< Genesis 31 >

1 Now he heard the words of Labans sonnes, saying, Iaakob hath taken away all that was our fathers, and of our fathers goods hath he gotten all this honour.
Jakobo nowinjo ni yawuot Laban ne wacho niya, “Jakobo osekawo gik ma wuonwa nigo duto kendo oseyudo mwandugi duto koa kuom wuonwa.”
2 Also Iaakob beheld the countenance of Laban, that it was not towards him as in times past:
Kendo Jakobo noneno ni pach Laban ok nikode kaka chon.
3 And the Lord had said vnto Iaakob, Turne againe into the lande of thy fathers, and to thy kinred, and I wilbe with thee.
Eka Jehova Nyasaye nowacho ne Jakobo niya, “Dogi e pinyu ir oweteni kendo abiro bet kodi.”
4 Therefore Iaakob sent and called Rahel and Leah to the fielde vnto his flocke.
Kuom mano Jakobo nooro wach ne Rael kod Lea mondo gibi e lek kumane okwayoe.
5 Then sayde hee vnto them, I see your fathers countenance, that it is not towardes me as it was wont, and the God of my father hath bene with me.
Nowachonegi niya, “Aneno ni paro ma wuonu nigo koda ok en paro mane en-go mokwongo, kata kamano Nyasach wuora osebedo koda.
6 And yee knowe that I haue serued your father with all my might.
Ungʼeyo kaka asetiyo ne wuonu gi tekra duto.
7 But your father hath deceiued me, and changed my wages tenne times: but God suffred him not to hurt me.
To wuonu osewuonda ka oloko chudona nyadipar. To kata kamano, Nyasaye ok oseweyo otimona marach.
8 If he thus sayd, The spotted shall be thy wages, then all the sheepe bare spotted: and if he sayd thus, the party coloured shalbe thy rewarde, then bare all the sheepe particoloured.
Wuonu nowacho ni, ‘Mago ma kitgi angʼech nobed pokni;’ eka jamni duto nonywolo mago ma kitgi angʼech kende, to bende kane owacho ni, ‘Mago ma kitgi rabok nobed pokni,’ eka jamni duto nonywolo mana mago ma kitgi rabok.
9 Thus hath God taken away your fathers substance, and giuen it me.
Kuom mano Nyasaye osekawo kweth mag jamni mag wuonu kendo osemiyagi.
10 For in ramming time I lifted vp mine eyes and saw in a dreame, and beholde, ye hee goates leaped vpon the shee goates, that were partie coloured with litle and great spots spotted.
“E kinde mane jamni mathuondi dwaro luwo jamni mamon, naleko ni nywogi duto mane oluwo jamni mamon ne gin mago man-gi kido marabok gi mago man-gi kido marangʼech kod mago man-gi kido mopogore opogore.
11 And the Angel of God sayde to mee in a dreame, Iaakob. And I answered, Lo, I am here.
Malaika mar Nyasaye noluonga e lek ni, ‘Jakobo.’ Eka nadwoke ni, ‘An ka.’
12 And he sayde, Lift vp nowe thine eyes, and see all the hee goates leaping vpon ye shee goates that are partie coloured, spotted with litle and great spots: for I haue seene all that Laban doeth vnto thee.
Eka malaika nomedo wachona ni, ‘Tingʼ wangʼi kendo ineye kaka nywogi duto maluwo diek gin rabok, angʼech kod ma dikiyo, nimar aseneno gik moko duto ma Laban osebedo katimoni.
13 I am the God of Beth-el, where thou anoyntedst the pillar, where thou vowedst a vowe vnto me. Nowe arise, get thee out of this countrey and returne vnto ye land where thou wast borne.
An e Nyasaye mane ofwenyoreni Bethel kamane iwiroe siro gi mo kendo kama ne isingori kikwongʼori ne an. Koro wuogi ia e pinyni kendo idog thuru.’”
14 Then answered Rahel and Leah, and sayde vnto him, Haue wee any more porcion and inheritance in our fathers house?
Eka Rael kod Lea nodwoke niya, “Bende pod wadongʼ gi pok moro amora e mwandu wuonwa?
15 Doeth not he count vs as strangers? for he hath solde vs, and hath eaten vp and consumed our money.
Donge tinde okwanowa mana kaka jomoko nono? Ok en mana ni osechiwowa kende, to osechano nyaka mwandu duto mane okendwa.
16 Therefore all the riches, which God hath taken from our father, is ours and our childrens: nowe then whatsoeuer God hath saide vnto thee, doe it.
Adier mwandu duto ma Nyasaye osegolo kuom wuonwa gin mawa kod nyithindwa. Omiyo tim gimoro amora ma Nyasaye osenyisi.”
17 Then Iaakob rose vp, and set his sonnes and his wiues vpon camels.
Eka Jakobo nokawo nyithinde kod monde mi oketo ewi ngamia,
18 And he caried away all his flockes, and al his substance which he had gotten, to wit, his riches, which he had gotten in Padan Aram, to goe to Izhak his father vnto the land of Canaan.
kendo nosembo jambe duto e nyime kaachiel gi gik moko duto mane osechoko e piny Padan Aram, mondo odhi ir Isaka wuon-gi e piny Kanaan.
19 Whe Laban was gone to shere his sheepe, Then Rahel stole her fathers idoles.
Kane Laban osedhi ngʼado yie rombe, Rael nokwalo nyiseche mag wuon-gi.
20 Thus Iaakob stole away ye heart of Laban the Aramite: for he told him not that he fled.
To kata kamano, Jakobo nowuondo Laban ja-Aram ka ok onyise ni odok thurgi.
21 So fled he with all that he had, and he rose vp, and passed the riuer, and set his face towarde mount Gilead.
Kuom mano noringo gi mago mane en-go duto, kendo nongʼado Aora koluwo yo mochomo piny gode mag Gilead.
22 And the third day after was it told Laban, that Iaakob fled.
E odiechiengʼ mar adek Laban nowinjo ni Jakobo osepondo modhi.
23 Then he tooke his brethren with him, and followed after him seuen dayes iourney, and ouertooke him at mount Gilead.
Nokawo wedene molawo Jakobo; kuom ndalo abiriyo; kendo nojuke e piny gode mag Gilead.
24 And God came to Laban the Aramite in a dreame by night, and sayde vnto him, Take heede that thou speake not to Iaakob ought saue good.
Eka Nyasaye nofwenyore ne Laban ja-Aram gotieno e lek mi owachone niya, “Ne ni ok iwachone Jakobo gimoro amora, maber kata marach.”
25 Then Laban ouertooke Iaakob, and Iaakob had pitched his tent in the mount: and Laban also with his brethren pitched vpon mount Gilead.
Ka Laban nojuko Jakobo noyudo ka oseguro hembe e piny gode mag Gilead kendo mi en bende gi wedene noguro hembe kanyo.
26 Then Laban sayde to Iaakob, What hast thou done? thou hast euen stolen away mine heart and caried away my daughters as though they had bene taken captiues with the sworde.
Eka Laban nopenjo Jakobo niya, “En angʼo ma isetimoni? Isewuonda kendo iseringa gi nyiga mana ka joma omak e lweny.
27 Wherfore diddest thou flie so secretly and steale away from me, and diddest not tel me, that I might haue sent thee foorth with mirth and with songs, with timbrel and with harpe?
Ere gima nomiyo iringo lingʼ-lingʼ ka akia? Angʼo ma nomoni nyisa, mondo omi asewi gi mor kiwerni kendo igoni thum?
28 But thou hast not suffered me to kisse my sonnes and my daughters: nowe thou hast done foolishly in doing so.
Bende ne ok iweyo agoyoni oriti gi nyiga gi nyikwaya. Kuom mano isetimo gima ofuwo.
29 I am able to do you euill: but the God of your father spake vnto me yesternight, saying, Take heed that thou speake not to Iaakob ought saue good.
Ngʼe ni an-gi teko mar hinyi, to Nyasach wuonu ne onyisa otieno manyoro ni, ‘Ne ni ok iwachone Jakobo gimoro amora, maber kata marach.’
30 Nowe though thou wentest thy way, because thou greatly longedst after thy fathers house, yet wherefore hast thou stollen my gods?
Angʼeyo ni nyoro iwuok nikech siso ma in-go mar dok ir joodu. To angʼo momiyo nyoro ikwalo nyisechena?”
31 Then Iaakob answered, and said to Laban, Because I was afraid, and thought that thou wouldest haue taken thy daughters from me.
Jakobo nodwoko Laban niya, “Ne aluor nikech nyo aparo ni dipo ka imaya nyigi githuon.
32 But with whome thou findest thy gods, let him not liue. Search thou before our brethre what I haue of thine, and take it to thee, (but Iaakob wist not that Rahel had stolen them)
To ngʼato angʼata ma iyudo gi nyisechegi ok nokwo. E nyim jowagi, rang in iwuon giri moro amora madabedgo kendo ka iyudo to kaw.” To Jakobo ne ok ongʼeyo ni Rael nosekwalo nyisechego.
33 Then came Laban into Iaakobs tent, and into Leahs tent, and into the two maides tentes, but founde them not. So hee went out of Leahs tent, and entred into Rahels tent.
Eka Laban nodonjo ei hemb Jakobo kendo ei hemb Lea kendo ei hemb jotichgi ariyo ma nyiri to ne ok oyudo gimoro. Bangʼ kane osea ei hemb Lea nodonjo ei hemb Rael.
34 (Nowe Rahel had taken the idoles, and put them in the camels litter and sate downe vpon them) and Laban searched al the tent, but found them not.
Noyudo ka Rael osekawo nyisechego mopando e bwo kom ngamia mobetie. Laban nodwaro gik moko duto mane ni ei hema to ne ok oyudo gimoro.
35 Then said she to her father, My Lord, be not angrie that I cannot rise vp before thee: for the custome of women is vpon me: so he searched, but found not the idoles.
Rael nowacho ni wuon-gi niya, “Yaye ruodha, kik mirima maki koda ni atamora chungʼ e nyimi nikech an e kindena mag neno malo.” Kuom mano Laban nomanyo nyisechenego to ne ok oyudo.
36 The Iaakob was wroth, and chode with Laban: Iaakob also answered and sayd to Laban, What haue I trespassed? what haue I offended, that thou hast pursued after me?
Jakobo mirima nomako mi odhawo gi Laban. Nopenje niya, “En richo mane masetimo momiyo ilawa matek kama?
37 Seeing thou hast searched all my stuffe, what hast thou foud of all thine houshold stuffe? put it here before my brethren and thy brethren, that they may iudge betweene vs both.
Koro ero isemanyo giga duto, angʼo ma iyudo ma mari? Kete e lela e nyim oweteni kod owetena kendo we gingʼad bura e kindwa.
38 This twenty yere I haue bin with thee: thine ewes and thy goates haue not cast their yong, and the rammes of thy flocke haue I not eaten.
“Asebedo kodi koro higni piero ariyo, to rombi kata dieki pok obwogo bende achamo imi kata achiel.
39 Whatsoeuer was torne of beasts, I brought it not vnto thee, but made it good my selfe: of mine hand diddest thou require it, were it stollen by day or stollen by night.
Ne ok akeloni chiayo ma ondiek ochamo; to ne achulo chiayo mangima an awuon. Bende ne iketo ni achuli kuom gimoro amora mane okwal gotieno kata godiechiengʼ.
40 I was in the day consumed with heate, and with frost in the night, and my sleepe departed from mine eyes.
Kamano e kaka ne abet; chiengʼ nochama godiechiengʼ kendo koyo nochama gotieno, kendo nindo noringo oa e wangʼa.
41 Thus haue I bene twentie yeere in thine house, and serued thee fourteene yeeres for thy two daughters, and sixe yeeres for thy sheepe, and thou hast changed my wages tenne times.
Ne en kama kuom higni piero ariyo kane an e odi. Ne atiyoni kuom higni apar gangʼwen ne nyigi ariyo, kendo higni auchiel ne jambi, kendo ne imaya pokna nyadipar.
42 Except the God of my father, the God of Abraham, and the feare of Izhak had bene with me, surely thou haddest sent me away nowe emptie: but God behelde my tribulation, and the labour of mine hads, and rebuked thee yester night.
Ka dine ni Nyasach wuora, Nyasach Ibrahim, kod luor mane Isaka nigo, ne ok ni koda, adier dine iriemba gi lweta nono. To Nyasaye oseneno chandruokna gi tich matek mar lweta, kendo nyo okweri otieno manyoro ni kik itimna gimoro marach.”
43 Then Laban answered, and saide vnto Iaakob, These daughters are my daughters, and these sonnes are my sonnes, and these sheepe are my sheepe, and all that thou seest, is mine, and what can I doe this day vnto these my daughters, or to their sonnes which they haue borne?
Laban nodwoko Jakobo niya, “Mon-go gin nyiga, nyithindogo gin nyithinda, kendo kwethgo gin kwethga. Gik moko duto minenogo gin maga. To koro en angʼo marach madatimne nyigagi, kata ne nyithindo ma ginywolo?
44 Nowe therefore come and let vs make a couenant, I and thou, which may be a witnes betweene me and thee.
Bi, mondo watim singruok, in kod an, kendo we obed kaka ranyisi e kindwa kodi.”
45 Then tooke Iaakob a stone, and set it vp as a pillar:
Omiyo Jakobo nokawo kidi mochunge ka siro.
46 And Iaakob sayde vnto his brethren, Gather stones: who brought stones, and made an heape, and they did eate there vpon the heape.
Nowacho ne wedene niya, “Chokuru kite moko.” Kuom mano negikawo kite kendo negichokogi pith mine gichiemo but pidhno.
47 And Laban called it Iegar-sahadutha, and Iaakob called it Galeed.
Laban nochako nying kanyo ni Jegar-Sahadutha; kendo Jakobo nochake ni Galeed.
48 For Laban sayd, This heape is witnesse betweene me and thee this day: therefore he called the name of it Galeed.
Laban nowacho niya, “Pidhni en janeno e kinda kodi kawuono!” Mano emomiyo iluonge ni Galeed.
49 Also he called it Mizpah, because he said, The Lord looke betweene me and thee, when we shalbe departed one from another,
Bende kanyo nochak ni Mizpa (tiende ni kar ngʼicho), nikech Laban nowacho niya, “Mad Jehova Nyasaye bed jarit e kinda kodi ka wan mabor.
50 If thou shalt vexe my daughters, or shalt take wiues beside my daughters: there is no man with vs, beholde, God is witnesse betweene me and thee.
Ka isando nyiga kata ikendo nyiri mamoko bangʼ nyigagi, kata obedoni onge janeno kae, to ngʼe malongʼo ni Nyasaye e janeno e kindwa.”
51 Moreouer Laban sayd to Iaakob, Beholde this heape, and behold the pillar, which I haue set betweene me and thee,
Laban nomedo wacho ne Jakobo niya, “Ne pidhni kendo ne sironi maseketo e kinda kodi.
52 This heape shall be witnesse, and the pillar shall be witnesse, that I will not come ouer this heape to thee, and that thou shalt not passe ouer this heape and this pillar vnto me for euill.
Pidhni kata sironi gin joneno ni ok nakadh pidhni mondo amonji kendo in bende ok nikadh pidhni kata sironi mondo imonja.
53 The God of Abraham, and the God of Nabor, and the God of their father be iudge betweene vs: But Iaakob sware by the feare of his father Izhak.
Mad Nyasach Ibrahim, kod Nahor, gi Nyasach kwereni obed jangʼad bura e kindwa.” Omiyo Jakobo notimo kwongʼruok e nying Nyasach Isaka wuon-gi.
54 Then Iaakob did offer a sacrifice vpon the mount, and called his brethren to eate bread. and they did eate bread, and taried all night in the mount.
Notimo misango e godno kendo noluongo wedene e nyasino. Bangʼ kane gisechiemo, ne ginindo kanyo.
55 And earely in the morning Laban rose vp and kissed his sonnes and his daughters, and blessed them, and Laban departing, went vnto his place againe.
Kiny ne gokinyi mangʼich, Laban nogone nyige gi nyikwaye oriti kendo nogwedhogi. Eka nowuok modok dala.

< Genesis 31 >