< Genesis 45 >

1 Then Ioseph could not refraine him selfe before all that stoode by him, but hee cryed, Haue forth euery man from me. And there taryed not one with him, while Ioseph vttered himselfe vnto his brethren.
UJosefa-ke wayengelakuzibamba phambi kwabo ababemi laye, wamemeza wathi: Khuphani wonke umuntu asuke kimi. Futhi kwakungelamuntu owayemi laye lapho uJosefa eziveza kubafowabo.
2 And hee wept and cried, so that the Egyptians heard: the house of Pharaoh heard also.
Wasephakamisa ilizwi lakhe ngokukhala, aze ezwa amaGibhithe, yezwa lendlu kaFaro.
3 Then Ioseph sayde to his brethren, I am Ioseph: doeth my father yet liue? But his brethren coulde not answere him, for they were astonished at his presence.
UJosefa wasesithi kubafowabo: NginguJosefa. Ubaba usaphila yini? Kodwa abafowabo kabaze bamphendula, ngoba besanganisekile phambi kwakhe.
4 Againe, Ioseph sayde to his brethren, Come neere, I pray you, to mee. And they came neere. And he sayde, I am Ioseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt.
UJosefa wasesithi kubafowabo: Ake lisondele kimi. Basondela-ke. Wasesithi: NginguJosefa umfowenu elamthengisa waya eGibhithe.
5 Nowe therefore be not sad, neither grieued with your selues, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you for your preseruation.
Khathesi-ke, lingadabuki, lingazithukutheleli, ukuthi langithengisa lapha, ngoba uNkulunkulu wangithuma phambi kwenu ukulondoloza impilo.
6 For nowe two yeeres of famine haue bene through ye land, and fiue yeeres are behind, wherein neither shalbe earing nor haruest.
Ngoba liminyaka emibili indlala iphakathi kwelizwe; njalo kuseleminyaka emihlanu okungayikulinywa kuvunwe ngayo.
7 Wherefore God sent me before you to preserue your posteritie in this land, and to saue you aliue by a great deliuerance.
Njalo uNkulunkulu wangithuma phambi kwenu ukulimisela insali emhlabeni, lokuligcina liphila ngokukhulula okukhulu.
8 Now the you sent not me hither, but God, who hath made mee a father vnto Pharaoh, and lorde of all his house, and ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.
Khathesi-ke, lina alingithumelanga lapha, kodwa uNkulunkulu; wasengimisa ngaba nguyise kaFaro, lenkosi yendlu yakhe yonke, lombusi elizweni lonke leGibhithe.
9 Haste you and go vp to my father, and tel him, Thus saieth thy sonne Ioseph, God hath made me lord of all Egypt: come downe to me, tary not.
Phangisani lenyukele kubaba, lithi kuye: Itsho njalo indodana yakho uJosefa: UNkulunkulu ungimise inkosi yeGibhithe lonke; yehlela kimi, ungaphuzi;
10 And thou shalt dwel in ye land of Goshen, and shalt be neere me, thou and thy children, and thy childrens children, and thy sheepe, and thy beastes, and all that thou hast.
uzahlala elizweni leGosheni, ube seduze lami, wena labantwana bakho labantwana babantwabakho, lezimvu zakho lenkomo zakho, lakho konke olakho.
11 Also I will nourish thee there (for yet remaine fiue yeeres of famine) lest thou perish through pouertie, thou and thy houshold, and all that thou hast.
Njalo ngizakondla lapho, ngoba isekhona iminyaka emihlanu yendlala, hlezi ube ngumyanga, wena lendlu yakho lakho konke olakho.
12 And behold, your eyes doe see, and the eyes of my brother Beniamin, that my mouth speaketh to you.
Khangelani-ke, amehlo enu ayabona, lamehlo omfowethu uBhenjamini, ukuthi umlomo wami ukhuluma kini.
13 Therefore tel my father of al mine honour in Egypt, and of all that ye haue seene, and make haste, and bring my father hither.
Bikelani ubaba lonke udumo lwami eGibhithe, lakho konke elikubonileyo, liphangise lehlisele ubaba lapha.
14 Then hee fell on his brother Beniamins necke, and wept, and Beniamin wept on his necke.
Wasewela entanyeni kaBhenjamini umfowabo, wakhala inyembezi; loBhenjamini wakhala inyembezi entanyeni yakhe.
15 Moreouer, he kissed all his brethren, and wept vpon them: and afterwarde his brethren talked with him.
Wasebanga bonke abafowabo, wakhala inyembezi phezu kwabo. Njalo emva kwalokhu abafowabo baxoxa laye.
16 And the tidinges came vnto Pharaohs house, so that they said, Iosephs brethre are come: and it pleased Pharaoh well, and his seruants.
Kwathi lelilizwi lizwakala endlini kaFaro lisithi, abafowabo bakaJosefa bafikile, kwaba kuhle emehlweni kaFaro lemehlweni enceku zakhe.
17 Then Pharaoh said vnto Ioseph, Say to thy brethren, This doe ye, lade your beastes and depart, go to the land of Canaan,
UFaro wasesithi kuJosefa: Tshela abafowenu uthi: Yenzani lokhu, yethwesani inyamazana zenu, lihambe liye elizweni leKhanani,
18 And take your father, and your houshoulds, and come to me, and I wil giue you the best of the land of Egypt, and ye shall eate of the fat of the land.
lithathe uyihlo lemizi yenu, libuye kimi; besengilinika okuhle kwelizwe leGibhithe, beselisidla amanono elizwe.
19 And I commaund thee, Thus doe ye, take you charets out of the lande of Egypt for your children, and for your wiues, and bring your father and come.
Wena-ke usulayiwe; yenzani lokhu, zithatheleni elizweni leGibhithe izinqola zabantwanyana benu labomkenu, lithwale uyihlo libuye.
20 Also regarde not your stuffe: for the best of all the land of Egypt is yours.
Futhi ilihlo lenu lingakhathaleli impahla zenu, ngoba okuhle kwelizwe lonke leGibhithe kungokwenu.
21 And the children of Israel did so: and Ioseph gaue them charets according to the commandement of Pharaoh: hee gaue them vitaile also for the iourney.
Asesenza njalo amadodana kaIsrayeli; uJosefa wasewanika izinqola njengokulaya kukaFaro, wabanika umphako wendlela.
22 He gaue them all, none except, change of raiment: but vnto Beniamin he gaue three hundreth pieces of siluer, and fiue sutes of raiment.
Wabanika bonke, kwaba ngulowo lalowo izembatho zokuntshintsha; kodwa uBhenjamini wamnika inhlamvu zesiliva ezingamakhulu amathathu, lezembatho zokuntshintsha ezinhlanu.
23 And vnto his father likewise hee sent ten hee asses laden with the best things of Egypt, and ten shee asses laden with wheate, and bread and meate for his father by the way.
Wasethumela kuyise kanje, obabhemi abalitshumi, bethwele okwezinto ezinhle zeGibhithe, labobabhemikazi abalitshumi bethwele amabele lezinkwa lokudla kwendlela kukayise.
24 So sent he his brethren away, and they departed: and he sayde vnto them, Fall not out by the way.
Wasebathuma abafowabo bahamba. Wathi kibo: Lingaxabani endleleni.
25 Then they went vp from Egypt, and came vnto the land of Canaan vnto Iaakob their father,
Basebesenyuka besuka eGibhithe, bafika elizweni leKhanani, kuJakobe uyise.
26 And tolde him, saying, Ioseph is yet aliue, and he also is gouernour ouer all the lande of Egypt, and Iaakobs heart failed: for he beleeued them not.
Bambikela besithi: UJosefa usaphila, njalo ungumbusi elizweni leGibhithe lonke. Inhliziyo yakhe yasiphela amandla, ngoba wayengabakholwa.
27 And they told him al the words of Ioseph, which he had said vnto the: but when he saw the charets, which Ioseph had sent to cary him, then the spirit of Iaakob their father reuiued.
Basebemtshela wonke amazwi kaJosefa ayewatshilo kibo. Kwathi esezibonile izinqola uJosefa ayezithume ukumthwala, umoya kaJakobe uyise wavuseleleka.
28 And Israel said, I haue inough: Ioseph my sonne is yet aliue: I will go and see him yer I die.
UIsrayeli wasesithi: Kwanele, uJosefa indodana yami usaphila; ngizahamba ngimbone ngingakafi.

< Genesis 45 >