< Genesis 48 >

1 Againe after this, one sayd to Ioseph, Loe, thy father is sicke: then hee tooke with him his two sonnes, Manasseh and Ephraim.
Bangʼ kinde moko Josef nowinjo wach ni wuon mare tuo, kuom mano nokawo yawuote ariyo Manase kod Efraim mondo odhi onene.
2 Also one told Iaakob, and said, Behold, thy sonne Ioseph is come to thee, and Israel tooke his strength vnto him and sate vpon the bed.
Kane Jakobo owinjo wach ni Josef wuode obiro nene, nochukore mobet e kitandane.
3 Then Iaakob sayde vnto Ioseph, God almightie appeared vnto me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and blessed me.
Jakobo nowacho ne Josef, “Nyasaye Maratego nofwenyorena Luz e piny Kanaan, kendo kanyo ema nogwedha.
4 And he sayde vnto me, Behold, I wil make thee fruitefull, and will multiplie thee, and will make a great number of people of thee, and will giue this lande vnto thy seede after thee for an euerlasting possession.
Kendo nowachona niya, ‘Abiro miyo inyaa kendo ibed gi nyithindo mangʼeny. Abiro timi oganda mar ji, kendo abiro miyo nyikwayi pinyni mondo obed girkeni manyaka chiengʼ.’
5 And now thy two sonnes, Manasseh and Ephraim, which are borne vnto thee in the lande of Egypt, before I came to thee into Egypt, shall be mine, as Reuben and Simeon are mine.
“Eka yawuoti ariyo mane inywolo e piny Misri kane pok abiro iri ka ibiro kwan kaka nyithinda; Efraim kod Manase biro bedo nyithinda mana kaka Reuben kod Simeon.
6 But the linage, which thou hast begotten after them, shalbe thine: they shall be called after the names of their brethren in their inheritance.
Nyithindo ma ibiro nywolo bangʼ-gi ema nobed magi; to kar chamo girkeni, nokwan-gi mana kaka joka Efraim kod Manase.
7 Nowe when I came from Padan, Rahel died vpon mine hande in the lande of Canaan, by the way when there was but halfe a dayes iourney of grounde to come to Ephrath: and I buryed her there in the way to Ephrath: the same is Beth-lehem.
Kane aduogo aa Padan, nabuok malich ka Rael minu otho e piny Kanaan kane pok wachopo Efrath. Kuom mano ne aike e bath yo madhi Efrath” (ma tiende ni Bethlehem).
8 Then Israel beheld Iosephs sonnes and sayd, Whose are these?
Kane Israel oneno yawuot Josef nopenjo niya, “Magi ngʼa gini?”
9 And Ioseph sayd vnto his father, They are my sonnes, which God hath giuen mee here. Then he sayd, I pray thee, bring them to me, that I may blesse them:
Josef nowacho ne wuon mare niya, “Gin yawuowi ma Nyasaye osemiya ka.” Eka Israel nowacho niya, “Kelgi ira ka mondo agwedhgi.”
10 (For the eyes of Israel were dimme for age, so that hee coulde not well see) Then he caused them to come to him, and he kissed them and embraced them.
Koro wenge Israel ne ok nyal neno maber nikech hike noniangʼ. Kuom mano Josef nosudo nyithindo machiegni kendo Israel nokwakogi monyodhogi.
11 And Israel sayde vnto Ioseph, I had not thought to haue seene thy face: yet lo, God hath shewed me also thy seede.
Israel mowachone Josef niya, “Ne ok apar mar neno wangʼi kendo to koro Nyasaye oseyiena maneno nyaka nyithindi bende.”
12 And Ioseph tooke them away from his knees, and did reuerence downe to the ground.
Eka Josef nogolo nyithindogo e chong Israel kendo nokulore nyaka e lowo.
13 Then tooke Ioseph them both, Ephraim in his right hand towarde Israels left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand toward Israels right hand, so he brought them vnto him.
Kendo Josef nomako lwet nyithindo ariyogo, Efraim e bade korachwich kochomo bad Israel koracham, kendo Manase koracham kochomo bad Israel korachwich kendo nokelogi machiegni gi Israel.
14 But Israel stretched out his right hand, and layde it on Ephraims head, which was the yonger, and his left hande vpon Manassehs head (directing his handes of purpose) for Manasseh was the elder.
To Israel norieyo bade ma korachwich moketo ewi Efraim wuowi ma chogo, kendo bade ma koracham ewi Manase kata obedo ni en ema ne en wuowi maduongʼ.
15 Also he blessed Ioseph and sayde, The God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Izhak did walke, the God, which hath fed me al my life long vnto this day, blesse thee.
Eka nogwedho Josef mowachone niya, “Mad Nyasaye ma wuonena Ibrahim kod Isaka nowuothogo, Nyasaye ma osebedo jakwadh ngimana nyaka ndaloni,
16 The Angel, which hath deliuered me from all euill, blesse the children, and let my name be named vpon them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Izhak, that they may growe as fish into a multitude in the middes of the earth.
Malaika ma oseresa e chandruok duto mad gwedh raweregi. Mad nyinga kod nying Ibrahim kwara kod Isaka wuora sik kuomgi, kendo gimedre gibed oganda maduongʼ e piny.”
17 But when Ioseph sawe that his father layde his right hande vpon the head of Ephraim, it displeased him: and he stayed his fathers hand to remooue it from Ephraims head to Manassehs head.
Kane Josef oneno ka wuon mare keto lwete ma korachwich ewi Efraim ne ok obedo mamor; kuom mano, nogolo lwet wuon-gi ewi Efraim moketo ewi Manase.
18 And Ioseph sayde vnto his father, Not so, my father, for this is the eldest: put thy right hand vpon his head.
Josef nowachone niya, “Ooyo, wuora ma e wuowi ma kayo: ket lweti ma korachwich e wiye.”
19 But his father refused, and sayd, I know well, my sonne, I know well: he shalbe also a people, and he shalbe great likewise: but his yonger brother shalbe greater then he, and his seede shall be full of nations.
To wuon-gi nodagi mowachone niya, “Angʼeyo mano nyathina. Manase bende biro bedo oganda maduongʼ. To kata kamano owadgi matin nobed giduongʼ moloye kendo nyikwaye nobed ogendini mangʼeny.”
20 So he blessed them that day, and sayde, In thee Israel shall blesse, and say, God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh. and he set Ephraim before Manasseh.
Nogwedhogi chiengʼno, kendo owachonegi niya, “Ka Israel dwaro gwedho ngʼato to nokonyre gi nyingu kowacho kama, ‘Mad Nyasaye gwedhi kaka osegwedho Efraim kod Manase.’” Kuom mano noketo Efraim obedo maduongʼ ne Manase.
21 Then Israel said vnto Ioseph, Behold, I die, and God shall be with you, and bring you againe vnto the land of your fathers.
Eka Israel nowacho ne Josef niya, “Koro achiegni tho, to Nyasaye biro bedo kodu kendo nodwoku e piny kwereu.
22 Moreouer, I haue giuen vnto thee one portion aboue thy brethren, which I gate out of the hand of the Amorite by my sworde and by my bowe.
To in, kendo kaka ngʼama duongʼne owetene, amiyi lowo mane akawo kuom jo-Amor gi ligangla kod atungʼ.”

< Genesis 48 >