< Esther 6 >

1 The same night the King slept not, and he comanded to bring ye booke of the records, and the chronicles: and they were read before ye King.
Ngalobobusuku inkosi yaswela ubuthongo; ngakho yalaya ukuba kulethwe kuyo ugwalo lwemiLando, imibhalo yombuso wayo, izobalelwa.
2 Then it was found written that Mordecai had tolde of Bigtana, and Teresh two of the Kings eunuches, keepers of the dore, who sought to lay hands on the King Ahashuerosh.
Kwatholakala emibhalweni ukuba uModekhayi wayeveze ukuba uBhigithani loThereshi, abathenwa benkosi ababelinda entubeni, babecebe ukubulala inkosi u-Ahasuweru.
3 Then the King sayde, What honour and dignitie hath bene giuen to Mordecai for this? And the Kings seruants that ministred vnto him, sayd, There is nothing done for him.
Inkosi yathi, “UModekhayi wazuza dumo bani lokwaziwa ngalokhu?” Izinceku zenkosi zathi, “Akulalutho alwenzelwayo.”
4 And the King sayde, Who is in the court? (Now Haman was come into the inner court of the Kings house, that he might speake vnto the King to hang Mordecai on the tree that he had prepared for him.)
Inkosi yasisithi, “Ngubani osenkundleni na?” UHamani wayesanda kungena enkundleni yangaphandle yesigodlo ezokhuluma lenkosi mayelana lokulengisa uModekhayi endaweni ayeyakhele lokho.
5 And the Kings seruants said vnto him, Behold, Haman standeth in the court. And the King sayd, Let him come in.
Izinceku zayo zathi, “UHamani umi enkundleni.” Inkosi yalaya yathi, “Mngeniseni.”
6 And when Haman came in, the King saide vnto him, What shalbe done vnto ye man, whom the King will honour? Then Haman thought in his heart, To whom would the King do honour more then to me?
UHamani esengenile, inkosi yathi kuye, “Kuyini okungenzelwa umuntu inkosi ethokoza ngaye ukuba imuphe udumo?” UHamani wacabanga ngaphakathi wathi, “Kambe ngubani ongaphiwa udumo yinkosi ngaphandle kwami?”
7 And Haman answered the King, The man whome the King would honour,
Ngakho waphendula inkosi wathi, “Emuntwini inkosi ethokoza ngaye ukuba imuphe udumo,
8 Let them bring for him royall apparell, which the King vseth to weare, and the horse that the King rideth vpon, and that the crowne royall may be set vpon his head.
kabamlethele isembatho sobukhosi esesake sagqokwa yinkosi kanye lebhiza eselake lagadwa yinkosi, elilomqhele wobukhosi ekhanda lalo.
9 And let the raiment and the horse be deliuered by the hand of one of the Kings most noble princes, and let them apparel the man (whome the King will honour) and cause him to ride vpon the horse thorow the streete of the citie, and proclayme before him, Thus shall it be done vnto the man, whome the King will honour.
Isembatho leso kanye lebhiza kakube sezandleni zesinye sezikhulu zenkosi ezihloniphekayo kakhulu. Umuntu lo inkosi ethokoza ngaye efuna ukumupha udumo kagqokiswe lezozembatho, abesekhokhelwa edabula phakathi kwemigwaqo yedolobho egade ibhiza, kumenyezwe phambi kwakhe ukuthi, ‘Lokhu yikho okwenziwa emuntwini inkosi ethokoza ngaye ukuba imuphe udumo!’”
10 Then the King said to Haman, Make haste, take the rayment and the horse as thou hast said, and doe so vnto Mordecai the Iewe, that sitteth at the Kings gate: let nothing fayle of all that thou hast spoken.
Inkosi yasilaya uHamani yathi, “Hamba khona manje uyethatha izembatho kanye lebhiza wenze njengokucebisa kwakho kuModekhayi umJuda ohlezi esangweni lenkosi. Ungaze watshiya loba yikuphi okuqambileyo.”
11 So Haman tooke the rayment and the horse, and arayed Mordecai, and brought him on horse backe thorowe the streete of the citie, and proclaymed before him, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the King will honour.
UHamani wasethatha izembatho kanye lebhiza. Wamgqokisa uModekhayi, wasemkhokhela ephezu kwebhiza, wadabula imigwaqo yedolobho, ehamba ememeza esithi, “Lokhu yikho okwenziwa emuntwini inkosi ethokoza ngaye ukuba imuphe udumo!”
12 And Mordecai came againe to the Kings gate, but Haman hasted home mourning and his head couered.
Ngemva kwalokho uModekhayi wabuyela esangweni lenkosi. Kodwa uHamani watshitsha waya ngekhaya, emboze ikhanda ngosizi,
13 And Haman tolde Zeresh his wife, and all his friends all that had befallen him. Then sayd his wise men, and Zeresh his wife vnto him, If Mordecai be of the seede of the Iewes, before whom thou hast begunne to fall; thou shalt not preuaile against him, but shalt surely fall before him.
watshela uZereshi umkakhe kanye labangane bakhe bonke ngakho konke okwakumehlele. Abeluleki bakhe lomkakhe uZereshi bathi kuye, “Njengoba uModekhayi osuqale ukuwa phambi kwakhe engumJuda ngokwemvelo, awungeke umelane laye, uzatshabalala ngempela.”
14 And while they were yet talking with him, came the Kings eunuches and hasted to bring Haman vnto the banket that Ester had prepared.
Kwathi besakhuluma laye, kwafika abathenwa benkosi bamthatha masinyane ukuya edilini elalilungiswe ngu-Esta.

< Esther 6 >