< Galatians 6 >
1 Brethren, if a man be suddenly taken in any offence, ye which are spirituall, restore such one with the spirit of meekenes, considering thy selfe, least thou also be tempted.
Ni hinu, ika ameki unumazime wuze imumu imadeni, shi sa izin ibibe bi huma i huguko unume iwume una anyemo abibe bireha ishivi, wuze siki-siki inice nowe me, kati hume ukarezo anyemo ubata me.
2 Beare ye one anothers burden, and so fulfill the Lawe of Christ.
Zekani ubasa utize tace ashi, ika iwuze inime idi ingce tize tini kubu Ugomo Asere.
3 For if any man seeme to himselfe, that he is somewhat, when he is nothing, hee deceiueth himselfe in his imagination.
Barki anime, ika uye ma wuze ure ueera inu besa tire tize anice nume meme ize ire imum ini maze ba mazenu cara uni cenume uganiya.
4 But let euery man prooue his owne worke: and then shall he haue reioycing in himselfe onely and not in another.
Na kovi magunu kame katuma maduku ire, abinime ane madikem imumu itara ubi gire, isai ma pata nice nume nan uye ba.
5 For euery man shall beare his owne burden.
Barki anime, madiziki ugito uti zongatu meme.
6 Let him that is taught in the worde, make him that hath taught him, partaker of all his goods.
Debisa abizezze me tize yacukunu nume gbars ma re uromo utimumu sa ma wuze tireren vat nan anu bizezze u yetiki me.
7 Be not deceiued: God is not mocked: for whatsoeuer a man soweth, that shall hee also reape.
Kati ihim aregishi ba iwuze Ugumo Asere nebasa ba, vat imum sa unu mawuze yani bira ini nan ni imum sa madi are ini.
8 For hee that soweth to his flesh, shall of the flesh reape corruption: but hee that soweth to the spirit, shall of the spirit reape life euerlasting. (aiōnios )
Barki unikibisa ma biranice numeme imum ibaru anyemo aticukum tumeme timadini, madi ore tini una iwenu, disa ma bira a bibe berere madi ore urei uviki wanu da doki ginu a hira abibe. (aiōnios )
9 Let vs not therefore be weary of well doing: for in due season we shall reape, if we faint not.
Kati ti uzeba ikatuma ka hu ma, barki u ganiya sa wa wuna ure, sa ti ore uganiya sa daki ta uzoba.
10 While we haue therefore time, let vs doe good vnto all men, but specially vnto them, which are of the housholde of faith.
Barki ani ane u ganiya sa tikem wasa, ati wuze katuma ka huma ahira anabu u wuze katuma ahira anigibisa wa katuma ka huma, gbardang.
11 Ye see how large a letter I haue written vnto you with mine owne hand.
I ranine ugbardang uyetiki sa mayah shi itare tum.
12 As many as desire to make a faire shewe in the flesh, they constraine you to be circumcised, onely because they would not suffer persecution for the crosse of Christ.
Anigibisa waze wabizi muruba mu reren a nyemo anipum wa wuze gbars ani gbare, wa wuze inime barki ayah we uzitu barki ugakirika Ugomo Asere.
13 For they themselues which are circumcised keepe not the law, but desire to haue you circumcised, that they might reioyce in your flesh.
Barki anime anigibisa wuzein gbare idaki watarsi tize tini kubu me ba anime ani wa wu awuze we nigbar barki sa wa tire igire wana pum awe.
14 But God forbid that I should reioyce, but in ye crosse of our Lord Iesus Christ, whereby the world is crucified vnto me, and I vnto ye world.
Caki kati icukunu inuguna izen nu tira ubigire sai barki ugangiri ka Ugomo Asere uro Yeso bibe beririn Asere, ahira ame ani a ganikirka unee ahira ameme ahire unee.
15 For in Christ Iesus neither circumcision auaileth any thing, nor vncircumcision, but a newe creature.
Barki ni gbare nani idara uni gbare idaki ire mum ini ba, barki anime wanu aye urizo uni uni urere reme.
16 And as many as walke according to this rule, peace shalbe vpon them, and mercie, and vpon the Israel of God.
Nan nanigibesa wadicukunu anyemo iko utize, barki tucukunu ne goma we ani Israila ahira Asere.
17 From henceforth let no man put me to busines: for I beare in my body the markes of the Lord Iesus.
Uzeka aname har uhana aje kati uye ma rmadamum, barki inta muhinu ma sere ani pum num.
18 Brethren, the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with your spirit, Amen. ‘Vnto the Galatians written from Rome.’
Imum irere Ugomo Asere Yeso Asere acukunu nigona haru anyemo abibe bero ani hinu acukunu Anime.