< Ezra 8 >

1 These are now the chiefe fathers of them, and the genealogie of them that came vp with mee from Babel, in the reigne of King Artahshashte.
Bano be bakulu b’ennyumba, n’abo abeewandiisa n’abo abaayambuka nange okuva e Babulooni mu mulembe gwa kabaka Alutagizerugizi:
2 Of the sonnes of Phinehas, Gershom: of the sonnes of Ithamar, Daniel: of the sonnes of Dauid, Hattush:
okuva mu bazzukulu ba Finekaasi, Gerusomu; n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Isamaali, Danyeri; n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Dawudi, Kattusi
3 Of the sonnes of Shechaniah, of the sonnes of Pharosh, Zechariah, and with him the count of the males, an hundreth and fiftie.
muzzukulu wa Sekaniya, n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Palosi, Zekkaliya, era wamu naye abasajja abeewandiisa kikumi mu ataano;
4 Of the sonnes of Pahath Moab, Elihoenai, the sonne of Zerahiah, and with him two hundreth males.
n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Pakasumowaabu, Eriwenayi mutabani wa Zekkaliya, era wamu naye abasajja ebikumi bibiri;
5 Of the sonnes of Shechaniah, the sonne of Iahaziel, and with him three hundreth males.
n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Sekaniya, mutabani wa Yakazyeri, era wamu naye abasajja ebikumi bisatu;
6 And of the sonnes of Adin, Ebed the sonne of Ionathan, and with him fiftie males.
n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Adini, Ebedi mutabani wa Yonasaani, era wamu naye abasajja amakumi ataano;
7 And of the sonnes of Elam, Ieshaiah the sonne of Athaliah, and with him seuentie males.
n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Eramu, Yesaya mutabani wa Asaliya, era wamu naye abasajja nsanvu;
8 And of the sonnes of Shephatiah, Zebadiah the sonne of Michael, and with him fourescore males.
n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Sefatiya, Zebadiya mutabani wa Mikayiri, era wamu naye abasajja kinaana;
9 Of the sonnes of Ioab, Obadiah the sonne of Iehiel, and with him two hundreth and eighteene males.
n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Yowaabu, Obadiya mutabani wa Yekyeri, era wamu naye abasajja ebikumi bibiri mu kkumi na munaana;
10 And of the sonnes of Shelomith the sonne of Iosiphiah, and with him an hundreth and threescore males.
n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Seromisi, mutabani wa Yosifiya, era wamu naye abasajja kikumi mu nkaaga;
11 And of the sonnes of Bebai, Zechariah the sonne of Bebai, and with him eight and twentie males.
n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Bebayi, Zekkaliya mutabani wa Bebayi, era wamu naye abasajja amakumi abiri mu munaana;
12 And of the sonnes of Azgad, Iohanan the sonne of Hakkatan, and with him an hundreth and ten males.
n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Azugadi, Yokanaani mutabani wa Kakkatani, era wamu naye abasajja kikumi mu kkumi;
13 And of the sonnes of Adonikam, that were the last, whose names are these: Eliphelet, Iehiel and Shemaiah, and with them three score males.
n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Adonikamu, abajja oluvannyuma, Erifereti, ne Yeyeri, ne Semaaya, era wamu nabo abasajja nkaaga;
14 And of the sonnes of Biguai, Vthai, and Zabbud, and with them seuentie males.
n’okuva mu bazzukulu ba Biguvaayi, Usayi ne Zabudi, era wamu nabo abasajja nsanvu.
15 And I gathered them to the Riuer that goeth toward Ahaua, and there abode we three dayes: then I viewed the people, and the Priests, and found there none of the sonnes of Leui.
Ne mbakuŋŋaanyiza ku mugga ogukulukutira e Yakava, ne tusiisira eyo okumala ennaku ssatu. Awo bwe nnali nga nneekebejja abantu ne bakabona, ne sirabamu Baleevi.
16 Therefore sent I to Eliezer, to Ariel, to Shemeiah, and to Elnathan, and to Iarib, and to Elnathan, and to Nathan, and to Zechariah, and to Meshullam the chiefe, and to Ioiarib and to Elnathan, men of vnderstanding,
Kyennava ntumya Eryeza ne Alyeri ne Semaaya ne Erunasani ne Yalibu ne Erunasani ne Nasani ne Zekkaliya ne Mesullamu, abaali abakulembeze ne Yoyalibu ne Erunasani, abaali abategeevu,
17 And I gaue them commandement, to Iddo the chiefest at the place of Casiphia, and I told them the words that they should speake to Iddo, and to his brethren the Nethinims at the place of Casiphia, that they should cause the ministers of the house of our God to come vnto vs.
ne mbatuma eri Iddo omukulu w’ekifo eky’e Kasifiya, ne mbategeeza bye baba bagamba Iddo ne baganda be, abaaweerezanga mu yeekaalu mu kifo ekyo eky’e Kasifiya, batuuweereze abaweereza abaliyamba mu nnyumba ya Katonda waffe.
18 So by the good hande of our God which was vpon vs, they brought vs a man of vnderstanding of the sonnes of Mahali the sonne of Leui the sonne of Israel, and Sherebiah with his sonnes and his brethren, euen eighteene.
Olw’omukono gwa Katonda ogwali awamu naffe, ne batuleetera omusajja omutegeevu, omu ku bazzukulu ba Makuli, mutabani wa Leevi, mutabani wa Isirayiri, erinnya lye Serebiya, wamu ne baganda be ne batabani baabwe, abasajja kkumi na munaana;
19 Also Hashabiah, and with him Ieshaiah of the sonnes of Merari, with his brethren, and their sonnes twentie.
ne Kasabiya, wamu naye Yesaya omu ku bazzukulu ba Merali, ne baganda be ne batabani baabwe, abasajja amakumi abiri.
20 And of the Nethinims, whom Dauid had set, and the Princes for the seruice of the Leuites, two hundreth and twentie of the Nethinims, which all were named by name.
Ate era ne baleeta n’abaweereza ba yeekaalu Dawudi n’abakungu be baalonda okubeeranga Abaleevi ebikumi bibiri mu abiri. Bonna baali beewandiisizza.
21 And there at the Riuer, by Ahaua, I proclaimed a fast, that we might humble our selues before our God, and seeke of him a right way for vs, and for our children, and for all our substance.
Awo ku mugga Akava, ne nangirira okusiiba, twetoowaze mu maaso ga Katonda waffe, nga tumwegayirira okubeera awamu naffe n’abaana baffe n’ebintu byaffe byonna mu lugendo lwaffe.
22 For I was ashamed to require of the King an armie and horsemen, to helpe vs against the enemie in the way, because we had spoken to the King, saying, The hande of our God is vpon all them that seeke him in goodnesse, but his power and his wrath is against all them that forsake him.
Nakwatibwa ensonyi okusaba kabaka abaserikale abakuumi ab’ebigere n’abeebagala embalaasi okutukuuma eri abalabe, kubanga twali tumutegeezeza nti, “Omukono omulungi ogwa Katonda waffe gubeera ku buli muntu amunoonya, naye obusungu bwe bubeera ku abo abamujeemera.”
23 So we fasted, aud besought our God for this: and he was intreated of vs.
Kyetwava tusiiba ne twegayirira Katonda waffe ku nsonga eyo, era n’addamu okusaba kwaffe.
24 Then I separated twelue of the chiefe of the Priests, Sherebiah, and Hashabiah, and ten of their brethren with them,
Awo ne nonda Serebiya ne Kasabiya ne baganda baabwe abalala kkumi, be bantu kkumi na babiri okuva mu bakabona abakulu,
25 And weighed them the siluer and the gold, and the vessels, euen the offring of ye house of our God, which the King and his counselers, and his Princes, and all Israel that were present had offred.
ne mbapimira ffeeza ne zaabu n’ebintu kabaka, n’abaami be, n’abakungu be, ne Isirayiri yenna, bye baawaayo ku lw’ennyumba ya Katonda waffe.
26 And I weighed vnto their hand sixe hundreth and fiftie talents of siluer, and in siluer vessel, an hundreth talents, and in golde, an hundreth talents:
Ne mbagererera ttani amakumi abiri mu ttaano eza ffeeza, n’ebintu ebya ffeeza obuzito bwabyo ttani ssatu n’ebitundu bisatu byakuna, ne zaabu ttani ssatu n’ebitundu bisatu byakuna,
27 And twentie basins of golde, of a thousand drammes, and two vessels of shining brasse very good, and precious as golde.
ne kilo munaana n’ekitundu eza zaabu, n’ebitundu bibiri eby’ekikomo ebirungi ebizigule, eby’omuwendo nga zaabu.
28 And I said vnto them, Ye are consecrate vnto the Lord, and the vessels are consecrate, and the gold and the siluer are freely offred vnto the Lord God of your fathers.
Ne mbategeeza nti, “Muli batukuvu eri Mukama, n’ebintu bino bitukuvu eri Mukama. Effeeza ne zaabu biweebwayo kyeyagalire eri Mukama Katonda wa bajjajjammwe.
29 Watch ye, and keepe them vntill ye weigh them before the chiefe Priestes and the Leuites, and the chiefe fathers of Israel in Ierusalem in the chambers of the house of the Lord.
Mubikuume bulungi era mubituuse bulungi eri bakabona abakulu n’Abaleevi, n’abakulu b’ennyumba za Isirayiri.”
30 So the Priests and the Leuites receiued the weight of the siluer and of the golde, and of the vessels to bring them to Ierusalem, vnto the house of our God.
Awo bakabona n’Abaleevi ne baweebwa effeeza ne zaabu, n’ebintu ebyawongebwa, ebyali bipimiddwa, okubitwala mu nnyumba ya Katonda waffe e Yerusaalemi.
31 Then we departed from the Riuer of Ahauah on the twelft day of the first moneth, to go vnto Ierusalem, and the hand of our God was vpon vs, and deliuered vs from the hand of the enemie, and of such as layde waite by the way.
Ku lunaku olw’ekkumi n’ebbiri olw’omwezi ogw’olubereberye ne tusitula okuva ku mugga Akava okugenda e Yerusaalemi. Omukono gwa Katonda waffe ne gubeera wamu naffe, n’atukuuma eri abalabe n’abanyazi mu kkubo.
32 And we came to Ierusalem, and abode there three dayes.
Ne tutuuka e Yerusaalemi gye twawumulira okumala ennaku ssatu.
33 And on ye fourth day was the siluer weighed, and the golde and the vessell in the house of our God by the hand of Meremoth the sonne of Vriah the Priest, and with him was Eleazar the sonne of Phinehas, and with them was Iozabad the sonne of Ieshua, and Noadiah the sonne of Binnui the Leuites,
Awo ku lunaku olwokuna, nga tuli mu nnyumba ya Katonda waffe, ne tupima ffeeza ne zaabu n’ebintu ebyawongebwa ne tubikwasa Meremoosi kabona, mutabani wa Uliya, ne Eriyazaali mutabani wa Finekaasi eyali awamu naye, ne Yozabadi mutabani wa Yeswa, ne Nowadiya mutabani wa Binnuyi, Abaleevi.
34 By number and by weight of euery one, and all the weight was written at the same time.
Byonna ne bibalibwa ng’omuwendo gwabyo bwe gwali n’obuzito bwabyo bwe bwali era ne biwandiikibwa.
35 Also the children of the captiuitie, which were come out of captiuitie, offred burnt offrings vnto the God of Israel, twelue bullockes for all Israel, ninetie and sixe rammes, seuentie and seuen lambes, and twelue hee goates for sinne: all was a burnt offring of the Lord.
Mu kiseera ekyo abaawaŋŋangusibwa, abakomawo okuva mu busibe, ne bawaayo ebiweebwayo ebyokebwa eri Katonda wa Isirayiri: ente ennume kkumi na bbiri ku lwa Isirayiri yenna, n’endiga ennume kyenda mu mukaaga, n’obuliga obuto nga bulume nsanvu mu musanvu, n’embuzi ennume kkumi na bbiri okuba ekiweebwayo olw’ekibi, ebyo byonna ne biba ebiweebwayo ebyokebwa eri Mukama.
36 And they deliuered the Kings commission vnto the Kings officers, and to the captaines beyond the Riuer: and they promoted the people, and the house of God.
Ate era ne batuusa n’ebiragiro bya kabaka eri bagavana n’abaamasaza abaali emitala w’omugga Fulaati, abafuzi abo ne bayamba abantu ne bawaayo n’obuyambi eri ennyumba ya Katonda.

< Ezra 8 >