< Deuteronomy 27 >

1 Then Moses with the Elders of Israel commanded the people, saying, Keepe all the comandements, which I command you this day.
Mose ndi akuluakulu a Israeli analamula anthu kuti, “Sungani malamulo onse amene ndikukupatsani lero lino.
2 And when ye shall passe ouer Iorden vnto the lande which the Lord thy God giueth thee, thou shalt set thee vp great stones, and playster them with plaister,
Mukawoloka mtsinje wa Yorodani kulowa mʼdziko limene Yehova Mulungu wanu akukupatsani, muyimiritse miyala ingapo ikuluikulu ndi kuyikulungiza.
3 And shalt write vpon them all the words of this Lawe, when thou shalt come ouer, that thou mayest go into the land which the Lord thy God giueth thee: a land that floweth with milke and hony, as the Lord God of thy fathers hath promised thee.
Mulembepo mawu onse a malamulo amenewa pamene muwoloka kulowa mʼdziko limene Yehova Mulungu wanu akukupatsani, dziko loyenda mkaka ndi uchi, monga momwe Yehova Mulungu wa makolo anu anakulonjezerani.
4 Therefore when ye shall passe ouer Iorden, ye shall set vp these stones, which I command you this daye in mount Ebal, and thou shalt plaister them with plaister.
Ndipo mukawoloka Yorodani muyimike miyala iyi pa Phiri la Ebala monga momwe ndikukulamulirani lero lino ndipo muyikulungize.
5 And there shalt thou build vnto the Lord thy God an altar, euen an altar of stones: thou shalt lift none yron instrument vpon them.
Pamenepo mumange guwa lansembe la miyala la Yehova Mulungu wanu. Musagwiritse ntchito chida chilichonse chachitsulo pa miyalapo.
6 Thou shalt make the altar of the Lord thy God of whole stones, and offer burnt offerings thereon vnto the Lord thy God.
Mumange guwa lansembe la Yehova Mulungu wanu ndi miyala yakutchire ndi kuperekerapo nsembe yopsereza kwa Yehova Mulungu wanu.
7 And thou shalt offer peace offrings, and shalt eate there and reioyce before the Lord thy God:
Muperekerepo nsembe zopereka za chiyanjano, muzidye ndi kukondwera pamaso pa Yehova Mulungu wanu.
8 And thou shalt write vpon the stones al the words of this Law, well and plainely.
Ndipo pa miyalapo mudzalembepo mawu onse a malamulo ndi malemba akuluakulu.”
9 And Moses and the Priestes of the Leuites spake vnto all Israel, saying, Take heede and heare, O Israel: this day thou art become the people of the Lord thy God.
Kenaka Mose ndi ansembe, amene ndi Alevi anati kwa Aisraeli onse, “Khalani chete Aisraeli inu ndipo mumvetsere! Tsopano inu ndinu anthu a Yehova Mulungu wanu.
10 Thou shalt hearken therefore vnto the voyce of the Lord thy God, and do his commandements and his ordinances, which I commande thee this day.
Muzimvera Yehova Mulungu wanu ndi kutsata malamulo ake ndi malangizo ake omwe ndikukupatsani lero lino.”
11 And Moses charged the people the same day, saying,
Tsiku lomwelo Mose analamula anthu kuti:
12 These shall stand vpon mount Gerizzim, to blesse the people when ye shall passe ouer Iorden: Simeon, and Leui, and Iudah, and Issachar, and Ioseph, and Beniamin.
Mukawoloka Yorodani, mafuko awa akayimirire pa Phiri la Gerizimu ndi kudalitsa anthu: Simeoni, Levi, Yuda, Isakara, Yosefe ndi Benjamini.
13 And these shall stand vpon mount Ebal to curse: Reuben, Gad, and Asher, and Zebulun, Dan, and Naphtali.
Ndipo mafuko awa akayimirire pa Phiri la Ebala ndi kutchula matemberero: Rubeni, Gadi, Aseri, Zebuloni, Dani ndi Nafutali.
14 And the Leuites shall answere and say vnto all the men of Israel with a loude voyce,
Alevi adzayankhula mokweza kwa Aisraeli onse kuti:
15 Cursed be the man that shall make any carued or molten image, which is an abomination vnto the Lord, the worke of the hands of the craftesman, and putteth it in a secrete place: And all the people shall answere, and say: So be it.
“Ndi wotembereredwa munthu amene asema chifanizo kapena kupanga fano, ndi kuchiyika mobisa, pakuti chimenechi ndi chinthu chodetsedwa pamaso pa Yehova, ntchito za manja a anthu.”
16 Cursed be he that curseth his father and his mother: And all the people shall say: So be it.
“Ndi wotembereredwa munthu amene sachitira ulemu abambo ake kapena amayi ake.”
17 Cursed be he that remoueth his neighbors marke: And all the people shall say: So be it.
“Ndi wotembereredwa munthu amene amasuntha mwala wa malire wa mnzake.”
18 Cursed be he that maketh ye blinde go out of the way: And all the people shall say: So be it.
“Ndi wotembereredwa munthu amene amasocheretsa munthu wosaona pa msewu.”
19 Cursed be he that hindreth the right of the stranger, the fatherles, and the widow: And all the people shall say: So be it.
“Ndi wotembereredwa munthu amene sachitira chilungamo mlendo, ana amasiye kapena mkazi wamasiye.”
20 Cursed be hee that lyeth with his fathers wife: for he hath vncouered his fathers skirt: And all the people shall say: So be it.
“Ndi wotembereredwa munthu amene agonana ndi mkazi wa abambo ake pakuti iye sachitira ulemu pogona pa abambo ake.”
21 Cursed be he that lieth with any beast: And all the people shall say: So be it.
“Ndi wotembereredwa munthu amene achita chigololo ndi nyama ya mtundu uli wonse.”
22 Cursed be he that lyeth with his sister, the daughter of his father, or the daughter of his mother: And all the people shall say: So be it.
“Ndi wotembereredwa munthu amene agonana ndi mlongo wake, mwana wamkazi wa abambo ake kapena mwana wamkazi wa amayi ake.”
23 Cursed be he that lyeth with his mother in law: And all the people shall say: So be it.
“Ndi wotembereredwa munthu amene agonana ndi apongozi ake.”
24 Cursed be hee that smiteth his neyghbour secretly: And all the people shall say: So be it.
“Ndi wotembereredwa munthu amene apha mnzake mwachinsinsi.”
25 Cursed be he that taketh a reward to put to death innocent blood: And all the people shall say: So be it.
“Ndi wotembereredwa munthu amene alandira chiphuphu kuti aphe munthu wosalakwa.”
26 Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the wordes of this Law, to do them: And all the people shall say: So be it.
“Ndi wotembereredwa aliyense amene sachita kapena sasunga mawu a malamulo awa.”

< Deuteronomy 27 >