< Genesis 29 >

1 Then Iaakob lift vp his feete and came into the East countrey.
Awo Yakobo ne yeeyongerayo mu lugendo lwe, n’atuuka mu nsi y’abantu b’ebuvanjuba.
2 And as he looked about, behold there was a well in the field, and lo, three flocks of sheepe lay thereby (for at that well were the flockes watered) and there was a great stone vpon the welles mouth.
Bwe yatunula n’alaba oluzzi mu nnimiro, ng’ebisibo bisatu eby’endiga zigalamidde awo ku lwo, kubanga awo we zaanywesezebwanga. Ejjinja eryasaanikiranga ku mumwa gw’oluzzi olwo lyali ddene,
3 And thither were all the flockes gathered, and they rolled the stone from the welles mouth, and watered the sheepe, and put the stone againe vpon the welles mouth in his place.
era ebisibo bwe byakuŋŋaananga, abasumba ne balyoka baliyiringisa okuliggya ku mumwa gw’oluzzi ne banywesa endiga; bwe zaamalanga ne balizzaako.
4 And Iaakob sayde vnto them, My brethren, whence be ye? And they answered, We are of Haran.
Awo Yakobo n’abuuza abasumba nti, “Abooluganda muva wa?” Ne bamuddamu nti, “Tuva Kalani.”
5 Then he sayd vnto them, Know ye Laban the sonne of Nahor? Who said, We know him.
Kwe kubabuuza nti, “Labbaani mutabani wa Nakoli mumumanyi?” Ne bamuddamu nti, “Tumumanyi.”
6 Againe he sayd vnto them, Is he in good health? And they answered, He is in good health, and beholde, his daughter Rahel commeth with the sheepe.
N’abuuza nti, “Ali bulungi?” Ne baddamu nti, “Ali bulungi, era laba Laakeeri muwala we wuuli ajja n’endiga!”
7 Then he sayd, Lo, it is yet hie day, neither is it time that the cattell shoulde be gathered together: water ye the sheepe and go feede them.
N’abagamba nti, “Mulabe, obudde bukyali bwa ttuntu, ekiseera tekinnatuuka okukuŋŋaanya ensolo awamu, muzinywese mulyoke mugende muzirunde.”
8 But they sayde, We may not vntill all the flocks be brought together, and till men rolle the stone from the welles mouth, that we may water the sheepe.
Bo kwe kumuddamu nti, “Ekyo tetusobola kukikola ng’ebisibo byonna tebinnakuŋŋaanyizibwa, nga n’ejjinja terinaggyibwa ku mumwa gw’oluzzi, olwo ne tunywesa endiga.”
9 While he talked with them, Rahel also came with her fathers sheepe, for she kept them.
Yakobo bwe yali akyayogera nabo, Laakeeri n’atuuka n’endiga za kitaawe. Kubanga ye yali azirunda.
10 And assoone as Iaakob saw Rahel ye daughter of Laban his mothers brother, and the sheepe of Laban his mothers brother, then came Iaakob neere, and rolled the stone from the welles mouth, and watered ye flocke of Laban his mothers brother.
Yakobo bwe yalaba Laakeeri, muwala wa Labbaani, mwannyina nnyina, n’endiga za Labbaani, n’agenda n’ayiringisa ejjinja okuva ku mumwa gw’oluzzi n’anywesa endiga za Labbaani.
11 And Iaakob kissed Rahel, and lift vp his voyce and wept.
Yakobo n’alyoka agwa Laakeeri mu kifuba, n’ayimusa eddoboozi n’akaaba.
12 (For Iaakob tolde Rahel, that he was her fathers brother, and that he was Rebekahs sonne) then she ranne and tolde her father.
Yakobo n’alyoka ategeeza Laakeeri nti, waluganda ne kitaawe, era ye mutabani wa Lebbeeka. Laakeeri kwe kudduka n’ategeeza kitaawe.
13 And when Laban heard tell of Iaakob his sisters sonne, he ranne to meete him, and embraced him and kissed him, and brought him to his house: and he tolde Laban all these things.
Awo Labbaani bwe yawulira ebya Yakobo, mutabani wa mwannyina, n’adduka okumusisinkana, n’amugwa mu kifuba n’amulamusa bulungi, n’amutwala mu nnyumba ye. Yakobo n’ategeeza Labbaani byonna ebyaliwo.
14 To whome Laban sayd, Well, thou art my bone and my flesh. and he abode with him the space of a moneth.
Labbaani n’agamba nti, “Mazima oli ggumba lyange, era nnyama ya mubiri gwange! N’abeera naye omwezi mulamba.”
15 For Laban sayde vnto Iaakob, Though thou be my brother, shouldest thou therfore serue me for nought? tell me, what shalbe thy wages?
Awo Labbaani n’agamba Yakobo nti, “Olw’okubanga oli waluganda ky’onoova ompeerereza obwereere? Ntegeeza empeera yo bw’eneebanga.”
16 Now Laban had two daughters, the elder called Leah, and the yonger called Rahel.
Labbaani yalina bawala be babiri; erinnya ly’omukulu nga ye Leeya ne ly’omuto nga ye Laakeeri.
17 And Leah was tender eyed, but Rahel was beautifull and faire.
Leeya yali manafu, kyokka ye Laakeeri nga mulungi era nga w’amaanyi.
18 And Iaakob loued Rahel, and sayde, I will serue thee seuen yeeres for Rahel thy yonger daughter.
Yakobo yayagala Laakeeri, era n’agamba Labbaani nti, “Nzija kukuweereza emyaka musanvu olwa muwala wo omuto Laakeeri.”
19 Then Laban answered, It is better that I giue her thee, then that I should giue her to another man: abide with me.
Labbaani kwe kumuddamu nti, “Kituufu okumuwa ggwe ne ssimuwa musajja mulala yenna. Beera nange.”
20 And Iaakob serued seuen yeres for Rahel, and they seemed vnto him but a few dayes, because he loued her.
Bw’atyo Yakobo n’akolerera Laakeeri emyaka musanvu, naye ne giba ng’ennaku obunaku gy’ali kubanga yamwagala nnyo.
21 Then Iaakob sayde to Laban, Giue me my wife, that I may goe in to her: for my terme is ended.
Awo Yakobo n’agamba Labbaani nti, “Kale mpa mukazi wange, mmutwale, kubanga ekiseera kye twalagaana nkimazeeko.”
22 Wherefore Laban gathered together all the men of the place, and made a feast.
Labbaani kwe kukuŋŋaanya abantu b’ekifo ekyo, n’akola embaga.
23 But whe the euening was come, he tooke Leah his daughter and brought her to him, and he went in vnto her.
Naye mu kiro Labbaani n’atwala muwala we Leeya n’amuwa Yakobo okumutwala okuba mukazi we.
24 And Laban gaue his mayde Zilpah to his daughter Leah, to be her seruant.
Labbaani yali awadde Leeya Zirupa amuweerezenga.
25 But when the morning was come, behold, it was Leah. Then sayde he to Laban, Wherefore hast thou done thus to mee? did not I serue thee for Rahel? wherfore then hast thou beguiled me?
Bwe bwakya, Yakobo n’alaba nga bamuwadde Leeya. Kwe kugamba Labbaani nti, “Onkoze ki kino? Saakuweereza lwa Laakeeri? Kale lwaki onimbye?”
26 And Laban answered, It is not the maner of this place, to giue the yonger before the elder.
Labbaani n’amuddamu nti, “Mu nsi yaffe tekiri mu buwangwa bwaffe, omuto okusooka omukulu okufumbirwa.
27 Fulfill seuen yeeres for her, and we wil also giue thee this for the seruice, which thou shalt serue me yet seuen yeeres more.
Sooka omale n’ono wiiki eno emu, n’oli tugenda kumukuwa; kyokka olimukolerera okumala emyaka emirala musanvu.”
28 Then Iaakob did so, and fulfilled her seuen yeeres, so he gaue him Rahel his daughter to be his wife.
Ekyo Yakobo n’akikkiriza, n’amalako wiiki emu eyo, Labbaani n’alyoka amuwa Laakeeri muwala we okuba mukazi we.
29 Laban also gaue to Rahel his daughter Bilhah his mayde to be her seruant.
Labbaani n’awa Laakeeri Biira amuweerezenga.
30 So entred he in to Rahel also, and loued also Rahel more then Leah, and serued him yet seuen yeeres more.
Yakobo n’atwala Laakeeri n’aba mukazi we; n’ayagala Laakeeri okusinga Leeya, n’aweereza Labbaani emyaka egyo emirala omusanvu.
31 When the Lord saw that Leah was despised, he made her fruitful: but Rahel was barren.
Mukama bwe yalaba nga Leeya akyayibbwa n’aggula olubuto lwe. Laakeeri ye yali mugumba.
32 And Leah conceiued and bare a sonne, and she called his name Reuben: for she said, Because the Lord hath looked vpon my tribulation, now therefore mine husband will loue me.
Leeya n’aba olubuto, n’azaala omwana wabulenzi. N’amutuuma erinnya Lewubeeni, ng’agamba nti, “Kubanga Mukama alabye okubonyaabonyezebwa kwange: ddala baze ananjagala.”
33 And she conceiued againe and bare a sonne, and sayde, Because the Lord heard that I was hated, he hath therefore giuen me this sonne also, and she called his name Simeon.
N’aba olubuto olulala, n’azaala omwana mulenzi, n’agamba nti, “Kubanga Mukama alabye nga ndi mukyawe, kyavudde ampa omwana owoobulenzi omulala; n’amutuuma erinnya Simyoni.”
34 And she conceiued againe and bare a sonne, and said, Now at this time wil my husband keepe mee company, because I haue borne him three sonnes: therefore was his name called Leui.
Ate n’aba olubuto n’azaala omwana mulenzi, n’agamba nti, “Kale kaakano baze ajja kuba bumu nange, kubanga mmuzaalidde abaana abalenzi basatu.” Omwana kyeyava atuumwa Leevi.
35 Moreouer shee conceiued againe and bare a sonne, saying, Nowe will I prayse the Lord: therefore shee called his name Iudah, and left bearing.
Era Leeya n’aba olubuto n’azaala omwana wabulenzi, n’agamba nti, “Ku luno nzija kutendereza Mukama,” kyeyava amutuuma Yuda; n’alekayo okuzaala.

< Genesis 29 >