< Ezekiel 29 >

1 In the tenth yeere, and in the tenth moneth in the twelfth day of the moneth, the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
Odiechiengʼ mar apar gariyo, dwe mar apar, higa mar apar, wach Jehova Nyasaye nobirona kama:
2 Sonne of man, set thy face against Pharaoh the King of Egypt, and prophecie against him, and against all Egypt.
“Wuod dhano, chom wangʼi kuom Farao ruodh Misri kendo ikor wach kuome kaachiel gi piny Misri duto.
3 Speake, and say, Thus sayth the Lord God, Beholde, I come against thee, Pharaoh King of Egypt, the great dragon, that lieth in the middes of his riuers, which hath saide, The riuer is mine, and I haue made it for my selfe.
Wuo kode kendo iwachne ni: ‘Ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho: “‘Adagi, in Farao ruodh Misri, ichalo gi thuond rachier modak e aore magi. In to iwacho niya, “Aora Nael en mara, mane aloso gi lweta awuon.”
4 But I will put hookes in thy chawes, and I will cause the fish of thy riuers to sticke vnto thy scales, and I will drawe thee out of the middes of thy riuers, and all the fishe of thy riuers shall sticke vnto thy scales.
To abiro keto olowu e dhogi kendo abiro miyo rech duto manie aoreni mokie kalagaklani. Abiro goli oko e aoreni, ka rech duto omoko e kalagaklani.
5 And I will leaue thee in the wildernes, both thee and al the fish of thy riuers: thou shalt fal vpon ye open field: thou shalt not be brought together, nor gathered: for I haue giue thee for meat to the beasts of the field, and to the foules of heauen.
Abiro boli e piny motimo ongoro, in kaachiel gi rech duto manie aoreni. Ibiro podho e dier pap alanga kendo ok nochoki kata kwanyi. Abiro chiwi kaka chiemo ne le mager mag piny kendo ne winy mafuyo e kor polo.
6 And al the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the Lord, because they haue ben a staffe of reede to the house of Israel.
Eka ji duto modak Misri nongʼe ni An e Jehova Nyasaye. “‘Isebedo mayom yom ka odundu ni dhood Israel.
7 When they tooke holde of thee with their hand, thou diddest breake, and rent all their shoulder: and when they leaned vpon thee, thou brakest and madest all their loynes to stand vpright.
Kane gimaki gi lwetgi to ne ipilori mi ichwo gokgi; to kane giyiengore kuomi to ne itur ma imiyo odingʼ-gi owil.
8 Therefore thus sayeth the Lord God, Beholde, I will bring a sworde vpon thee, and destroy man and beast out of thee,
“‘Kuom mano, ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho: Abiro kedo kodi gi ligangla kendo abiro nego jogi gi jambgi.
9 And the land of Egypt shalbe desolate, and waste, and they shall know that I am ye Lord: because he hath said, The riuer is mine, and I haue made it,
Piny Misri biro dongʼ gunda mokethore maonge tich. Eka giningʼe ni An e Jehova Nyasaye. “‘Nikech ne iwacho niya, “Aora Nael en mara; ma aloso gi lweta awuon,”
10 Behold, therefore I come vpon thee, and vpon thy riuers, and I will make the land of Egypt vtterly waste and desolate from the towre of Seueneh, euen vnto the borders of the blacke Mores.
kuom mano, adagi kaachiel gi aoregi, kendo abiro loko piny Misri kama okethore, motwo kendo maonge tich, chakre Migdol nyaka Aswan, machop nyaka tongʼne gi Kush.
11 No foote of man shall passe by it, nor foote of beast shall passe by it, neither shall it be inhabited fourtie yeeres.
Onge tiend dhano kata le ma noluwe; onge ngʼama nodag kanyo kuom higni piero angʼwen.
12 And I wil make the land of Egypt desolate in the middes of the countries, that are desolate, and her cities shall be desolate among the cities that are desolate, for fourtie yeeres: and I wil scatter the Egyptians among the nations, and wil disperse them through the countreis.
Abiro miyo piny Misri doko piny mokethore e dier pinje mokethore, kendo mier mage madongo biro bedo kanyakla mar mier madongo ma ji odarie kuom ogendini, ka akeyogi e kind pinje.
13 Yet thus saieth the Lord God, At the end of fourtie yeeres will I gather the Egyptians from the people, where they were scattered,
“‘Kata kamano ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho: Bangʼ higni piero angʼwen anachok jo-Misri kagologi e pinje mane akeyogie.
14 And I wil bring againe the captiuitie of Egypt, and will cause them to returne into the land of Pathros, into the lande of their habitation, and they shalbe there a small kingdome.
Abiro dwogogi kagologi e twech, mi aduokgi yo ka Malo mar Misri, e lop kweregi. Kanyo ginibedie mayom yom moloyo ogendini duto.
15 It shall be the smallest of the kingdomes, neither shall it exalt it selfe any more aboue the nations: for I will diminish them, that they shall no more rule the nations.
Enobed pinyruoth mayom yomie moloyo pinjeruodhi duto kendo ok nochak otingʼre oyombi pinje mamoko kendo. Abiro miyo obed manyap mogik ma ok nochak obed gi loch ewi pinje mamoko.
16 And it shall be no more the confidence of the house of Israel, to bring their iniquitie to remembrance by looking after them, so shall they knowe, that I am the Lord God.
Misri ok nochak obedi kama jo-Israel okete genogi kendo, to nobedi gima paronigi richogi sa asaya ma ginilokre ire mondo gikwae kony. Eka giningʼe ni An e Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto.’”
17 In the seuen and twentieth yeere also in the first moneth, and in the first day of the moneth, came the word of the Lord vnto me, saying,
Tarik achiel, dwe mar achiel, e higa mar piero ariyo gabiriyo, wach Jehova Nyasaye nobirana kama:
18 Sonne of man, Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel caused his armie to serue a great seruice against Tyrus: euery head was made balde, and euery shoulder was made bare: yet had he no wages, nor his armie for Tyrus, for the seruice that he serued against it.
“Wuod dhano, Nebukadneza ruodh Babulon nochoko jolwenje mondo oked matek gi piny Turo; wiyegi noluny kendo gokgi nobuth. To kata kamano en kaachiel gi jolweny mage ne ok giyudo mich moro amora kuom tijno mane otele mar kedo gi Turo.
19 Therefore thus sayth the Lord God, Beholde, I will giue the land of Egypt vnto Nebuchad-nezzar the King of Babel, and he shall take her multitude, and spoyle her spoyle, and take her pray, and it shall be the wages for his armie.
Kuom mano, ma e gima Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto wacho: Abiro chiwo Misri e lwet Nebukadneza ruodh Babulon, kendo obiro tingʼo mwandune odhigo. Obiro yako kendo oketho pinyno kaka chudo mar jolweny mage.
20 I haue giuen him the land of Egypt for his labour, that he serued against it, because they wrought for me, sayth the Lord God.
Asemiye Misri kaka mich kuom tichne, nikech en kod jolweny mage ne gitiyona, Jehova Nyasaye Manyalo Gik Moko Duto osewacho.
21 In that day will I cause the horne of the house of Israel to growe, and I will giue thee an open mouth in the middes of them, and they shall knowe that I am the Lord.
“Odiechiengno anami tungʼ moro dongi e dhood Israel, kendo anayaw dhogi e diergi. Eka giningʼe ni An e Jehova Nyasaye.”

< Ezekiel 29 >