< Exodus 12 >
1 Then the Lord spake to Moses and to Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying,
UThixo wathi kuMosi lo-Aroni beseGibhithe,
2 This moneth shalbe vnto you the beginning of moneths: it shalbe to you the first moneth of the yere.
“Inyanga le kayibe yinyanga yakuqala kini, inyanga yokuqala emnyakeni wenu.
3 Speake ye vnto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth of this moneth let euery man take vnto him a lambe, according to the house of the fathers, a lambe for an house.
Tshelani bonke abomndeni ka-Israyeli ukuthi ngelanga letshumi lale inyanga indoda ngayinye kayithathele abomuzi wayo izinyane libe linye indlu ngendlu.
4 And if the housholde be too litle for the lambe, he shall take his neighbour, which is next vnto his house, according to the nomber of the persons: euery one of you, according to his eating shall make your count for the lambes,
Nxa abendlu bebalutshwana kakhulu ukuthi abangeke baliqede lelozinyane kababelane labomakhelwane abaseduze kwabo kusiya ngenani labo ukuthi bangaki. Kumele uphawule ukuthi kungadingeka izinyane elingakanani kusiya ngokuthi umuntu emunye angadla inyama engakanani.
5 Your lambe shalbe without blemish, a male of a yeere olde: ye shall take it of the lambes, or of the kiddes.
Kumele ukhethe amazinyane amaduna alomnyaka owodwa angelasici, njalo ungakhetha ezimvini loba embuzini.
6 And yee shall keepe it vntill the fourteenth day of this moneth: then al the multitude of the Congregation of Israel shall kill it at euen.
Agcine amazinyane lawo kuze kube lusuku lwetshumi lane lwenyanga, lapho isizwe sonke sako-Israyeli esizawahlaba khona nxa kuhwalala.
7 After, they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two postes, and on the vpper doore post of the houses where they shall eate it.
Lapho-ke kuzamele bathathe igazi baligcobe emaceleni laphezulu kwemigubazi yalezozindlu abazadlela khona amazinyane.
8 And they shall eate the flesh the same night, roste with fire, and vnleauened bread: with sowre herbes they shall eate it.
Ngalobobusuku kumele badle inyama eyoswe emlilweni, lesinkwa esingelamvubelo lemibhida ebabayo.
9 Eate not thereof rawe, boyled nor sodden in water, but rost with fire, both his head, his feete, and his purtenance.
Lingayidli inyama iluhlaza loba iphekwe ngamanzi, kodwa yoseni emlilweni konke lenhloko yakhona lamangqina kanye lezangaphakathi.
10 And ye shall reserue nothing of it vnto the morning: but that, which remaineth of it vnto the morowe, shall ye burne with fire.
Lingatshiyi lutho lwayo kuze kube sekuseni; kuthi nxa kukhona okuseleyo kwayo ekuseni kumele likutshise.
11 And thus shall yee eate it, Your loynes girded, your shoes on your feete, and your staues in your handes, and yee shall eate it in haste: for it is the Lords Passeouer.
Liboyidla inkalo zenu zibotshiwe, amanyathela egqokiwe lentonga zenu zisezandleni. Lidle ngokuphangisa; kuliPhasika likaThixo.
12 For I will passe through the lande of Egypt the same night, and will smite all the first borne in the land of Egypt, both man and beast, and I will execute iudgement vpon all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord.
Ngalobobusuku ngizadabula phakathi kweGibhithe ngibulala wonke amazibulo abantu lawezinyamazana njalo ngizakwahlulela bonke onkulunkulu bamaGibhithe. Mina nginguThixo.
13 And the blood shalbe a token for you vpon the houses where ye are: so when I see the blood, I will passe ouer you, and the plague shall not be vpon you to destruction, when I smite the lande of Egypt.
Igazi lizakuba yisibonakaliso sezindlu lapho elikhona lina; kuzakuthi ngingabona igazi ngedlule kini. Akulasijeziso esibhidlizayo esizalithinta lina nxa sengichitha iGibhithe.
14 And this day shalbe vnto you a remembrance: and ye shall keepe it an holie feast vnto the Lord, throughout your generations: yee shall keepe it holie by an ordinance for euer.
Leli akube lilanga lesikhumbuzo, kuthi zonke izizukulwane ezizayo ziligcine ngomkhosi omkhulu kuThixo, kube yisimiso sanini lanini.
15 Seuen daies shall ye eat vnleauened bread, and in any case ye shall put away leauen the first day out of your houses: for whosoeuer eateth leauened bread from the first daie vntill the seuenth day, that person shalbe cut off from Israel.
Okwensuku eziyisikhombisa kumele lidle isinkwa esingelamvubelo. Ngelanga lakuqala khuphani imvubelo ezindlini zenu, kuthi lowo odla loba yini elemvubelo ngelanga lakuqala kusiya kwelesikhombisa kumele akhutshwe ko-Israyeli.
16 And in the first day shalbe an holie assemblie: also in the seuenth day shalbe an holy assemblie vnto you: no worke shalbe done in them, saue about that which euery man must eate: that onely may ye do.
Ngosuku lwakuqala lenze umbuthano ongcwele, liphinde omunye ngosuku lwesikhombisa. Lingenzi msebenzi ngamalanga lawa ngaphandle kokulungisa ukudla kwabantu, yikho kodwa elingakwenza.
17 Ye shall keepe also the feast of vnleauened bread: for that same daye I will bring your armies out of the lande of Egypt: therefore ye shall obserue this day, throughout your posteritie, by an ordinance for euer.
Gcinani uMkhosi weSinkwa esingelaMvubelo ngoba kwakulilanga engehlukanisa ngalo amaviyo enu eGibhithe. Gcinani lelilanga njengesimiso sanini lanini kuzizukulwane ezizayo.
18 In the first moneth and the fourteenth day of the moneth at euen, yee shall eate vnleauened bread vnto the one and twentieth day of the moneth at euen.
Ngenyanga yakuqala kumele lidle isinkwa esingelamvubelo, kusukela kusihlwa ngelanga letshumi lane kuze kube kusihlwa ngelanga lamatshumi amabili lanye.
19 Seuen daies shall no leauen be founde in your houses: for whosoeuer eateth leauened bread, that person shalbe cut off from the Congregation of Israel: whether he bee a stranger, or borne in the land.
Okwensuku eziyisikhombisa akumelanga kutholakale imvubelo ezindlini zenu. Akuthi lowo odla loba yini elemvubelo asuswe phakathi kwabantu bako-Israyeli, loba engowezizweni kumbe owosendo lwenu.
20 Ye shall eate no leauened bread: but in all your habitations shall ye eate vnleauened bread.
Lingadli lutho olufakwe imvubelo. Loba kungaphi elihlala khona libokudla isinkwa esingelamvubelo.”
21 Then Moses called all the Elders of Israel, and saide vnto them, Choose out and take you for euerie of your housholdes a lambe, and kill the Passeouer.
Ngakho uMosi wasebiza bonke abadala bako-Israyeli wathi kubo, “Hambani khona manje liyokhetha amazinyane ezindlu zenu lihlabe izinyane lePhasika.
22 And take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the basen, and strike the lintell, and the doore cheekes with the blood that is in the basen, and let none of you goe out at the doore of his house, vntill the morning.
Lithathe ilixha lehisophi liyigxamuze emganwini olegazi beselithatha elinye igazi liligcobe phezulu lakunxa zonke zomgubazi. Akungabikhona lamunye wenu ozaphuma emnyango wendlu yakhe kuze kuse.
23 For the Lord will passe by to smite the Egyptians: and when he seeth the blood vpon the lintel and on the two doore cheekes, the Lord wil passe ouer the doore, and wil not suffer the destroyer to come into your houses to plague you.
Lapho uThixo edabula phakathi kwelizwe ebulala amaGibhithe uzalibona igazi phezulu lemaceleni omgubazi, aceze awedlule lowomnyango angamvumeli umbhubhisi ukungena endlini alibulale.
24 Therefore shall ye obserue this thing as an ordinance both for thee and thy sonnes for euer.
Lalelani imilayo le njengezimiso zaphakade kini lasezizukulwaneni zenu.
25 And when ye shall come into the land, which the Lord will giue you as hee hath promised, then ye shall keepe this seruice.
Nxa lingangena elizweni uThixo azalinika lona njengokuthembisa kwakhe, liwugcine umkhosi lo.
26 And when your children aske you, What seruice is this ye keepe?
Nxa abantwabenu belibuza besithi, ‘Umkhosi lo ngowani?’
27 Then ye shall saye, It is the sacrifice of the Lordes Passeouer, which passed ouer the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and preserued our houses. Then the people bowed them selues, and worshipped.
libatshele lithi, ‘UliPhasika lomhlatshelo kaThixo owadlula eceza izindlu zabako-Israyeli eGibhithe, waphephisa imizi yethu mhla egadla amaGibhithe.’” Khonapho abantu bakhothama bakhonza.
28 So the children of Israel went, and did as the Lord had commanded Moses and Aaron: so did they.
Abako-Israyeli bakwenza lokho uThixo akuyala uMosi lo-Aroni.
29 Nowe at midnight, the Lord smote all the first borne in the lande of Egypt, from the first borne of Pharaoh that sate on his throne, vnto the first borne of the captiue that was in prison, and all the first borne of beastes.
Phakathi kobusuku uThixo wawagongoda wonke amazibulo eGibhithe, kusukela ezibulweni likaFaro owayesesihlalweni sobukhosi kusiya ezibulweni lesibotshwa esasisentolongweni, kanye lamazibulo ezifuyo.
30 And Pharaoh rose vp in the night, he, and all his seruants and all the Egyptians: and there was a great crye in Egypt: for there was no house where there was not one dead.
UFaro lezikhulu zakhe zonke lawo wonke amaGibhithe bavuka ebusuku basiqhinqa isililo esikhulu eGibhithe ngoba kungekho ndlu layinye lapho okwakungafiwanga khona.
31 And hee called to Moses and to Aaron by night, and saide, Rise vp, get you out from among my people, both yee, and the children of Israel, and goe serue the Lord as ye haue sayde.
Ebusuku uFaro wabiza uMosi lo-Aroni wathi, “Hambani! Sukani ebantwini bami, lina labako-Israyeli. Hambani liyekhonza uThixo njengokucela kwenu.
32 Take also your sheepe and your cattell as yee haue sayde, and depart, and blesse me also.
Thathani imihlambi yenu, njengokutsho kwenu lihambe. Njalo lingibusise.”
33 And the Egyptians did force the people, because they would send them out of the land in haste: for they said, We die all.
AmaGibhithe akhuthaza ukuthi baphangise baphume elizweni. Bathi, “Engxenye singafa sonke!”
34 Therfore the people tooke their dough before it was leauened, euen their dough bound in clothes vpon their shoulders.
Ngakho abantu bathatha inhlama yabo yesinkwa ingakafakwa mvubelo bayithwala emahlombe ngemiganu yokuvubela igoqelwe ngamalembu.
35 And the children of Israel did according to the saying of Moses, and they asked of ye Egyptians iewels of siluer and iewels of gold, and raiment.
Abako-Israyeli benza lokho uMosi abayala khona, bacela kumaGibhithe izinto ezenziwe ngesiliva langegolide kanye lezigqoko.
36 And the Lord gaue the people fauour in the sight of the Egyptians: and they graunted their request: so they spoyled the Egyptians.
UThixo wenza amaGibhithe aba lomusa abapha konke abakucelayo. Ngakho bawemuka impahla ezinengi amaGibhithe.
37 Then the children of Israel tooke their iourney from Rameses to Succoth about sixe hundreth thousand men of foote, beside children.
Uhambo lwabako-Israyeli lwasukela eRamesesi baqonda eSukhothi. Kwakulamadoda azinkulungwane ezingamakhulu ayisithupha ehamba ngenyawo ngaphandle kwabesifazane labantwana.
38 And a great multitude of sundrie sortes of people went out with them, and sheepe, and beeues, and cattel in great abundance.
Abanye abantu abanengi bahamba labo kanye lemihlambi eminengi yezifuyo, izimvu lenkomo.
39 And they baked the dough which they brought out of Egypt, and made vnleauened cakes: for it was not leauened, because they were thrust out of Egypt, neither coulde they tarie, nor yet prepare themselues vitailes.
Inhlama abaphuma layo eGibhithe bapheka ngayo isinkwa esingelamvubelo. Inhlama leyo yayingelamvubelo ngoba basuka eGibhithe sebexotshwa abazabe besaba lesikhathi sokuzilungisela umphako.
40 So the dwelling of the children of Israel, while they dwelled in Egypt, was foure hundreth and thirtie yeres.
Abako-Israyeli babehlale eGibhithe okweminyaka engamakhulu amane lamatshumi amathathu.
41 And when the foure hundreth and thirtie yeeres were expired, euen the selfe same day departed all the hostes of the Lord out of the land of Egypt.
Ekupheleni kwaleyominyaka engamakhulu amane lamatshumi amathathu kungeqanga suku wonke amaviyo kaThixo asuka eGibhithe.
42 It is a night to be kept holie to the Lord, because he brought them out of the lande of Egypt: this is that night of the Lord, which all the children of Israel must keepe throughout their generations.
Kwathi ngoba uThixo walinda ngalobobusuku esakhupha abako-Israyeli eGibhithe, yikho-ke labo abako-Israyeli bonke kumele bawugcine umlindo lo behlonipha uThixo kuzozonke izizukulwane ezizayo.
43 Also the Lord said vnto Moses and Aaron, This is the Lawe of the Passeouer: no stranger shall eate thereof.
UThixo wathi kuMosi lo-Aroni, “Nansi imilayo yePhasika: Akungabi lamuntu wezizweni olidlayo.
44 But euerie seruant that is bought for money, when thou hast circumcised him, then shall he eat thereof.
Isigqili esithengwe ngemali singalidla nxa sesisokile,
45 A stranger or an hyred seruant shall not eat thereof.
kodwa isihambi sezizweni lesisebenzi esiqhatshiweyo kabavunyelwa ukulidla.
46 In one house shall it bee eaten: thou shalt carie none of ye flesh out of the house, neither shall ye breake a bone thereof.
Kalidlelwe endlini eyodwa, kungabi lanyama ephumela phandle kwendlu. Akungabi lathambo elephulwayo.
47 All the Congregation of Israel shall obserue it.
Isizwe sonke sako-Israyeli kumele siwugcine lumkhosi.
48 But if a stranger dwell with thee, and will obserue the Passeouer of the Lord, let him circumcise all the males, that belong vnto him, and then let him come and obserue it, and he shall be as one that is borne in the land: for none vncircumcised person shall eate thereof.
Owezizweni ohlala phakathi kwenu nxa efuna ukulidla iPhasika likaThixo kasoke bonke abesilisa abahlala endlini yakhe. Lapho-ke usengahlanganyela adle njengomunye wenzalo yalelolizwe. Owesilisa ongasokwanga kangalidli.
49 One lawe shalbe to him that is borne in the land, and to the stranger that dwelleth among you.
Umthetho lo ugoqela bonke abantu, abayinzalo yakini labezizweni abahlala phakathi kwenu.”
50 Then all the children of Israel did as the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron: so did they.
Bonke abako-Israyeli benza khona lokhu uThixo ayekulaye uMosi lo-Aroni.
51 And the selfe same day did the Lord bring the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies.
Njalo ngalelolanga uThixo wakhupha abako-Israyeli eGibhithe ngamaviyo abo.