< Ecclesiastes 12 >
1 Remember nowe thy Creator in the daies of thy youth, whiles the euill daies come not, nor the yeeres approche, wherein thou shalt say, I haue no pleasure in them:
I sjećaj se svoga Stvoritelja u danima svoje mladosti prije nego dođu zli dani i prispiju godine kad ćeš reći: “Ne mile mi se.”
2 Whiles the sunne is not darke, nor ye light, nor the moone, nor the starres, nor the cloudes returne after the raine:
Prije nego potamni sunce i svjetlost, mjesec i zvijezde, i vrate se oblaci iza kiše.
3 When the keepers of ye house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow them selues, and the grinders shall cease, because they are few, and they waxe darke that looke out by ye windowes:
U dan kad zadrhte čuvari kuće i pognu se junaci, i dosađuju se mlinarice jer ih je premalo, i potamne oni koji gledaju kroz prozore;
4 And the doores shall be shut without by the base sound of the grinding, and he shall rise vp at the voice of the birde: and all the daughters of singing shall be abased.
kad se zatvore ulična vrata, oslabi šum mlina, kad utihne pjev ptice i zamru zvuci pjesme.
5 Also they shalbe afraide of the hie thing, and feare shalbe in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grassehopper shall be a burden, and concupiscence shall be driuen away: for man goeth to the house of his age, and the mourners goe about in the streete.
Kad je put uzbrdo muka i svaki izlazak prijetnja; a badem je u cvatu, i skakavac ne skače više, i koprov plot puca, jer čovjek ide u svoj vječni dom! A narikače već se kreću ulicama.
6 Whiles the siluer coarde is not lengthened, nor the golden ewer broken, nor the pitcher broken at the well, nor the wheele broken at the cisterne:
Prije nego se prekine srebrna vrpca i zlatna se svjetiljka razbije i razlupa se vrč na izvoru i slomi točak na bunaru;
7 And dust returne to the earth as it was, and the spirit returne to God that gaue it.
i vrati se prah u zemlju kao što je iz nje i došao, a duh se vrati Bogu koji ga je dao.
8 Vanitie of vanities, saieth the Preacher, all is vanitie.
Ispraznost nad ispraznostima, veli Propovjednik, sve je ispraznost.
9 And the more wise the Preacher was, the more he taught the people knowledge, and caused them to heare, and searched foorth, and prepared many parables.
A osim toga što je sam Propovjednik bio mudar, on je i narod učio mudrosti te je odmjerio, ispitao i sastavio mnogo mudrih izreka.
10 The Preacher sought to finde out pleasant wordes, and an vpright writing, euen the wordes of trueth.
Ujedno se Propovjednik trudio pronaći prikladne riječi i izravno izraziti istinu.
11 The wordes of the wise are like goads, and like nailes fastened by the masters of the assemblies, which are giuen by one pastour.
Besjede su mudrih ljudi kao ostani i kao pobodeni kolci: pastir se njima služi na dobro svojega stada.
12 And of other things beside these, my sone, take thou heede: for there is none ende in making many bookes, and much reading is a wearines of the flesh.
I na kraju, sine moj, znaj da je neizmjerno mnogo truda potrebno da se napiše knjiga i da mnogo učenje umara tijelo.
13 Let vs heare the end of all: feare God and keepe his commandements: for this is the whole duetie of man.
Čujmo svemu završnu riječ: “Boj se Boga, izvršuj njegove zapovijedi, jer - to je sav čovjek.”
14 For God will bring euery worke vnto iudgement, with euery secret thing, whether it be good or euill.
Jer sva će skrivena djela, bila dobra ili zla, Bog izvesti na sud.