< Ezekiel 4 >

1 Thou also sonne of man, take thee a bricke, and lay it before thee, and pourtray vpon it the citie, euen Ierusalem,
“Koro, wuod dhano, kaw matafare kendo ikete e nyimi mi igor dala maduongʼ mar Jerusalem kuome.
2 And lay siege against it, and builde a fort against it, and cast a mount against it: set the campe also against it, and lay engins of warre against it rounde about.
Bangʼe kuny buche molwore duto, mi idhurne lowo kendo iketne kambe mag jolweny moikore monje, kod lodi mitwomogo ohinga.
3 Moreouer, take an yron pan, and set it for a wall of yron betweene thee and the citie, and direct thy face towarde it, and it shall be besieged, and thou shalt lay siege against it: this shall be a signe vnto the house of Israel.
Bangʼ mano, kaw tawo mar nyinyo mondo ichungi kaka ohinga mar nyinyo e kindi gi dala, eka ilokri ichom wangʼi kuome. Ibiro gone agengʼa, to adwaro ni ipim kaka ibiro goyone agengʼa, kaka ranyisi ni dhood Israel.
4 Sleepe thou also vpon thy left side, and lay the iniquitie of the house of Israel vpon it: according to the nomber of the dayes, that thou shalt sleepe vpon it, thou shalt beare their iniquity.
“Bangʼe inind gi bathi koracham kendo ket richo mar dhood Israel kuomi. Nyaka itingʼ richogi kuom ndalo mininde gi bathigo duto.
5 For I haue layed vpon thee the yeeres of their iniquitie, according to the nomber of the dayes, euen three hundreth and ninetie dayes: so shalt thou beare the iniquitie of the house of Israel.
Aseketoni kar romb odiechiengʼ marom gi higni magisetimoe richo. Omiyo ibiro tingʼo richo mag dhood Israel kuom ndalo 390.
6 And when thou hast accomplished them, sleepe againe vpon thy right side, and thou shalt beare the iniquitie of the house of Iudah fourtie dayes: I haue appointed thee a day for a yeere, euen a day for a yeere.
“Kisetieko mano to chak inind piny kendo; to koro tim kamano gi bathi korachwich, mondo itingʼ richo mag dhood Juda. Aseketoni ndalo 40, ka odiechiengʼ kodiechiengʼ ochungʼ kar higa achiel.
7 Therefore thou shalt direct thy face towarde the siege of Ierusalem, and thine arme shalbe vncouered, and thou shalt prophesie against it.
Lok wangʼi ochom agengʼa mar Jerusalem kendo irie badi kikoro wach kuome.
8 And beholde, I will lay bands vpon thee, and thou shalt not turne thee from one side to another, till thou hast ended the dayes of thy siege.
Abiro tweyi gi tonde ma ok inyal lokori koni gi koni, nyaka chop itieki ndalogi mag goyo agengʼa.
9 Thou shalt take also vnto thee wheate, and barley, and beanes, and lentiles, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessell, and make thee bread thereof according to the nomber of the dayes, that thou shalt sleepe vpon thy side: euen three hundreth and ninetie dayes shalt thou eate thereof.
“To in kaw ngano gi shairi gi oganda kod ngʼor gi bel kod mariwa. Ketgi e dag keno kendo ti kodgi kuom losoni makati. Cham makatino kuom ndalo mia adek gi piero ochiko mibiro bedo kinindo gi bathi konchiel.
10 And the meate, whereof thou shalt eate, shalbe by weight, euen twenty shekels a day: and from time to time shalt thou eate thereof.
Pim chiemo moromo achiel kuom abich mar kilo mibiro chamo odiechiengʼ kodiechiengʼ, kendo chiem mana kiluwo chenro mar chiemo miloso.
11 Thou shalt drinke also water by measure, euen the sixt part of an Hin: from time to time shalt thou drinke.
Pi bende ibiro modho mana mopim, nus lita odiechiengʼ kodiechiengʼ, kiluwo chenro miloso mar modho.
12 And thou shalt eate it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it in the dongue that commeth out of man, in their sight.
Cham chiemono mana kaka dicham kek mar shairi, kendo tede e nyim ji ka gineni, kitiyo gi oko dhano kaka owuoyo.”
13 And the Lord said, So shall the children of Israel eate their defiled bread among the Gentiles, whither I will cast them.
Jehova Nyasaye nowacho niya, “Kamano e kaka dhood Israel biro chamo chiemo mogak e dier ogendini kuma abiro terogie twech.”
14 Then said I, Ah, Lord God, beholde, my soule hath not bene polluted: for from my youth vp, euen vnto this houre, I haue not eaten of a thing dead, or torne in pieces, neither came there any vncleane flesh in my mouth.
Eka nawacho niya, “Yaye, Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto! Nyaka nene pok adwanyora kamano. Nyaka aa e tin-na pok achamo gima oyud kotho, kata ma le mag bungu okidho. Ringʼo mogak moro amora pok odonjo e dhoga nyaka nene.”
15 Then he said vnto me, Loe, I haue giuen thee bullockes dongue for mans dongue, and thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith.
To nowachona niya, “Onge wach, kara abiro yieni mondo ited makatini e maj owuoch dhiangʼ kar tedo gi oko mar dhano kaka owuoyo.”
16 Moreouer, he said vnto me, Sonne of man, beholde, I will breake the staffe of bread in Ierusalem, and they shall eate bread by weight, and with care, and they shall drinke water by measure, and with astonishment.
Eka nowachona niya, “Wuod dhano, abiro gengʼo chiemo kik donji Jerusalem. Ji biro chamo chiemo mopim ka gin gi parruok mathoth kendo gibiro modho pi mopim ka midhiero omakogi,
17 Because that bread and water shall faile, they shalbe astonied one with another, and shall consume away for their iniquitie.
nikech chiemo gi pi nodog manok. Ngʼato ka ngʼato nowuor kaka nyawadgi chal, kendo dendgi nochire nikech richogi.

< Ezekiel 4 >