji
15 Take heede, that no man fall away from the grace of God: let no roote of bitternes spring vp and trouble you, lest thereby many be defiled.
mla tumbi tei ni du ri na fe alheri Allah na u du kpe u tushe wu rima dutsiro ni yi da gyi kpe wu fitina wa gbugbuu nikpabi baka gurbata ni tumba
16 Let there be no fornicator, or prophane person as Esau, which for one portion of meate solde his birthright.
bika tzir sereme ni duba nato bi wamba niyi na nibi wa bana hei ni ibada niyi na Isuwa wa don biri wa ka le ni son wu ver wu mumla
17 For ye knowe howe that afterwarde also when he woulde haue inherited the blessing, he was reiected: for he founde no place to repentance, though he sought that blessing with teares.
bika to ni kpayeme nawa a tei yo sur waani son za u albarka u koshishi u bana kpayena anafe ton wu bre nla tere mana wa naki obre ni yimashi
18 For ye are not come vnto the mount that might be touched, nor vnto burning fire, nor to blacknes and darkenes, and tempest,
bi na ye nigbilu wa ba sawo na wa gbulu wu rilu ni bwu ni tukuki ni tsin wubwu ni hadari
19 Neither vnto the sounde of a trumpet, and the voyce of wordes, which they that heard it, excused themselues, that the word should not be spoken to them any more,
bina ye ni vri kpunu u no se sir ni nla wu no sesir na wu bi sere ton ba bre nidu ba na wo gana
20 (For they were not able to abide that which was commanded, yea, though a beast touche the mountaine, it shalbe stoned, or thrust through with a dart:
u bana son u vu sur na nikpa wa ba yo doka ni tuma na uko daba a taba nigbulu ani ta ni teta
21 And so terrible was the sight which appeared, that Moses said, I feare and quake.)
wa kpe wu sesir gbugbuu wa musa tere me son sesir me firgita
22 But ye are come vnto the mount Sion, and to the citie of the liuing God, the celestiall Hierusalem, and to ye company of innumerable Angels,
wa hei naki u biye ni gbulu zron ni mi gbuu wa rji wu rai wu shu ni wu urushalimo ni wulo dubu mini ba gyir
23 And to the assemblie and congregation of the first borne, which are written in heauen, and to God the iudge of all, and to the spirits of iust and perfite men,
wu biye ni shubi mini bi mumla waba nha nha wu shulu bi kaye ni rji wa wau yi u bla kogye naki he ni ruhu wu dalai wa ba riga da tsrkake
24 And to Iesus the Mediatour of the new Testament, and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things then that of Abel.
wu wa u kpa rji u wa wau a matsakanci wu sabon alkawari ni yi wa babwa wa tere zun ni yi Habila
25 See that ye despise not him that speaketh: for if they escaped not which refused him, that spake on earth: much more shall we not escape, if we turne away from him, that speaketh from heauen.
na kabi ni wa asi tere ubana gbiju na wa ba kaba niwa ba ba gbi ton na ni nigbugbuu u feme ba tsira i kita kama gon tei wa ase gbiton mbu ni shu
26 Whose voyce then shooke the earth and nowe hath declared, saying, Yet once more will I shake, not the earth onely, but also heauen.
uni ton ri ikro ma a guru gbugbuu u zizaa a yi alkawali da tere iton a hei wa me guru ana gbugbuu me gye na du ni shulu
27 And this worde, Yet once more, signifieth the remouing of those things which are shaken, as of things which are made with hands, that the things which are not shaken, may remaine.
u nla tere bayi har ila zizaa a tsor cunu kpe biwa gunu wa to kpe wa ba tei du kpe wa bana gunu wa ba hei
28 Wherefore seeing we receiue a kingdome, which cannot be shaken, let vs haue grace whereby we may so serue God, that we may please him with reuerence and feare.
wa naki fe bubu son wa ana guru bana wuji ka son u gir ni iri son wu zizaa wa ki yi sujadani rji ni kpa ye niwu ni wu ni na son ma wu bima
29 For euen our God is a consuming fire.
ana ji irjimbu a lu wu gon