< Deuteronomy 12 >

1 These are the ordinances and the lawes, which ye shall obserue and doe in the lande (which the Lord God of thy fathers giueth thee to possesse it) as long as yee liue vpon the earth.
Lezi yizimiso lezahlulelo elizananzelela ukuzenza elizweni iNkosi, uNkulunkulu waboyihlo, ekunika lona ukuthi udle ilifa lalo, zonke izinsuku eliphila ngazo emhlabeni.
2 Yee shall vtterly destroy all the places wherein the nations which ye shall possesse, serued their gods vpon the hie mountaines and vpon the hilles, and vnder euery greene tree.
Lizadiliza lokudiliza zonke indawo lapho izizwe elizazixotsha elifeni lazo ezazikhonzela khona onkulunkulu bazo, entabeni eziphakemeyo lemaqaqeni langaphansi kwaso sonke isihlahla esiluhlaza;
3 Also ye shall ouerthrowe their altars, and breake downe their pillars, and burne their groues with fire: and ye shall hew downe ye grauen images of their gods, and abolish their names out of that place.
lizadiliza amalathi azo, libulale insika zazo eziyizithombe, litshise izixuku zazo ngomlilo, liqumele phansi izithombe ezibaziweyo zabonkulunkulu bazo, lichithe ibizo lazo kuleyondawo.
4 Ye shall not do so vnto ye Lord your God,
Lingenzi njalo eNkosini uNkulunkulu wenu.
5 But ye shall seeke the place which the Lord your God shall chose out of all your tribes, to put his Name there, and there to dwell, and thither thou shalt come,
Kodwa endaweni iNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu ezayikhetha phakathi kwazo zonke izizwe zenu ukubeka ibizo layo khona, lizadinga kundawo yayo yokuhlala; njalo uzakuya khona,
6 And ye shall bring thither your burnt offerings, and your sacrifices, and your tithes, and the offring of your hands, and your vowes, and your free offrings, and the first borne of your kine and of your sheepe.
lilethe khona iminikelo yenu yokutshiswa, lemihlatshelo yenu, lokwetshumi kwenu, lomnikelo wokuphakanyiswa wesandla senu, lezithembiso zenu, leminikelo yenu yesihle, lamazibulo enkomo zenu lawezimvu zenu;
7 And there ye shall eate before the Lord your God, and ye shall reioyce in all that yee put your hand vnto, both ye, and your housholdes, because the Lord thy God hath blessed thee.
lidle khona phambi kweNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu, lithokoze ngakho konke elibeke isandla senu kukho, lina labendlu yenu, iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho ekubusise ngakho.
8 Ye shall not doe after all these things that we doe here this day: that is, euery man whatsoeuer seemeth him good in his owne eyes.
Kaliyikwenza njengakho konke esikwenzayo lapha lamuhla, ngulowo lalowo loba yikuphi okulungileyo emehlweni akhe.
9 For ye are not yet come to rest, and to the inheritance which the Lord thy God giueth thee.
Ngoba kalikafiki ekuphumuleni lelifeni, iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho ekunika lona.
10 But when ye goe ouer Iorden, and dwell in ye land, which the Lord your God hath giuen you to inherit, and when he hath giue you rest from al your enemies round about, and yee dwel in safetie,
Lapho selichaphile iJordani, selihlezi elizweni iNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu elinika lona libe yilifa lenu, isiliphumuzile ezitheni zenu zonke inhlangothi zonke, selihlezi livikelekile,
11 When there shalbe a place which the Lord your God shall chose, to cause his name to dwell there, thither shall yee bring all that I commaund you: your burnt offrings, and your sacrifices, your tithes, and the offring of your hands, and all your speciall vowes which ye vowe vnto the Lord:
khona kuzakuba lendawo iNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu ezayikhetha ukwenza ibizo layo lihlale lapho; lizaletha lapho konke engililaya khona, iminikelo yenu yokutshiswa, lemihlatshelo yenu, lokwetshumi kwenu, lomnikelo wokuphakanyiswa wesandla senu, lezithembiso zenu zonke ezikhethekileyo elizazithembisa eNkosini.
12 And ye shall reioyce before the Lord your God, yee, and your sonnes and your daughters, and your seruaunts, and your maidens, and the Leuite that is within your gates: for hee hath no part nor inheritance with you.
Njalo lizathaba phambi kweNkosi uNkulunkulu wenu, lina lamadodana enu lamadodakazi enu, lenceku zenu lencekukazi zenu, lomLevi ophakathi kwamasango enu, ngoba engelasabelo lelifa lani.
13 Take heede that thou offer not thy burnt offrings in euery place that thou seest:
Ziqaphele ukuthi unganikeli iminikelo yakho yokutshiswa kuyo yonke indawo oyibonayo;
14 But in ye place which the Lord shall chose in one of thy tribes, there thou shalt offer thy burnt offrings, and there thou shalt doe all that I commaund thee.
kodwa endaweni iNkosi ezayikhetha kwesinye sezizwe zakho, lapho uzanikela iminikelo yakho yokutshiswa, lalapho uzakwenza konke engikulaya khona.
15 Notwithstanding thou maiest kill and eate flesh in all thy gates, whatsoeuer thine heart desireth, according to the blessing of the Lord thy God which he hath giuen thee: both the vncleane and the cleane may eate thereof, as of the roe bucke, and of the hart.
Kanti ungahlaba udle inyama, phakathi kwawo wonke amasango akho, njengaso sonke isifiso somphefumulo wakho, njengokwesibusiso seNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho, ekunike sona; ongahlambulukanga lohlambulukileyo angakudla, njengomziki lanjengendluzele.
16 Onely ye shall not eat the blood, but powre it vpon the earth as water.
Kuphela lingadli igazi; lizalichithela emhlabathini njengamanzi.
17 Thou maist nor eat within thy gates the tithe of thy corne, nor of thy wine, nor of thine oyle, nor the first borne of thy kine, nor of thy sheep, neither any of thy vowes which thou vowest, nor thy free offerings, nor the offering of thine hands,
Awulakudlela emasangweni akho okwetshumi kwamabele akho leyewayini lakho elitsha, leyamafutha akho, loba amazibulo enkomo zakho lawezimvu zakho, loba yikuphi kwesithembiso sakho osithembisileyo, loba iminikelo yakho yesihle, loba umnikelo wokuphakanyiswa wesandla sakho.
18 But thou shalt eate it before the Lord thy God, in the place which the Lord thy God shall chuse, thou, and thy sonne, and thy daughter, and thy seruat, and thy maid, and the Leuite that is within thy gates: and thou shalt reioyce before the Lord thy God, in all that thou puttest thine hand to.
Kodwa phambi kweNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho uzadlela lokho endaweni iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho ezayikhetha, wena lendodana yakho lendodakazi yakho, lenceku yakho lencekukazi yakho, lomLevi ophakathi kwamasango akho; njalo uzathaba phambi kweNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho kukho konke obeka isandla sakho kukho.
19 Beware, that thou forsake not the Leuite, as long as thou liuest vpon the earth.
Ziqaphele ukuthi ungamkhohlwa umLevi zonke izinsuku zakho elizweni lakho.
20 When the Lord thy God shall enlarge thy border, as hee hath promised thee, and thou shalt say, I wil eate flesh, (because thine heart longeth to eate flesh) thou maiest eate flesh, whatsoeuer thine heart desireth.
Lapho iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho iqhelisa umngcele wakho, njengokukhuluma kwayo kuwe, njalo uzakuthi: Ngizakudla inyama, ngoba umphefumulo wakho ukhanuka ukudla inyama; njengokwesifiso sonke somphefumulo wakho uzakudla inyama.
21 If the place which the Lord thy God hath chosen to put his Name there, be farre from thee, then thou shalt kill of thy bullockes, and of thy sheepe which the Lord hath giuen thee, as I haue commanded thee, and thou shalt eat in thy gates, whatsoeuer thine heart desireth.
Uba indawo iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho ezayikhetha ukubeka ibizo layo khona ikhatshana lawe, uzahlaba enkomeni zakho loba ezimvini zakho iNkosi ekunike zona, njengokukulaya kwami, uzakudlela phakathi kwamasango akho, njengokwesifiso sonke somphefumulo wakho.
22 Euen as the roe bucke, and the hart is eaten, so shalt thou eat them. both the vncleane and the cleane shall eate of them alike.
Ngitsho, njengalokhu kudliwa umziki lendluzele, ngokunjalo uzazidla; ongahlambulukanga lohlambulukileyo angazidla ngokufananayo.
23 Onely bee sure that thou eate not the blood: for the blood is the life, and thou maiest not eate the life with the flesh.
Kuphela qaphela ukuthi ungadli igazi, ngoba igazi liyimpilo; ngakho kawuyikudla impilo kanye lenyama.
24 Therefore thou shalt not eat it, but powre it vpon the earth as water.
Ungalidli, uzalichithela emhlabathini njengamanzi.
25 Thou shalt not eat it, that it may go well with thee; and with thy children after thee, when thou shalt doe that which is right in the sight of the Lord:
Ungalidli, ukuze kukulungele labantwana bakho emva kwakho, lapho usenza okulungileyo emehlweni eNkosi.
26 But thine holy things which thou hast, and thy vowes thou shalt take vp, and come vnto the place which the Lord shall chuse.
Kuphela izinto ezingcwele olazo, lezithembiso zakho, uzazithatha, uye endaweni iNkosi ezayikhetha.
27 And thou shalt make thy burnt offerings of the flesh, and of the blood vpon the altar of the Lord thy God, and the blood of thine offerings shall bee powred vpon the altar of the Lord thy God, and thou shalt eate the flesh.
Ulungise iminikelo yakho yokutshiswa, inyama legazi, phezu kwelathi leNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho. Legazi lemihlatshelo yakho lizathululelwa phezu kwelathi leNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho, lenyama ungayidla.
28 Take heede, and heare all these woordes which I commaund thee, that it may goe well with thee, and with thy children after thee for euer, when thou doest that which is good and right in the sight of the Lord thy God.
Qaphela uzwe wonke amazwi la engikulaya wona, ukuze kukulungele labantwana bakho emva kwakho kuze kube nininini, lapho usenza okulungileyo lokuqondileyo emehlweni eNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho.
29 When the Lord thy God shall destroy the nations before thee, whither thou goest to possesse them, and thou shalt possesse them and dwell in their lande,
Lapho iNkosi uNkulunkulu wakho izaquma izizwe zisuke phambi kwakho lapho oya khona ukudla ilifa lazo, lapho usudle ilifa lazo wahlala elizweni lazo,
30 Beware, lest thou be taken in a snare after them, after that they be destroied before thee, and lest thou aske after their gods, saying, Howe did these nations serue their gods, that I may doe so likewise?
ziqaphele ukuthi ungathiywa uzilandele, emva kokuchithwa kwazo phambi kwakho, lokuthi ungabuzi ngonkulunkulu bazo usithi: Izizwe lezi zazikhonza njani onkulunkulu bazo? Lami ngizakwenza njalo.
31 Thou shalt not doe so vnto the Lord thy God: for al abomination, which the Lord hateth, haue they done vnto their gods: for they haue burned both their sonnes and their daughters with fire to their gods.
Kawuyikwenza njalo eNkosini uNkulunkulu wakho; ngoba konke okunengekayo eNkosini, ekuzondayo, zikwenzile kubonkulunkulu bazo; ngoba ngitsho amadodana azo lamadodakazi azo zibatshisile ngomlilo kubonkulunkulu bazo.
32 Therefore whatsoeuer I command you, take heede you doe it: thou shalt put nothing thereto, nor take ought therefrom.
Yonke into engililaya ngayo, qaphelani ukuyenza; ungengezeleli kuyo, futhi ungaphunguli kuyo.

< Deuteronomy 12 >