< Exodus 4 >
1 Then Moses answered, and said, But lo, they will not beleeue me, nor hearken vnto my voyce: for they will say, The Lord hath not appeared vnto thee.
Mısee inəxdun alidghıniy qele: – Sayid manbışis zal k'ırı alixhxhes diykkıne, zal haydepxha uvheene: «Rəbb vas dyagu deşva»?
2 And the Lord said vnto him, What is that in thine hande? And he answered, A rod.
Manke Rəbbe eyhen: – Yiğne xıledın hucoone? Mısee eyhen: – Əsaa.
3 Then said he, Cast it on the ground. So he cast it on the grounde, and it was turned into a serpent: and Moses fled from it.
Rəbbee eyhen: – Man ç'iyelqa dağeççe. Mısee ç'iyelqa dağetçumee, əsaa xoçelqa siyk'al. Mısar çisse hexvana.
4 Againe the Lord saide vnto Moses, Put foorth thine hand, and take it by the tayle. Then he put foorth his hande and caught it, and it was turned into a rod in his hand.
Rəbbee Mısayk'le eyhen: – Xıl hotku mana bı'ttike avqve. Mısee xıl hotku xoçe bı'ttike avquyng'a, mana xıle əsaalqa siviyk'al.
5 Do this that they may beleeue, that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Izhak, and the God of Iaakob hath appeared vnto thee.
Rəbbee eyhen: – Ğu man kar he'e, İzrailybı hayepxhecen Rəbb, manbışde dekkaaşee, İbrahimee, I'saq'ee, Yaaq'ubee ı'bəədat ha'ana Allah, vas dyaguva.
6 And the Lord saide furthermore vnto him, Thrust nowe thine hand into thy bosome. And he thrust his hand into his bosome, and when he tooke it out againe, behold, his hand was leprous as snowe.
Qiyğa Rəbbee meed eyhen: – Xıl eqanaqa k'eççe. Mısee xıl eqanaqa k'eççu qığavhumee, mang'un xıl ık'arıke yiz xhinne cagvara qexhe.
7 Moreouer he said, Put thine hand into thy bosome againe. So he put his hande into his bosome againe, and pluckt it out of his bosome, and behold, it was turned againe as his other flesh.
Qiyğa Rəbbee eyhen: – Xıl meed eqanaqa k'eççe. Mısee q'öd'es xıl eqanaqa k'eççu qığavhumee, mang'un xıl yug qexhe.
8 So shall it be, if they wil not beleeue thee, neither obey the voyce of ye first signe, yet shall they beleeue for the voyce of the seconde signe.
Rəbbee eyhen: – Manbı yiğne ts'eppiyne əlaamatıl haydeepxhene, q'öb'esınçil vuxhesınbı.
9 But if they will not yet beleeue these two signes, neither obey vnto thy voyce, then shalt thou take of the water of the riuer, and powre it vpon the drie lande: so the water which thou shalt take out of the riuer, shalbe turned to blood vpon the drie land.
Sayid manbışe val k'ırı ilydiyxhı q'öd'esde əlaamatılib haydeepxhene, Nil eyhene dameençe xhyan alyat'u ç'iyelqa haç'e'e. Manke man xhyan ebalqa sak'alas.
10 But Moses said vnto the Lord, Oh my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither at any time haue bene, nor yet since thou hast spoken vnto thy seruant: but I am slowe of speach and slowe of tongue.
Mısee Rəbbık'le eyhen: – Xudaavanda, zasse şenker uftanra yuşana'as əxı' deş, həşder Ğu zaka yuşanı'ıyle qiyğar əxə deş. Zı yı'q'ra, g'idiyğal yuşana'a.
11 Then the Lord said vnto him, Who hath giuen the mouth to man? or who hath made the domme, or the deafe, or him that seeth, or the blinde? haue not I the Lord?
Rəbbee mang'uk'le eyhen: – Şavaane insanıs miz huvu? Şavaane insanıke lalıy g'idiyxhena ha'a? Şavaane insanıs uleppı huvu? Şavaane insan bı'rq' qa'a? Nya'a Rəbbee, Zı dişde man gırgın ha'a?
12 Therefore goe nowe, and I will be with thy mouth, and will teach thee what thou shalt say.
Həşdiylemee hora hak'ne, Zı vas eyhesınıd xət qa'asın, yuşana'asıd kumag ha'asın.
13 But he saide, Oh my Lord, sende, I pray thee, by the hande of him, whome thou shouldest sende.
Mısee eyhen: – Hucoone ixhes, Xudaavanda, merna insan g'axıle.
14 Then the Lord was verie angrie with Moses, and said, Doe not I know Aaron thy brother the Leuite, that he himselfe shall speake? for loe, he commeth also foorth to meete thee, and when he seeth thee, he will be glad in his heart.
Rəbbe Mısalqa qəl hav'u eyhen: – Nya'a Leviyne nasıleençena yiğna çoc Harun? Zak'le ats'an mana yugra yuşana'a. Həşde mana yiğne ögiylqa ı'qqə vor. Ğu g'acu mana şadxhesda.
15 Therefore thou shalt speake vnto him, and put the wordes in his mouth, and I will be with thy mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what ye ought to doe.
Çocuka yuşane'e, hucooyiy eyhes ıkkan mang'us xət qe'e. Zı vuşde q'öngussana yuşana'as kumag ha'asın, hucooyiy ha'as ıkkanvad xət qa'asın.
16 And he shall be thy spokesman vnto the people: and he shall be, euen he shall be as thy mouth, and thou shalt be to him as God.
Vas eyhes ıkkananbı, mang'vee insanaaşilqa hixhara'as. Ğunad mang'ulqa Yizın cuvab hixhar ha'as, manar yiğne cigee yuşan ha'as.
17 Moreouer thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do miracles.
İn əsaa vaka aleet'e, ğu inçika əlaamatbı hagvas.
18 Therefore Moses went and returned to Iethro his father in lawe, and said vnto him, I pray thee, let me goe, and returne to my brethren, which are in Egypt, and see whether they be yet aliue. Then Iethro said to Moses, Go in peace.
Mısa cune abbateysqa İtronusqa sark'ıl eyhen: – Hasre zı Misireeqa ı'qqəs, ilyakkas yizın xınıbı avxucabee? İtronee eyhen: – Yugna yəq vuxhena.
19 (For the Lord had said vnto Moses in Midian, Goe, returne to Egypt: for they are all dead which went about to kill thee)
Midyanee Rəbbee Mısayk'le eyhen: – Misirqa sak'le, ğu gik'as ıkkanan gırgınbı hapt'ıynbı.
20 Then Moses tooke his wife, and his sonnes, and put them on an asse, and returned towarde the lande of Egypt, and Moses tooke the rod of God in his hand.
Mısee dixbıyiy xhunaşşe əməlelqa gyav'u, Allahee uvhuyn əsaayıd xılyaqa alyat'u Misirqa yəqqıl gexha.
21 And the Lord saide vnto Moses, When thou art entred and come into Egypt againe, see that thou doe all the wonders before Pharaoh, which I haue put in thine hand: but I will harden his heart, and he shall not let the people goe.
Rəbbee Mısayk'le eyhen: – Ğu Misirqa sak'ımee Zı vas xət qı'iyn gırgın əlaamatbı fironusne he'e. Zımee mang'uke hı't'iy qa'as, mang'veeyid millet g'aykkas deş.
22 Then thou shalt say to Pharaoh, Thus saith the Lord, Israel is my sonne, euen my first borne.
Ğu fironuk'le eyhe: «Rəbbee inəxüdud eyhe: «İzrail Yizda ts'erriyna dix vorna.
23 Wherefore I say to thee, Let my sonne go, that he may serue me: if thou refuse to let him goe, beholde, I will slay thy sonne, euen thy first borne.
Zı vak'le uvhuyn, Zas ı'bəədat he'ecenva Yizda dix g'aykke! Ğumee mana g'aykkı deş. Həşde Zı mançil-allar yiğna ts'erriyna dix gik'as“».
24 And as he was by the waye in the ynne, the Lord met him, and would haue killed him.
Yəqqə xəm g'ahaane cigee Rəbb Mısaysqa arı, mana gik'as ıkkiykan.
25 Then Zipporah tooke a sharpe knife, and cut away the foreskinne of her sonne, and cast it at his feete, and said, Thou art indeede a bloody husband vnto me.
Mane gahıl, Tsiporee ek'na g'aye alyapt'ı dix sunnat hı'ı çike g'ayşuyn ç'ürüx Mısayne g'elybışik set'u eyhen: – Ğu həşde yizdemee ebana adamiy eyxhe.
26 So he departed from him. Then she saide, O bloodie husband (because of the circumcision)
Məxüb Rəbbee mang'uke xıl ts'ıts'a'ana. Dix sunnat hı'il-alla Tsiporee Mısayk'le «Ebana adamiyva» eyhe.
27 Then the Lord saide vnto Aaron, Goe meete Moses in the wildernesse. And he went and mette him in the Mount of God, and kissed him.
Sabara gah ılğevç'uyle qiyğa, Rəbbee Harunuk'le eyhen: – Mısayne ögiylqa sahreeqa hak'ne. Harunus Mısa Allahne suvaysne qızaxxımee, mang'vee Mısays ubbabı ha'a.
28 Then Moses tolde Aaron all the wordes of the Lord, who had sent him, and all the signes wherewith he had charged him.
Mısee Harunus Rəbbee cuk'le gırgın uvhiynbıyiy hagveva uvhuyn əlaamatbı yuşan ha'a.
29 So went Moses and Aaron, and gathered all the Elders of the children of Israel.
Mıseeyiy Harunee İzrailin ağsaqqalar sav'umee,
30 And Aaron told all the wordes, which the Lord had spoken vnto Moses, and he did the miracles in the sight of the people,
Rəbbee Mısayk'le uvhuyn gırgın kar Harunee yuşana'an. Qiyğaled mang'vee insanaaşine ögiyl man əlaamatbı hagva.
31 And the people beleeued, and when they heard that the Lord had visited the children of Israel, and had looked vpon their tribulation, they bowed downe, and worshipped.
İzrailybı manbışilqa hayebaxhenbı. Rəbbıkl'e manbışe opxhanna əq'üba g'avcuna, manbı məxüb g'alepçes deşva, manbışik'le g'ayxhımee, İzrailybı gugaybışil gyuv'ur ı'bəədatbı ha'a.