< Genesis 14 >

1 And in the dayes of Amraphel King of Shinar, Arioch King of Ellasar, Chedor-laomer King of Elam, and Tidal king of the nations:
E kindeno Amrafel ruodh Shinar, Ariok ruodh Elasar, Kedorlaomer ruodh Elam kod Tidal ruodh Goyim
2 These men made warre with Bera King of Sodom, and with Birsha King of Gomorah, Shinab King of Admah, and Shemeber King of Zeboiim, and the King of Bela, which is Zoar.
nodhi kedo gi Bera ruodh Sodom, Birsha ruodh Gomora, Shinab ruodh Adma, Shemeber ruodh Zeboim kod ruodh Bela (ma tiende ni Zoar).
3 All these ioyned together in the vale of Siddim, which is the salt Sea.
Ruodhi abichgi duto noriwo jolwenjgi ne kedo e Holo mar Sidim (miluongo ni Nam chumbi).
4 Twelue yeere were they subiect to Chedor-laomer, but in the thirteenth yeere they rebelled.
Kuom higni apar gariyo negisebedo e bwo loch Kedorlaomer, to e higa mar apar gadek ne gingʼanyo.
5 And in the fourteenth yeere came Chedor-laomer, and the Kings that were with him, and smote the Rephaims in Ashteroth Karnaim, and the Zuzims in Ham, and the Emims in Shaueh Kiriathaim,
E higa mar apar gangʼwen, Kedorlaomer kod ruodhi mane oriwore kode nodhi omonjo kendo oloyo jo-Refai man Ashteroth Karnaim, jo-Zuzim e Ham gi jo-Emi man Shave Kiriathaim,
6 And the Horites in their mount Seir, vnto the plaine of Paran, which is by the wildernesse.
kendo jo-Hori manie gode mag Seir, mane ochwe nyaka El-Paran machiegni gi piny motimo ongoro.
7 And they returned and came to En-mishpat, which is Kadesh, and smote all the countrey of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites that dwelled in Hazezon-tamar.
Eka negidwogo chien kendo gidhi nyaka En Mishpat (ma tiende ni Kadesh), kendo negikawo piny jo-Amalek duto gi piny jo-Amor manodak Hazazon Tamar.
8 Then went out the King of Sodom, and the King of Gomorah, and the King of Admah, and the King of Zeboiim, and the King of Bela, which is Zoar: and they ioyned battell with them in the vale of Siddim:
Eka ruodh Sodom, ruodh Gomora, ruodh Adma, ruodh Zeboim kod ruodh Bela (ma tiende ni Zoar) nowuok kendo oikore kedo moriedo jolwenjgi e Holo mar Sidim,
9 To wit, with Chedor-laomer king of Elam, and Tidal king of nations, and Amraphel king of Shinar, and Arioch king of Ellasar: foure Kings against fiue.
mondo oked gi Kedorlaomer ruodh Elam, Tidal ruodh Goyim, Amrafel ruodh Shinar kod Ariok ruodh Elasar mi ruodhi angʼwen-go nokedo gi ruodhi abich.
10 Now the vale of Siddim was full of slime pits, and the Kings of Sodom and Gomorah fled and fell there: and ye residue fled to the mountaine.
Holo mar Sidim nopongʼ gi buche mag chwodho, kendo kane ruodhi mag Sodom kod Gomora ringo, moko nopodho e buchego to moko noringo otony e gode.
11 Then they tooke all the substance of Sodom and Gomorah, and al their vitailes and went their way.
Ruodhi angʼwen-go noyako gik moko duto mag Sodom kod Gomora kod chiembgi duto mi gidhi.
12 They tooke Lot also Abrams brothers sonne and his substance (for he dwelt at Sodom) and departed.
Bende negikawo Lut, wuod owadgi Abram kod mwandune duto nikech noyudo odak Sodom.
13 Then came one that had escaped, and told Abram the Ebrew, which dwelt in the plaine of Mamre ye Amorite, brother of Eshcol, and brother of Aner, which were confederat with Abram.
Ngʼat achiel mane oyudo otony nobiro kendo onyiso Abram ja-Hibrania wachni. E ndalogo Abram nodak e tiend yiende madongo mag Mamre ja-Amor mane omin Eshkol kod Aner, osiepe Abram.
14 When Abram heard that his brother was taken, he brought forth of them that were borne and brought vp in his house, three hundreth and eighteene, and pursued them vnto Dan.
Kane Abram owinjo ni watne oseter e twech, noluongo jotichge machwo motiegore mia adek gapar gaboro kendo olawogi nyaka Dan.
15 Then he, and his seruants deuided them selues against them by night, and smote them and pursued them vnto Hobah, which is on the left side of Damascus,
Gotieno Abram nopogo jotichnego e migepe mondo omonj ruodhigo kendo negiriembogi mi gilawogi nyaka Hoba, ma yo nyandwat mar Damaski.
16 And he recouered all the substance, and also brought againe his brother Lot, and his goods, and the women also and the people.
Abram nodhi moomo gik moko duto mane joka odhigo kendo noreso Lut wuod owadgi kod mwandune duto kaachiel gi mon kod ji mamoko.
17 After that he returned from the slaughter of Chedor-laomer, and of the Kings that were with him, came the King of Sodom foorth to meete him in the valley of Shaueh, which is the Kings dale.
Bangʼ ka Abram noduogo koseloyo Kedorlaomer kod ruodhi mane oriwore kode, ruodh Sodom nobiro mondo orom kode ei Holo mar Shave (ma tiende ni Holo mar Ruoth).
18 And Melchi-zedek King of Shalem brought foorth bread and wine: and he was a Priest of the most high God.
Eka Melkizedek ruodh Salem nokelo makati gi divai. Ne en jadolo mar Nyasaye Man Malo Moloyo,
19 Therefore he blessed him, saying, Blessed art thou, Abram, of God most high possessour of heauen and earth,
kendo nogwedho Abram kowacho niya, “Nyasaye Man Malo Moloyo, Jachwech polo kod piny ogwedhi, in Abram.
20 And blessed be the most high God, which hath deliuered thine enemies into thine hand. And Abram gaue him tythe of all.
Kendo ogwedh Nying Nyasaye Man Malo Moloyo mane oketo wasiki e lweti.” Eka Abram nomiye achiel kuom apar mar gik moko duto.
21 Then the King of Sodom saide to Abram, Giue me the persons, and take the goodes to thy selfe.
Ruodh Sodom nowacho ne Abram niya, “Miya ji to idongʼ gi gik moko duto.”
22 And Abram said to the King of Sodom, I haue lift vp mine hand vnto the Lord the most hie God possessor of heauen and earth,
To Abram nowacho ne ruodh Sodom, “Asetingʼo lweta ne Jehova Nyasaye, ma en Nyasaye Man Malo Moloyo, Jachwech polo gi piny kendo asekwongʼora
23 That I will not take of all that is thine, so much as a threde or shoolatchet, lest thou shouldest say, I haue made Abram riche,
ni ok nakaw giri moro, kata mana tol kata pat kira, mondo kik chiengʼ moro iwachi ni, ‘An ema ne amiyo Abram obedo jamoko.’
24 Saue onely that, which the yong men haue eaten, and the partes of the men which went with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre: let them take their partes.
Ok abi kawo gimoro to mana ma joga osechamo kod pok ma joga kaka Aner, Eshkol kod Mamre onego oyudi. Onego giyud pokgi.”

< Genesis 14 >