< Ezra 4 >

1 Bvt the aduersaries of Iudah and Beniamin heard, that the children of the captiuitie builded the Temple vnto the Lord God of Israel.
Ka wasik Juda gi Benjamin nowinjo ni joma notwe ne gero hekalu ne Jehova Nyasaye, ma Nyasach Israel,
2 And they came to Zerubbabel, and to the chiefe fathers, and sayd vnto them, We wil builde with you: for we seeke the Lord your God as ye do, and we haue sacrificed vnto him since the time of Esar Haddon king of Asshur, which brought vs vp hither.
negibiro ir Zerubabel to gi jotend anywola mi giwacho niya, “We wakonyu gedo nikech Nyasachuno ema wan bende wasebedo ka wachiwone misango nyaka aa kinde Esarhadon ruodh Asuria, mane okelowa kae.”
3 Then Zerubbabel, and Ieshua, and the rest of the chiefe fathers of Israel, sayde vnto them, It is not for you, but for vs to buyld the house vnto our God: for we our selues together wil buylde it vnto the Lord God of Israel, as king Cyrus the king of Persia hath commanded vs.
To Zerubabel, Jeshua kod jotend anywola duto mag Israel nodwokogi niya, “Ok un e achiel kodwa e gero hekalu ne Nyasachwa. Wan kendwa wabiro gedo ne Jehova Nyasaye, ma Nyasach Israel, mana kaka Ruoth Sairas, ma ruodh Pasia, nochikowa.”
4 Wherefore the people of the land discouraged the people of Iudah, and troubled them in buylding,
Eka joma ni machiegni kodgi nowuok mondo onyos chuny jo-Juda kendo gibed maluor mar dhi nyime gi gedo.
5 And they hired counsellers against them, to hinder their deuise, all the dayes of Cyrus King of Persia, euen vntill the reigne of Darius King of Persia.
Negikawo jongʼad rieko michulo mondo okwedgi kendo orund chenro mag-gi e ndalono duto mar loch Sairas ruodh Pasia kendo nyaka ndalo loch mar Darius ruodh Pasia.
6 And in the reigne of Ahashuerosh (in the beginning of his reigne) wrote they an accusation against the inhabitants of Iudah and Ierusalem.
E chakruok mar loch Sakses, ne gidonjone jo-Juda kod jo-Jerusalem.
7 And in the daies of Artahshashte, Mithredath, Tabeel, and the rest of their companions wrote when it was peace, vnto Artahshashte king of Persia, and the writing of the letter was the Aramites writing, and the thing declared was in the language of the Aramites.
To e ndalo mag Artaksases ruodh Pasia, Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabel kod joge mamoko moriwore godo ne ondiko baruwa ne Artaksases. Baruwani nondiki e kit ndiko mar jo-Aram kendo gi dho jo-Aram.
8 Rehum the chancelour, and Shimshai the scribe wrote a letter against Ierusalem to Artahshashte the King, in this sort.
Rehum ma jatend lweny kod Shimshai ma jagoro nondiko baruwa marach kuom Jerusalem ne Artaksases ma ruoth kama:
9 Then wrote Rehum the chauncelour, and Shimshai the scribe, and their companions Dinaie, and Apharsathcaie, Tarpelaie, Apharsaie, Archeuaie, Bablaie, Shushanchaie, Dehaue, Elmaie,
Rehum ma jatend lweny kod Shimshai ma jagoro, kanyakla gi jogo mamoko mane gitiyogo, ma gin jongʼad bura kod jotelo motelone joma oa Tripolis, Pasia, Erek, Babulon kod jo-Elam moa Susa,
10 And the rest of the people whom the great and noble Asnappar brought ouer, and set in the cities of Samaria, and other that are beyonde the Riuer and Cheeneth.
gi joma moko mane Ashurbanipal, ngʼatno maduongʼ kendo moluor noriembo, mi omiyogi kar dak e dala maduongʼ mar Samaria kod kamachielo machiegni gi loka Aora Yufrate.
11 This is the copie of the letter that they sent vnto King Artahshashte, THY SERVANTS the men beyond the Riuer and Cheeneth, salute thee.
Ma e baruwa machalo gi baruwa mane giorone. Ne Ruoth Artaksases. Koa kuom jotichgi modak loka Yufrate.
12 Be it knowen vnto the King that ye Iewes, which came vp from thee to vs, are come vnto Ierusalem (a citie rebellious and wicked) and buylde, and lay the foundations of the walles, and haue ioyned the foundations.
Ruoth nyaka ngʼeni, jo-Yahudi mane obiro irwa koa iri osedhi Jerusalem kendo gisechako gero dala maduongʼ mane ongʼanyo kendo ma timbene mono. Gisechako gero ohinga mane osemukore kendo to bende giloso mise mage.
13 Be it knowen nowe vnto the King, that if this citie be built, and the foundations of the walles layed, they will not giue tolle, tribute, nor custome: so shalt thou hinder the Kings tribute.
Kuom mano, ruoth onego ngʼe ni ka dala maduongʼni oger kendo ohinga mage ochung kendo, to onge osuru mibiro chul, kata chiwo kod chudo moro amora kendo pesa ma joka ruoth yudo ok nogol.
14 Nowe therefore because wee haue bene brought vp in the Kings palace, it was not meete for vs to see the Kings dishonour: for this cause haue we sent and certified the King,
Nimar wan e bwo chik mar kar dak ruoth kendo ok en gima ber mondo wane ka ruoth ichayo, waoro wachni mondo onyis ruoth,
15 That one may searche in the booke of the Chronicles of thy fathers, and thou shalt finde in the booke of the Chronicles, and perceiue that this citie is rebellious and noysome vnto Kings and prouinces, and that they haue moued sedition of olde time, for the which cause this citie was destroyed.
mondo omany kuonde mokanie gik machon mag ruodhi miluwo bangʼ-gi. E ndiko machon mokan ibiro yudo ni dala maduongʼni en dala maduongʼ mangʼanyo, ma thago ruodhi kod gwenge, ma en kar ngʼanyo chakre chon. Mano emomiyo dala maduongʼni nokethi.
16 Wee certifie the King therefore, that if this citie be buylded, and the foundation of the walles layd, by this meanes the portion beyonde the Riuer shall not be thine.
Wanyiso ruoth ni ka dala maduongʼni oger kendo ohingage ochungi, to onge gima ibiro dongʼ godo e loka mar Aora Yufrate.
17 The King sent an answere vnto Rehum the Chauncelour, and Shimshai the Scribe, and so the rest of their companions that dwelt in Samaria, and vnto the other beyond the Riuer, Shelam and Cheeth.
Ruoth nooro dwoko kama: Ne Rehum jatend lweny, Shimshai jagoro kod jogi mamoko ma utiyogo kanyakla modak Samaria gi kuonde mopogore e loka mar Aora Yufrate. Amosou.
18 The letter which yee sent vnto vs, hath bene openly read before me,
Baruwa mane ioronwa osesomnwa kendo oloki e nyima.
19 And I haue commanded and they haue searched, and founde, that this citie of olde time hath made insurrection against kings, and hath rebelled, and rebellion hath bene committed therein.
Ne achiwo chik kendo nonro notim, kendo noyud ni dala maduongʼni nigi sigana mabor mar ngʼanyone ruodhi kendo en kar wich teko kod wacho weche mag wich teko.
20 There haue bene mightie kings also ouer Ierusalem, which haue ruled ouer all beyonde the Riuer, and tolle, tribute, and custome was giuen vnto them.
Jerusalem osebedo gi ruodhi maroteke ka girito piny Yufrate duto, kendo osuru, chiwo ma ruoth ketone joma otelone, kod chudo moro amora mag gik miloko nochulgi.
21 Make ye now a decree, that those men may cease, and that the citie be not buylt, till I haue giuen another commandement.
Koro chiw chik ne jogi mondo giwe tich, mondo omi dala maduongʼni kik ger kendo nyaka an ema achiw chik.
22 Take heede nowe that ye fayle not to doe this: why should domage grow to hurt the King?
Bed motangʼ mondo kik ijwangʼ wachni. Angʼo momiyo wach manyalo kelo hinyruok nyaa, mi lochwa kethre?
23 When the copie of king Artahshashtes letter was read before Rehum and Shimshai the scribe, and their companions, they went vp in all the haste to Ierusalem vnto the Iewes, and caused them to cease by force and power.
Mapiyo nono bangʼ ka baruwa machal gi mane oor ne Ruoth Artaksases nosesom ne Rehum kod Shimshai ma jagoro gi joma gitiyogo kanyakla, negidhi mana gisano Jerusalem ir jo-Yahudi kendo ne gichunogi mondo giwe tich.
24 Then ceased the worke of the house of God, which was in Ierusalem, and did stay vnto the second yeere of Darius King of Persia.
Omiyo tich mane ni e od Nyasaye man Jerusalem nochungʼ nyaka e higa mar ariyo mar loch Darius ruodh Pasia.

< Ezra 4 >