< Daniel 7 >

1 In the first yeere of Belshazzar King of Babel, Daniel sawe a dreame, and there were visions in his head, vpon his bed: then he wrote the dreame, and declared the summe of the matter.
Mu mwaka ogw’olubereberye ogw’obufuzi bwa Berusazza kabaka w’e Babulooni, Danyeri n’aloota era n’ayolesebwa ng’agalamidde ku kitanda kye. N’awandiika byonna bye yaloota.
2 Daniel spake and saide, I sawe in my vision by night, and behold, the foure windes of the heauen stroue vpon the great sea:
Danyeri n’ayogera nti, “Mu kwolesebwa kwange ekiro, nalaba empewo ez’omu ggulu nnya nga zisiikuula ennyanja ennene,
3 And foure great beastes came vp from the sea one diuers from another.
n’ensolo enkambwe nnya ez’ebika eby’enjawulo ne ziva mu nnyanja.
4 The first was as a lyon, and had eagles wings: I beheld, til the wings thereof were pluckt of, and it was lifted vp from the earth, and set vpon his feete as a man, and a mans heart was giuen him.
“Eyasooka yali mpologoma ng’erina ebiwaawaatiro eby’empungu. Awo bwe nnali nga nkyagitunuulira, ebiwaawaatiro byayo ne bigikuunyuukako, n’esitulibwa, n’eyimirira ku magulu abiri ng’omuntu, n’eweebwa omutima ogw’omuntu.
5 And beholde, another beast which was the second, was like a beare and stood vpon the one side: and hee had three ribbes in his mouth betweene his teeth, and they saide thus vnto him, Arise and deuoure much flesh.
“Ate ne ndaba ensolo enkambwe eyookubiri, eyali ng’eddubu. N’esitulibwa ku luuyi olumu era yalina embiriizi ssatu mu kamwa kaayo, n’eragirwa nti, ‘Situka olye ennyama nnyingi.’
6 After this I behelde, and loe, there was an other like a leopard, which had vpon his backe foure wings of a foule: the beast had also foure heads, and dominion was giuen him.
“Oluvannyuma ne ndaba ensolo enkambwe endala eyali ng’engo, ng’erina ebiwaawaatiro bina eby’ennyonyi, ng’erina n’emitwe ena, n’eweebwa n’obuyinza okufuga.
7 After this I saw in the visions by night, and beholde, the fourth beast was fearefull and terrible and very strong. It had great yron teeth: it deuoured and brake in pieces and stamped the residue vnder his feete: and it was vnlike to the beasts that were before it: for it had ten hornes.
“N’oluvannyuma mu kwolesebwa kwange ekiro, ne ndaba ensolo enkambwe eyokuna, nga ya ntiisa, nga ya buyinza era nga ya maanyi mangi nnyo. Yalina amannyo amanene ag’ekyuma, n’erya n’ebetenta, n’erinnyirira ebyasigalawo. Yali yanjawulo ku nsolo enkambwe endala, ng’erina n’amayembe kkumi.
8 As I considered the hornes, beholde, there came vp among them another litle horne, before whome there were three of the first hornes pluckt away: and behold, in this horne were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking presumptuous things.
“Awo bwe nnali nga nkyalowooza ku mayembe, ne walabika mu maaso gange ejjembe eddala, ettono, eryava mu ago; n’amayembe asatu ku ago ag’olubereberye ne gasimbulirwa ddala. Ejjembe eryo lyalina amaaso ng’ag’omuntu, n’akamwa akaayogeranga eby’okwegulumiza.
9 I behelde, till the thrones were set vp, and the Ancient of dayes did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the heare of his head like the pure wooll: his throne was like the fierie flame, and his wheeles as burning fire.
“Era nga nkyali awo ne ndaba, “entebe ez’obwakabaka nga ziteekeddwawo, n’Owedda n’Edda n’atuula ku ntebe ye ey’obwakabaka. Ebyambalo bye byali byeru ng’omuzira, n’enviiri ez’oku mutwe gwe nga njeru ng’ebyoya by’endiga. Entebe ye ey’obwakabaka yali eyakaayakana ng’ennimi z’omuliro, ne namuziga zaayo nga zaaka omuliro.
10 A fierie streame yssued, and came foorth from before him: thousand thousandes ministred vnto him, and tenne thousand thousands stoode before him: the iudgement was set, and the bookes opened.
Omugga gw’omuliro nga gukulukuta, nga gukulukutira awo mu maaso ge. Abantu nkumi na nkumi baamuweerezanga, n’emitwalo n’emitwalo baayimiriranga mu maaso ge. Okuwozesa emisango ne kutandika, ebitabo ne bibikkulwa.
11 Then I behelde, because of the voyce of the presumptuous wordes, which the horne spake: I behelde, euen till the beast was slaine, and his body destroyed, and giuen to the burning fire.
“Awo ne neyongera okwetegereza ebigambo eby’okwegulumiza, ejjembe lye byayogeranga. Ne ntunula okutuusa ensolo enkambwe bwe yafumitibwa n’ettibwa, n’esuulibwa mu muliro, n’ezikirizibwa.
12 As concerning the other beastes, they had taken away their dominion: yet their liues were prolonged for a certaine time and season.
Ensolo enkambwe endala zo zaggibwako obuyinza bwazo, kyokka ennaku zaazo ne zongerwako.
13 As I behelde in visions by night, behold, one like the sonne of man came in the cloudes of heauen, and approched vnto the Ancient of dayes, and they brought him before him.
“Mu kwolesebwa okwo ekiro ne ndaba, laba, omuntu eyafaanana ng’omwana w’omuntu, ng’ajja n’ebire eby’omu ggulu. N’ajja okumpi n’Owedda n’Edda, n’asembezebwa mu maaso ge.
14 And he gaue him dominion, and honour, and a kingdome, that all people, nations and languages should serue him: his dominion is an euerlasting dominion, which shall neuer bee taken away: and his kingdome shall neuer be destroyed.
N’aweebwa obuyinza, n’ekitiibwa, n’obwakabaka n’amaanyi agava waggulu; abantu bonna, n’amawanga gonna, n’abantu ab’ennimi zonna ne bamusinzanga. Okufuga kwe kwa mirembe na mirembe, tekuliggwaawo, n’obwakabaka bwe tebulizikirizibwa.
15 I Daniel was troubled in my spirit, in the middes of my body, and the visions of mine head made me afraide.
“Nze Danyeri ne ntawaanyizibwa mu mutima, n’okwolesebwa kwe nafuna ne kunneeraliikiriza.
16 Therefore I came vnto one of them that stoode by, and asked him the trueth of all this: so he tolde me, and shewed me the interpretation of these things.
Ne nsemberera omu ku baali bayimiridde awo ne mubuuza amakulu g’ebyo byonna. “N’antegeeza amakulu g’ebintu ebyo, n’aŋŋamba nti,
17 These great beastes which are foure, are foure Kings, which shall arise out of the earth,
‘Ensolo enkambwe ezo ennya, be bakabaka abana abalisibuka mu nsi.
18 And they shall take the kingdome of the Saintes of the most High, and possesse the kingdome for euer, euen for euer and euer.
Naye abatukuvu ab’Oyo Ali Waggulu Ennyo baliweebwa obwakabaka, era buliba bwabwe emirembe n’emirembe, weewaawo okutuusa emirembe gyonna.’
19 After this, I woulde knowe the trueth of the fourth beast, which was so vnlike to all the others, very fearefull, whose teeth were of yron, and his nailes of brasse: which deuoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue vnder his feete.
“Awo ne njagala okumanya ensolo enkambwe eyokuna ky’etegeeza, etaafaanana ng’endala zonna, eyali ey’entiisa ennyo, amannyo gaayo nga ga kyuma, n’enjala zaayo nga za kikomo, eyabetenta, n’emenyaamenya era n’erinnyirira ezaasigalawo.
20 Also to know of the tenne hornes that were in his head, and of the other which came vp, before whome three fell, and of the horne that had eyes, and of the mouth that spake presumptuous thinges, whose looke was more stoute then his fellowes.
Ate ne njagala n’okumanya ku by’amayembe ekkumi agaali ku mutwe gwayo, ne ku by’ejjembe liri eddala eryasibuka wakati mu go, asatu ne galivuunamira, ejjembe eryo lye lyalina amaaso n’akamwa akayogeranga eby’okwegulumiza, era mu buyinza nga lirabika okusinga ganne gaalyo.
21 I beheld, and the same horne made battel against the Saintes, yea, and preuailed against them,
Awo bwe nnali nkyatunula, ejjembe eryo ne lirwana n’abatukuvu ne lyagala okubawangula,
22 Vntill the Ancient of dayes came, and iudgement was giuen to the Saintes of the most High: and the time approched, that the Saintes possessed the kingdome.
okutuusa ow’Edda n’Edda bwe yajja n’asala omusango, abatukuvu b’Oyo Ali Waggulu Ennyo ne bagusinga, era n’ekiseera ne kituuka ne baweebwa obwakabaka.
23 Then he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdome in the earth, which shall be vnlike to all the kingdomes, and shall deuoure the whole earth, and shall treade it downe and breake it in pieces.
“N’annyinnyonnyola nti, ‘Ensolo enkambwe eyokuna bwe bwakabaka obwokuna obulirabika ku nsi, era tebulifaanana ng’obwakabaka obulala; era bulirya ensi yonna, ne bugirinnyirira ne bugibetentabetenta.
24 And the ten hornes out of this kingdome are tenne Kings that shall rise: and an other shall rise after them, and he shall be vnlike to the first, and he shall subdue three Kings,
Amayembe ekkumi, be bakabaka ekkumi abaliva mu bwakabaka obwo, era walirabikawo n’omulala oluvannyuma lw’abo, atalifaanana ng’aboolubereberye. Aliwangula bakabaka basatu.
25 And shall speake wordes against the most High, and shall consume the Saintes of the most High, and thinke that he may change times and lawes, and they shalbe giuen into his hand, vntill a time, and times and the deuiding of time.
Alyogera ebigambo ebibi ku Oyo Ali Waggulu Ennyo, era aligezaako okukyusakyusa ebiseera ebyateekebwawo n’amateeka agassibwawo. Era abatukuvu baliweebwayo mu mukono gwe okufugibwa okumala emyaka esatu n’ekitundu.
26 But the iudgement shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and destroy it vnto the ende.
“‘Kyokka oluvannyuma omusango gulisalibwa, n’obuyinza bwe ne bumuggyibwako, ne buzikiririzibwa ddala.
27 And the kingdome, and dominion, and the greatnesse of the kingdome vnder the whole heauen shalbe giue to the holy people of the most High, whose kingdome is an euerlasting kingdome and all powers shall serue and obey him.
N’oluvannyuma ekitiibwa, n’obuyinza n’obukulu obw’obwakabaka obuli wansi w’eggulu, buliweebwa abatukuvu b’Oyo Ali Waggulu Ennyo. Obwakabaka bwe bulibeerawo emirembe gyonna, n’amatwale amalala gonna galimugondera ne gamuweereza.’
28 Euen this is the ende of the matter, I Daniel had many cogitations which troubled mee, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in mine heart.
“Ebigambo ebyo wano we bikoma. Naye nze Danyeri natawaanyizibwa nnyo mu mutima, n’amaaso gange ne gammyuka, naye ensonga ezo ne nzeekuuma.”

< Daniel 7 >