< Ezekiel 21 >

1 The word of ye Lord came to me againe, saying,
Awo ekigambo kya Mukama Katonda ne kinzijira, n’aŋŋamba nti,
2 Sonne of man, set thy face toward Ierusalem, and drop thy word toward the holy places, and prophecie against the land of Israel.
“Omwana w’omuntu tunuulira Yerusaalemi oyogere ku bifo ebitukuvu. Wa ekigambo ky’obunnabbi eri ensi ya Isirayiri,
3 And say to the land of Israel, Thus saith the Lord, Beholde, I come against thee, and will drawe my sword out of his sheath, and cut off from thee both the righteous and the wicked.
oyogere nti, ‘Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda nti, nnina oluyombo naawe, era ndisowola ekitala kyange okuva mu kiraato kyakyo ne nzikiriza abatuukirivu n’abatali batuukirivu abali mu ggwe.
4 Seeing then that I will cut off from thee both the righteous and wicked, therefore shall my sworde goe out of his sheath against all flesh from the South to the North,
Kubanga ndiba nzikiriza abatuukirivu n’abatali batuukirivu, kyendiva nnema okuzza ekitala kyange mu kiraato kyakyo, ne ntabaala buli muntu nakyo okuva Obukiikaddyo okutuuka Obukiikakkono.
5 That all flesh may knowe that I the Lord haue drawen my sworde out of his sheath, and it shall not returne any more.
Awo abantu bonna balimanya nga nze Mukama nsowodde ekitala kyange okuva mu kiraato kyakyo, era tekiriddayo mu kiraato kyakyo nate.’
6 Mourne therefore, thou sonne of man, as in the paine of thy reines, and mourne bitterly before them.
“Omwana w’omuntu, kyonoova okaabira mu maaso gaabwe ng’omutima gwo gujjudde ennaku n’obuyinike.
7 And if they say vnto thee, Wherefore mournest thou? then answere, Because of the bruite: for it commeth, and euery heart shall melt, and all handes shall be weake, and all mindes shall faint, and all knees shall fall away as water: beholde, it commeth, and shall be done, saith the Lord God.
Bwe balikubuuza nti, ‘Okaabira ki?’ Oliddamu nti, ‘Olw’amawulire ge nfunye, kubanga ebyo bwe birijja, buli mutima gulisaanuuka, na buli mukono ne gulemala, n’emyoyo ne gizirika, n’amaviivi gonna ne ganafuwa ne gafuuka ng’amazzi.’ Bijja era birituukirira, bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda.”
8 Againe, the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
Ekigambo kya Mukama ne kinzijira, n’aŋŋamba nti,
9 Sonne of man, prophecie, and say, Thus saith the Lord God, say, A sworde, a sworde both sharpe, and fourbished.
“Omwana w’omuntu, wa obunnabbi oyogere nti, ‘Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama nti, “‘Ekitala, ekitala, kiwagaddwa era kiziguddwa,
10 It is sharpened to make a sore slaughter, and it is fourbished that it may glitter: how shall we reioyce? for it contemneth the rod of my sonne, as all other trees.
kiwagaddwa okutta, kiziguddwa, era kimasamasa ng’okumyansa kw’eggulu! Tulisanyukira obuyinza bw’omwana wange Yuda? “‘Ekitala kinyooma buli muggo.
11 And he hath giuen it to be fourbished, that he may handle it: this sword is sharpe, and is fourbished, that he may giue it into ye hand of the slayer.
“‘Ekitala kiweereddwayo okuzigulwa kiryoke kinywezebwe mu mukono; kiwagaddwa era kiziguddwa, kiryoke kiweebwe omussi.
12 Cry, and houle, sonne of man: for this shall come to my people, and it shall come vnto all the princes of Israel: the terrours of the sword shall be vpon my people: smite therefore vpon thy thigh.
Kaaba era wowoggana, omwana w’omuntu, kubanga ekyo nkikola bantu bange, era nkikola abalangira bonna aba Isirayiri. Mbawaddeyo eri ekitala wamu n’abantu bange, noolwekyo weekube mu kifuba.
13 For it is a triall, and what shall this be, if the sworde contemne euen the rodde? It shall be no more, saith the Lord God.
“‘Okugezesebwa kuteekwa okujja. Kiba kitya ng’omuggo gw’obufuzi bwa Yuda ekitala gwe kinyooma, tegulabika nate? bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda.’
14 Thou therefore, sonne of man, prophecie, and smite hand to hand, and let the sworde be doubled: let the sworde that hath killed, returne the third time: it is the sword of the great slaughter entring into their priuie chambers.
“Kyonoova owa obunnabbi, omwana w’omuntu, n’okuba ne mu ngalo. Leka ekitala kisale emirundi ebiri oba emirundi esatu. Kitala kya kutta, okutta okunene, nga kibataayiza enjuuyi zonna,
15 I haue brought the feare of the sword into all their gates to make their heart to faint, and to multiplie their ruines. Ah it is made bright, and it is dressed for the slaughter.
era n’emitima gyabwe girisaanuuka, n’abattiddwa baliba bangi. Ntadde ekitala ekitta ku miryango gyabwe gyonna. Kiwagaddwa era kimyansa ng’okumyansa kw’eggulu era kinywezebbwa olw’okutta.
16 Get thee alone: goe to the right hande, or get thy selfe to the left hande, whithersoeuer thy face turneth.
Ggwe ekitala genda osale ku mukono ogwa ddyo ne ku gwa kkono, ne yonna obwogi bwo gye bunaakyukira.
17 I wil also smite mine hands together, and wil cause my wrath to cease. I the Lord haue said it.
Nange ndikuba mu ngalo, n’ekiruyi kyange kirikkakkana. Nze Mukama njogedde.”
18 The worde of the Lord came vnto mee againe, saying,
Ekigambo kya Mukama ne kinzijira nate, n’aŋŋamba nti,
19 Also thou sonne of man, appoint thee two wayes, that the sworde of the King of Babel may come: both twaine shall come out of one lande, and chuse a place, and chuse it in the corner of the way of the citie.
“Omwana w’omuntu, teekawo amakubo abiri ekitala kya kabaka w’e Babulooni we kinaayita, gombi nga gava mu nsi emu. Oteeke ekipande, awo ekkubo we lyawukanira okudda mu kibuga.
20 Appoint a way, that the sworde may come to Rabbath of the Ammonites, and to Iudah in Ierusalem the strong citie.
Okole ekkubo erimu ekitala mwe kinaayita okulumba Labba eky’abaana ba Amoni, n’eddala okulumba Yuda ne Yerusaalemi ekibuga ekiriko enkomera.
21 And the King of Babel stoode at the parting of the way, at the head of the two wayes, consulting by diuination, and made his arrowes bright: hee consulted with idoles, and looked in the liuer.
Kabaka w’e Babulooni aliyimirira mu kifo mu masaŋŋanzira, amakubo we gaawukanira, okutegeezebwa ebigambo bya Mukama; alisuula obusaale okukuba akalulu, ne yeebuuza ku bakatonda be, era alikebera n’ekibumba.
22 At his right hand was the diuination for Ierusalem to appoint captaines, to open their mouth in the slaughter, and to lift vp their voyce with shouting, to laye engines of warre against the gates, to cast a mount, and to builde a fortresse.
Mu mukono gwe ogwa ddyo mwe mulibeera akalulu ka Yerusaalemi, gy’aliteeka ebitomera wankaaki, era gy’aliyimusiza eddoboozi eririragira okutta kutandike, era gy’aliyimusiza eddoboozi eririrangirira olutalo, era gy’aliteeka ebitomera emiryango, n’okuzimba ebitindiro n’ebigo ebikozesebwa okutaayiza.
23 And it shalbe vnto them as a false diuination in their sight for the othes made vnto them: but hee will call to remembrance their iniquitie, to the intent they should be taken.
Kulirabika ng’obunnabbi obw’obulimba eri abo aba mulayirira, naye alibajjukiza omusango gwabwe n’abatwala nga bawambe.
24 Therefore thus sayeth the Lord God, Because ye haue made your iniquitie to bee remembred, in discouering your rebellion, that in al your workes your sinnes might appeare: because, I say, that ye are come to remembrance, ye shall be taken with the hand.
“Mukama Katonda kyava ayogera nti, ‘Olw’okunzijjukiza omusango gwammwe, olw’obujeemu bwammwe obw’olwatu, ekiggyayo ebibi byammwe mu byonna bye mwakola, era olw’okukola ebyo, kyemuliva mutwalibwa mu buwambe.
25 And thou prince of Israel polluted, and wicked, whose day is come, when iniquitie shall haue an ende,
“‘Ggwe omulangira wa Isirayiri omwonoonefu, omukozi w’ebibi, olunaku gwe lutuukidde, ekiseera eky’okubonerezebwa kwo, bwe kituukidde ku ntikko esemberayo ddala,
26 Thus saith the Lord God, I will take away the diademe, and take off the crowne: this shalbe no more the same: I wil exalt the humble, and will abase him that is hie.
bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda nti, Ggyako ekitambala ku mutwe, oggyeko n’engule, kubanga ebintu tebikyali nga bwe byali. Abakkakkamu baligulumizibwa, n’abeegulumiza balikkakkanyizibwa.
27 I wil ouerturne, ouerturne, ouerturne it, and it shall be no more vntill he come, whose right it is, and I will giue it him.
Matongo, matongo, ndikifuula matongo, era tekirizzibwa buggya okutuusa nnyinikyo lw’alijja, era oyo gwe ndikiwa.’
28 And thou, sonne of man, prophecie, and say, Thus saith the Lord God to the children of Ammon, and to their blasphemie: say thou, I say, The sword, the sword is drawen foorth, and fourbished to the slaughter, to consume, because of the glittering:
“Kaakano ggwe omwana w’omuntu, wa obunnabbi, oyogere nti, ‘Bw’ati bw’ayogera Mukama Katonda ku baana ba Amoni n’obujoozi bwabwe: “‘Ekitala, ekitala, kisowoddwa okutta, Kiziguddwa okusaanyaawo era kimyansa ng’okumyansa kw’eggulu.
29 Whiles they see vanitie vnto thee, and prophecied a lie vnto thee to bring thee vpon the neckes of the wicked that are slaine, whose day is come when their iniquitie shall haue an ende.
Newaakubadde nga baakubuulira ebirooto eby’obulimba, ne bakuwa obunnabbi obw’obulimba, ekitala kiriteekebwa ku bulago bw’abakozi b’ebibi abookuttibwa, olunaku be lutuukidde n’ekiseera eky’okubonerezebwa kwabwe be kituukidde ku ntikko esemberayo ddala.
30 Shall I cause it to returne into his sheath? I will iudge thee in the place where thou wast created, euen in the land of thine habitation.
“‘Ekitala kizze mu kiraato kyakyo. Mu kifo mwe watondebwa, mu nsi ey’obujjajja, eyo gye ndikusalirira omusango.
31 And I wil powre out mine indignation vpon thee, and will blowe against thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliuer thee into the hand of beastly men, and skilfull to destroy.
Ndikufukako ekiruyi kyange, ne nkufuuwako omuliro ogw’obusungu bwange, ne nkuwaayo mu mikono gy’abasajja abakambwe abali ng’ensolo, abaatendekebwa mu byo kuzikiriza.
32 Thou shalt bee in the fire to be deuoured: thy blood shall be in the middes of the lande, and thou shalt be no more remembred: for I the Lord haue spoken it.
Oliba nku za muliro, n’omusaayi gwo guliyiyibwa mu nsi yo, era tolijjukirwa nate, kubanga nze Mukama njogedde.’”

< Ezekiel 21 >