< Genesis 2 >

1 Thus the heauens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
Kwasekuqediswa amazulu lomhlaba lalo lonke ibutho lakho.
2 For in the seuenth day GOD ended his worke which he had made, and the seuenth day he rested from al his worke, which he had made.
UNkulunkulu wasewuqeda ngosuku lwesikhombisa umsebenzi wakhe abewenza. Waphumula ngosuku lwesikhombisa emsebenzini wakhe wonke abewenza.
3 So God blessed the seuenth day, and sanctified it, because that in it he had rested from all his worke, which God had created and made.
UNkulunkulu wasebusisa usuku lwesikhombisa, walungcwelisa; ngoba ngalo waphumula emsebenzini wakhe wonke, uNkulunkulu awudalayo wawenza.
4 These are the generations of the heauens and of the earth, when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heauens,
Lezi yizizukulwana zamazulu lezomhlaba ekudalweni kwakho, mhla iNkosi uNkulunkulu isenza umhlaba lamazulu,
5 And euery plant of the fielde, before it was in the earth, and euery herbe of the field, before it grewe: for the Lord God had not caused it to raine vpon the earth, neither was there a man to till the ground,
laso sonke isihlahlakazana sensimu, singakabi khona emhlabeni, layo yonke imibhida yeganga, ingakamili; ngoba iNkosi uNkulunkulu yayinganisanga izulu emhlabeni, njalo kwakungelamuntu wokulima umhlabathi.
6 But a myst went vp from the earth, and watered all the earth.
Kodwa kwenyuka inkungu ivela emhlabathini, yasithelela ubuso bonke bomhlabathi.
7 The Lord God also made the man of the dust of the grounde, and breathed in his face breath of life, and the man was a liuing soule.
INkosi uNkulunkulu yasibumba umuntu ngothuli oluvela emhlabathini, yaphefumulela emakhaleni akhe umoya wempilo; umuntu wasesiba ngumphefumulo ophilayo.
8 And the Lord God planted a garden Eastward in Eden, and there he put the man whom he had made.
INkosi uNkulunkulu yasihlanyela isivande eEdeni ngasempumalanga, yasimbeka khona umuntu eyambumbayo.
9 (For out of the ground made the Lord God to grow euery tree pleasant to the sight, and good for meate: the tree of life also in the mids of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and of euill.
INkosi uNkulunkulu yasimilisa emhlabeni sonke isihlahla esibukekayo lesilungele ukudla; lesihlahla sempilo phakathi kwesivande, lesihlahla solwazi lokuhle lokubi.
10 And out of Eden went a riuer to water the garden, and from thence it was deuided, and became into foure heads.
Kwasekuphuma eEdeni umfula wokuthelela isivande; njalo kusukela lapho wehlukaniswa waba zinhloko ezine.
11 The name of one is Pishon: the same compasseth the whole land of Hauilah, where is golde.
Ibizo lowokuqala yiPishoni; yiwo ozingelezele ilizwe lonke leHavila, lapho okulegolide khona.
12 And the golde of that land is good: there is Bdelium, and the Onix stone.
Legolide lalelolizwe lihle; lapho kulebedola lelitshe i-onikse.
13 And the name of the seconde riuer is Gihon: the same compasseth the whole lande of Cush.
Lebizo lomfula wesibili yiGihoni; yiwo ozingelezele ilizwe lonke eleEthiyophiya.
14 The name also of the third riuer is Hiddekel: this goeth toward the Eastside of Asshur: and the fourth riuer is Perath)
Lebizo lomfula wesithathu yiHidekeli; yiwo ogelezela empumalanga kweAsiriya. Lomfula wesine yiYufrathi.
15 Then the Lord God tooke the man, and put him into the garden of Eden, that he might dresse it and keepe it.
INkosi uNkulunkulu yasimthatha umuntu, yambeka esivandeni seEdeni, ukuze asilime asilondoloze.
16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Thou shalt eate freely of euery tree of the garden,
INkosi uNkulunkulu yasimlaya umuntu isithi: Kuso sonke isihlahla sesivande ungadla lokudla;
17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and euill, thou shalt not eate of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt die the death.
kodwa okwesihlahla solwazi lokuhle lokubi, ungadli kuso, ngoba mhla usidla kuso uzakufa lokufa.
18 Also the Lord God saide, It is not good that the man should be himself alone: I wil make him an helpe meete for him.
INkosi uNkulunkulu yasisithi: Kakukuhle ukuthi umuntu abe yedwa. Ngizamenzela umsizi onjengaye.
19 So the Lord God formed of the earth euery beast of the fielde, and euery foule of the heauen, and brought them vnto the man to see howe he would call them: for howsoeuer the man named the liuing creature, so was the name thereof.
INkosi uNkulunkulu yasibumba ngomhlabathi yonke inyamazana yeganga layo yonke inyoni yamazulu; yakuletha kuAdamu, ukuthi ibone ukuthi angazibiza ngokuthini, njalo loba yikuphi uAdamu azabiza ngakho isidalwa esiphilayo, yilo ibizo laso.
20 The man therefore gaue names vnto all cattell, and to the foule of the heauen, and to euery beast of the fielde: but for Adam founde he not an helpe meete for him.
UAdamu wasesitha amabizo kuzo zonke izifuyo, lenyonini yamazulu, lakuyo yonke inyamazana yeganga; kodwa uAdamu katholelwanga umsizi onjengaye.
21 Therefore the Lord God caused an heauie sleepe to fall vpon the man, and he slept: and he tooke one of his ribbes, and closed vp the flesh in steade thereof.
INkosi uNkulunkulu yasisehlisela phezu kukaAdamu ubuthongo obukhulu, waselala. Yasithatha olunye lwezimbambo zakhe, yavala ngenyama endaweni yalo.
22 And the ribbe which the Lord God had taken from the man, made he a woman, and brought her to the man.
INkosi uNkulunkulu yasisenza ubambo eyayiluthethe emuntwini lwaba ngowesifazana, yasimusa emuntwini.
23 Then the man said, This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. She shalbe called woman, because she was taken out of man.
UAdamu wasesithi: Lo khathesi ulithambo lamathambo ami, lenyama yenyama yami; uzabizwa ngokuthi ngowesifazana, ngoba yena ethethwe endodeni.
24 Therefore shall man leaue his father and his mother, and shall cleaue to his wife, and they shall be one flesh.
Ngenxa yalokhu indoda izatshiya uyise lonina, inamathele kumkayo; njalo bazakuba nyamanye.
25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
Bobabili babenqunu-ke, umuntu lomkakhe, futhi bengelanhloni.

< Genesis 2 >