< Ecclesiastes 6 >

1 There is an euill, which I sawe vnder the sunne, and it is much among men:
Ndakaona chimwe chinhu chakaipa pasi pezuva, uye chinoremedza vanhu zvikuru:
2 A man to whom God hath giuen riches and treasures and honour, and he wanteth nothing for his soule of all that it desireth: but God giueth him not power to eate thereof, but a strange man shall eate it vp: this is vanitie, and this is an euill sicknesse.
Mwari anopa munhu mari nezvinhu zvakawanda uye nokukudzwa, zvokuti haana chaangashayiwa pazvinhu zvinodiwa nomwoyo wake, asi Mwari haazomutenderi kuti afadzwe nazvo, uye mutorwa ndiye anozofadzwa nazvo panzvimbo yake. Izvi hazvina maturo, chinhu chakaipa chinorwadza.
3 If a man beget an hundreth children and liue many yeeres, and the dayes of his yeeres be multiplied, and his soule be not satisfied with good things, and he be not buried, I say that an vntimely fruite is better then he.
Munhu angava navana zana agorarama makore akawanda, asi hazvinei kuti ararama nguva yakareba sei, kana akasafara nezvaanowana uyezve akasavigwa zvakanaka, ndinoti mwana aberekwa ari gavamwedzi ari nani pana iye.
4 For he commeth into vanitie and goeth into darkenesse: and his name shall be couered with darkenesse.
Anouya asina zvaanoreva anoendazve murima, uye murima zita rake rinofukidzirwa.
5 Also he hath not seene ye sunne, nor knowen it: therefore this hath more rest then the other.
Kunyange asina kumboona zuva kana kuziva chinhu, ane zororo rinopfuura munhu iyeyu,
6 And if he had liued a thousand yeeres twise tolde, and had seene no good, shall not all goe to one place?
kunyange akararama makore anokwana zviuru zviviri, asi akatadza kufadzwa nezvaanowana. Ko, vose havaendi kunzvimbo imwe chete here?
7 All the labour of man is for his mouth: yet the soule is not filled.
Kushingaira kwose kwomunhu kunoitirwa muromo wake, kunyange zvakadaro kuda kwake zvokudya hakugutswi.
8 For what hath the wise man more then the foole? what hath the poore that knoweth how to walke before the liuing?
Ko, akachenjera anokurira benzi pachii? Ko, murombo anowanei nokuziva kuzvibata pamberi pavamwe?
9 The sight of ye eye is better then to walke in ye lustes: this also is vanitie, and vexation of spirit.
Zviri nani zvinoonekwa nameso pane kutsvaka-tsvaka kwomwoyo. Izviwo hazvina maturo, kudzinganisana nemhepo.
10 What is that that hath bene? the name thereof is nowe named: and it is knowen that it is man: and he cannot striue with him that is stronger then he.
Chinhu chipi nechipi chiripo chakapiwa zita kare, uye munhu zvaari zvakazivikanwa kare; hakuna munhu anorwisana nomunhu anomupfuura pasimba.
11 Surely there be many things that increase vanitie: and what auaileth it man?
Kuwanda kwamashoko ndikowo kuwanda kwezvisina maturo, uye zvingabatsira aniko zvakadai?
12 For who knoweth what is good for man in the life and in the nomber of the dayes of the life of his vanitie, seeing he maketh them as a shadowe? For who can shewe vnto man what shall be after him vnder the sunne?
Zvino ndiani angaziva zvakanakira munhu muupenyu, pamazuva mashoma uye asina maturo anopfuura somumvuri? Nokuti ndiani angaudza munhu zvinozomutevera mushure mokunge iye aenda?

< Ecclesiastes 6 >