< Deuteronomy 21 >

1 If one be founde slaine in the lande, which the Lord thy God giueth thee to possesse it, lying in the field, and it is not knowe who hath slaine him,
quando inventum fuerit in terra quam Dominus Deus tuus daturus est tibi hominis cadaver occisi et ignoratur caedis reus
2 Then thine Elders and thy Iudges shall come forth, and measure vnto the cities that are round about him that is slayne.
egredientur maiores natu et iudices tui et metientur a loco cadaveris singularum per circuitum spatia civitatum
3 Aud let ye Elders of that citie, which is next vnto the slaine man, take out of the droue an heifer that hath not bene put to labour, nor hath drawen in the yoke.
et quam viciniorem ceteris esse perspexerint seniores civitatis eius tollent vitulam de armento quae non traxit iugum nec terram scidit vomere
4 And let the Elders of that citie bring the heifer vnto a stonie valley, which is neyther eared nor sowen, and strike off the heifers necke there in the valley.
et ducent eam ad vallem asperam atque saxosam quae numquam arata est nec sementem recepit et caedent in ea cervices vitulae
5 Also the Priests the sonnes of Leui (whom the Lord thy God hath chosen to minister, and to blesse in the name of the Lord) shall come forth, and by their word shall all strife and plague be tried.
accedentque sacerdotes filii Levi quos elegerit Dominus Deus tuus ut ministrent ei et benedicant in nomine eius et ad verbum eorum omne negotium et quicquid mundum vel inmundum est iudicetur
6 And all the Elders of that citie that came neere to the slayne man, shall wash their hands ouer the heifer that is beheaded in the valley:
et maiores natu civitatis illius ad interfectum lavabuntque manus suas super vitulam quae in valle percussa est
7 And shall testifie, and say, Our handes haue not shed this blood, neither haue our eies seene it.
et dicent manus nostrae non effuderunt hunc sanguinem nec oculi viderunt
8 O Lord, be mercifull vnto thy people Israel, whom thou hast redeemed, and lay no innocent blood to the charge of thy people Israel, and the blood shalbe forgiuen them.
propitius esto populo tuo Israhel quem redemisti Domine et non reputes sanguinem innocentem in medio populi tui Israhel et auferetur ab eis reatus sanguinis
9 So shalt thou take away the cry of innocet blood from thee, when thou shalt do that which is right in the sight of the Lord.
tu autem alienus eris ab innocentis cruore qui fusus est cum feceris quod praecepit Dominus
10 Whe thou shalt go to warre against thine enemies, and the Lord thy God shall deliuer them into thine hands, and thou shalt take the captiues,
si egressus fueris ad pugnam contra inimicos tuos et tradiderit eos Dominus Deus tuus in manu tua captivosque duxeris
11 And shalt see among the captiues a beautifull woman, and hast a desire vnto her, and wouldest take her to thy wife,
et videris in numero captivorum mulierem pulchram et adamaveris eam voluerisque habere uxorem
12 Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house, and she shall shaue her head, and pare her nayles,
introduces in domum tuam quae radet caesariem et circumcidet ungues
13 And she shall put off the garment that shee was taken in, and she shall remaine in thine house, and bewaile her father and her mother a moneth long: and after that shalt thou go in vnto her, and marry her, and she shalbe thy wife.
et deponet vestem in qua capta est sedensque in domo tua flebit patrem et matrem suam uno mense et postea intrabis ad eam dormiesque cum illa et erit uxor tua
14 And if thou haue no fauour vnto her, then thou mayest let her go whither she will, but thou shalt not sell her for money, nor make marchandise of her, because thou hast humbled her.
sin autem postea non sederit animo tuo dimittes eam liberam nec vendere poteris pecunia nec opprimere per potentiam quia humiliasti eam
15 If a man haue two wiues, one loued and another hated, and they haue borne him children, both the loued and also the hated: if the first borne be the sonne of the hated,
si habuerit homo uxores duas unam dilectam et alteram odiosam genuerintque ex eo liberos et fuerit filius odiosae primogenitus
16 Then when the time commeth, that hee appointeth his sonnes to be heires of that which he hath, he may not make the sonne of the beloued first borne before the sonne of the hated, which is the first borne:
volueritque substantiam inter filios suos dividere non poterit filium dilectae facere primogenitum et praeferre filio odiosae
17 But he shall acknowledge the sonne of the hated for the first borne, and giue him double portion of all that he hath: for hee is the first of his strength, and to him belongeth the right of the first borne.
sed filium odiosae agnoscet primogenitum dabitque ei de his quae habuerit cuncta duplicia iste est enim principium liberorum eius et huic debentur primogenita
18 If any man haue a sonne that is stubburne and disobedient, which wil not hearken vnto the voice of his father, nor the voyce of his mother, and they haue chastened him, and he would not obey them,
si genuerit homo filium contumacem et protervum qui non audiat patris aut matris imperium et coercitus oboedire contempserit
19 Then shall his father and his mother take him, and bring him out vnto the Elders of his citie, and vnto the gate of the place where he dwelleth,
adprehendent eum et ducent ad seniores civitatis illius et ad portam iudicii
20 And shall say vnto the Elders of his citie, This our sonne is stubburne and disobedient, and he wil not obey our admonition: he is a riotour, and a drunkard.
dicentque ad eos filius noster iste protervus et contumax est monita nostra audire contemnit comesationibus vacat et luxuriae atque conviviis
21 Then all the men of his citie shall stone him with stones vnto death: so thou shalt take away euill from among you, that all Israel may heare it, and feare.
lapidibus eum obruet populus civitatis et morietur ut auferatis malum de medio vestri et universus Israhel audiens pertimescat
22 If a man also haue committed a trespasse worthy of death, and is put to death, and thou hangest him on a tree,
quando peccaverit homo quod morte plectendum est et adiudicatus morti adpensus fuerit in patibulo
23 His body shall not remaine all night vpon the tree, but thou shalt bury him the same day: for the curse of God is on him that is hanged. Defile not therfore thy land which the Lord thy God giueth thee to inherite.
non permanebit cadaver eius in ligno sed in eadem die sepelietur quia maledictus a Deo est qui pendet in ligno et nequaquam contaminabis terram tuam quam Dominus Deus tuus dederit tibi in possessionem

< Deuteronomy 21 >