< Deuteronomy 32 >

1 Hearken, ye heauens, and I will speake: and let the earth heare the words of my mouth.
Aw vannawk, tahngai oh, lok ka thuih han vop; Aw long, ka pakha thung ih loknawk hae, tahngai ah.
2 My doctrine shall drop as the raine, and my speach shall stil as the dew, as the showre vpon the herbes, and as the great raine vpon the grasse.
Ka patukhaih loe kho baktiah angzo ueloe, ka thuih ih lok doeh dantui baktiah krah tih; aan kahing nuiah kakrah kho baktih, qam nuiah kakrah khotui baktiah om tih;
3 For I will publish the name of the Lord: giue ye glorie vnto our God.
Angraeng ih ahmin to ka thuih moe, aicae Sithaw lensawkhaih to ka pakoeh han.
4 Perfect is the worke of the mighty God: for all his wayes are iudgement. God is true, and without wickednesse: iust, and righteous is he.
Anih loe lungsong ah oh moe, a toksakhaih doeh akoep; a caehhaih loklamnawk loe toeng boih; anih loe loktang Sithaw ah oh moe, hmuen sakpazaehaih tawn ai, anih loe katoeng kami ah oh, toeng ai tiah thuih koi tidoeh om ai.
5 They haue corrupted them selues towarde him by their vice, not being his children, but a frowarde and crooked generation.
Nihcae loe amro o boeh; Sithaw ih caa ah om o ai, amhnong o boeh; nihcae loe oepthok ai moe, poekhaih katoeng ai caa ah ni oh o.
6 Doe ye so rewarde the Lord, O foolish people and vnwise? is not he thy father, that hath bought thee? he hath made thee, and proportioned thee.
Aw palunghahaih tawn ai amthu kaminawk, Angraeng loe to tiah maw na sak pathok o han? Anih loe nangcae zaehoikung ampa ah na ai maw oh? Nangcae sahkung hoi caksakkung ah na ai maw a oh?
7 Remember the dayes of olde: consider the yeeres of so many generations: aske thy father, and he will shewe thee: thine Elders, and they will tell thee.
Canghnii ih atue to panoek oh loe, kalaem tangcae paroeai atuenawk to poek oh; nam pa to dueng ah, anih mah na patuek tih; kacoehtanawk to dueng oh, nihcae mah na thui o tih.
8 When the most hie God deuided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sonnes of Adam, he appoynted the borders of the people, according to the nomber of the children of Israel.
Kasang koek Sithaw loe Adam ih caa ah kaom kaminawk to tapraek moe, qawk pazet naah, Israel caanawk loe nazetto maw oh o, tiah a khet, to pacoengah kaminawk hanah ramri to pakhoih pae.
9 For the Lordes portion is his people: Iaakob is the lot of his inheritance.
Angraeng ih taham loe, angmah ih kaminawk hae ni; Jokob loe anih ih qawk toepkung ah oh.
10 He found him in ye land of ye wildernes, in a waste, and roaring wildernes: he led him about, he taught him, and kept him as ye apple of his eye.
Anih mah tidoeh om ai long karoem, praezaek ah Jakob to hnuk naah, anih to zaeh moe, loklam patuek; angmah ih mikmu baktiah a suek.
11 As an eagle stereth vp her nest, flootereth ouer her birdes, stretcheth out her wings, taketh them, and beareth them on her wings,
Tahmu loe angmah ih tabu to ahuenh moe, a caanawk to pakhraeh hoiah hawh; a caanawk khuk hanah pakhraeh phok moe, pakhraeh hoiah a caanawk lak baktih toengah,
12 So the Lord alone led him, and there was no strange god with him.
Jakob loe Angraeng angmah khue mah ni zaeh; anih khaeah prae kalah sithawnawk om o ai.
13 He caryed him vp to the hie places of the earth, that he might eate the fruites of the fieldes, and he caused him to sucke hony out of the stone, and oyle out of the hard rocke:
Anih to maesang ah anghnutsak moe, prae thung ih thingthai hoiah pacah, cathaeng pong ih khoitui hoiah pacah pacoengah, kamtak parai thlung thung ih situi hoiah pacah;
14 Butter of kine, and milke of sheepe with fat of the lambes, and rammes fed in Bashan, and goates, with the fat of the graines of wheat, and the red licour of the grape hast thou drunke.
kamkhawk maitaw tahnutui, tuu tahnu tui, tuu caa athawk, Bashan ih tuu taenawk, maehnawk, kahoih koek takaw dip hoiah pacah; pacii ih misurtui athii to a naek.
15 But he that should haue bene vpright, when he waxed fat, spurned with his heele: thou art fat, thou art grosse, thou art laden with fatnes: therefore he forsooke God that made him, and regarded not the strong God of his saluation.
Toe Jeshurun loe thawk hruk moe, khok hoiah pathuih; nang loe na thawk hruk, na qoeng tahang moe, athawk hoiah na koi; to pacoengah anih sahkung Sithaw to caehtaak moe, anih pahlonghaih thlung to tiah doeh sah ai.
16 They prouoked him with strange gods: they prouoked him to anger with abominations.
Anih to prae kalah sithawnawk hoi utsak moe, panuet thok krangnawk hoiah palungphuisak.
17 They offred vnto deuils, not to God, but to gods whome they knew not: new gods that came newly vp, whome their fathers feared not.
Sithaw ah kaom ai, taqawknawk, panoek ai ih sithawnawk, ampanawk mah zii o ai ih, canghni pangah kaom kangtha sithawnawk khaeah, angbawnhaih to a sak o.
18 Thou hast forgotten the mightie God that begate thee, and hast forgotten God that formed thee.
Nangcae sahkung lungsong to na panoek o ai boeh moe, nangcae cunkung Sithaw doeh na pahnet o boeh.
19 The Lord then sawe it, and was angrie, for the prouocation of his sonnes and of his daughters.
To hmuennawk to Angraeng mah hnuk naah, palungphui moe, a capanawk hoi a canunawk to pahnawt sut.
20 And he said, I will hide my face from the: I will see what their ende shalbe: for they are a frowarde generation, children in who is no faith.
Nihcae khae hoi mikhmai ka hawk han boeh; nihcae boenghaih kawbang maw om tih, tiah ka khet han; nihcae loe oep kaom ai kami, tanghaih cak ai caa ah oh o.
21 They haue moued me to ielousie with that which is not God: they haue prouoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will moue them to ielousie with those which are no people: I wil prouoke them to anger with a foolish nation.
Sithaw ah kaom ai hmuen hoiah kai utsak hanah a sak o moe, tidoeh angcoeng ai krang hoiah kai palung ang phui o sak; kaimah doeh nihcae to tiah kaom ai kaminawk hoiah ka utsak moe, kamthu acaengnawk hoiah palung ka phuisak toeng han.
22 For fire is kindled in my wrath, and shall burne vnto the bottome of hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountaines. (Sheol h7585)
Kai loe hmai baktiah palungphui amngaeh pongah, kahnaem koek hell thung khoek to kangh tih; long hoi thingthainawk boih hmai ka kanghsak han, mae angdoethaih ahmuen khoek to hmai mah kangh tih. (Sheol h7585)
23 I will spend plagues vpon them: I will bestowe mine arrowes vpon them.
Nihcae nuiah raihaih ka phaksak moe, nihcae kah hanah kaimah ih pala to ka patoh han.
24 They shalbe burnt with hunger, and consumed with heate, and with bitter destruction: I will also sende the teeth of beastes vpon them, with the venime of serpents creeping in the dust.
Nihcae loe zok amthlamhaih, kabae hmai mah kanghaih, kanung parai amrohaih hoiah dueh o tih; moi kasannawk ih haa hoi maiphu thungah kaom pahui kasoetui to nihcae khaeah ka patoeh han.
25 The sworde shall kill them without, and in the chambers feare: both the yong man and the yong woman, the suckeling with the man of gray heare.
Thendoengnawk, kacuem tanglanawk, nawktanawk hoi sampok mitongnawk hanah loe imthung ah zithaih to om ueloe, tasang bangah sumsen hoiah amro o boih tih.
26 I haue said, I would scatter them abroade: I would make their remembrance to cease from among men,
Long boeng khoek to nihcae to ka haek moe, kaminawk panoekhaih kang hmatsak han;
27 Saue that I feared the furie of the enemie, least their aduersaries should waxe proude, and least they should say, Our hie hande and not the Lord hath done all this:
toe nihcae ih misanawk loe amoek o ueloe, nihcae mah, Angraeng mah sak ih hmuen tidoeh om ai, kacak kaimacae ih ban hoiah ni ka pazawk o, tiah thuih o moeng tih, tiah ka zit tiah, a thuih.
28 For they are a nation voide of counsel, neither is there any vnderstanding in them.
Nihcae loe poekhaih tawn ai kami, panoekhaih tawn ai kami ah oh o.
29 Oh that they were wise, then they would vnderstand this: they would consider their latter ende.
Aw nihcae palungha o nahaeloe, hae hmuen hae panoek o ueloe, hnukkhuem ah kawbangah maw om tih, tito panoek o tih, tiah a thuih.
30 How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousande to flight, except their strong God had sold the, and the Lord had shut them vp?
Angmacae ih lungsong mah nihcae to zaw ai moe, Angraeng mah nihcae pahnawt ai nahaeloe, kawbang maw kami maeto mah kami sangto patom thai ueloe, kami hnetto mah kami sang hato cawnsak thai tih?
31 For their god is not as our God, euen our enemies being iudges.
Aicae ih misanawk lokcaek ah om o cadoeh, nihcae ih thlung loe aicae ih thlung hoiah anghmong ai.
32 For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the vines of Gomorah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters be bitter.
Anih ih misurkung loe Sodom hoi Gomorrah lawk hoi angzo misurkung ah oh; nihcae ih misurthaih loe khaa moe, misur abomnawk doeh khaa parai.
33 Their wine is the poyson of dragons, and the cruel gall of aspes.
Nihcae ih misurtui loe pahui pui ih kasoe tui hoi pahui sae ih kasoe ah oh.
34 Is not this laide in store with me, and sealed vp among my treasures?
Hae hmuen loe kai khaeah suek moe, kai ih hmuen pakuemhaih ahmuen ah tacik daeng boeh na ai maw?
35 Vengeance and recompence are mine: their foote shall slide in due time: for the day of their destruction is at hand, and the things that shall come vpon them, make haste.
Lu lakhaih hoi sakpazaehaih baktih toengah sak pathok lethaih loe kai ih tok ah ni oh; nihcae loe atue phak naah amthaek o tih; nihcae amrohaih atue loe zoi boeh moe, nihcae mah tongh han ih hmuen doeh karangah angzo tih boeh.
36 For the Lord shall iudge his people, and repent towarde his seruants, when hee seeth that their power is gone, and none shut vp in holde nor left abroad.
Anih ih tamnanawk loe thaboeng o sut boeh, Angraeng mah angmah ih kaminawk to lokcaek ueloe, thongkrah kami hoi kaloih kami maeto doeh om mak ai, tiah panoek naah, a tamnanawk pongah dawnpakhuemhaih tawn tih.
37 When men shall say, Where are their gods, their mighty God in whome they trusted,
Anih mah, Nihcae ih sithawnawk hoi abuephaih lungsong loe naa ah maw oh?
38 Which did eate the fat of their sacrifices, and did drinke the wine of their drinke offring? let them rise vp, and help you: let him be your refuge.
Angbawnhaih athawk kacaa kaminawk hoi naek hanah bokhaih misurtui nae kaminawk loe naa ah maw oh o boih boeh? Nihcae angthawk o nasoe, nangcae to abomh o nasoe loe, pakaa o nasoe khae, tiah thui tih.
39 Behold now, for I, I am he, and there is no gods with me: I kill, and giue life: I wound, and I make whole: neither is there any that can deliuer out of mine hand.
Khenah, Kai loe Sithaw ah Ka oh! Kai pacoengah kalah sithaw roe om ai boeh; Kai mah ka dueksak moe, Kai mah ni ka hingsak let; Kai mah ahma ka caaksak moe, Kai mah ni ka hoihsak let; ka ban thung hoi pahlong thaih kami mi doeh om ai.
40 For I lift vp mine hand to heauen, and say, I liue for euer.
Van bangah ban ka payangh moe, kai loe dungzan ah ka hingh baktih toengah,
41 If I whet my glittering sworde, and mine hand take holde on iudgement, I will execute vengeance on mine enemies, and will rewarde them that hate me.
kampha suidik sumsen to ka taak moe, ka ban hoiah lokcaekhaih to ka sak; ka misanawk to lu ka lak moe, kai hnuma kaminawk nuiah kating ah lu ka lak han,
42 I will make mine arrowes drunke with blood, (and my sword shall eate flesh) for the blood of the slaine, and of the captiues, when I beginne to take vengeance of the enemie.
kai ih palanawk to kami athii ka naeksak moe, ka sumsen to kami ngan ka caaksak han; hum ih kami hoi naeh ih kaminawk ih athii, misa zaehoikung ih lunawk to ka takroek han, tiah lok ka thuih.
43 Ye nations, praise his people: for he will auenge the blood of his seruants, and will execute vengeance vpon his aduersaries, and will bee mercifull vnto his lande, and to his people.
Aw prae kaminawk, Angraeng ih kaminawk hoi nawnto anghoe oh; anih loe a tamnanawk ih athii tho to la ueloe, a misanawk nuiah lu la tih; angmah ih prae hoi kaminawk nuiah palungnathaih tawn tih.
44 Then Moses came and spake all ye words of this song in the audience of the people, he and Hoshea the sonne of Nun.
Mosi loe Nun capa Hoshea hoi nawnto angzoh hoi moe, kaminawk boih mah thaih hanah, hae laa loknawk hae a thuih pae hoi boih.
45 When Moses had made an end of speaking all these wordes to all Israel,
Mosi mah Israel kaminawk khaeah hae loknawk thuih pae boih pacoengah,
46 Then hee said vnto them, Set your heartes vnto all the wordes which I testifie against you this day, that ye may commande them vnto your children, that they may obserue and doo all the wordes of this Lawe.
nihcae khaeah, Vaihniah nangcae khae ka thuih ih loknawk boih hae palung thungah pakuem oh; to tiah ni hae ih kaaloknawk hae kahoih ah na pazui o thai boih ueloe, na caanawk khaeah doeh na thui pae o thai tih.
47 For it is no vaine worde concerning you, but it is your life, and by this worde ye shall prolong your dayes in the land, whither yee go ouer Iorden to possesse it.
Hae loe nangcae han avang ai hmuen na ai ni; nangcae hinghaih ah ni oh; Jordan vapui nang kat o moe, na toep o han koi prae thungah hae hmuen hae na pakuem o nahaeloe, na hinglung sawk o tih, tiah a naa.
48 And the Lord spake vnto Moses the selfe same day, saying,
To na niah Angraeng mah Mosi khaeah,
49 Goe vp into the mountaine of Abarim, vnto the mount Nebo, which is in the lande of Moab, that is ouer against Iericho: and beholde the lande of Canaan, which I giue vnto the children of Israel for a possession,
Jeriko vangpui pacoengah kaom, Moab prae Abarim maesang ih Nebo maesom nuiah daw tahang ah loe, Israel kaminawk khaeah qawk ah toep han ka paek ih, Kanaan prae to dan ah;
50 And die in the mount which thou goest vp vnto, and thou shalt be gathered vnto thy people, as Aaron thy brother died in mount Hor, and was gathered vnto his people,
nang loe na dawh tahang ih mae nuiah na dueh tih, nam ya Aaron loe Hor mae nuiah duek moe, angmah ih kaminawk amkhuenghaih ahmuen ah angkuem baktih toengah, nang doeh nangmah ih kaminawk amkhuenghaih ahmuen ah nang kuem toeng tih:
51 Because ye trespassed against me among the children of Israel, at the waters of Meribah, at Kadesh in the wildernesse of Zin: for ye sanctified me not among the children of Israel.
nanghnik loe Zin praezaek ah, Meribah-Kadesh ahmuen ih tuipuek taengah, Israel kaminawk hma ah tang han koi kaom ai ah tok to na sak hoi moe, Israel kaminawk hma ah Kai kaciim ah nang suem hoi ai pongah,
52 Thou shalt therefore see the lande before thee, but shalt not go thither, I meane, into the land which I giue the children of Israel.
prae to kangthla ahmuen hoi khue ni na dan tih; Israel caanawk khaeah ka paek ih prae thungah na kun mak ai, tiah a naa.

< Deuteronomy 32 >