< Ezekiel 17 >

1 And the worde of the Lord came vnto mee, saying,
Yehova anayankhula nane kuti,
2 Sonne of man, put foorth a parable and speake a prouerbe vnto the house of Israel,
“Iwe mwana wa munthu, aphere mwambi anthu a Israeli ndi kuwawuza fanizo.
3 And say, Thus saith the Lord God, The great eagle with great wings, and long wings, and ful of fethers, which had diuers colours, came vnto Lebanon, and tooke the highest branch of the cedar,
Uwawuze kuti Ambuye Yehova akuti, chiwombankhanga chachikulu, cha mapiko amphamvu, nthenga zitalizitali zamathothomathotho chinabwera ku Lebanoni. Chinagwira nthambi ya pamwamba pa mtengo wa mkungudza.
4 And brake off the toppe of his twigge, and caried it into the land of marchants, and set it in a citie of marchants.
Chinabudula msonga yeniyeni ya nthambiyo nʼkupita nayo ku dziko lamalonda ndipo anakayika mu mzinda wa anthu amalonda.
5 Hee tooke also of the seede of the lande, and planted it in a fruitfull ground: hee placed it by great waters, and set it as a willowe tree.
“‘Kenaka chinatenga mbewu ina ya mʼdziko ndi kukayidzala ku malo a chonde kumene kunali madzi ambiri. Anayidzala ngati mmene amadzalira mtengo wa msondozi.
6 And it budded vp, and was like a spreading vine of low stature, whose branches turned toward it, and the rootes thereof were vnder it: so it became a vine, and it brought foorth branches, and shot foorth buds.
Ndipo inaphuka nisanduka mtengo wa mpesa wotambalala chamʼmunsi. Nthambi zake zinaloza mmwamba kumene kunali chiwombankhangacho, koma mizu yake inalowa pansi. Kotero unakhala mtengo wamphesa ndipo unasanduka wa nthambi ndiponso wa masamba ambiri.
7 There was also another great eagle with great wings and many feathers, and beholde, this vine did turne her rootes toward it, and spred foorth her branches toward it, that she might water it by the trenches of her plantation.
“‘Koma panali chiwombankhanga chinanso chachikulu, cha mapiko amphamvu ndi cha nthenga zambiri. Tsopano mtengo wamphesa uja unakhotetsera mizu yake kwa chiwombankhangacho kuchokera pa malo amene unadzalidwa ndipo unatambalitsa nthambi zake kwa chiwombankhangacho kufuna kuthiridwa madzi.
8 It was planted in a good soyle by great waters, that it should bring forth branches, and beare fruite, and be an excellent vine.
Koma mtengowo unadzalidwa kale pa nthaka yabwino mʼmbali mwa madzi kuti ukhale ndi nthambi zambiri, ubereke zipatso ndi kukhala wokongola.’
9 Say thou, Thus saith the Lord God, Shall it prosper? shall he not pull vp the rootes thereof, and destroy the fruite thereof, and cause them to drie? all the leaues of her bud shall wither without great power, or many people, to plucke it vp by the rootes thereof.
“Ukawawuze Aisraeli kuti, ‘Ambuye Wamphamvuzonse akuti: Kodi udzakula bwino? Kodi chiwombankhanga chija sichidzawuzula mizu ndi kubudula nthambi zake kuti ufote? Masamba ake onse anthete adzafota. Sipadzafunika dzanja lamphamvu kapena anthu ambiri kuti awuzule.
10 Beholde, it was planted: but shall it prosper? shall it not be dried vp, and wither? when the East winde shall touch it, it shall wither in the trenches, where it grewe.
Ngakhale utawokedwa pena, kodi udzaphuka? Kodi sudzafoteratu mphepo ya kummawa ikadzawomba, kufotera pa malo pamene anawuwokerapo?’”
11 Moreouer, the worde of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
Kenaka Yehova anandiyankhula nati:
12 Say now to this rebellious house, Know ye not, what these things meane? tell them, Behold, the King of Babel is come to Ierusalem, and hath taken the King thereof, and the princes thereof, and led them with him to Babel,
“Tawafunsa anthu owukirawa kuti, ‘kodi mukudziwa tanthauzo la zinthu zimenezi?’ Uwafotokozere kuti, ‘Mfumu ya Babuloni inapita ku Yerusalemu ndikukatengako mfumu ndi anthu ake otchuka ndi kubwera nawo ku Babuloni.
13 And hath taken one of the Kings seede, and made a couenant with him, and hath taken an othe of him: he hath also taken the princes of the land,
Ndipo anatenga mmodzi wa banja laufumu ndi kuchita naye mgwirizano, ndipo anamulumbiritsa kuti akhale womvera. Inatenganso akulu onse a mʼdzikomo
14 That the kingdome might be in subiection, and not lift it selfe vp, but keepe their couenant, and stand to it.
kuti ufumu wa dzikolo utsitsidwe, usadzaphukenso, koma kuti ukhalepobe posunga pangano limene unachita.
15 But he rebelled against him, and sent his ambassadours into Egypt, that they might giue him horses, and much people: shall hee prosper? shall he escape, that doeth such things? or shall he breake the couenant, and be deliuered?
Koma mfumu inawukira mfumu ya ku Babuloni potumiza nthumwi ku dziko la Igupto kukatenga akavalo ndi gulu lalikulu la nkhondo. Kodi mfumu yotereyi ingapambane? Kodi wochita zinthu zoterezi angapulumuke? Kodi angaphwanye mgwirizano ndi kupulumuka?
16 As I liue, saith the Lord God, he shall die in the middes of Babel, in the place of the King, that had made him King, whose othe he despised, and whose couenant made with him, he brake.
“‘Ndithu pali Ine wamoyo, akutero Ambuye Yehova, mfumuyo idzafera ku Babuloni, mʼdziko la mfumu imene inayika pa mpando waufumu. Inapeputsa lumbiro lake nʼkuphwanya pangano limene inachita ndi mfumu inayo.
17 Neither shall Pharaoh with his mightie hoste, and great multitude of people, mainteine him in the warre, when they haue cast vp mounts, and builded ramparts to destroy many persons.
Farao ndi gulu lake lankhondo lamphamvu sadzatha kumuthandiza pa nkhondo, pamene mfumu ya Babuloni idzapanga mitumbira ya nkhondo ndi nsanja za nkhondo kuti iwononge miyoyo yambiri.
18 For he hath despised the othe, and broken ye couenant (yet lo, he had giuen his hand) because he hath done all these things, he shall not escape.
Mfumu ya ku Yuda inanyoza lumbiro lake pophwanya pangano. Inalonjeza komabe sinatsatire malonjezo ake. Choncho sidzapulumuka.
19 Therefore, thus sayth the Lord God, As I liue, I wil surely bring mine othe that he hath despised, and my couenant that he hath broken vpon his owne head.
“‘Nʼchifukwa chake Ine Ambuye Yehova ndikuti: Ndithu pali Ine wamoyo, Ine ndidzalanga mfumu imeneyi chifukwa inanyoza lumbiro langa, ndi kuphwanya pangano langa.
20 And I wil spread my net vpon him, and he shalbe taken in my net, and I wil bring him to Babel, and will enter into iudgement with him there for his trespas that he hath committed against me.
Ndidzayitchera ukonde ndipo idzakodwa mu msampha wanga. Ndidzapita nayo ku Babuloni ndi kuyilanga kumeneko chifukwa inali yosakhulupirika kwa Ine.
21 And all that flee from him with all his hoste, shall fall by the sword, and they that remaine, shalbe scattered towarde all the windes: and ye shall know that I the Lord haue spoken it.
Asilikali ake onse amene akuthawa adzaphedwa ndi lupanga, ndipo opulumuka adzabalalitsidwa ku mbali zonse. Ndipo iwo adzadziwa kuti Ine Yehova ndayankhula.
22 Thus saith the Lord God, I wil also take off the top of this hie cedar, and wil set it, and cut off the top of the tender plant thereof, and I wil plant it vpon an hie mountaine and great.
“‘Ambuye Yehova akuti: Ine mwini ndidzatenga nthambi pamwamba penipeni pa mkungudza ndi kuyidzala; ndidzathyola nthambi yanthete kuchokera pa nthambi zapamwamba penipeni ndi kuyidzala pamwamba pa phiri lalitali.
23 Euen in the hie mountaine of Israel will I plant it: and it shall bring forth boughes and beare fruite, and be an excellent cedar, and vnder it shall remaine all birds, and euery foule shall dwell in the shadow of the branches thereof.
Ndidzayidzaladi pa phiri lalitali la Israeli. Idzaphuka nthambi ndi kubereka zipatso. Choncho idzasanduka mkungudza wamphamvu. Mbalame za mtundu uliwonse zidzamanga zisa zawo mʼmenemo; zidzapeza malo okhala mu mthunzi wa nthambi zake.
24 And all the trees of the fielde shall knowe that I the Lord haue brought downe the hie tree, and exalted the lowe tree, that I haue dried vp the greene tree, and made the drie tree to florish: I the Lord haue spoken it, and haue done it.
Mitengo yonse yakuthengo idzadziwa kuti Ine ndine Yehova amene ndimafupikitsa mitengo yayitali ndi kutalikitsa mitengo yayifupi. Ndimawumitsa mitengo yabiriwiri ndi kubiriwitsa mitengo yowuma. “‘Ine Yehova ndayankhula zimenezi, ndipo ndidzazichita.’”

< Ezekiel 17 >