< Exodus 39 >
1 Moreouer they made garments of ministration to minister in the Sanctuarie of blewe silke, and purple, and skarlet: they made also the holy garments for Aaron, as the Lord had comanded Moses.
De hyacintho vero et purpura, vermiculo ac bysso fecit vestes, quibus indueretur Aaron quando ministrabat in sanctis, sicut præcepit Dominus Moysi.
2 So he made the Ephod of gold, blewe silke, and purple, and skarlet, and fine twined linen.
Fecit igitur superhumerale de auro, hyacintho, et purpura, coccoque bis tincto, et bysso retorta,
3 And they did beate the golde into thinne plates, and cut it into wiers, to worke it in ye blewe silke and in the purple, and in the skarlet, and in the fine linen, with broydred worke.
opere polymitario, inciditque bracteas aureas, et extenuavit in fila, ut possent torqueri cum priorum colorum subtegmine,
4 For the which they made shoulders to couple together: for it was closed by the two edges thereof.
duasque oras sibi invicem copulatas in utroque latere summitatum,
5 And the broydred garde of his Ephod that was vpon him, was of the same stuffe, and of like worke: euen of golde, of blewe silke, and purple, and skarlet, and fine twined linen, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
et balteum ex eisdem coloribus, sicut præceperat Dominus Moysi.
6 And they wrought two Onix stones closed in ouches of golde, and graued, as signets are grauen, with the names of the children of Israel,
Paravit et duos lapides onychinos, astrictos et inclusos auro, et sculptos arte gemmaria, nominibus filiorum Israel:
7 And put them on the shoulders of the Ephod, as stones for a remembrance of the children of Israel, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
posuitque eos in lateribus superhumeralis in monimentum filiorum Israel, sicut præceperat Dominus Moysi.
8 Also he made the brestplate of broydred worke like the worke of the Ephod: to wit, of gold, blewe silke, and purple, and skarlet, and fine twined linen.
Fecit et rationale opere polymito iuxta opus superhumeralis, ex auro, hyacintho, purpura, coccoque bis tincto, et bysso retorta:
9 They made the brest plate double, and it was square, an hand breadth long, and an hand breadth broad: it was also double.
quadrangulum, duplex, mensuræ palmi.
10 And they filled it with foure rowes of stones. The order was thus, a Rubie, a Topaze, and a Carbuncle in the first rowe:
Et posuit in eo gemmarum ordines quattuor. In primo versu erat sardius, topazius, smaragdus.
11 And in the seconde rowe, an Emeraude, a Saphir, and a Diamond:
In secundo, carbunculus, sapphirus, et iaspis.
12 Also in the thirde rowe, a Turkeis, an Achate, and an Hematite:
In tertio, ligurius, achates, et amethystus.
13 Likewise in the fourth rowe, a Chrysolite, an Onix, and a Iasper: closed and set in ouches of golde.
In quarto, chrysolithus, onychinus, et beryllus, circumdati et inclusi auro per ordines suos.
14 So the stones were according to the names of the children of Israel, euen twelue after their names, grauen like signets euery one after his name according to the twelue tribes.
Ipsique lapides duodecim, sculpti erant nominibus duodecim tribuum Israel, singuli per nomina singulorum.
15 After, they made vpon the brest plate cheines at the endes, of wrethen worke and pure golde.
Fecerunt in rationali et catenulas sibi invicem cohærentes, de auro purissimo:
16 They made also two bosses of golde, and two golde rings, and put the two rings in the two corners of the brest plate.
et duos uncinos, totidemque annulos aureos. Porro annulos posuerunt in utroque latere rationalis,
17 And they put ye two wrethe cheines of gold in the two rings, in the corners of the brest plate.
e quibus penderent duæ catenæ aureæ, quas inseruerunt uncinis, qui in superhumeralis angulis eminebant.
18 Also the two other endes of the two wrethen chaines they fastened in the two bosses, and put the on the shoulders of the Ephod vpon the forefront of it.
Hæc et ante et retro ita conveniebant sibi, ut superhumerale et rationale mutuo necterentur,
19 Likewise they made two rings of gold, and put them in the two other corners of the brest plate vpon the edge of it, which was on the inside of the Ephod.
stricta ad balteum et annulis fortius copulata, quos iungebat vitta hyacinthina, ne laxa fluerent, et a se invicem moverentur, sicut præcepit Dominus Moysi.
20 They made also two other golden rings, and put them on the two sides of the Ephod, beneath on the foreside of it, and ouer against his coupling aboue the broydered garde of the Ephod.
Feceruntque quoque tunicam superhumeralis totam hyacinthinam,
21 Then they fastened the brest plate by his rings vnto the rings of the Ephod, with a lace of blewe silke, that it might bee fast vpon the broydered garde of the Ephod, and that the brest plate should not be loosed from the Ephod, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
et capitium in superiori parte contra medium, oramque per gyrum capitii textilem:
22 Moreouer, he made the robe of the Ephod of wouen worke, altogether of blewe silke.
deorsum autem ad pedes mala punica ex hyacintho, purpura, vermiculo, ac bysso retorta:
23 And the hole of the robe was in the middes of it, as the coller of an habergeon, with an edge about the coller, that it shoulde not rent.
et tintinnabula de auro purissimo, quæ posuerunt inter malogranata in extrema parte tunicæ per gyrum:
24 And they made vpon the skirts of the robe pomegranates, of blewe silke, and purple, and skarlet, and fine linen twined.
tintinnabulum autem aureum, et malum punicum, quibus ornatus incedebat pontifex quando ministerio fungebatur, sicut præceperat Dominus Moysi.
25 They made also belles of pure gold and put the belles betweene the pomegranates vpon the skirtes of the robe rounde about betweene the pomegranates.
Fecerunt et tunicas byssinas opere textili Aaron et filiis eius:
26 A bel and a pomegranate, a bel and a pomegranate round about the skirts of the robe to minister in, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
et mitras cum coronulis suis ex bysso:
27 After, they made coates of fine linen, of wouen worke for Aaron and for his sonnes.
feminalia quoque linea, byssina:
28 And the miter of fine linen, and goodly bonnets of fine linen, and linen breeches of fine twined linen,
cingulum vero de bysso retorta, hyacintho, purpura, ac vermiculo bis tincto arte plumaria, sicut præceperat Dominus Moysi.
29 And the girdle of fine twined linen, and of blew silke, and purple, and skarlet, euen of needle worke, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
Fecerunt et laminam sacræ venerationis de auro purissimo, scripseruntque in ea opere gemmario, Sanctum Domini:
30 Finally they made the plate for the holy crowne of fine golde, and wrote vpon it a superscription like to the grauing of a signet, HOLINES TO THE LORD.
et strinxerunt eam cum mitra vitta hyacinthina, sicut præceperat Dominus Moysi.
31 And they tied vnto it a lace of blewe silke to fasten it on hie vpon the miter, as the Lord had commanded Moses.
Perfectum est igitur omne opus tabernaculi et tecti testimonii: feceruntque filii Israel cuncta quæ præceperat Dominus Moysi.
32 Thus was all the worke of the Tabernacle, euen of the Tabernacle of the Congregation finished: and the children of Israel did according to al that the Lord had commanded Moses: so dyd they.
Et obtulerunt tabernaculum et tectum et universam supellectilem, annulos, tabulas, vectes, columnas ac bases,
33 Afterwarde they brought the Tabernacle vnto Moses, the Tabernacle and al his instruments, his taches, his boards, his barres, and his pillars, and his sockets,
opertorium de pellibus arietum rubricatis, et aliud operimentum de ianthinis pellibus:
34 And the couering of rammes skinnes died red, and the couerings of badgers skinnes, and the couering vaile.
velum, arcam, vectes, propitiatorium:
35 The Arke of the Testimony, and the barres thereof, and the Merciseate,
mensam cum vasis suis et propositionis panibus:
36 The Table, with all the instruments thereof, and the shewebread,
candelabrum, lucernas, et utensilia earum cum oleo:
37 The pure Candlesticke, the lampes thereof, euen the lampes set in order, and all the instruments thereof, and the oyle for light:
altare aureum, et unguentum, et thymiama ex aromatibus:
38 Also the golden Altar and the anoynting oyle, and the sweete incense, and the hanging of the Tabernacle doore,
et tentorium in introitu tabernaculi:
39 The brasen Altar with his grate of brasse, his barres and all his instruments, the Lauer and his foote.
altare æneum, retiaculum, vectes, et vasa eius omnia: labrum cum basi sua: tentoria atrii, et columnas cum basibus suis:
40 The curtaines of the court with his pillars, and his sockets, and the hanging to the court gate, and his cordes, and his pinnes, and all the instruments of the seruice of the Tabernacle, called the Tabernacle of the Congregation.
tentorium in introitu atrii, funiculosque illius et paxillos. Nihil ex vasis defuit, quæ in ministerium tabernaculi, et in tectum fœderis iussa sunt fieri.
41 Finally, the ministring garmentes to serue in the Sanctuarie, and the holy garmentes for Aaron the Priest, and his sonnes garmentes to minister in the Priestes office.
Vestes quoque, quibus sacerdotes utuntur in Sanctuario, Aaron scilicet et filii eius,
42 According to euery poynt that the Lord had commanded Moses, so the children of Israel made all the worke.
obtulerunt filii Israel, sicut præceperat Dominus.
43 And Moses beheld al the worke, and behold, they had done it as the Lord had commanded: so had they done: and Moses blessed them.
Quæ postquam Moyses cuncta vidit completa, benedixit eis.