< Genesis 39 >
1 Now Ioseph was brought downe into Egypt: and Potiphar an Eunuche of Pharaohs (and his chiefe stewarde an Egyptian) bought him at the hande of the Ishmeelites, which had brought him thither.
To, aka kai Yusuf Masar, Fotifar wani mutumin Masar wanda yake ɗaya daga cikin hafsoshin Fir’auna, shugaban masu tsaro, ya saye shi daga mutanen Ishmayel waɗanda suka kai shi can.
2 And the Lord was with Ioseph, and he was a man that prospered and was in the house of his master the Egyptian.
Ubangiji kuwa yana tare da Yusuf, Yusuf kuwa yi nasara, ya zauna a gidan mutumin Masar maigidansa.
3 And his master sawe that the Lord was with him, and that the Lord made all that hee did to prosper in his hande.
Sa’ad da maigidansa ya ga cewa Ubangiji yana tare da Yusuf, kuma cewa Ubangiji ya ba shi nasara a kome da ya yi,
4 So Ioseph founde fauour in his sight, and serued him: and he made him ruler of his house, and put all that he had in his hand.
sai Yusuf ya sami tagomashi a idanunsa, ya kuma zama mai hidimarsa. Fotifar ya sa shi yă zama shugaba a gidansa, ya kuma danƙa masa kome da yake da shi.
5 And from that time that he had made him ruler ouer his house and ouer all that he had, the Lord blessed the Egyptians house for Iosephs sake: and the blessing of the Lord was vpon all that he had in the house, and in the fielde.
Daga lokacin da ya sa shi shugaban gidansa da kuma a kan dukan abin da yake da shi, sai Ubangiji ya albarkaci gidan mutumin Masar saboda Yusuf. Albarkar Ubangiji tana a kan kome da Fotifar yake da shi a gida da kuma a jeji.
6 Therefore he left all that he had in Iosephs hand, and tooke accompt of nothing, that was with him, saue onely of the bread, which he did eate. And Ioseph was a faire person, and well fauoured.
Saboda haka sai ya bar kome a ƙarƙashin kulawar Yusuf, bai dame kansa a wani abu ba sai dai abincin da yake ci. To, fa, Yusuf ƙaƙƙarfa ne, kyakkyawa kuma,
7 Nowe therefore after these thinges, his masters wife cast her eyes vpon Ioseph, and saide, Lye with me.
bayan an ɗan jima sai matar maigidansa ta fara sha’awar Yusuf, sai ta ce, “Zo ka kwana da ni!”
8 But he refused and said to his masters wife, Beholde, my master knoweth not what he hath in the house with me, but hath committed all that he hath to mine hande.
Amma ya ƙi. Ya ce mata, “Ga shi kome yana a ƙarƙashina, don haka ne ma maigidana bai dami kansa da wani abu a cikin gidan nan ba; kome da ya mallaka, ya danƙa ga kulawata.
9 There is no man greater in this house then I: neither hath he kept any thing from me, but only thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickednes and so sinne against God?
Babu wani da ya fi ni a wannan gida. Maigidana bai hana ni kome ba sai ke, saboda ke matarsa ce. Yaya fa, zan yi irin wannan mugun abu, in yi zunubi wa Allah?”
10 And albeit she spake to Ioseph day by day, yet he hearkened not vnto her, to lye with her, or to be in her company.
Ko da yake ta yi ta yin wa Yusuf maganar kowace rana, amma ya ƙi yă kwana da ita, ko ma yă zauna da ita.
11 Then on a certaine day Ioseph entred into the house, to doe his businesse: and there was no man of the houshold in the house:
Wata rana, ya shiga cikin gida don yă yi ayyukansa, ba wani daga cikin bayin gidan da yake ciki.
12 Therefore she caught him by his garmet, saying, Sleepe with me: but he left his garment in her hand and fled, and got him out.
Sai ta cafke shi a riga, ta ce, “Zo ka kwana da ni!” Amma ya bar rigarsa a hannunta, ya gudu ya fita daga gidan.
13 Nowe when she sawe that he had left his garment in her hand, and was fled out,
Sa’ad da ta ga ya bar rigarsa a hannunta ya gudu ya fita daga gidan,
14 She called vnto the men of her house, and tolde them, saying, Beholde, he hath brought in an Ebrewe vnto vs to mocke vs: who came in to me for to haue slept with me: but I cryed with a loude voyce.
sai ta kira bayin gidan ta ce musu, “Duba, an kawo mana wannan mutumin Ibraniyawa don yă ci mutuncinmu! Ya zo nan don yă kwana da ni, amma na yi ihu.
15 And when he heard that I lift vp my voice and cryed, he left his garment with me, and fled away, and got him out.
Sa’ad da ya ji na yi ihu neman taimako, sai ya bar rigarsa kusa da ni, ya gudu ya fita daga gida.”
16 So she layde vp his garment by her, vntill her lord came home.
Ta ajiye rigar kusa da ita sai da maigidansa ya dawo gida.
17 Then she tolde him according to these words, saying, The Ebrew seruat, which thou hast brought vnto vs, came in to me, to mocke me.
Sa’an nan ta faɗa masa wannan labari, “Mutumin Ibraniyawan, bawan da ka kawo mana, ya zo wurina don yă ci mutuncina.
18 But assoone as I lift vp my voyce and cried, he left his garment with me, and fled out.
Amma da zarar na yi ihu neman taimako, sai ya bar rigarsa kusa da ni, ya gudu ya fita daga gida.”
19 Then when his master heard the wordes of his wife, which she tolde him, saying, After this maner did thy seruant to me, his anger was kindled.
Sa’ad da maigidansa ya ji labarin da matarsa ta faɗa masa cewa, “Ga yadda bawanka ya yi da ni,” sai ya husata.
20 And Iosephs master tooke him and put him in prison, in the place, where the kings prisoners lay bounde: and there he was in prison.
Maigidan Yusuf ya ɗauke shi ya sa a kurkuku, wurin da ake tsare’yan kurkukun sarki. Amma yayinda Yusuf yake can a cikin kurkuku,
21 But the Lord was with Ioseph, and shewed him mercie, and got him fauour in the sight of the master of the prison.
Ubangiji ya kasance tare da shi; ya nuna masa alheri, ya kuma sa ya sami tagomashi a idanun mai gadin kurkukun.
22 And the keeper of the prison committed to Iosephs hande all the prisoners that were in the prison, and whatsoeuer they did there, that did he.
Saboda haka mai gadin ya sa Yusuf ya zama shugaban dukan waɗanda aka tsare a kurkukun, Yusuf ne kuma yake lura da dukan abin da ake yi a can.
23 And the keeper of the prison looked vnto nothing that was vnder his hande, seeing that the Lord was with him: for whatsoeuer he did, the Lord made it to prosper.
Mai gadin ba ya sa kansa game da kome da yake ƙarƙashin kulawar Yusuf, gama Ubangiji yana tare da Yusuf, ya kuma ba shi nasara a cikin dukan abin da ya yi.