< Esther 10 >

1 And the King Ahashuerosh layd a tribute vpon the land, and vpon the yles of the sea.
Mambo Zekisesi akadzika mutemo munyika yose, kusvika kumahombekombe egungwa.
2 And all the actes of his power, and of his might, and the declaration of the dignitie of Mordecai, wherwith the King magnified him, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Media and Persia?
Uye mabasa ake ose esimba noukuru nerondedzero youkuru hwaModhekai hwaakanga asimudzirwa namambo, haana kunyorwa here mubhuku renhoroondo dzegore negore dzamadzimambo eMedhia nePezhia?
3 For Mordecai the Iewe was the second vnto King Ahashuerosh, and great among the Iewes, and accepted among the multitude of his brethren, who procured the wealth of his people, and spake peaceably to all his seede.
Modhekai muJudha aiva wechipiri kubva kuna Mambo Zekisesi, mukuru pakati pavaJudha, uye airemekedzwa zvikuru noruzhinji rwehama dzake dzechiJudha, nokuti akatsvakira vanhu vake zvakanaka uye akakumbirira vaJudha vose kuti vagare zvakanaka.

< Esther 10 >