< Deuteronomy 25 >

1 When there shall be strife betweene men, and they shall come vnto iudgement, and sentence shall be giuen vpon them, and the righteous shall be iustified, and the wicked condemned,
Ka ji ariyo larore e wach moro, to nyaka giter wachno e od ngʼado bura kendo jongʼad bura nongʼadnegi bura kare, ka giweyo ngʼat makare thuolo to ngʼat man giketho ikumo.
2 Then if so be the wicked be worthy to bee beaten, the iudge shall cause him to lie downe, and to be beaten before his face, according to his trespasse, vnto a certaine nomber.
Ka ngʼat moyud giketho onego chwadi, to jangʼad bura nowachne mondo onind piny ochwade maromre gi kethoneno,
3 Fortie stripes shall he cause him to haue and not past, lest if he should exceede and beate him aboue that with many stripes, thy brother should appeare despised in thy sight.
to ok onego chwade del moloyo piero angʼwen. Ka ochwade moloyo mano, to wadu diyud wichkuot e wangʼe.
4 Thou shalt not mousell the oxe that treadeth out the corne.
Kik utwe dho dhiangʼ kaywayo lodi ma idinogo cham.
5 If brethren dwell together, and one of them dye and haue no sonne, the wife of the dead shall not marry without: that is, vnto a stranger, but his kinseman shall goe in vnto her, and take her to wife, and doe the kinsemans office to her.
Ka owete odak kanyakla kae to moro otho kaonge wuowi, to ngʼat moro nono ma ok ja-dalano ok onego kend chiegeno. Owadgi chwore hie ema mondo okawe okende mondo otimne gik moko duto ma yuoro onego otimne chi owadgi.
6 And the first borne which she beareth, shall succeede in the name of his brother which is dead, that his name be not put out of Israel.
Nyathi ma wuowi mokwong nywolo ema notingʼ kar nying wuon mare mane otho mondo kik nyinge lal nono e dier oganda jo-Israel.
7 And if the man will not take his kinsewoman, then let his kinsewoman goe vp to the gate vnto the Elders, and say, My kinsman refuseth to rayse vp vnto his brother a name in Israel: hee will not doe the office of a kinsman vnto me.
To ka ngʼato ok dwar kendo chi owadgi ma chwore othono, to dhakono mondo odhi ir jodongo e dhoranga dala kendo owach niya, “Owadgi chwora odagi ok onyal tingʼo kar owadgi ei Israel, odagi timona gima yuoro onego timne chi owadgi.”
8 Then the Elders of his citie shall call him, and commune with him: if he stand and say, I wil not take her,
Eka jodong dala noluong ngʼatno mondo owuo kode. To kapod odagi kowacho niya, “Ok adwar kende,”
9 Then shall his kinswoman come vnto him in the presence of the Elders, and loose his shooe from his foote, and spit in his face, and answere, and say, So shall it be done vnto that man, that will not buylde vp his brothers house.
chi owadgino nodhi ire e nyim jodongo mi olony wuochene achiel e tiende kendo ongʼudh olawo e wangʼe kowachone niya, “Ma e gima itimo ne ngʼat modagi rito dala owadgi mondo ochungi.”
10 And his name shall be called in Israel, The house of him whose shooe is put off.
Ngʼatno kothgi nongʼere e Israel kaka koth joma ne olony wuochegi.
11 When men striue together, one with another, if the wife of the one come neere, for to ridde her husband out of the handes of him that smiteth him, and put foorth her hand, and take him by his priuities,
Ka ji ariyo dhawo kae to chi ngʼat achiel kuomgi obiro konyo chwore, mi omake gi duongʼne,
12 Then thou shalt cut off her hande: thine eye shall not spare her.
to dhakono nyaka ngʼad lwete, kendo kik timne ngʼwono.
13 Thou shalt not haue in thy bagge two maner of weightes, a great and a small,
Kik ubed gi rapim ariyo e okapu magu mamoro pek to moro yot.
14 Neither shalt thou haue in thine house diuers measures, a great and a small:
Bende kik ubed gi rapim ariyo e uteu mag pimo, ma moro duongʼ to moro tin.
15 But thou shalt haue a right and iust weight: a perfite and a iust measure shalt thou haue, that thy dayes may be lengthened in the land, which the Lord thy God giueth thee.
Nyaka ubed gi gige pimo mowinjore kendo makare mondo udagi amingʼa e piny ma Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu miyou.
16 For all that doe such things, and all that doe vnrighteously, are abomination vnto the Lord thy God.
Nimar Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu mon gi joma timo gik ma kamago; ngʼat matimo gi mibadhi.
17 Remember what Amalek did vnto thee by the way, when ye were come out of Egypt:
Paruru gima ne jo-Amalek otimonu kane uwuok Misri.
18 How he met thee by ye way, and smote ye hindmost of you, all that were feeble behind thee, when thou wast fainted and weary, and he feared not God.
Kane uol kendo tekou norumo, negimonjou e yo ma ginego joma ne wuoth oolo; kendo ne ok giluoro Nyasaye.
19 Therefore, when the Lord thy God hath giuen thee rest from all thine enemies round about in the land, which the Lord thy God giueth thee for an inheritance to possesse it, then thou shalt put out the remembrance of Amalek from vnder heauen: forget not.
Emomiyo ka Jehova Nyasaye ma Nyasachu osemiyou kwe e piny mobiro miyou mondo ukaw kaka girkeni, to kik wiu wil ma ok utieko jo-Amalek duto.

< Deuteronomy 25 >