< Genesis 25 >

1 Nowe Abraham had taken him another wife called Keturah,
Ibrahim nokendo dhako machielo mane nyinge Ketura.
2 Which bare him Zimran, and Iokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah.
Ketura nonywolone Ibrahim, Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak kod Shua.
3 And Iokshan begate Sheba, and Dedan: And the sonnes of Dedan were Asshurim, and Letushim, and Leummim.
Jokshan nonywolo Sheba kod Dedan; nyikwa Dedan ne gin jo-Ashur, jo-Letush kod jo-Leum.
4 Also the sonnes of Midian were Ephah, and Epher, and Hanoch, and Abida, and Eldaah all these were the sonnes of Keturah.
Midian nonywolo Efa, Efer, Hanok, Abida kod Elda. Magi duto ne gin nyikwa Ketura.
5 And Abraham gaue all his goods to Izhak,
Ibrahim nomiyo Isaka mwandune duto mane en-go.
6 But vnto the sonnes of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gaue giftes, and sent them away from Izhak his sonne (while he yet liued) Eastward to the East countrey.
To kane pod ongima, nochiwo mich ne yawuot monde ma jotichge kendo nodarogi mondo gia kuom Isaka koterogi e piny man yo wuok chiengʼ.
7 And this is the age of Abrahams life, which he liued, an hundreth seuentie and fiue yeere.
Ibrahim nodak kuom higni mia achiel gi piero abiriyo gabich
8 Then Abraham yeelded the spirit, and died in a good age, an olde man, and of great yeeres, and was gathered to his people.
Eka Ibrahim notho koluwo kwerene ka en gi higni mathoth ka en ngʼama oti kendo hike ngʼeny.
9 And his sonnes, Izhak and Ishmael buryed him in the caue of Machpelah, in the fielde of Ephron sonne of Zohar the Hittite, before Mamre.
Yawuot, Isaka kod Ishmael noyike e rogo man Makpela machiegni gi Mamre e puoth Efron ma wuod Zohar ja-Hiti,
10 Which fielde Abraham bought of the Hittites, where Abraham was buryed with Sarah his wife.
ma en puodho ma Ibrahim nongʼiewo kuom jo-Hiti. Kanyo ema Ibrahim gi Sara chiege noyikie.
11 And after the death of Abraham God blessed Izhak his sonne, and Izhak dwelt by Beer-lahai-roi.
Bangʼ tho Ibrahim, Nyasaye nogwedho wuode Isaka, mane kindeno odak Beer-Lahai-Roi.
12 Nowe these are the generations of Ishmael Abrahams sonne, whome Hagar the Egyptian Sarahs handmayde bare vnto Abraham.
Ma e nonro mar Ishmael wuod Ibrahim mane Hagar jatich Sara ma nyar Misri onywolone.
13 And these are the names of the sonnes of Ishmael, name by name, according to their kinreds; the eldest sonne of Ishmael was Nebaioth, then Kedar, and Adbeel, and Mibsam,
Magi e nying yawuot Ishmael kaluwore gi nywolgi: Nebayoth, wuod Ishmael makayo, Kedar, Adbel, Mibsam,
14 And Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa,
Mishma, Duma, Masa,
15 Hadar, and Tema, Ietur, Naphish, and Kedemah.
Hadad, Tema, Jetur, Nafish kod Kedema.
16 These are the sonnes of Ishmael, and these are their names, by their townes and by their castles: to wit, twelue princes of their nations.
Magi e nying yawuot Ishmael ma nying-gi nochak miechgi kod kuonde mane gibworoe, ne gin ruodhi apar gariyo ngʼato ka ngʼato gi ogandane.
17 (And these are the yeeres of the life of Ishmael, an hundreth thirtie and seuen yeere, and he yeelded the spirit, and dyed, and was gathered vnto his people)
Ishmael nodak kuom higni mia achiel kod piero adek gabiriyo. Eka notho kendo oluwo kwerene.
18 And they dwelt from Hauilah vnto Shur, that is towardes Egypt, as thou goest to Asshur. Ishmael dwelt in the presence of all his brethren.
Nyikwaye nodak e gwengʼ manie kind Havila nyaka Shur, machiegni gi tongʼ Misri kochomo yo Ashur kendo negidak kagimonre gowetene.
19 Likewise these are the generations of Izhak Abrahams sonne Abraham begate Izhak,
Mae nonro Isaka wuod Ibrahim. Ibrahim nonywolo Isaka,
20 And Izhak was fourtie yeere olde, when he tooke Rebekah to wife, the daughter of Bethuel the Aramite of Padan Aram, and sister to Laban the Aramite.
kendo Isaka ne ja-higni piero angʼwen kane okendo Rebeka nyar Bethuel ja-Aram mane odak e piny Padan Aram, kendo ma nyamin Laban.
21 And Izhak prayed vuto the Lord for his wife, because she was barren: and the Lord was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceiued,
Isaka nolamo Jehova Nyasaye ne chiege, nikech en migumba. Jehova Nyasaye nodwoko lamone, kendo chiege Rebeka nomako ich.
22 But the children stroue together within her: therefore shee sayde, Seeing it is so, why am I thus? wherefore she went to aske the Lord.
Nyithindo ne olarore e iye mi nowacho niya, “Angʼo momiyo ma timorena?” Omiyo nodhi mondo openj Jehova Nyasaye wachni.
23 And the Lord sayd to her, Two nations are in thy wombe, and two maner of people shalbe diuided out of thy bowels, and the one people shall be mightier then the other, and the elder shall serue the yonger.
Jehova Nyasaye nowacho niya, “Ogendini ariyo ni e iyi, kendo ogendini ariyogo biro pogore; oganda moro biro bedo motegno moloyo machielo kendo wuowi maduongʼ noti ne wuowi matin.”
24 Therefore when her time of deliuerance was fulfilled, behold, twinnes were in her wombe.
Kane kinde mar nywol ochopo, to ne nitie rude ma yawuowi e iye.
25 So he that came out first was red, and he was all ouer as a rough garment, and they called his name Esau.
Mano mane okwongo wuok ne kwar, kendo dende duto ne chalo motimo yier; kuom mano negichake ni Esau.
26 And afterward came his brother out, and his hande helde Esau by the heele: therefore his name was called Iaakob. Nowe Izhak was threescore yeere olde when Rebekah bare them.
Bangʼ ma owadgi nowuok kod lwete komako ofunj tiend Esau; kuom mano negichako Jakobo. Isaka ne ja-higni piero auchiel kane Rebeka onywolo yawuowigo.
27 And the boyes grew, and Esau was a cunning hunter, and liued in the fields: but Iaakob was a plaine man, and dwelt in tentes.
Yawuowigo nodongo, kendo Esau nobedo jadwar molony, ngʼat ma jathim, to Jakobo to ne ngʼama muol madak ei hema.
28 And Izhak loued Esau, for venison was his meate, but Rebekah loued Iaakob.
Isaka ma nohero ring le nohero Esau to Rebeka nohero Jakobo.
29 Nowe Iaakob sod pottage, and Esau came from the fielde and was wearie.
Chiengʼ moro kane Jakobo tedo ogira, Esau nodonjo koa e dwar kodenyo.
30 Then Esau sayd to Iaakob, Let me eate, I pray thee, of that pottage so red, for I am wearie. Therefore was his name called Edom.
Esau nowacho ne Jakobo niya, “Asayi miya ogira makwarno adenyo!” (Mano emomiyo bende iluonge ni Edom.)
31 And Iaakob sayd, Sell me euen nowe thy birthright.
Jakobo nodwoke niya, “Kuong iusna duongʼni mar nywol.”
32 And Esau sayd, Lo, I am almost dead, what is then this birthright to me?
Esau nowachone niya, “Ne achiegni tho. Ere ohala ma ayudo kuom duongʼ mar nywolna?”
33 Iaakob then said, Sweare to me euen now. And he sware to him, and solde his birthright vnto Iaakob.
To Jakobo nowachone niya, “Kwongʼrina mokwongo.” Kuom mano Esau nokwongʼore ne Jakobo, ma ousone duongʼne mar nywol.
34 Then Iaakob gaue Esau bread and pottage of lentiles: and he did eate and drinke, and rose vp, and went his way: So Esau contemned his birthright.
Eka Jakobo nomiyo Esau kuon gi ogich ngʼor. Nochiemo kendo ometho, eka ne ochungʼ mi odhi. Kuom mano Esau, nojwangʼo duongʼne mar nywol.

< Genesis 25 >