< Hebrews 11 >

1 Now faith is the grounds of things, which are hoped for, and the euidence of things which are not seene.
to be then faith to hope/expect confidence/essence thing rebuke no to see
2 For by it our elders were well reported of.
in/on/among this/he/she/it for to testify the/this/who elder: old
3 Through faith we vnderstand that the world was ordeined by the worde of God, so that the things which we see, are not made of things which did appeare. (aiōn g165)
faith to understand to complete the/this/who an age: age declaration God toward the/this/who not out from to shine/appear (the/this/who to see *N(k)O*) to be (aiōn g165)
4 By faith Abel offered vnto God a greater sacrifice then Cain, by the which he obtained witnes that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: by the which faith also he being dead, yet speaketh.
faith greater sacrifice Abel from/with/beside Cain to bring to the/this/who God through/because of which to testify to exist just to testify upon/to/against the/this/who gift it/s/he (the/this/who God *NK(o)*) and through/because of it/s/he to die still (to speak *N(k)O*)
5 By faith was Enoch translated, that he should not see death: neither was he found: for God had translated him: for before he was translated, he was reported of, that he had pleased God.
faith Enoch to transport the/this/who not to perceive: see death and no to find/meet because to transport it/s/he the/this/who God before for the/this/who removal/change (it/s/he *k*) to testify to please the/this/who God
6 But without faith it is vnpossible to please him: for he that commeth to God, must beleeue that God is, and that he is a rewarder of them that seeke him.
without then faith unable to please to trust (in) for be necessary the/this/who to come near/agree the/this/who God that/since: that to be and the/this/who to seek out it/s/he rewarder to be
7 By faith Noe being warned of God of the things which were as yet not seene, mooued with reuerence, prepared the Arke to the sauing of his housholde, through the which Arke hee condemned the world, and was made heire of the righteousnes, which is by faith.
faith to announce Noah about the/this/who not yet to see to revere to prepare ark: covenant toward salvation the/this/who house: household it/s/he through/because of which to condemn the/this/who world and the/this/who according to faith righteousness to be heir
8 By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed God, to goe out into a place, which hee should afterward receiue for inheritance, and he went out, not knowing whither he went.
faith (the/this/who *o*) to call: call Abraham to obey to go out toward (the/this/who *k*) place which to ensue to take toward inheritance and to go out not to know/understand where? to come/go
9 By faith he abode in the land of promise, as in a strange countrey, as one that dwelt in tents with Isaac and Iacob heires with him of the same promise.
faith be a stranger toward (the/this/who *k*) earth: country the/this/who promise as/when another’s in/on/among tent to dwell with/after Isaac and Jacob the/this/who co-heir the/this/who promise the/this/who it/s/he
10 For he looked for a citie hauing a foundation, whose builder and maker is God.
to wait for for the/this/who the/this/who foundation to have/be city which craftsman and builder the/this/who God
11 Through faith Sara also receiued strength to conceiue seede, and was deliuered of a childe when she was past age, because she iudged him faithfull which had promised.
faith and it/s/he Sarah (barren *N*) power toward beginning seed: offspring to take and from/with/beside time/right time age/height (to give birth to *K*) since faithful to govern the/this/who to profess
12 And therefore sprang there of one, euen of one which was dead, so many as the starres of the skie in multitude, and as the land of the sea shore which is innumerable.
therefore and away from one to beget and this/he/she/it to put to death as/just as the/this/who star the/this/who heaven the/this/who multitude and (as/when *N(k)O*) the/this/who sand the/this/who from/with/beside the/this/who lip the/this/who sea the/this/who countless
13 All these died in faith, and receiued not the promises, but sawe them a farre off, and beleeued them, and receiued them thankefully, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
according to faith to die this/he/she/it all not (to take *NK(O)*) the/this/who promise but afar off it/s/he to perceive: see and (to persuade and *K*) to pay respects to and to confess/profess that/since: that foreign and stranger to be upon/to/against the/this/who earth: planet
14 For they that say such things, declare plainely, that they seeke a countrey.
the/this/who for such as this to say to show that/since: that fatherland to seek after
15 And if they had bene mindfull of that countrey, from whence they came out, they had leasure to haue returned.
and if on the other hand that (to remember *NK(o)*) away from which (to go out *N(k)O*) to have/be if time/right time to return
16 But nowe they desire a better, that is an heauenly: wherefore God is not ashamed of them to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a citie.
(now *N(k)O*) then greater to aspire this/he/she/it to be heavenly therefore no be ashamed of it/s/he the/this/who God God to call (on)/name it/s/he to make ready for it/s/he city
17 By faith Abraham offered vp Isaac, when he was tryed, and he that had receiued the promises, offered his onely begotten sonne.
faith to bring to Abraham the/this/who Isaac to test/tempt: test and the/this/who unique to bring to the/this/who the/this/who promise to receive
18 (To whom it was said, In Isaac shall thy seede be called.)
to/with which to speak that/since: that in/on/among Isaac to call: name you seed: offspring
19 For he considered that God was able to raise him vp euen from the dead: from whence he receiued him also after a sort.
to count that/since: that and out from dead to arise able the/this/who God whence it/s/he and in/on/among parable to bring/be repaid
20 By faith Isaac blessed Iacob and Esau, concerning things to come.
faith (and *no*) about to ensue to praise/bless Isaac the/this/who Jacob and the/this/who Esau
21 By faith Iacob when he was a dying, blessed both the sonnes of Ioseph, and leaning on the ende of his staffe, worshipped God.
faith Jacob to die each the/this/who son Joseph to praise/bless and to worship upon/to/against the/this/who end the/this/who rod it/s/he
22 By faith Ioseph when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel, and gaue commandement of his bones.
faith Joseph to decease about the/this/who departure the/this/who son Israel to remember and about the/this/who bone it/s/he to order
23 By faith Moses when he was borne, was hid three moneths of his parents, because they sawe he was a proper childe, neither feared they the kings commandement.
faith Moses to beget to hide three months by/under: by the/this/who father it/s/he because to perceive: see beautiful the/this/who child and no to fear the/this/who edict the/this/who king
24 By faith Moses when he was come to age, refused to be called the sonne of Pharaohs daughter,
faith Moses great to be to deny to say: call son daughter Pharaoh
25 And chose rather to suffer aduersitie with the people of God, then to enioy the pleasures of sinnes for a season,
more: rather to choose to suffer with the/this/who a people the/this/who God or temporary to have/be sin enjoyment
26 Esteeming the rebuke of Christ greater riches then the treasures of Egypt: for he had respect vnto the recompence of the reward.
great riches to govern the/this/who (in/on/among *k*) (Egypt *N(k)O*) treasure the/this/who reproach the/this/who Christ to look ahead for toward the/this/who recompense
27 By faith he forsooke Egypt, and feared not the fiercenes of the king: for he endured, as he that sawe him which is inuisible.
faith to leave behind Egypt not to fear the/this/who wrath the/this/who king the/this/who for invisible as/when to see: see to endure
28 Through faith he ordeined the Passeouer and the effusion of blood, least he that destroyed the first borne, should touche them.
faith to do/make: do the/this/who Passover lamb and the/this/who sprinkling the/this/who blood in order that/to not the/this/who to destroy the/this/who firstborn to touch it/s/he
29 By faith they passed through the red sea as by drie land, which when the Egyptians had assayed to doe, they were swallowed vp.
faith to cross the/this/who Red (Sea) sea as/when through/because of dried up/withered (earth: country *no*) which test to take the/this/who Egyptian to swallow
30 By faith the walles of Iericho fell downe after they were copassed about seue dayes.
faith the/this/who wall Jericho (to collapse *N(k)O*) to surround upon/to/against seven day
31 By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them which obeyed not, when she had receiued the spies peaceably.
faith Rahab the/this/who prostitute no to die/destroy with the/this/who to disobey to receive the/this/who spy with/after peace
32 And what shall I more say? for the time would be too short for me to tell of Gedeon, of Barac, and of Sampson, and of Iephte, also of Dauid, and Samuel, and of the Prophets:
and which? still to say be insufficient me for to relate fully the/this/who time about Gideon Barak (and/both and *k*) Samson (and *k*) Jephthah David and/both and Samuel and the/this/who prophet
33 Which through faith subdued kingdomes, wrought righteousnesse, obteined the promises, stopped the mouthes of lions,
which through/because of faith to conquer kingdom to work righteousness to obtain promise to stop mouth lion
34 Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sworde, of weake were made strong, waxed valiant in battell, turned to flight the armies of the aliants.
to extinguish power fire to flee mouth sword (to empower *N(k)O*) away from weakness: weak to be strong in/on/among war barracks to bow/lay down another’s
35 The women receiued their dead raised to life: other also were racked, and woulde not be deliuered, that they might receiue a better resurrection.
to take woman out from resurrection the/this/who dead it/s/he another then to torture no to wait for/welcome the/this/who redemption in order that/to greater resurrection to obtain/happen
36 And others haue bene tryed by mockings and scourgings, yea, moreouer by bondes and prisonment.
other then jeering and whip test to take still then chain and prison/watch: prison
37 They were stoned, they were hewen asunder, they were tempted, they were slaine with the sworde, they wandred vp and downe in sheepes skinnes, and in goates skinnes, being destitute, afflicted, and tormented:
to stone to saw (in two) (to test/tempt: test *KO*) in/on/among murder sword to die to go around in/on/among sheepskin in/on/among goat's leather to lack to press on to torment
38 Whom the world was not worthie of: they wandered in wildernesses and mountaines, and dennes, and caues of the earth.
which no to be worthy the/this/who world (upon/to/against *N(k)O*) desert to lead astray and mountain and cave and the/this/who hole the/this/who earth: planet
39 And these all through faith obteined good report, and receiued not the promise,
and this/he/she/it all to testify through/because of the/this/who faith no to bring/be repaid the/this/who promise
40 God prouiding a better thing for vs, that they without vs should not be made perfite.
the/this/who God about me greater one to foresee/plan in order that/to not without me to perfect

< Hebrews 11 >