< Ephesians 1 >
1 Pavl an Apostle of Jesvs Christ by the will of God, to the Saints, which are at Ephesus, and to ye faithfull in Christ Iesus:
Od Pavla, po volji Božijoj apostola Isusa Hrista, svetima koji su u Efesu, i vjernima u Hristu Isusu:
2 Grace be with you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Iesus Christ.
Blagodat vam i mir od Boga oca našega i Gospoda Isusa Hrista.
3 Blessed be God, and the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, which hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessing in heauenly thinges in Christ,
Blagosloven Bog i otac Gospoda našega Isusa Hrista, koji nas je blagoslovio svakijem blagoslovom duhovnijem na nebesima kroz Hrista;
4 As hee hath chosen vs in him, before the foundation of the worlde, that we should be holy, and without blame before him in loue:
Kao što nas izabra kroz njega prije postanja svijeta, da budemo sveti i pravedni pred njim u ljubavi,
5 Who hath predestinate vs, to be adopted through Iesus Christ in him selfe, according to the good pleasure of his will,
Odredivši nas naprijed kroz Isusa Hrista sebi na posinaštvo, po ugodnosti volje svoje,
6 To the prayse of the glory of his grace, wherewith he hath made vs freely accepted in his beloued,
Na pohvalu slavne blagodati svoje kojom nas oblagodati u ljubaznome,
7 By whom we haue redemption through his blood, euen the forgiuenes of sinnes, according to his rich grace:
U kome imamo izbavljenje krvlju njegovom, i oproštenje grijeha, po bogatstvu blagodati njegove,
8 Whereby he hath bene aboundant toward vs in all wisedome and vnderstanding,
Koju je preumnožio u nama u svakoj premudrosti i razumu,
9 And hath opened vnto vs the mysterie of his will according to his good pleasure, which he had purposed in him,
Pokazavši nam tajnu volje svoje, po ugodnosti svojoj koju naprijed pokaza u njemu,
10 That in the dispensation of the fulnesse of the times, he might gather together in one all things, both which are in heauen, and which are in earth, euen in Christ:
Za uredbu izvršetka vremena, da se sve sastavi u Hristu što je na nebesima i na zemlji; u njemu,
11 In whom also we are chosen when we were predestinate according to ye purpose of him, which worketh all things after the counsell of his owne will,
Kroz kojega i našljednici postasmo, naprijed odreðeni bivši po naredbi Boga koji sve èini po savjetu volje svoje,
12 That we, which first trusted in Christ, should be vnto the praise of his glorie:
Da bismo bili na hvalu slave njegove, mi koji smo se naprijed uzdali u Hrista,
13 In whom also ye haue trusted, after that ye heard the worde of trueth, euen the Gospel of your saluation, wherein also after that ye beleeued, ye were sealed with the holy Spirite of promise,
Kroz kojega i vi, èuvši rijeè istine, jevanðelje spasenija svojega, u kojemu i vjerovavši zapeèatiste se svetijem duhom obeæanja,
14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance, for the redemption of that libertie purchased vnto the prayse of his glory.
Koji je zalog našljedstva našega za izbavljenje teèevine na hvalu slave njegove.
15 Therefore also after that I heard of the faith, which ye haue in the Lord Iesus, and loue toward all the Saints,
Zato i ja èuvši vašu vjeru u Hrista Isusa, i ljubav k svima svetima,
16 I cease not to giue thankes for you, making mention of you in my prayers,
Ne prestajem zahvaljivati za vas, i spominjati vas u svojijem molitvama,
17 That the God of our Lord Iesus Christ, that Father of glory, might giue vnto you the Spirit of wisedome, and reuelation through the acknowledging of him,
Da Bog Gospoda našega Isusa Hrista, otac slave, dade vam Duha premudrosti i otkrivenja da ga poznate,
18 That the eyes of your vnderstanding may be lightened, that ye may knowe what the hope is of his calling, and what the riches of his glorious inheritance is in the Saints,
I bistre oèi srca vašega da biste mogli vidjeti koje je nad njegova zvanja, i koje je bogatstvo slave našljedstva njegova u svetima,
19 And what is the exceeding greatnesse of his power toward vs, which beleeue, according to the working of his mightie power,
I kakva je izobilna velièina sile njegove na nama koji vjerujemo po èinjenju prevelike sile njegove,
20 Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his right hand in the heauenly places,
Koju uèini u Hristu, kad ga podiže iz mrtvijeh i posadi sebi s desne strane na nebesima,
21 Farre aboue al principalitie, and power, and might, and domination, and euery Name, that is named, not in this world only, but also in that that is to come, (aiōn )
Nad svijem poglavarstvima, i vlastima, i silama, i gospodstvima, i nad svakijem imenom što se može nazvati, ne samo na ovome svijetu nego i na onome koji ide. (aiōn )
22 And hath made all things subiect vnder his feete, and hath giuen him ouer all things to be the head to the Church,
I sve pokori pod noge njegove, i njega dade za glavu crkvi, nad svima,
23 Which is his body, euen the fulnesse of him that filleth all in all things.
Koja je tijelo njegovo, punina onoga koji sve ispunjava u svemu.