< Exodus 5 >

1 Then afterwarde Moses and Aaron went and said to Pharaoh, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Let my people go, that they may celebrate a feast vnto me in the wildernesse.
A muri iho, ka haere a Mohi raua ko Arona, ka korero ki a Parao, Ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, a te Atua o Iharaira, Tukua taku iwi kia haere ki te taka hakari ki ahau i te koraha.
2 And Pharaoh saide, Who is the Lord, that I should heare his voyce, and let Israel go? I knowe not the Lord, neither will I let Israel goe.
Na ka mea a Parao, Ko wai a Ihowa, kia rongo ahau ki tona reo, kia tukua a Iharaira? Kahore ahau e mohio ki a Ihowa, e kore hoki e tukua atu e ahau a Iharaira.
3 And they saide, We worship the God of the Ebrewes: we pray thee, let vs goe three daies iourney in the desert, and sacrifice vnto the Lord our God, least he bring vpon vs the pestilence or sword.
A ka mea raua, Kua tutaki te Atua o nga Hiperu ki a matou: kia haere ra matou, kia toru nga ra ki te ara i te koraha, ka mea patunga tapu ai matou ki a Ihowa, ki to matou Atua; kei torere mai ia ki a matou i te mate uruta ranei, i te hoari ranei.
4 Then saide the King of Egypt vnto them, Moses and Aaron, why cause ye the people to cease from their workes? get you to your burdens.
Na ka mea te kingi o Ihipa ki a raua, He aha korua, e Mohi korua ko Arona, i whakaware ai i te iwi ki a ratou mahi? haere ki a koutou kawenga.
5 Pharaoh saide furthermore, Behold, much people is nowe in the lande, and ye make them leaue their burdens.
I mea ano a Parao, Nana, ka tini nei nga tangata o te whenua, na korua hoki ratou i noho ai i a ratou kawenga.
6 Therefore Pharaoh gaue commandement the same day vnto the taskemasters of the people, and to their officers, saying,
Na ka ako a Parao i taua ra ki nga kaiakiaki o te iwi, ki o ratou rangatira, ka mea,
7 Ye shall giue the people no more strawe, to make bricke (as in time past) but let them goe and gather them strawe them selues:
Kaua e hoatu he takakau ki te iwi a muri ake nei, hei hanga pereki, pera i o mua ra: me haere ratou ki te kohikohi takakau ma ratou.
8 Notwithstanding lay vpon them the nober of bricke, which they made in time past, diminish nothing thereof: for they be idle, therefore they crie, saying, Let vs go to offer sacrifice vnto our God.
Otiia, whakaritea ki a ratou kia rite tonu nga pereki te maha ki era i hanga e ratou i mua; kaua e whakahokia iho te maha; he mangere hoki ratou; koia ratou i karanga ai, i mea ai, Kia haere matou ki te mea patunga tapu ki to matou Atua.
9 Lay more worke vpon the men, and cause them to do it, and let the not regard vaine words.
Whakanuia te mahi ma nga tangata ra, a ko tena hei mahi ma ratou; kaua hoki ratou e whakarongo ki nga kupu horihori.
10 Then went the taskemasters of the people and their officers out, and tolde the people, saying, Thus saith Pharaoh, I will giue you no more strawe.
Na ka haere nga kaiakiaki o te iwi, me o ratou rangatira, ka korero ki te iwi, ka mea, Ko te kupu tenei a Parao, e kore e hoatu e ahau he takakau ki a koutou.
11 Goe your selues, get you strawe where yee can finde it, yet shall nothing of your labour bee diminished.
Haere ki te kohikohi takakau ma koutou i te wahi e kitea ai e koutou: otiia, kaua e whakahokia iho tetahi wahi o ta koutou e mahi ai.
12 Then were the people scattered abroade throughout all the land of Egypt, for to gather stubble in steade of strawe.
Na ka marara noa atu te iwi ki te whenua katoa o Ihipa, ki te kohikohi putake witi hei takakau.
13 And the taskemasters hasted them, saying, Finish your dayes worke euery dayes taske, as ye did when ye had strawe.
A ka whakatatutatu nga kaiakiaki, ka mea, Whakaotia a koutou mahi, to tenei rangi, to tenei rangi, kia rite ki o te wa i whai takakau ai.
14 And the officers of the children of Israel, which Pharaohs taskemasters had set ouer them, were beaten, and demanded, Wherefore haue ye not fulfilled your taske in making bricke yesterday and to daye, as in times past?
Na ka whiua nga rangatira o nga tama a Iharaira i whakaritea mo ratou e nga kaiakiaki a Parao, ka mea ratou, He aha te whakaotia ai inanahi, inaianei, a koutou pereki i whakaritea ki a koutou, te pera ai me o mua ra?
15 Then the officers of the children of Israel came, and cryed vnto Pharaoh, saying, Wherfore dealest thou thus with thy seruants?
Na ka haere nga rangatira o nga tama a Iharaira, me te tangi ano, ki a Parao, ka mea, He aha koe i penei ai ki au pononga?
16 There is no strawe giuen to thy seruantes, and they say vnto vs, Make bricke: and loe, thy seruants are beaten, and thy people is blamed.
Kahore he takakau i homai ki au pononga, a e mea ana ratou ki a matou, Hanga he pereki: na ka whiua au pononga; no au tangata ia te he.
17 But he said, Ye are to much idle: therfore ye say, Let vs goe to offer sacrifice to the Lord.
Na ka mea ia, He mangere koutou, he mangere; na reira koutou ka mea ai, Tukua matou kia haere ki te mea patunga tapu ki a Ihowa.
18 Goe therefore nowe and worke: for there shall no strawe be giuen you, yet shall yee deliuer the whole tale of bricke.
Na, haere, e mahi; e kore hoki e hoatu he takakau ki a koutou; otiia me homai ano nga pereki i whakaritea ra.
19 Then the officers of the children of Israel sawe them selues in an euill case, because it was saide, Ye shall diminish nothing of your bricke, nor of euery dayes taske.
Na, ka kite nga rangatira o nga tama a Iharaira i te kino mo ratou, i te kianga ra, Kaua e whakaokuokutia iho a koutou pereki, hei mahinga ma koutou i tenei ra, i tenei ra.
20 And they met Moses and Aaron, which stood in their way as they came out from Pharaoh,
A ka tutaki ratou ki a Mohi raua ko Arona, e tu mai ana i mua i a ratou, i to ratou haerenga mai i a Parao:
21 To whom they said, The Lord looke vpon you and iudge: for yee haue made our sauour to stinke before Pharaoh and before his seruants, in that ye haue put a sword in their hand to slay vs.
A ka mea ki a raua, Ma Ihowa e titiro ki a korua, e whakawa; na korua hoki matou i piro whakarihariha ai ki te aroaro o Parao, ki te aroaro hoki o ana pononga, na korua i hoatu he hoari ki o ratou ringa hei patu i a matou.
22 Wherefore Moses returned to the Lord, and saide, Lord, why hast thou afflicted this people? wherefore hast thou thus sent me?
Na ka hoki a Mohi ki a Ihowa, a ka mea, E te Ariki, he aha koe i mahi he ai ki tenei iwi? he aha koe i unga ai i ahau?
23 For since I came to Pharaoh to speake in thy Name, he hath vexed this people, and yet thou hast not deliuered thy people.
No toku haerenga atu hoki ki a Parao ki te korero i runga i tou ingoa, i kino ai ia ki tenei iwi; kahore ano hoki koe kia whakaora noa i tau iwi, kahore rawa.

< Exodus 5 >