< Esther 1 >

1 In the dayes of Ahashuerosh (this is Ahashuerosh that reigned, from India euen vnto Ethiopia, ouer an hundreth, and seuen and twentie prouinces)
Izi ndi zimene zinachitika pa nthawi ya ufumu wa Ahasiwero, amene analamulira zigawo 127 kuyambira ku India mpaka ku Kusi.
2 In those dayes when the King Ahashuerosh sate on his throne, which was in the palace of Shushan,
Pa nthawi imeneyi nʼkuti mfumu Ahasiwero atakhazikika pa mpando wake wa ufumu mu mzinda wa Susa,
3 In the third yeere of his reigne, he made a feast vnto all his princes and his seruants, euen the power of Persia and Media, and to the captaines and gouernours of the prouinces which were before him,
ndipo mʼchaka chachitatu cha ufumu wake anakonza phwando la olemekezeka ndi nduna zake. Atsogoleri a nkhondo a ku Peresiya ndi Mediya, anthu olemekezeka pamodzi ndi nduna za mʼzigawo zonse anasonkhana kwa iye.
4 That he might shewe the riches and glorie of his kingdome, and the honour of his great maiestie many dayes, euen an hundreth and foure score dayes.
Pa nthawi yomweyi kwa masiku 180 a phwando mfumu inkaonetsa kulemera kwa ulemerero wa ufumu wake ndiponso kukongola ndi kukula kwa ufumu wake.
5 And when these dayes were expired, the King made a feast to all the people that were founde in the palace of Shushan, both vnto great and small, seuen dayes, in the court of the garden of the Kings palace,
Atatha masiku amenewa, kwa masiku ena asanu ndi awiri mfumu inakonzanso phwando la anthu onse okhala mu mzinda wa Susa kuyambira anthu olemekezeka mpaka anthu wamba ku bwalo la munda la nyumba yake yaufumu.
6 Vnder an hanging of white, greene, and blue clothes, fastened with cordes of fine linen and purple, in siluer rings, and pillars of marble: the beds were of golde, and of siluer vpon a pauement of porphyre, and marble and alabaster, and blue colour.
Bwalo la mundali analikongoletsa ndi makatani a nsalu zoyera ndi za mtundu wamtambo zimene anazimangirira ndi zingwe za nsalu zoyera ndi zapepo ku mphete za siliva zimene anazikoloweka pa nsanamira za maburo. Anayika mipando yopumirapo yagolide ndi siliva pabwalo la miyala yoyala yamtengowapatali yofiira, ya marabulo, ndi yonyezimira.
7 And they gaue them drinke in vessels of golde, and changed vessel after vessel, and royall wine in abundance according to the power of the King.
Anapereka zakumwa mʼchikho zagolide zamitundumitundu, ndipo vinyo waufumu anali wochuluka kwambiri monga mwa kukoma mtima kwa mfumu.
8 And the drinking was by an order, none might compel: for so the King had appoynted vnto all the officers of his house, that they should do according to euery mans pleasure.
Monga mwa lamulo la mfumu aliyense anamwa mʼmene anafunira, pakuti mfumu inawuza otumikira ake kuti apatse aliyense monga mwa kukonda kwake.
9 The Queene Vashti made a feast also for the women in the royall house of King Ahashuerosh.
Mkazi wa mfumu Vasiti nayenso anakonzera phwando amayi ku nyumba ya ufumu ya mfumu Ahasiwero.
10 Vpon the seuenth daye when the King was merie with wine, he commanded Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, and Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas, the seuen eunuches, (that serued in the presence of King Ahashuerosh)
Pa tsiku la chisanu ndi chiwiri, pamene mfumu Ahasiwero inaledzera ndi vinyo, inalamula adindo ofulidwa asanu ndi awiri amene ankamutumikira: Mehumani, Bizita, Haribona, Bigita, Abagita, Zetara, ndi Karikasi
11 To bring Queene Vashti before the King with the crowne royall, that he might shewe the people and the princes her beautie: for shee was fayre to looke vpon.
kuti abwere naye mfumukazi Vasiti pamaso pa mfumu atavala chipewa chaufumu. Cholinga cha mfumu chinali choti adzamuonetse kwa anthu onse ndi olemekezeka, chifukwa anali wokongola kwambiri.
12 But the Queene Vashti refused to come at the Kings worde, which he had giuen in charge to the eunuches: therefore the King was very angry, and his wrath kindled in him.
Koma antchito atapereka uthenga wa mfumu kwa mfumukazi, Vasiti anakana kubwera. Tsono mfumu inakwiya ndi kupsa mtima.
13 Then the King said to the wise men, that knew the times (for so was the Kings maner towards all that knew the law and the iudgement:
Mfumu inayankhula ndi anthu anzeru ndi ozindikira choyenera kuchita popeza chinali chikhalidwe chake kufunsa uphungu kwa akatswiri pa nkhani za malamulo ndi kuweruza kolungama.
14 And the next vnto him was Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan the seuen princes of Persia and Media, which sawe the Kings face, and sate the first in the kingdome)
Anthu amene ankakhala pafupi ndi mfumu anali awa: Karisena, Setara, Adimata, Tarisisi, Meresi, Marisena ndi Memukani, olemekezeka asanu ndi awiri a ku Peresiya ndi Medina amene ankaloledwa mwapadera kuonana ndi mfumu ndipo anali pamwamba kwambiri mu ufumuwo.
15 What shall we do vnto the Queene Vashti according to the law, because she did not according to the worde of the King Ahashuerosh by the commission of the eunuches?
Mfumu inafunsa kuti, “Kodi titani naye mfumukazi Vasiti mwa lamulo, popeza sanamvere lamulo la ine mfumu Ahasiwero limene adindo ofulidwa anakamuwuza?”
16 Then Memucan answered before the King and the Princes, The Queene Vashti hath not only done euill against the King, but against all the princes, and against all the people that are in all the prouinces of King Ahashuerosh.
Ndipo Memukani anayankha pa maso pa mfumu ndi olemekezeka anzake kuti, “Mfumukazi Vasiti sanalakwire mfumu yokha, koma walakwiranso olemekezeka onse ndi anthu onse okhala mʼzigawo zonse za mfumu Ahasiwero.
17 For the acte of the Queene shall come abroade vnto all women, so that they shall despise their husbands in their owne eyes, and shall say, The King Ahashuerosh comanded Vashti the Queene to be brought in before him, but she came not.
Pakuti amayi onse adzadziwa zimene wachita mfumukazi ndipo kotero adzapeputsa amuna awo ndi kunena kuti, ‘Mfumu Ahasiwero analamulira kuti abwere naye mfumukazi Vasiti kwa iye koma sanapite.’
18 So shall the princesses of Persia and Media this day say vnto all the Kings Princes, when they heare of the acte of the Queene: thus shall there be much despitefulnesse and wrath.
Lero lomwe lino amayi olemekezeka a ku Peresiya ndi Mediya amene amva zimene wachita mfumukazi adzaganiza zochita chimodzimodzi kwa nduna zonse za mfumu. Ndipo kupeputsana ndi kukongola zidzapitirira.”
19 If it please the King, let a royal decree proceede from him, and let it be written among the statutes of Persia, and Media, (and let it not be transgressed) that Vashti come no more before King Ahashuerosh: and let the King giue her royal estate vnto her companion that is better then she.
“Choncho, ngati chikukomerani mfumu, lamulirani kuti Vasiti asadzaonekerenso pamaso pa mfumu Ahasiwero. Lamuloli lilembedwe mʼmabuku a malamulo a Aperezi ndi Amedi kuti lisadzasinthike. Pamalo pa Vasiti ngati mfumukazi payikidwepo mkazi wina amene ali bwino kuposa iye.
20 And when the decree of the King which shalbe made, shalbe published throughout all his kingdome (though it be great) all the women shall giue their husbands honour, both great and small.
Ndipo lamulo la mfumuli lilengezedwa mʼdziko lake lonse ngakhale lili lalikulu, amayi onse adzapereka ulemu kwa amuna awo, amuna olemekezeka mpaka amuna wamba.”
21 And this saying pleased the King and the princes, and the King did according to the worde of Memucan.
Mfumu ndi nduna zake anakondwera ndi uphungu uwu, kotero mfumu inachita monga momwe ananenera Memukani.
22 For he sent letters into all the prouinces of the King, into euery prouince according to the writing thereof, and to euery people after their language, that euery man should beare rule in his owne house, and that he should publish it in the language of that same people.
Mfumu inatumiza makalata ku madera onse a ufumu wake, chigawo chilichonse mʼzilembo zawo ndi ku mtundu uliwonse mʼchiyankhulo chawochawo kulengeza kuti mwamuna ayankhule chilichonse chimene chikumukomera.

< Esther 1 >