< Ecclesiastes 8 >
1 Who is as the wise man? and who knoweth the interpretation of a thing? the wisedome of a man doth make his face to shine: and the strength of his face shalbe changed.
谁如智慧人呢? 谁知道事情的解释呢? 人的智慧使他的脸发光, 并使他脸上的暴气改变。
2 I aduertise thee to take heede to ye mouth of the King, and to the worde of the othe of God.
我劝你遵守王的命令;既指 神起誓,理当如此。
3 Haste not to goe forth of his sight: stand not in an euill thing: for he will doe whatsoeuer pleaseth him.
4 Where the word of ye King is, there is power, and who shall say vnto him, What doest thou?
5 He that keepeth the commandement, shall knowe none euill thing, and the heart of the wise shall knowe the time and iudgement.
6 For to euery purpose there is a time and iudgement, because the miserie of man is great vpon him.
7 For he knoweth not that which shalbe: for who can tell him when it shalbe?
8 Man is not lorde ouer the spirit to retaine the spirite: neither hath hee power in the day of death, nor deliuerance in the battell, neither shall wickednesse deliuer the possessers thereof.
9 All this haue I seene, and haue giuen mine heart to euery worke, which is wrought vnder the sunne, and I sawe a time that man ruleth ouer man to his owne hurt.
10 And likewise I sawe the wicked buried, and they returned, and they that came from the holy place, were yet forgotten in the citie where they had done right: this also is vanitie.
11 Because sentence against an euill worke is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the children of men is fully set in them to doe euill.
12 Though a sinner doe euill an hundreth times, and God prolongeth his dayes, yet I knowe that it shalbe well with them that feare the Lord, and doe reuerence before him.
罪人虽然作恶百次,倒享长久的年日;然而我准知道,敬畏 神的,就是在他面前敬畏的人,终久必得福乐。
13 But it shall not be well to the wicked, neither shall he prolong his dayes: he shall be like a shadowe, because he feareth not before God.
恶人却不得福乐,也不得长久的年日;这年日好像影儿,因他不敬畏 神。
14 There is a vanitie, which is done vpon the earth, that there be righteous men to whom it commeth according to the worke of the wicked: and there be wicked men to whom it commeth according to the worke of the iust: I thought also that this is vanitie.
15 And I praysed ioy: for there is no goodnesse to man vnder the sunne, saue to eate and to drinke and to reioyce: for this is adioyned to his labour, the dayes of his life that God hath giuen him vnder the sunne.
我就称赞快乐,原来人在日光之下,莫强如吃喝快乐;因为他在日光之下, 神赐他一生的年日,要从劳碌中,时常享受所得的。
16 When I applied mine heart to knowe wisedome, and to behold the busines that is done on earth, that neither day nor night the eyes of man take sleepe,
17 Then I behelde the whole worke of God, that man cannot finde out ye worke that is wrought vnder the sunne: for the which man laboureth to seeke it, and cannot finde it: yea, and though the wise man thinke to knowe it, he cannot finde it.
我就看明 神一切的作为,知道人查不出日光之下所做的事;任凭他费多少力寻查,都查不出来,就是智慧人虽想知道,也是查不出来。