< Ephesians 5 >

1 Bee yee therefore followers of God, as deare children,
Kulwejo mubhe bhanu bhwo kumulubha Nyamuanga, lwa bhana abhendwa.
2 And walke in loue, euen as Christ hath loued vs, and hath giuen himselfe for vs, to be an offering and a sacrifice of a sweete smellling sauour to God.
Mulibhatile mulyenda, lwakutyo Kristo achendele eswe, esosishe omwene ingulu yeswe. Omwene abhee chisoshwa ne chogo, okubha bhulange bhwa kiss bhwo kumukondelesha Nyamuanga.
3 But fornication, and all vncleannesse, or couetousnesse, let it not be once named among you, as it becommeth Saintes,
Obhulomesi no bhujabhi bhwona bhwona na inamba mbibhi itaikwa agati yemwe, lwakutyo ejendibhwa kubhekilisha, nolo amafululusho gataikwa,
4 Neither filthinesse, neither foolish talking, neither iesting, which are things not comely, but rather giuing of thankes.
emisango jo bhujabhi, nolo bhusegu bhwo kujimya, ganu gatali gakisi, nawe ibheewo insime.
5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, neither vncleane person, nor couetous person, which is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdome of Christ, and of God.
Omutula okubha nechimali ati bhulio obhusiani, obhujabhi, nolo unu kaligila, oyo ni unu kalamya amasusano, atana mwandu gwona gwona mubhukama bhwa Kristo na Nyamuanga.
6 Let no man deceiue you with vaine wordes: for, for such thinges commeth the wrath of God vpon the children of disobedience.
Omunu wona wona atajakujiga kwa magambo gabhusa, kwa insonga ya magambo ya magambo ganu lisungu lya Nyamuanga elija ingulu ya bhana bhanu bhatakungwa.
7 Be not therefore companions with them.
Kulwejo utaja kubha amwi nabho.
8 For ye were once darkenesse, but are nowe light in the Lord: walke as children of light,
Kulwokubha emwe kubhwambilo mwaliga muli muchisute, nawe woli omwitaganya mu Latabhugenyi. Kulwejo mulibhatega lwa bhana bha mubhwelu.
9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in al goodnes, and righteousnes, and trueth)
Kulwokubha amatwasho ga mubhwelu agakumanya obhwekisi bhwona, obhulengelesi ne chimali.
10 Approuing that which is pleasing to the Lord.
Yenja chinu echikondelesha Latabhugenyi.
11 And haue no fellowship with ye vnfruitfull works of darknes, but euen reproue them rather.
Bhutaja kubhao bhusangisi kumilimu je chisute jinu jitana matwasho, nawe nujite abhwelu.
12 For it is shame euen to speake of the things which are done of them in secret.
Kulwokubha amagambo ganu agakolwa nabho mubhwimbise nigokuswasha muno nolo okugasimula.
13 But all thinges when they are reproued of the light, are manifest: for it is light that maketh all things manifest.
Amagambo gona, gakasululwa no bhwelu, agabha abhwelu,
14 Wherefore hee sayeth, Awake thou that sleepest, and stande vp from the deade, and Christ shall giue thee light.
kulwokubha bhuli echinu chinu chisuluwe echibha mubhwelu. Kulwejo owaika kutiya,”Imuka, awe umamile, na imuka okusoka mubhafuye na Kristo kalabhangilya ingulu yao.”
15 Take heede therefore that yee walke circumspectly, not as fooles, but as wise,
Kulwejo mubhe nobhwenge kutyo omulibhata, mutabha lwa bhanu bhanu bhatana bhwenge nawe bhobhwenge.
16 Redeeming ye season: for ye daies are euill.
Mwichungulilega omwanya kulwokubha jinsikujinu nijo bhunyamuke.
17 Wherefore, be ye not vnwise, but vnderstand what the will of the Lord is.
Mutaja kubha bhamumu, nawe, mumenye ati nilyenda lya Latabhugenyi.
18 And be not drunke with wine, wherein is excesse: but be fulfilled with the Spirit,
Mutatamilaga kwo mulamba, ogutangasha mubhunyamuke, nawe mwijusibhwe no Mwoyo Omwelu.
19 Speaking vnto your selues in psalmes, and hymnes, and spirituall songs, singing, and making melodie to the Lord in your hearts,
Mulomega bhuli umwi mwimwe kwa jijabhuli, nokukuya, na jinyimbo ja mumwoyo. Mwimbe na nimukuya kwo mwoyo ku Latabhugenyi.
20 Giuing thankes alwaies for all thinges vnto God euen the Father, in the Name of our Lord Iesus Christ,
Bhusibhusi musoshega isime kwe misango jona mwisina lya Kristo Yesu Latabhugenyi weswe ku Nyamuanga Lata.
21 Submitting your selues one to another in the feare of God.
Mwisoshega emwe abhene bhuli umwi kuundi kunsime ya Kristo.
22 Wiues, submit your selues vnto your husbands, as vnto the Lord.
Abhagasi, mwisoshega kubhalume bhemwe, lwa Latabhugenyi.
23 For the husband is the wiues head, euen as Christ is the head of the Church, and the same is the sauiour of his body.
Kulwainsonga omulume ni mutwe gwo mugasi, lwakutyo Kristo ali mutwe gwa likanisa. Ni muchungusi wo mubhili.
24 Therfore as the Church is in subiection to Christ, euen so let the wiues be to their husbands in euery thing.
Nawe lwakutyo likanisa lili emwalo ya Kristo, kutyo kutyo abhagasi bhusi bhusi bhakole kutyo kubhalume bhebhwe bhuli musango.
25 Husbands, loue your wiues, euen as Christ loued the Church, and gaue himselfe for it,
Abhalume, mubhendega abhagasi bhemwe lwakutyo ona Kristo alyendele likanisa nesosha omwene ingulu yae.
26 That hee might sanctifie it, and clense it by the washing of water through the worde,
Akolele kutyo koleleki libhe lyelu. Ayeshe no kulyosha na manji mumusango.
27 That hee might make it vnto him selfe a glorious Church, not hauing spot or wrinkle, or any such thing: but that it shoulde bee holy and without blame.
Akolele kutyo koleleki abhone omwene likanisa lyechibhalo, linu litana esolo amwi na chona chinu echisusana necho, nawe ni lyelu litana chibhibhi.
28 So ought men to loue their wiues, as their owne bodies: he that loueth his wife, loueth him selfe.
Kulwainjila eyo eyo, abhalume abhendibhwa okubhenda abhagasi bhebhwe lwe mibhili jebhwe. Unu kamwenda omugasi wae keenda omwene.
29 For no man euer yet hated his owne flesh, but nourisheth and cherisheth it, euen as the Lord doeth the Church.
Atalio naumwi unu katamangana no mubhili gwae. Nawe naguchumachuma no kugwenda, lwakutyo Kristo ona kutyo alyendele likanisa.
30 For we are members of his bodie, of his flesh, and of his bones.
Kulwokubha eswe chili amwi no mubhili gwae.
31 For this cause shall a man leaue father and mother, and shall cleaue to his wife, and they twaine shalbe one flesh.
“Kulwainsonga inu omulume kamusiga esemwene na nyilamwene nibhagwatana no mugasi wae, nabhabhilikile abho nibhabha mubhili gumwi”.
32 This is a great secrete, but I speake concerning Christ, and concerning the Church.
bhunu bhaliga bhuselekelwe. Nawe enaika ingulu ya Kristo na likanisa.
33 Therefore euery one of you, doe ye so: let euery one loue his wife, euen as himselfe, and let the wife see that shee feare her husband.
Nawe, emwe bhuli umwi mwimwe nibhusibhusi amwende omugasi wae lwakutyo keenda omwene, no mugasi amugasega omulume wae.

< Ephesians 5 >