< Genesis 15 >

1 After these things, the worde of the Lord came vnto Abram in a vision, saying, Feare not, Abram, I am thy buckler, and thine exceeding great reward.
Apre bagay sa yo, pawòl SENYÈ a te vin kote Abram nan yon vizyon. Li te di: “Pa pè, Abram, Mwen se yon pwotèj pou ou. Rekonpans ou va gran.”
2 And Abram said, O Lord God, what wilt thou giue me, seeing I goe childlesse, and the steward of mine house is this Eliezer of Damascus?
Abram te di: “O Senyè BONDYE, kisa ou va ban mwen, akoz ke m san pitit, e eritye lakay mwen se Eliézer a Danmas?”
3 Againe Abram saide, Beholde, to me thou hast giuen no seede: wherefore loe, a seruant of mine house shalbe mine heire.
Epi Abram te di: “Akoz ke ou pa t ban m pitit pou swiv mwen, pitit ki fèt nan kay mwen an se eritye mwen.”
4 Then beholde, the worde of the Lord came vnto him, saying, This man shall not be thine heire, but one that shall come out of thine owne bowels, he shalbe thine heire.
Alò, gade byen, pawòl SENYÈ a te vin kote li. Li te di l: “Se pa nonm sa k ap eritye ou, men youn ki va sòti nan pwòp kò ou, se li ki va eritye ou.”
5 Moreouer he brought him forth and said, Looke vp nowe vnto heauen, and tell ye starres, if thou be able to number them: and he said vnto him, So shall thy seede be.
Konsa, li te mennen li deyò, e te di: “Koulye a, gade vè syèl yo, e kontwole zetwal yo, si ou kapab kontwole yo.” Epi Li te di li: “Se konsa desandan w ap ye.”
6 And Abram beleeued the Lord, and he counted that to him for righteousnesse.
Li te kwè nan SENYÈ a, e SENYÈ a konsa, te konsidere sa kòm ladwati li.
7 Againe he saide vnto him, I am the Lord, that brought thee out of Vr of the Caldees, to giue thee this land to inherite it.
Li te di Abram: “Mwen se SENYÈ a ki te mennen ou sòti nan Ur a Kaldeyen yo, pou bay ou peyi sa a pou posede li.”
8 And he said, O Lord God, whereby shall I knowe that I shall inherite it?
Abram te di: “O Senyè BONDYE, kijan mwen kapab konnen ke m ap genyen l vrè?”
9 Then he said vnto him, Take me an heifer of three yeeres olde, and a shee goate of three yeeres olde, and a ramme of three yeeres olde, a turtle doue also and a pigeon.
Alò li te di li: “Pote ban mwen yon gazèl twazan, yon femèl kabrit twzan, yon mal mouton nan twzan, yon toutrèl, avèk yon jenn pijon.”
10 So he tooke all these vnto him, and deuided them into the middes, and laid euery piece one against an other: but the birdes deuided he not.
Li te pote bay li tout sa yo, e li te koupe yo an de moso. Li te poze mwatye yo chak fasafas ak lòt, men li pa t koupe zwazo yo.
11 Then foules fell on the carkases, and Abram droue them away.
Zwazo ki manje vyann yo te desann sou kò bèt yo, e Abram te chase yo ale.
12 And when the sunne went downe, there fell an heauie sleepe vpon Abram: and loe, a very fearefull darkenes fell vpon him.
Alò, lè solèy la t ap desann, yon gran rèv te tonbe sou Abram. Epi gade byen, yon gwo tenèb ak gran perèz te vin tonbe sou li.
13 Then he saide to Abram, Knowe for a suretie, that thy seede shalbe a stranger in a land, that is not theirs, foure hundreth yeeres, and shall serue them: and they shall intreate them euill.
Bondye te di Abram: “Konnen byen si ke desandan ou yo va etranje nan yon peyi ki pa pou yo, kote yo va vin esklav, e va oprime pandan kat-san ane.
14 Notwithstanding the nation, whom they shall serue, will I iudge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.
Men mwen va osi jije nasyon ke yo va sèvi a, e apre yo va sòti deyò avèk anpil byen.
15 But thou shalt goe vnto thy fathers in peace, and shalt be buried in a good age.
Men pou ou menm, ou va ale vè zansèt ou yo anpè. Ou va antere nan yon laj byen avanse.
16 And in the fourth generation they shall come hither againe: for the wickednes of the Amorites is not yet full.
Alò, nan katriyèm jenerasyon yo va retounen isit la, paske inikite Amoreyen yo poko fini.”
17 Also when the sunne went downe, there was a darkenes: and behold, a smoking fornace, and a firebrand, which went betweene those pieces.
Li vin rive ke lè solèy la te fin desann, ke li te fènwa anpil, e gade byen, te parèt yon tòch k ap fè lafimen avèk yon flanbo te pase antre mòso sa yo.
18 In that same day the Lord made a couenant with Abram, saying, Vnto thy seede haue I giuen this lande, from the riuer of Egypt vnto the great riuer, the riuer Euphrates.
Nan jou sa a, SENYÈ a te fè yon akò avèk Abram. Li te di: “A desandan ou yo, Mwen va bay peyi sa a, depi nan larivyè Égypte la, jis rive nan gran rivyè a, larivyè Euphrate,
19 The Kenites, and the Kenizites, and the Kadmonites,
peyi a Kenyen yo, Kenizyen yo, Kadmonyen yo,
20 And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Rephaims,
Itit yo, Ferezyen yo, Rephaïm yo,
21 The Amorites also, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Iebusites.
Amoreyen yo, Kanaaneyen yo, Gigachyen yo, avèk Jebisyen yo.”

< Genesis 15 >