< Exodus 29 >

1 This thing also shalt thou do vnto them whe thou consecratest them to be my Priestes, Take a yong calfe, and two rams without blemish,
Ularning Manga muⱪǝddǝs ⱪilinip, kaⱨinliⱪ hizmitimdǝ boluxi üqün mundaⱪ ixni ada ⱪilixing kerǝk: — sǝn bir yax ǝrkǝk torpaⱪ bilǝn ikki ⱪoqⱪarni talla (ⱨǝmmisi bejirim bolsun)
2 And vnleauened bread and cakes vnleauened tempered with oyle, and wafers vnleauened anoynted with oyle: (of fine wheate flowre shalt thou make them)
ⱨǝmdǝ petir nan, zǝytun meyi ilǝxtürülgǝn petir toⱪaq wǝ zǝytun meyi sürülüp mǝsiⱨlǝngǝn petir ⱨǝmǝk nanlarni tǝyyarla, bularning ⱨǝmmisini buƣday unidin ⱪilƣin;
3 Then thou shalt put them in one basket, and present them in the basket with the calfe and the two rammes,
nanlarning ⱨǝmmisini bir sewǝtkǝ selip, sewǝtni, torpaⱪni wǝ ikki ⱪoqⱪarni billǝ ⱨǝdiyǝ ⱪilip kǝltürgin.
4 And shalt bring Aaron and his sonnes vnto the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and wash them with water.
Sǝn Ⱨarun wǝ uning oƣullirini jamaǝt qedirining kirix eƣiziƣa yeⱪin elip kelip, ularni su bilǝn yuƣin;
5 Also thou shalt take the garments, and put vpon Aaron the tunicle, and the robe of the Ephod, and the Ephod, and the brest plate, and shalt close them to him with the broidred garde of the Ephod.
andin kiyimlirini elip kelip, Ⱨarunƣa halta kɵnglǝk, ǝfod toni wǝ ǝfodni kiydürgin, ⱪoxenni taⱪiƣin; andin beligǝ ǝfodning kǝxtilǝngǝn bǝlweƣini baƣliƣin.
6 Then thou shalt put the miter vpon his head, and shalt put the holy crowne vpon ye miter.
Bexiƣa sǝllini yɵgǝp, sǝlligǝ muⱪǝddǝs otuƣatni taⱪap ⱪoyƣin.
7 And thou shalt take the anoynting oyle, and shalt powre vpon his head, and anoynt him.
Andin mǝsiⱨlǝx meyini elip, bexiƣa ⱪuyup uni mǝsiⱨligin.
8 And thou shalt bring his sonnes, and put coates vpon them,
Andin sǝn uning oƣullirini elip kelip, ularƣa halta kɵnglǝklǝrni kiydürgin;
9 And shalt girde them with girdles, both Aaron and his sonnes: and shalt put the bonets on them, and the Priestes office shalbe theirs for a perpetuall lawe: thou shalt also fill the hands of Aaron, and the hands of his sonnes.
ularƣa, yǝni Ⱨarun wǝ uning oƣulliriƣa bǝlwaƣlarni baƣlap, egiz bɵklǝrni kiydürgin. Xuning bilǝn ǝbǝdiy bǝlgilimǝ boyiqǝ, kaⱨinliⱪ hizmiti ularningki bolidu; xundaⱪ ⱪilip, sǝn Ⱨarun bilǝn uning oƣullirini Hudaƣa muⱪǝddǝs ⱪilip ayrip tǝyinligin.
10 After, thou shalt present the calfe before the Tabernacle of the Congregation, and Aaron and his sonnes shall put their handes vpon the head of the calfe.
— Sǝn torpaⱪni jamaǝt qedirining aldiƣa elip kǝlgin; elip kǝlginingdǝ Ⱨarun bilǝn uning oƣulliri ⱪollirini torpaⱪning bexiƣa ⱪoysun.
11 So thou shalt kill the calfe before the Lord, at the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation.
Andin sǝn bu torpaⱪni Pǝrwǝrdigarning aldida, jamaǝt qedirining kirix eƣizining yenida boƣuzliƣin;
12 Then thou shalt take of the blood of the calfe, and put it vpon the hornes of the altar with thy finger, and shalt powre al the rest of the blood at the foote of the altar.
torpaⱪning ⱪenidin elip barmiⱪing bilǝn uni ⱪurbangaⱨning münggüzlirigǝ sürüp, ⱪalƣan ⱪanning ⱨǝmmisini ⱪurbangaⱨning tüwigǝ tɵküp ⱪuyƣin.
13 Also thou shalt take all the fat that couereth the inwardes, and the kall, that is on the liuer, and the two kidneis, and the fat that is vpon them, and shalt burne them vpon the altar.
Iq ⱪarnini yɵgǝp turƣan barliⱪ mayni, xundaⱪla jigǝrning üstidiki qawa may, ikki bɵrǝk wǝ ularning üstidiki mayni ajritip bularni ⱪurbangaⱨta kɵydürgin.
14 But the flesh of the calfe, and his skin, and his doung shalt thou burne with fire without the hoste: it is a sinne offring.
Torpaⱪning gɵxi, terisi wǝ tezikini bolsa qedirgaⱨning sirtiƣa elip qiⱪip, otta kɵydürüwǝtkin; bu gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi bolidu.
15 Thou shalt also take one ramme, and Aron and his sonnes shall put their hands vpon the head of the ramme.
Andin sǝn ⱪoqⱪarlarning birini elip kǝlgin; Ⱨarun bilǝn uning oƣulliri ⱪollirini ⱪoqⱪarning bexiƣa ⱪoysun;
16 Then thou shalt kill the ramme, and take his blood, and sprinkle it round about vpon the altar,
andin sǝn bu ⱪoqⱪarni boƣuzlap, uning ⱪenidin ⱪurbangaⱨning üsti ⱪismining ǝtrapiƣa sǝpkin.
17 And thou shalt cut the ramme in pieces, and wash the inwards of him and his legges, and shalt put them vpon the pieces thereof, and vpon his head.
Ⱪoqⱪarni parqilap, uning iq ⱪarni bilǝn paqaⱪlirini yuyup, ularni gɵx parqiliri wǝ baxning üstigǝ ⱪoyup,
18 So thou shalt burne the whole ram vpon the altar: for it is a burnt offering vnto the Lord for a sweete sauour: it is an offering made by fire vnto the Lord.
pütün ⱪoqⱪarni ⱪurbangaⱨta kɵydürgin. Bu Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa atalƣan kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ — ot arⱪiliⱪ sunulidiƣan, Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa huxbuy yǝtküzidiƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ bolidu.
19 And thou shalt take the other ramme, and Aaron and his sonnes shall put their handes vpon the head of the ramme.
Keyin sǝn ikkinqi ⱪoqⱪarni elip kǝlgin; Ⱨarun wǝ uning oƣulliri ⱪollirini ⱪoqⱪarning bexiƣa ⱪoysun.
20 Then thou shalt kill the ramme, and take of his blood and put it vpon the lappe of Aarons eare, and vpon the lappe of the right eare of his sonnes, and vpon the thumbe of their right hand, and vpon the great toe of their right foote, and shalt sprinkle the blood vpon ye altar roud about.
Andin bu ⱪoqⱪarni boƣuzlap ⱪenidin elip, Ⱨarunning ong ⱪuliⱪining yumxiⱪiƣa, uning oƣullirining ong ⱪuliⱪining yumxiⱪiƣa, ularning ong ⱪollirining qong barmiⱪi bilǝn ong putlirining qong barmiⱪiƣa sürkǝp ⱪoyƣin, ⱪalƣan ⱪanni ⱪurbangaⱨning üsti ⱪismining ǝtrapiƣa sǝpkin.
21 And thou shalt take of the blood that is vpon the altar, and of the anoynting oyle, and shalt sprinkle it vpon Aaron, and vpon his garments, and vpon his sonnes, and vpon the garments of his sonnes with him: so he shall be halowed, and his clothes, and his sonnes, and the garments of his sonnes with him.
Andin ⱪurbangaⱨ üstidiki ⱪandin wǝ mǝsiⱨlǝx meyidin elip, Ⱨarunning üstigǝ, uning kiyimlirigǝ, xuningdǝk uning oƣullirining üstigǝ wǝ ularning kiyimlirigimu sǝpkin. Xundaⱪ ⱪilip u wǝ uning kiyimliri, uning oƣulliri wǝ ularning kiyimlirimu uning bilǝn tǝng Hudaƣa atap muⱪǝddǝs ⱪilinƣan bolidu.
22 Also thou shalt take of the rammes ye fatte and the rumpe, euen the fat that couereth the inwards, and the kall of the liuer, and the two kidneis, and the fat that is vpon them, and the right shoulder, (for it is the ramme of consecration)
Andin sǝn ⱪoqⱪarning meyi, ⱪuyruⱪ meyi, iq ⱪarnini yɵgǝp turƣan barliⱪ may, jigǝrning üstidiki qawa may, ikki bɵrǝk wǝ ularning üstidiki mayni qiⱪar ⱨǝmdǝ ong arⱪa putini alƣin — (qünki bu ⱪoqⱪar kaⱨinliⱪⱪa tiklǝx [ⱪurbanliⱪiƣa atalƣan] ⱪoqⱪardur) —
23 And one loafe of bread, and one cake of bread tempered with oyle, and one wafer, out of the basket of the vnleauened bread that is before the Lord.
— buningdin baxⱪa sǝn Pǝrwǝrdigarning aldida ⱪoyulƣan petir nan sewitidin bir girdini, zǝytun meyi ilǝxtürülgǝn petir toⱪaqtin birni wǝ petir ⱨǝmǝk nandin birni elip,
24 And thou shalt put al this in the handes of Aaron, and in the handes of his sonnes, and shalt shake them to and from before the Lord.
bularning ⱨǝmmisini Ⱨarunning ⱪolliriƣa wǝ uning oƣullirining ⱪolliriƣa ⱪoyup, ularni «pulanglatma ⱨǝdiyǝ» süpitidǝ Pǝrwǝrdigarning aldida pulanglatⱪuzƣin.
25 Againe, thou shalt receyue them of their handes, and burne them vpon the altar besides the burnt offring for a sweete sauour before ye Lord: for this is an offering made by fire vnto the Lord.
Andin sǝn bularni ularning ⱪolliridin tapxurup elip, Pǝrwǝrdigarning aldida huxbuy qiⱪarsun dǝp, ⱪurbangaⱨtiki kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪning üstidǝ ⱪoyup kɵydürgin. Bu ot arⱪiliⱪ Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa sunulƣan ⱨǝdiyǝ bolidu.
26 Likewise thou shalt take the brest of the ram of the consecration, which is for Aaron, and shalt shake it to and from before the Lord and it shalbe thy part.
Sǝn Ⱨarunni kaⱨinliⱪⱪa tiklǝx ⱪurbanliⱪiƣa atalƣan ⱪoqⱪarning tɵxini elip «pulanglatma ⱨǝdiyǝ» süpitidǝ Pǝrwǝrdigarning ⱨuzurida pulanglatⱪin; bu sening ülüxüng bolidu.
27 And thou shalt sanctifie the brest of the shaken offering, and the shoulder of the heaue offering, which was shaken to and from, and which was heaued vp of the ramme of the consecration, which was for Aaron, and which was for his sonnes.
Xuningdǝk, sǝn kaⱨinliⱪⱪa tiklǝx ⱪurbanliⱪiƣa atalƣan ⱪoqⱪarning «pulanglatma ⱨǝdiyǝ» süpitidǝ pulanglitilƣan tɵxi bilǝn «kɵtürmǝ ⱨǝdiyǝ» süpitidǝ egiz kɵtürüp pulanglitilƣan arⱪa putini, yǝni Ⱨarun wǝ uning oƣulliriƣa beƣixlanƣan xu ülüxlǝrni «muⱪǝddǝs» dǝp ayrip bekitkin.
28 And Aaron and his sonnes shall haue it by a statute for euer, of the children of Israel: for it is an heaue offering, and it shall be an heaue offering of the children of Israel, of their peace offerings, euen their heaue offering to the Lord.
Xuning bilǝn bu nǝrsilǝr ǝbǝdiy bǝlgilimǝ boyiqǝ Israillar tǝripidin Ⱨarun wǝ oƣulliriƣa beƣixlanƣan nesiwǝ bolidu; qünki u kɵtürmǝ ⱨǝdiyǝdur. Bular Israillar tǝripidin sunulidiƣan inaⱪliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪliridin ayrip qiⱪilip, ularning Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa atap «egiz kɵtürgǝn ⱨǝdiyǝ»si ⱨesablinip, «kɵtürmǝ ⱨǝdiyǝ» bolidu.
29 And the holy garmets, which appertaine to Aaron, shall bee his sonnes after him, to bee anoynted therein, and to bee consecrate therein.
Ⱨarunning muⱪǝddǝs kiyimlirigǝ keyin oƣulliri warisliⱪ ⱪilidu. Ular mǝsiⱨlinip, kaⱨinliⱪⱪa tǝyinlǝngǝndǝ xu kiyimlǝrni kiysun.
30 That sonne that shalbe Priest in his steade, shall put them on seuen dayes, when he commeth into the Tabernacle of the Congregation to minister in the holy place.
Oƣullirining ⱪaysisi uning ornini besip kaⱨin bolsa, jamaǝt qediriƣa kirip muⱪǝddǝs jayning iqidǝ hizmǝtkǝ kirixkǝndǝ, bu kiyimlǝrni uda yǝttǝ kün kiyip yürsun.
31 So thou shalt take the ram of the consecration, and seeth his flesh in the holy place.
Sǝn kaⱨinliⱪⱪa tiklǝx ⱪurbanliⱪiƣa atalƣan ⱪoqⱪarni elip, uning gɵxini muⱪǝddǝs jayda pixurƣin;
32 And Aaron and his sonnes shall eate the flesh of the ram, and the bread that is in the basket, at the doore of ye Tabernacle of ye Congregation.
andin Ⱨarun wǝ oƣulliri ⱪoqⱪarning gɵxi bilǝn sewǝttiki nanlarni jamaǝt qedirining kirix eƣizida yesun;
33 So they shall eate these thinges, whereby their attonement was made, to consecrate them, and to sanctifie them: but a stranger shall not eate thereof, because they are holy things.
ular ɵzlirining kaⱨinliⱪⱪa tǝyinlinixidǝ Hudaƣa atap muⱪǝddǝs ⱪilinƣanda kafarǝtkǝ ixlitilgǝn nǝrsilǝrni yesun, lekin bular muⱪǝddǝs bolƣaqⱪa, yat kixi buningdin ⱨeqnemini yemisun.
34 Now if ought of the flesh of the consecration, or of the bread remaine vnto the morning, then thou shalt burne the rest with fire: it shall not be eaten, because it is an holie thing.
Əgǝr kaⱨinliⱪⱪa tiklǝx ⱪurbanliⱪ gɵxidin yaki nandin ǝtigǝ azraⱪ exip ⱪalsa, exip ⱪalƣanni otta kɵydürüwǝt; bular muⱪǝddǝs bolƣaqⱪa, ⱨeqkim uningdin yesǝ bolmaydu.
35 Therefore shalt thou doe thus vnto Aaron and vnto his sonnes, according to all things, which I haue commanded thee: seuen dayes shalt thou consecrate them,
Sǝn xu tǝriⱪidǝ Ⱨarun wǝ uning oƣulliri toƣrisida buyruƣinimning ⱨǝmmisini bǝja kǝltürüp, uda yǝttǝ küngiqǝ ularni kaⱨinliⱪⱪa tiklǝx wǝzipisini ada ⱪilƣin.
36 And shalt offer euery day a calfe for a sinne offring, for reconciliation: and thou shalt cleanse the altar, when thou hast offred vpon it for reconciliation, and shalt annoynt it, to sanctifie it.
Ⱨǝr küni kafarǝt ⱪilinixⱪa gunaⱨ ⱪurbanliⱪi süpitidǝ bir torpaⱪni sunƣin. Ⱪurbangaⱨning ɵzini gunaⱨtin pak ⱪilixⱪa uning üqünmu kafarǝt kǝltürgin, muⱪǝddǝs ⱪilinsun dǝp, uni zǝytun meyi bilǝn mǝsiⱨligin.
37 Seuen dayes shalt thou cleanse the altar, and sanctifie it, so the altar shalbe most holy: and whatsoeuer toucheth the altar, shalbe holy.
Yǝttǝ küngiqǝ sǝn ⱪurbangaⱨ üqün kafarǝt kǝltürüp, uni muⱪǝddǝs ⱪilƣin. Buning bilǝn u «ǝng muⱪǝddǝs nǝrsilǝrning biri» ⱨesablinidu; uningƣa tǝgkǝn ⱨǝmmǝ nǝrsǝ muⱪǝddǝs ⱨesablinidu.
38 Nowe this is that which thou shalt present vpon the altar: euen two lambes of one yere olde, day by day continually.
Mana, ⱪurbangaⱨta ⱨǝmixǝ sunidiƣanliring munular: — ⱨǝr küni bir yaxliⱪ ikki ⱪoza ⱪurbanliⱪ ⱪilinsun.
39 The one lambe thou shalt present in the morning, and the other lambe thou shalt present at euen.
Birini ǝtigǝndǝ, yǝnǝ birini gugumda ⱪurbanliⱪ ⱪilip sunƣin.
40 And with the one lambe, a tenth part of fine floure mingled with the fourth part of an Hin of beaten oyle, and the fourth part of an Hin of wine, for a drinke offring.
Birinqi ⱪoza bilǝn birgǝ zǝytun meyidin bir ⱨinning tɵttin biri ilǝxtürülgǝn buƣday unidin [ǝfaⱨning] ondin biri wǝ yǝnǝ xarab ⱨǝdiyǝsi süpitidǝ tɵttin bir ⱨin xarab ⱪuxup sunulsun.
41 And the other lambe thou shalt present at euen: thou shalt doe thereto according to the offring of the morning, and according to the drinke offring thereof, to be a burnt offring for a sweete sauour vnto, the Lord.
Ikkinqi ⱪozini gugumda sunƣin; uni ǝtigǝnlik ⱪurbanliⱪningkidǝk, huxbuy boluxi üqün ot arⱪiliⱪ Pǝrwǝrdigarƣa atalƣan ⱪurbanliⱪ süpitidǝ axliⱪ ⱨǝdiyǝ wǝ xarab ⱨǝdiyǝ bilǝn ⱪoxup sunƣin.
42 This shalbe a continuall burnt offring in your generations at the doore of the Tabernacle of the Congregation before the Lord, where I wil make appoyntment with you, to speake there vnto thee.
Xu tǝriⱪidǝ bu kɵydürmǝ ⱪurbanliⱪ nǝsildin-nǝsilgǝ jamaǝt qedirining kirix eƣizida Pǝrwǝrdigarning ⱨuzurida ɵtküzülüp daimliⱪ ⱪurbanliⱪ bolsun; Mǝn [Pǝrwǝrdigar] xu yǝrdǝ silǝr bilǝn kɵrüxüp, sǝn bilǝn sɵzliximǝn.
43 There I will appoynt with the children of Israel, and the place shall bee sanctified by my glorie.
Xuningdǝk Mǝn xu yǝrdǝ Israillar bilǝn uqriximǝn, xuning bilǝn u jay Mening xan-xǝripim bilǝn muⱪǝddǝs ⱪilinidu.
44 And I will sanctifie the Tabernacle of the Congregation and the altar: I will sanctifie also Aaron and his sonnes to be my Priests,
Mǝn jamaǝt qediri bilǝn ⱪurbangaⱨni Ɵzümgǝ atap muⱪǝddǝs ⱪilimǝn; Ⱨarun wǝ uning oƣullirinimu Ɵzümgǝ kaⱨinliⱪ hizmǝttǝ boluxⱪa ayrip muⱪǝddǝs ⱪilimǝn.
45 And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will bee their God.
Xundaⱪ ⱪilip Mǝn Israillarning arisida makan ⱪilip, ularning Hudasi bolimǝn.
46 Then shall they knowe that I am ye Lord their God, that brought them out of the lande of Egypt, that I might dwell among them: I am the Lord their God.
U waⱪitta ular Mening ularning arisida makan ⱪilixim üqün ularni Misir zeminidin qiⱪirip kǝlgǝn Hudasi Pǝrwǝrdigar ikǝnlikimni bilidu; Mǝn ularning Hudasi Pǝrwǝrdigardurmǝn.

< Exodus 29 >