< Genesis 44 >

1 Afterward he commanded his steward, saying, Fill the mens sackes with foode, as much as they can carry, and put euery mans money in his sackes mouth.
Josef nomiyo jarit ode chik niya, “Ket cham mathoth e gunde jogo ma ginyalo tingʼo, kendo itwe pesa e dho ogund ngʼato ka ngʼato.
2 And put my cup, I meane the siluer cup, in the sackes mouth of the yongest, and his corne money. And he did according to the commandement that Ioseph gaue him.
Bangʼe to iso kikombena mar mula ei ogund wuowi matin kaachiel gi pesa mar rundo.” Kendo jarit od Josef notimo kaka Josef nowachone.
3 And in the morning the men were sent away, they, and their asses.
Kinyne kogwen, jogo nokawo pundegi kendo negiwuok.
4 And when they went out of the citie not farre off, Ioseph sayd to his stewarde, Vp, follow after the men: and when thou doest ouertake them, say vnto them, Wherefore haue ye rewarded euill for good?
Kane pok gidhi mabor gi dala Josef nowacho ne jatichne niya, ring ilaw joka piyo, kendo ka imakogi, wachnegi niya, “Angʼo ma omiyo uchulo rach kar ber?
5 Is that not the cuppe, wherein my Lord drinketh? and in the which he doeth deuine and prophecie? ye haue done euill in so doing.
Donge ma e okombe ma ruodha metho godo kendo otiyogo kuom koro wach? Gima utimoni en gima rach.”
6 And when he ouertooke them, he sayde those wordes vnto them.
E kinde manochopo irgi, nonuoyonegi wechegi.
7 And they answered him, Wherefore sayeth my lorde such wordes? God forbid that thy seruants should do such a thing.
To negiwachone niya, “Angʼo ma omiyo ruodha wacho gigo? Jotichgi bor gi tim ma kamano!
8 Behold, the money which we found in our sackes mouthes, wee brought againe to thee out of the land of Canaan: how then should we steale out of thy lordes house siluer or golde?
Donge ne waduogonu kata mana pesa mane wayudo e ogundewa kane waa e piny Kanaan. Koro ere gima dimi wakwal fedha kata dhahabu e od ruodhi?
9 With whomesoeuer of thy seruants it bee found, let him dye, and we also will be my lordes bondmen.
Ka diyude kuom jatichni moro amora, to obiro tho; kendo joma odongʼ biro bedo wasumb ruodha.”
10 And he said, Now then let it be according vnto your wordes: he with whome it is found, shall be my seruant, and ye shalbe blamelesse.
Nowacho niya, “Mano ber, obed mana kaka uwachono. Ngʼato angʼata manoyud kode nobed misumbana, to joma odongʼ nobed thuolo.”
11 Then at once euery man tooke downe his sacke to the grounde, and euery one opened his sacke.
Ngʼato ka ngʼato noyieyo ogunde piny e ngʼe pundegi kendo ogonyo.
12 And he searched, and began at the eldest and left at the yongest: and the cuppe was found in Beniamins sacke.
Eka ne jarit ochako menyo kochako gi wuowi maduongʼ kendo otieko gi wuowi matin kendo kikombe noyudi ei ogund Benjamin.
13 Then they rent their clothes, and laded euery man his asse, and went againe into the citie.
Kane gineno mano ne giyiecho lepgi, eka ne giyieyo pundegi kendo gidok dala Josef.
14 So Iudah and his brethren came to Iosephs house (for he was yet there) and they fel before him on the ground.
Josef pod ne ni e ot kane Juda kod owetene odonjo, kendo negipodho auma e nyime.
15 Then Ioseph sayd vnto them, What acte is this, which ye haue done? know ye not that such a man as I, can deuine and prophecie?
Josef nowachonegi niya, “Ma en angʼo ma usetimoni? Donge ungʼeyo ni ngʼato kaka an nyalo fwenyo gimoro gi yor koro?”
16 Then sayd Iudah, What shall we say vnto my lord? what shall we speake? and howe can we iustifie our selues? God hath found out the wickednesse of thy seruants: beholde, we are seruants to my Lord, both wee, and he, with whome the cuppe is founde.
Juda nodwoke niya, “Dwa wach angʼo ne ruodha? Dwa wach angʼo? Ere kaka wanyalo nyiso jatichwa? Nyasaye oseelo richo jatichni. Koro wan wasumbi ruodha; wan wawegi kod ngʼatno moseyud kikombeni kuome.”
17 But he answered, God forbid, that I should doe so, but the man, with whome the cuppe is founde, he shalbe my seruant, and go ye in peace vnto your father.
To Josef nowacho niya, “Abor gi timo gima kamano! Mana ngʼatno mane oyudi gi kikombena ema biro bet misumbana. Ji modongʼ duto doguru ir wuonu gi kwe.”
18 Then Iudah drewe neere vnto him, and sayde, O my Lord, let thy seruant nowe speake a worde in my lordes eares, and let not thy wrath be kindled against thy seruant: for thou art euen as Pharaoh.
Eka Juda nodhi ire kendo owachone niya, “Yaye ruodha, yie mondo jatichni owuo kodi. Kik ikech gi jatichni kata obedo ni tekoni mar loch romre gi mar Farao owuon.
19 My Lord asked his seruants, saying, Haue ye a father, or a brother?
Ruodha nopenjo jotichne ni, ‘Bende un gi wuonu kata owadu?’
20 And we answered my Lord, We haue a father that is olde, and a young childe, which he begate in his age: and his brother is dead, and he alone is left of his mother, and his father loueth him.
Kendo ne wadwoke ni, ‘Wan kod wuonwa to oti, kendo nitie wuowi matin mane onywolo ka oti. Owadgi wuowino ne osetho kendo en e wuod min-gi kende modongʼ, kendo wuon-gi ohere.’
21 Now thou saidest vnto thy seruants, Bring him vnto me, that I may set mine eye vpon him.
“To ne iwacho ni jotichni ni, ‘Keleuru ka mondo anene an awuon.’
22 And we answered my lord, The childe can not depart from his father: for if he leaue his father, his father would die.
Kendo ne wawachone ruodha ni, ‘Rawerano ok nyal weyo wuon-gi! Ka oweye to wuon-gi biro tho.’
23 Then saydest thou vnto thy seruants, Except your yonger brother come downe with you, looke in my face no more.
To ne iwachone jotichni ni, ‘Ka ok ubiro gi owadu matin, to ok unuchak une wangʼa kendo.’
24 So when we came vnto thy seruant our father, and shewed him what my lord had sayd,
Kane wadok ir wuonwa ma jatichni, ne wanyise gima ruodha osewacho.
25 And our father sayde vnto vs, Goe againe, bye vs a litle foode,
“Eka wuonwa nowacho ni, ‘Doguru mondo udhi ungʼiew chiemo moko kendo.’
26 Then we answered, We can not go downe: but if our yongest brother go with vs, then will we go downe: for we may not see the mans face, except our yongest brother be with vs.
To ne wawachone ni, ‘Ok wanyal dhi. Wanyalo mana dhi ka owadwa matin dhi kodwa. Ok wanyal neno wangʼ ngʼatno makmana ka owadwa matin ni kodwa.’
27 Then thy seruant my father sayde vnto vs, Ye knowe that my wife bare me two sonnes,
“Jatichni ma wuonwa nowachonwa ni, ‘Ungʼeyo ni chiega nonywolona yawuowi ariyo.
28 And the one went out from me, and I said, Of a suretie he is torne in pieces, and I sawe him not since.
Achiel ne olal, kendo ne awacho niya, “Adier osekidhe matindo tindo.” Kendo pok achak anene.
29 Nowe yee take this also away from me: if death take him, then yee shall bring my graye head in sorowe to the graue. (Sheol h7585)
Ka ukawo owadgi bende ma gimoro dhi ohinye, to di umi chunya chandruok ma atho ka an gi kuyo to aseti.’ (Sheol h7585)
30 Nowe therefore, when I come to thy seruant my father, and the childe be not with vs (seeing that his life dependeth on the childes life)
“Koro ka wadok ir wuonwa ma misumbani ka wuowini mangimane omakore kode onge to obiro tho,
31 Then when hee shall see that the childe is not come, he will die: so shall thy seruants bring the graye head of thy seruant our father with sorowe to the graue. (Sheol h7585)
kendo dimi jotichni mi wuon-gi chuny lit ma otho ka en gi kuyo to oseti. (Sheol h7585)
32 Doubtlesse thy seruant became suertie for the childe to my father, and said, If I bring him not vnto thee againe, then I will beare the blame vnto my father for euer.
Jatichni nosingore ne wuon-gi ni nodwok wuowino kangima. Ne awacho ni, ‘Ne akwongʼora ni ka ok aduogo wuowini iri kangima to anabed jaketho e nyimi ndalo duto mag ngimana!’
33 Nowe therefore, I pray thee, let me thy seruant bide for the childe, as a seruant to my Lord, and let the childe go vp with his brethren.
“Koro asayi, we jatichni odongʼ ka kaka misumba ruoth kar wuowini kendo iwe wuowini odogi gowetene.
34 For how can I go vp to my father, if the childe be not with me, vnlesse I woulde see the euil that shall come on my father?
Ere kaka dadog ir wuora ka wuowini ok ni koda? Ooyo! Kik iwe ane chandruok ma dimak wuora.”

< Genesis 44 >