< Ecclesiastes 3 >
1 To all things there is an appointed time, and a time to euery purpose vnder the heauen.
Katram darbam ir nolikts laiks un katram nodomam apakš debess ir savs brīdis.
2 A time to bee borne, and a time to die: a time to plant, and a time to plucke vp that which is planted.
Savs laiks piedzimt, savs laiks mirt, savs laiks dēstīt un savs laiks dēstīto ravēt.
3 A time to slay, and a time to heale: a time to breake downe, and a time to builde.
Savs laiks nokaut un savs laiks dziedināt, savs laiks nolauzt un savs laiks uzcelt.
4 A time to weepe, and a time to laugh: a time to mourne, and a time to dance.
Savs laiks raudāt un savs laiks smieties, savs laiks vaidēt un savs laiks diet.
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones: a time to embrace, and a time to be farre from embracing.
Savs laiks akmeņus mest un savs laiks akmeņus kraut, savs laiks apkampt un savs laiks šķirties.
6 A time to seeke, and a time to lose: a time to keepe, and a time to cast away.
Savs laiks meklēt un savs laiks zaudēt, savs laiks glabāt un savs laiks nomest.
7 A time to rent, and a time to sowe: a time to keepe silence, and a time to speake.
Savs laiks saplēst un savs laiks sašūt, savs laiks klusu ciest un savs laiks runāt.
8 A time to loue, and a time to hate: a time of warre, and a time of peace.
Savs laiks mīlēt un savs laiks nīdēt, savs laiks karam un savs laiks mieram.
9 What profite hath hee that worketh of the thing wherein he trauaileth?
Kāds labums strādniekam no sava pūliņa?
10 I haue seene the trauaile that God hath giuen to ye sonnes of men to humble them thereby.
Es esmu redzējis grūtumu, ko Dievs cilvēku bērniem uzlicis, ar to mocīties.
11 He hath made euery thing beautifull in his time: also he hath set the worlde in their heart, yet can not man finde out the worke that God hath wrought from the beginning euen to the end.
Viņš visu jauki ir darījis savā laikā; pat mūžību viņš licis viņu sirdīs; tik cilvēks nevar izprast Dieva darbu, ne viņa iesākumu, ne galu.
12 I know that there is nothing good in them, but to reioyce, and to doe good in his life.
Es samanīju, ka priekš viņiem nekas nav labāks, nekā priecāties un labu darīt savā laikā,
13 And also that euery man eateth and drinketh, and seeth the commoditie of all his labour. this is the gift of God.
Un ka ikkatrs cilvēks ēd un dzer un ko laba bauda pie visa sava pūliņa: tā ir Dieva dāvana.
14 I knowe that whatsoeuer God shall doe, it shalbe for euer: to it can no man adde, and from it can none diminish: for God hath done it, that they should feare before him.
Es zinu, ka viss, ko Dievs dara, tas paliek mūžīgi, tam neko nevar pielikt nedz no tā ko atraut, un Dievs to dara, lai Viņu bīstas.
15 What is that that hath bene? that is nowe: and that that shalbe, hath now bene: for God requireth that which is past.
Kas jau bijis, tas tagad ir, un kas vēl būs, tas jau bijis; un Dievs atjauno to, kas bija pagājis.
16 And moreouer I haue seene vnder the sunne the place of iudgement, where was wickednesse, and the place of iustice where was iniquitie.
Un es vēl pasaulē esmu redzējis tiesas vietu, - tur bija bezdievība, un taisnības vietu, - tur bija bezdievība.
17 I thought in mine heart, God wil iudge the iust and the wicked: for time is there for euery purpose and for euery worke.
Es sacīju savā sirdi: Dievs tiesās taisno un bezdievīgo; jo katram nodomam ir tur savs laiks, un visi darbi (taps tiesāti).
18 I considered in mine heart the state of the children of men that God had purged them: yet to see to, they are in themselues as beastes.
Es sacīju savā sirdī: tas ir cilvēku bērnu dēļ, Dievs tos grib pārbaudīt un tiem rādīt, ka tie paši par sevi ir kā lopi.
19 For the condition of the children of men, and the condition of beasts are euen as one condition vnto them. As the one dyeth, so dyeth the other: for they haue all one breath, and there is no excellency of man aboue ye beast: for all is vanitie.
Jo kāds cilvēku bērnu liktenis, tāds lopu liktenis; tiem ir viens liktenis: kā viens mirst, tā otrs mirst, - tiem visiem ir viena dvaša, un cilvēks nav pārāks pār lopiem; jo viss ir niecība.
20 All goe to one place, and all was of the dust, and all shall returne to the dust.
Visi noiet vienā vietā, visi ir no pīšļiem un visi griežas atpakaļ pīšļos.
21 Who knoweth whether the spirit of man ascend vpward, and the spirit of the beast descend downeward to the earth?
Kas pārmana cilvēku bērnu dvašu, vai tā augšup iet, un lopu dvašu, vai tā lejup nokāpj?
22 Therefore I see that there is nothing better then that a man shoulde reioyce in his affaires, because that is his portion. For who shall bring him to see what shalbe after him?
Tādēļ es redzēju, ka nekas nav labāks, nekā ka cilvēks priecājās pie sava darba; jo tā ir viņa daļa. Jo kas viņu vedīs tai vietā, kur tas varētu redzēt, kas pēc viņa notiks?