< Ezekiel 10 >

1 And as I looked, beholde, in the firmament that was aboue the head of the Cherubims there appeared vpon them like vnto the similitude of a throne, as it were a saphir stone.
Og jeg skuede og se, over hvælvingen over kerubernes hoveder var der noget som Safir; noget ligesom en Trone viste sig over dem.
2 And he spake vnto the man clothed with linen, and said, Go in betweene the wheeles, euen vnder the Cherub, and fill thine hands with coales of fire from betweene the Cherubims, and scatter the ouer the citie. And he went in in my sight.
Så sagde han til Manden i det linnede Klædebon: "Gå ind mellem Hjulene under keruberne og tag Hænderne fulde af glødende Kul fra Rummet mellem Keruberne og strø det ud over Byen!" Og jeg så ham gå derhen.
3 Now the Cherubims stood vpon the right side of the house, when the man went in, and the cloude filled the inner court.
Keruberne stod sønden for Templet, da Manden gik derhen, og Skyen fyldte den indre Forgård.
4 Then the glorie of the Lord went vp from the Cherub, and stoode ouer the doore of the house, and the house was filled with the cloud, and the court was filled with the brightnesse of the Lordes glorie.
Og HERRENs Herlighed hævede sig fra Keruberne og flyttede sig hen til Templets Tærskel; da fyldtes Templet af Skyen, og Forgården fyldtes af HERRENs Herligheds Glalans.
5 And the sound of the Cherubims wings was heard into the vtter court, as the voyce of the Almightie God, when he speaketh.
Og Suset af Kerubernes Vinger hørtes helt ud i den ydre Forgård som Gud den Almægtiges Røst, når han taler.
6 And when he had commanded the man clothed with linnen, saying, Take fire from betweene the wheeles, and from betweene ye Cherubims, then he went in and stood beside ye wheele.
Så bød han Manden i det linnede Klædebon: "Tag Ild fra Rummet mellem Hjulene, inde mellem keruberne!" Og Manden stillede sig hen ved Siden af det ene Hjul
7 And one Cherub stretched forth his hand from betweene the Cherubims vnto the fire, that was betweene the Cherubims, and tooke thereof, and put it into the hands of him that was clothed with linnen: who tooke it and went out.
og rakte Hånden ind i Ilden, som brændte mellem Keruberne, og kom ud med noget deraf.
8 And there appeared in the Cherubims, the likenesse of a mans hande vnder their wings.
Under Kerubernes Vinger sås noget, der lignede en Menneskehånd;
9 And when I looked vp, beholde, foure wheeles were beside the Cherubims, one wheele by one Cherub, and another wheele by another Cherub, and the appearance of the wheeles was as the colour of a Chrysolite stone.
og jeg skuede, og se, der var fire Hjul ved Siden af Keruberne, eet ved hver Kerub, og Hjulene var som funklende Krysolit at se til.
10 And their appearance (for they were all foure of one facion) was as if one wheele had bene in another wheele.
De så alle fire ens ud, og det var, som om der i hvert Hjul var et andet Hjul,
11 When they went foorth, they went vpon their foure sides, and they returned not as they went: but to the place whither the first went, they went after it, and they turned not as they went.
De kunde gå til alle fire Sider de vendte sig ikke, når de gik. Thi de gik i den Retning, den forreste vendte, og de vendte sig ikke, når de gik.
12 And their whole bodie, and their rings, and their hands, and their wings, and the wheeles were full of eyes round about, euen in the same foure wheeles.
Hele deres Legeme, Ryg, Hænder og Vinger og ligeledes Hjulene var fulde af Øjne rundt om; således var det med alle fire Hjul.
13 And the Cherub cryed to these wheeles in mine hearing, saying, O wheele.
Og jeg hørte, at Hjulene kaldtes Galgal.
14 And euery beast had foure faces: the first face was the face of a Cherub, and the second face was the face of a man, and the thirde the face of a lyon, and the fourth the face of an Egle.
Hver af dem havde fire Ansigter; det ene var et Kerubansigt, det andet et Menneskeansigt, det tredje et Løveansigt og det fjerde et Ørneansigt.
15 And the Cherubims were lifted vp: this is the beast that I sawe at the riuer Chebar.
Og Keruberne hævede sig i Vejret. Det var det samme levende Væsen, jeg så ved Floden Kebar.
16 And when ye Cherubims went, the wheeles went by them: and when the Cherubims lift vp their wings to mount vp from the earth, the same wheeles also turned not from beside them.
Når Keruberne gik, gik også Hjulene ved Siden af, og når Keruberne løftede Vingerne for at hæve sig fra Jorden, vendte Hjulene sig ikke fra dem;
17 When the Cherubims stoode, they stood: and when they were lifted vp, they lifted the selues vp also: for the spirit of the beast was in them.
når de standsede, standsede også de; og når de hævede sig, hævede de sig med, thi Væsenets Ånd var i dem.
18 Then the glorie of the Lord departed from aboue the doore of the house, and stoode vpon the Cherubims.
Så forlod HERRENs Herlighed Templets Tærskel og stillede sig over Keruberne.
19 And the Cherubims lift vp their wings, and mounted vp from the earth in my sight: when they went out, the wheeles also were besides them: and euery one stoode at the entrie of the gate of the Lordes House at the East side, and the glorie of the God of Israel was vpon them on hie.
Og jeg så, hvorledes Keruberne løftede Vingerne og hævede sig fra Jorden, da de gik, og Hjulene med dem; og de standsede ved Indgangen til HERRENs Huses Østport, og Israels Guds Herlighed var oven over dem.
20 This is the beast that I sawe vnder the God of Israel by the riuer Chebar, and I knewe that they were the Cherubims.
Det var det samme levende Væsen, jeg så under Israels Gud ved Floden Kebar; og jeg skønnede, at det var Keruber.
21 Euery one had foure faces, and euery one foure wings, and the likenesse of mans hands was vnder their wings.
Hver af dem havde fire Ansigter og fire Vinger og noget ligesom Menneskehænder under Vingerne.
22 And the likenesse of their faces was the selfe same faces, which I sawe by the riuer Chebar, and the appearance of the Cherubims was ye selfe same, and they went euery one straight forwarde.
Og deres Ansigter var ligesom de Ansigter, jeg så ved Floden Kebar. De gik alle lige ud.

< Ezekiel 10 >