< Genesis 38 >

1 And at that time Iudah went downe from his brethren, and turned in to a man called Hirah an Adullamite.
I A manawa no, iho aku la o Iuda mai kona poe hoahanau aku, a kipa aku la i kekahi kanaka no Adulama, o Hira kona inoa.
2 And Iudah sawe there the daughter of a man called Suah a Canaanite: and he tooke her to wife, and went in vnto her.
Ike aku la o luda i ke kaikamahine a kekahi mamo a Kanaana ilaila, o Sua kona inoa, lawe ae la oia ia ia, a komo aku la io na la.
3 So she conceiued and bare a sonne, and he called his name Er.
Hapai iho la oia, a hanau mai la he keikikane; a kapa iho la ia i kona inoa, o Era.
4 And she conceiued againe, and bare a sonne, and she called his name Onan.
Hapai hou iho la oia, a hanau mai la he keikikane; a kapa iho la ia i kona inoa, o Onana.
5 Moreouer she bare yet a sonne, whome she called Shelah: and Iudah was at Chezib when she bare him.
Hapai hou iho la oia a hanau mai la he keikikane; a kapa iho la ia i kona inoa, o Sela: ma Keziba oia i kona wa i hanau ai.
6 Then Iudah tooke a wife to Er his first borne sonne whose name was Tamar.
Lawe ae la o Iuda i wahine na Era, na kana hiapo, o Tamara kona inoa.
7 Now Er the first borne of Iudah was wicked in the sight of the Lord: therefore the Lord slewe him.
A ua hewa o Era, o ka hiapo a Iuda imua o Iehova; a pepehi iho la o Iehova ia ia.
8 Then Iudah said to Onan, Goe in vnto thy brothers wife, and do the office of a kinsman vnto her, and raise vp seede vnto thy brother.
I aku la o Iuda ia Onana, E komo aku oe i ka wahine a kou kaikuaana, e mare me ia, a e hooku ae i keiki na kou kaikuaana.
9 And Onan knewe that the seede should not be his: therefore when he went in vnto his brothers wife, he spilled it on the grounde, least he should giue seede vnto his brother.
Ike iho la o Onana, aole nana ke keiki, alaila, i ka manawa ana i komo aku ai i ka wahine a kona kaikuaana, kiki iho la oia i ka mea ma ka honua, o haawi auanei ia i hua na kona kaikuaana.
10 And it was wicked in the eyes of the Lord, which he did: wherefore he slewe him also.
A o ka mea ana i hana'i, ua hewa ia imua o Iehova: a nana hoi ia i pepehi.
11 Then said Iudah to Tamar his daughter in lawe, Remaine a widowe in thy fathers house, till Shelah my sonne growe vp (for he thought thus, Least he die as well as his brethren.) So Tamar went and dwelt in her fathers house.
Alaila, i aku la o Iuda ia Tamara, E noho kane ole oe ma ka hale o kou makuakane, a ka manawa e nui ai kuu keikikane o Sela: no ka mea, i iho la ia, O make paha hoi oia, e like me kona mau kaikuaana. Hele aku la o Tamara a noho iho la ma ka hale o kona makuakane.
12 And in processe of time also the daughter of Shuah Iudahs wife dyed. Then Iudah, when he had left mourning, went vp to his sheepe sherers to Timnah, he, and his neighbour Hirah the Adullamite.
A nui na la i hala, make iho la ke kaikamahine a Sua, o ka luda wahine; a pau ko Iuda kanikau ana, pii aku la ia i Timenata i kona poe ako hipa, oia a me kona makamaka o Hira no Adulama.
13 And it was tolde Tamar, saying, beholde, thy father in lawe goeth vp to Timnah, to shere his sheepe.
Hai aku la kekahi ia Tamara, Ea, e pii ana kou makuahunowaikane i Timenata e ako i kana hipa.
14 Then she put her widowes garments off from her, and couered her with a vaile, and wrapped her selfe, and sate downe in Pethah-enaim, which is by the way to Timnah, because she sawe that Shelah was growen, and she was not giuen vnto him to wife.
Wehe ae la ia i kona mau kapa makena, a uhi iho la ia ia iho i ka palemaka, aahu iho la ia ia iho, a noho iho la ma ka pukapa o Enaima ma kapa alanui e hele ai i Timenata: no ka mea, ike aku la ia, ua nui ae la o Sela, aole hoi i haawiia oia i wahine naua.
15 When Iudah sawe her, he iudged her an whore: for she had couered her face.
A ike aku la o Iuda ia ia, manao iho la ia he wahine hookamakama kela; no ka mea, ua paleia kona maka.
16 And he turned to the way towardes her, and saide, Come, I pray thee, let me lie with thee. (for he knewe not that she was his daughter in lawe) And she answered, What wilt thou giue me for to lie with me?
Kipa ae la ia io na la ma kapa alanui, i aku la, Ea, ke noi aku nei au ia oe, e ae mai ia'u e komo aku iou la; (no ka mea, aole ia i ike, o kana hunona wahine ia.) Ninau mai la kela, Heaha kau e haawi mai ai ia'u, i mea e komo mai ai oe i o'u nei?
17 Then said he, I will sende thee a kid of the goates from the flocke. and she said, Well, if thou wilt giue me a pledge, till thou sende it.
I aku la ia, E hoouka aku au i wahi kao keiki no ka poe holoholona mai I mai la kela, Aole anei oe e haawi mai i hoailona, a hoouka mai oe ia mea?
18 Then he saide, What is the pledge that I shall giue thee? And she answered, Thy signet, and thy cloke, and thy staffe that is in thine hande. So he gaue it her, and lay by her, and she was with childe by him.
I aku la oia, Heaha ka hoailona a'u e haawi aku ai ia oe? I mai la kela, O kou apolima, me kou kaula hoolewa, a me ke kookoo maloko o kou lima. Haawi aku la oia ia ia, a komo aku la io na la, a hapai iho la kela ma ona la.
19 Then she rose, and went and put her vaile from her and put on her widowes raiment.
Ku ae la ia, hele aku la, a waiho iho la i kona pale maka, a aahu hou iho la i kona mau kapa no ka noho wahine kanemake ana.
20 Afterwarde Iudah sent a kid of the goates by the hande of his neighbour the Adullamite, for to receiue his pledge from the womans hand: but he found her not.
Hoouka aku la o Iuda i ke kao keiki ma ka lima o kona makamaka no Adulama, i loaa mai ai kana hooiaio mai ka lima mai o ka wahine: aole nae i loaa ua wahine la ia ia.
21 Then asked he the men of that place, saying, Where is ye whore, that sate in Enaim by the way side? And they answered, There was no whore here.
Ninau aku la ia i na kanaka o ia wahi, i aku la, Auhea la ka wahine hookamakama i noho ma Enaima, ma kapa alanui? I mai la lakou, Aohe wahine hookamakama ia nei.
22 He came therefore to Iudah againe, and said, I can not finde her, and also the men of the place said, There was no whore there.
Hoi hou aku la ia io Iuda la i aku la, Aohe i loaa ia ia'u; a ua i mai hoi na kanaka o ia wahi, aole wahine hookamakama ia nei.
23 Then Iudah said, Let her take it to her, lest we be shamed: beholde, I sent this kid, and thou hast not found her.
I aku la o Iuda, E aho no e lilo ia mau mea nona, o hoohilahilaia kaua: aia hoi, hoouka aku no au i keia kao keiki, aole ka i loaa ka wahine ia oe.
24 Now after three moneths, one tolde Iudah, saying, Tamar thy daughter in law hath played the whore, and lo, with playing the whore, she is great with childe. Then Iudah saide, Bring ye her foorth and let her be burnt.
A hala na malama ekolu paha, hai mai la kekahi ia Iuda, i ka i ana, Ua moekolohe iho nei kau hunonawahine o Tamara; aia hoi, ua hapai oia ma ka moekolohe. I aku la o Iuda, E kaiia mai oia, i puhiia'i ia i ke ahi.
25 When she was brought foorth, she sent to her father in law, saying, By the man, vnto whom these things pertaine, am I with childe: and saide also, Looke, I pray thee, whose these are, the seale, and the cloke, and the staffe.
A kaiia'ku oia, hoouna mai la ia, i mai la i kona makuahunowaikane, Na ke kanaka nana keia mau mea au i hapai ai. I mai la hoi oia, E nana oe, ea, i ike i ka mea nana keia mau mea, o ke apolima, me ke kaula hoolewa, a me ke kookoo.
26 Then Iudah knewe them, and said, She is more righteous then I: for she hath done it because I gaue her not to Shelah my sonne. So he lay with her no more.
A ike iho la o Iuda, i aku la, Ua oi aku kona pono i ko'u; no ka mea, aole au i haawi aku ia ia na kuu keiki na Sela. Aole hoi o Iuda i ike hou ia ia.
27 Now, when the time was come that she should be deliuered, beholde, there were twinnes in her wombe.
A i ka manawa o kona haakohi ana, aia hoi, he mau mahoe maloko o kona opu.
28 And when she was in trauell, the one put out his hand: and the midwife tooke and bound a red threde about his hand, saying, This is come out first.
A i ka hanau ana, puka mai la ka lima o kekahi; lalau aku la ka palekeiki i ua lima la a nakii iho la i ke kaula ulaula ilaila, i mai la, Eia ka hanau mua.
29 But when he plucked his hand backe againe, loe, his brother came out, and the midwife said, How hast thou broken the breach vpon thee? and his name was called Pharez.
A i ka huki hou ana o kona lima iloko, aia hoi, puka e mai la kona hoahanau: i aku la ke palekeiki, Heaha kau i poha wale mai? Maluna iho ou keia nahae: nolaila, kapa iho la ia i kona inoa o Pareza.
30 And afterward came out his brother that had the red threde about his hande, and his name was called Zarah.
Mahope iho puka mai la ke kaikaina, ia ia ke kaula ulaula ma kona lima: a ua kapaia kona inoa o Zara.

< Genesis 38 >