< Exodus 33 >
1 Afterward the Lord sayd vnto Moses, Depart, goe vp from hence, thou, and the people (which thou hast brought vp out of lande of Egypt) vnto the lande which I sware vnto Abraham, to Izhak and to Iaakob, saying, Vnto thy seede will I giue it.
Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa, “Ka bar wannan wuri, kai da mutanen da ka fito da su daga Masar, ka haura zuwa ƙasar da na alkawarta da rantsuwa wa Ibrahim, Ishaku da Yaƙub cewa, ‘Zan ba zuriyarka.’
2 And I will send an Angel before thee and will cast out the Canaanites, the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, the Hiuites, and the Iebusites:
Zan aika da mala’ika a gabanka in kuma kori Kan’aniyawa, Amoriyawa, Hittiyawa, Ferizziyawa, Hiwiyawa da Yebusiyawa.
3 To a lande, I say, that floweth with milke and hony: for I will not goe vp with thee, because thou art a stiffe necked people, least I consume thee in the way.
Ka haura zuwa ƙasar da take zub da madara da zuma. Amma ba zan tafi tare da ku ba, saboda ku mutane ne masu taurinkai domin mai yiwuwa in hallaka ku a hanya.”
4 And when the people heard this euill tydings, they sorowed, and no man put on his best rayment.
Da mutane suka ji wannan mugun magana, sai suka fara makoki. Ba kuma wanda ya sa kayan ado.
5 (For the Lord had said to Moses, Say vnto the children of Israel, Ye are a stiffe necked people, I wil come suddenly vpon thee, and consume thee: therefore now put thy costly rayment from thee, that I may know what to do vnto thee)
Gama Ubangiji ya riga ya ce wa Musa, “Ka faɗa wa Isra’ilawa, ‘Ku mutane ne masu taurinkai. In na yi tafiya da ku ko na ɗan lokaci, mai yiwuwa in hallaka ku. Yanzu sai ku tuɓe kayan adonku, zan kuwa yanke shawara a kan abin da zan yi da ku.’”
6 So the children of Israel layed their good raiment from them, after Moses came downe from the mount Horeb.
Saboda haka Isra’ilawa suka tuttuɓe kayan adonsu a Dutsen Horeb.
7 Then Moses tooke his tabernacle, and pitched it without the host farre off from the hoste, and called it Ohel-moed. And whe any did seeke to the Lord, he went out vnto the Tabernacle of the Congregation, which was without the hoste.
Musa fa ya saba ɗaukan tenti yă kafa shi a bayan sansani da ɗan nisa, yana kiransa “Tentin Sujada.” Duk wanda yake neman wani abu daga wurin Ubangiji sai yă tafi Tentin Sujada a bayan sansani.
8 And when Moses went out vnto the Tabernacle, all the people rose vp, and stood euery man at his tent doore, and looked after Moses, vntil he was gone into the Tabernacle.
A sa’ad da kuma Musa ya fita zuwa Tentin, dukan mutanen sukan tashi su tsaya a ƙofofin tentinsu, suna kallon Musa, sai ya shiga tentin.
9 And assoone as Moses was entred into the Tabernacle, the cloudie pillar descended and stood at the doore of the Tabernacle, and the Lord talked with Moses.
Yayinda Musa ya shiga cikin tentin, sai al’amudin girgije yă sauko, yă tsaya a ƙofar yayinda Ubangiji yana magana da Musa.
10 Nowe when all the people saw the cloudie pillar stand at the Tabernacle doore, all the people rose vp, and worshipped euery man in his tent doore.
Lokacin da mutane suka ga al’amudin girgije a tsaye a ƙofar tentin, sai duk su miƙe tsaye su yi sujada, kowa a ƙofar tentinsa.
11 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, face to face, as a man speaketh vnto his friende. After he turned againe into the hoste, but his seruant Ioshua the sonne of Nun a yong man, departed not out of the Tabernacle.
Ubangiji yakan yi magana da Musa fuska da fuska, kamar yadda mutum yake magana da abokinsa. Sa’an nan Musa yă koma sansani, amma saurayin nan Yoshuwa ɗan Nun mai taimakonsa ba ya barin tentin.
12 Then Moses sayde vnto the Lord, See, thou sayest vnto me, Leade this people forth, and thou hast not shewed me whom thou wilt sende with mee: thou hast sayde moreouer, I knowe thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight.
Musa ya ce wa Ubangiji, “Kana ta faɗa mini cewa, ‘Ka jagoranci mutane nan,’ amma ba ka faɗa mini wanda zai tafi tare da ni ba. Ga shi ka ƙara ce mini, ‘Na san ka, na san sunanka, ka kuma sami tagomashi a wurina.’
13 Nowe therefore, I pray thee, if I haue founde fauour in thy sight, shewe mee nowe thy way, that I may knowe thee, and that I may finde grace in thy sight: consider also that this nation is thy people.
In ka ji daɗina, ka koya mini hanyarka don in san ka, in kuma ci gaba da samun tagomashi daga gare ka. Ka tuna cewa wannan al’umma mutanenka ne.”
14 And he answered, My presence shall go with thee, and I will giue thee rest.
Ubangiji ya amsa ya ce, “Zan tafi tare da kai, zan kuma rage maka nauyin kaya.”
15 Then he sayd vnto him, If thy presence go not with vs, cary vs not hence.
Musa kuwa ya ce masa, “In ba za tă tafi tare da mu ba, to, kada ka ɗaga mu daga nan.
16 And wherein nowe shall it be knowen, that I and thy people haue found fauour in thy sight? shall it not be when thou goest with vs? so I, and thy people shall haue preeminence before all the people that are vpon the earth.
Yaya wani zai sani ko ka ji daɗina da kuma mutanenka, in ba ka tafi tare da mu ba? Mene ne kuma zai bambanta ni da mutanenka daga sauran jama’ar da suke a duniya?”
17 And the Lord sayde vnto Moses, I will doe this also that thou hast saide: for thou hast founde grace in my sight, and I knowe thee by name.
Sai Ubangiji ya ce wa Musa, “Zan yi yadda ka faɗa, gama ka sami tagomashi a wurina, na san ka, na kuma san sunanka.”
18 Againe he sayde, I beseech thee, shewe me thy glory.
Musa kuwa ya ce, “To, ka nuna mini ɗaukakarka.”
19 And he answered, I wil make all my good go before thee, and I wil proclaime the Name of the Lord before thee: for I will shewe mercy to whom I will shewe mercy, and will haue compassion on whom I will haue compassion.
Sai Ubangiji ya ce, “Zan wuce a gabanka, Ni Ubangiji zan yi shelar sunana a gabanka. Zan yi alheri ga duk wanda na so in yi masa alheri, zan nuna jinƙai ga duk wanda na so in yi masa jinƙai.
20 Furthermore he sayde, Thou canst not see my face, for there shall no man see me, and liue.
Amma ya ce, ba za ka ga fuskata ba, don ba mutumin da zai gan ni yă rayu.”
21 Also the Lord sayd, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand vpon the rocke:
Sa’an nan Ubangiji ya ce, “Ga wani wuri kusa da ni inda za ka tsaya bisa dutsen.
22 And while my glory passeth by, I will put thee in a cleft of the rocke, and will couer thee with mine hand whiles I passe by.
A sa’ad da ɗaukakata tana wucewa, zan sa ka a cikin tsaguwar dutsen, in rufe ka da hannuna har sai na wuce.
23 After I will take away mine hande, and thou shalt see my backe parts: but my face shall not be seene.
Sa’an nan zan ɗauke hannuna, ka kuwa ga bayana; amma fuskata, ba za ka gani ba.”