< Daniel 6 >

1 It pleased Darius to set ouer the kingdome an hundreth and twentie gouernours, which should be ouer the whole kingdome,
Ya gamshi Dariyus ya naɗa muƙaddasai 120 su yi shugabanci a duk fāɗin masarautar,
2 And ouer these, three rulers (of whome Daniel was one) that the gouernours might giue accompts vnto them, and the King should haue no domage.
ya naɗa mutum uku a bisa waɗannan muƙaddasan, Daniyel yana ɗaya daga cikin mutum ukun nan. Sai aka sa muƙaddasan nan a ƙarƙashin waɗannan uku ɗin domin kada sarki ya yi hasarar kome.
3 Now this Daniel was preferred aboue the rulers and gouernours, because the spirit was excellent in him, and the King thought to set him ouer the whole realme.
To, Daniyel dai ya yi ficce a cikin shugabannin nan uku har da muƙaddasan ma, saboda waɗansu halaye nagari da yake da su, wanda ya sa sarki ya yi shiri ya ɗora shi a kan dukan mulkinsa.
4 Wherefore the rulers and gouernours sought an occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdome: but they could finde none occasion nor fault: for he was so faithfull that there was no blame nor fault found in him.
A kan haka, shugabannin nan uku da muƙaddasan nan suka yi ƙoƙari su sami wani laifi a kan Daniyel a yadda yake tafiyar da aikin shugabancinsa, amma ba su samu ba. Ba su same shi da wani laifin cin hanci ba, domin shi amintacce ne kuma babu wani aibi a kansa ko rashin kula.
5 Then sayd these men, We shall not finde an occasion against this Daniel, except we finde it against him concerning the Law of his God.
A ƙarshe waɗannan mutane suka ce; “Ba za mu taɓa samun wani laifin da za mu kama Daniyel da shi ba, sai dai ko abin ya shafi dokar Allahnsa.”
6 Therefore the rulers and these gouernours went together to the King, and sayde thus vnto him, King Darius, liue for euer.
Saboda haka shugabannin nan suka haɗu da muƙaddasan nan suka tafi wurin sarki a ƙungiyance suka ce, “Ya Sarki Dariyus, ranka yă daɗe!
7 All the rulers of thy kingdome, the officers and gouernours, the counsellers, and dukes haue consulted together to make a decree for the King and to establish a statute, that whosoeuer shall aske a petition of any god or man for thirtie dayes saue of thee, O King, he shalbe cast into the denne of lyons.
Shugabannin masarauta, da masu mulki, da muƙaddasai, da mashawarta da gwamnoni duk sun amince cewa sarki yă kafa doka yă kuma yi umarni cewa a cikin kwana talatin nan gaba duk wanda ya yi addu’a ga wani allah ko mutum, in ba a gare ka ba, ya sarki, jefa shi cikin kogon zakoki.
8 Nowe, O King, confirme the decree, and seale the writing, that it be not changed according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which altereth not.
Yanzu, ya sarki, sai ka yi umarni ka kuma yi shi a rubuce saboda kada a canja shi, bisa ga dokar Medes da Farisa, waɗanda ba a iya sokewa.”
9 Wherefore King Darius sealed the writing and the decree.
Sai Sarki Dariyus ya ba da umarnin a rubuce.
10 Now when Daniel vnderstood that he had sealed the writing, hee went into his house, and his window being open in his chamber toward Ierusalem, he kneeled vpon his knees three times a day, and prayed and praysed his God, as he did aforetime.
To, da Daniyel ya ji labarin cewa an fitar da doka, sai ya tafi gidansa a ɗakinsa na sama inda tagogin ɗakin suke duban wajen Urushalima. Sau uku yakan durƙusa yă yi addu’a yana yin godiya ga Allahnsa, kamar yadda ya saba yi.
11 Then these men assembled, and founde Daniel praying, and making supplication vnto his God.
Sai waɗannan mutane suka tafi a ƙungiyance suka kuma iske Daniyel yana addu’a yana roƙon Allah yă taimake shi.
12 So they came and, spake vnto the King concerning the Kings decree, Hast thou not sealed the decree, that euery man that shall make a request to any god or man within thirtie dayes, saue to thee, O King, shall be cast into the denne of lyons? The King answered, and sayd, The thing is true, according to the Lawe of the Medes and Persians, which altereth not.
Sai suka tafi wurin sarki suka yi masa magana game da dokar mulkinsa, suka ce, “Ashe, ba ka yi doka cewa a cikin kwana talatin nan gaba duk wanda aka tarar yana addu’a ga wani allah ko mutum in ba kai ba, ya sarki, za ka jefa shi a cikin ramin zakoki ba?” Sarki ya amsa ya ce, “Dokar tana nan daram bisa ga dokar Medes da Farisa, waɗanda ba a iya sokewa.”
13 Then answered they, and sayd vnto the King, This Daniel which is of the children of the captiuitie of Iudah, regardeth not thee, O King, nor the decree, that thou hast sealed, but maketh his petition three times a day.
Sai suka ce wa sarki, “Daniyel ɗin nan, wanda yake ɗaya daga cikin waɗanda aka kwaso daga Yahuda, bai kula da kai ba, ya sarki, balle fa dokar da ka yi. Har yanzu yana addu’a sau uku a rana.”
14 When the King heard these wordes, hee was sore displeased with himselfe, and set his heart on Daniel, to deliuer him: and he laboured till the sunne went downe, to deliuer him.
Da sarki ya ji haka, sai ya damu sosai, ya ƙudura yă ceci Daniyel, ya yi ta fama har fāɗuwar rana yadda zai yi yă kuɓutar da shi.
15 Then these men assembled vnto the King, and sayde vnto ye King, Vnderstand, O King, that the lawe of the Medes and Persians is, that no decree nor statute which the King confirmeth, may be altered.
Sai mutanen nan suka je wurin sarki a ƙungiyance suka ce masa, “Ka tuna, ya sarki; cewa bisa ga dokar Medes da Farisa, babu umarni ko dokar da sarki ya yi da za a iya sokewa.”
16 Then the King commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the denne of lyons: now the King spake, and said vnto Daniel, Thy God, whome thou alway seruest, euen he will deliuer thee.
Saboda haka sai sarki ya ba da umarni suka kuma kawo Daniyel suka jefa shi cikin ramin zakoki. Sarki ya ce wa Daniyel, “Bari Allahn nan wanda kake bauta masa kullum, yă cece ka!”
17 And a stone was brought, and layed vpon the mouth of the denne, and the King sealed it with his owne signet, and with the signet of his princes, that the purpose might not be changed, concerning Daniel.
Aka kawo dutsen aka rufe bakin ramin, sa’an nan sarki ya hatimce shi da zobensa da kuma zoban manyan mutanensa, don kada wani yă canja yanayin Daniyel.
18 Then the King went vnto his palace, and remained fasting, neither were the instruments of musike brought before him, and his sleepe went from him.
Sa’an nan sarki ya koma fadarsa ya kwana bai ci ba, kuma babu wata liyafar da aka kawo masa. Ya kuma kāsa barci.
19 Then the King arose early in the morning, and went in all haste vnto the denne of lyons.
Gari yana wayewa, sai sarki ya tashi ya hanzarta zuwa ramin zakoki.
20 And when he came to the denne, he cryed with a lamentable voyce vnto Daniel: and the King spake, and saide to Daniel, O Daniel, the seruant of ye liuing God, is not thy God (whom thou alway seruest) able to deliuer thee from the lyons?
Da ya yi kusa da ramin zakokin, sai ya kira Daniyel da muryar mai cike da damuwa ya ce, “Daniyel bawan Allah mai rai, ko Allahn nan naka wanda kake bauta wa kullum, ya iya cetonka daga zakoki?”
21 Then saide Daniel vnto the King, O King, liue for euer.
Sai Daniyel ya amsa ya ce, “Ran sarki, yă daɗe!
22 My God hath sent his Angel and hath shut the lyons mouthes, that they haue not hurt mee: for my iustice was founde out before him: and vnto thee, O King, I haue done no hurt.
Allahna ya aiko da mala’ikansa, ya kuwa rufe bakunan zakoki. Ba su yi mini rauni ba, gama an same ni marar laifi ne a gabansa. Ban kuwa taɓa yin wani abu marar kyau a gabanka ba, ya sarki.”
23 Then was the King exceeding glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel out of the denne: so Daniel was brought out of the denne, and no maner of hurt was found vpon him, because he beleeued in his God.
Sai sarki ya cika da murna ƙwarai, ya kuma yi umarni a ciro Daniyel daga ramin zakoki. Kuma da aka fito da Daniyel daga ramin, ba a sami wani rauni a jikinsa ba, domin ya dogara ga Allahnsa.
24 And by the commandement of the King these me which had accused Daniel, were brought, and were cast into the denne of lions, euen they, their children, and their wiues: and the lyons had the mastry of them, and brake all their bones a pieces, or euer they came at the groud of the denne.
Sai sarki ya umarta, a kawo mutanen nan da suka yi wa Daniyel maƙarƙashiya, a tura su, da’ya’yansu, da matansu cikin ramin zakoki. Kafin ma su kai ƙurewar ramin, sai zakoki suka hallaka su suka yayyage su, suka yi kaca-kaca da su.
25 Afterwarde King Darius wrote, Vnto all people, nations and languages, that dwel in all the world: Peace be multiplied vnto you.
Sa’an nan Sarki Dariyus ya rubuta wa dukan mutane, da al’ummai da kuma mutanen dukan harsunan a duk fāɗin ƙasar. “Bari yă yi nasara sosai!
26 I make a decree that in all the dominion of my kingdome, men tremble and feare before the God of Daniel: for he is the liuing God, and remayneth for euer: and his kingdome shall not perish, and his dominion shalbe euerlasting.
“Na fitar da doka cewa a cikin dukan iyakar ƙasar mulkina, dole mutane su ji tsoro su kuma girmama Allah na Daniyel.
27 Hee rescueth and deliuereth, and hee worketh signes and wonders in heauen and in earth, who hath deliuered Daniel from the power of the lyons.
Yakan kuɓutar ya kuma ceci;
28 So this Daniel prospered in the reigne of Darius and in the reigne of Cyrus of Persia.
Daniyel kuwa ya bunkasa a lokacin mulkin Dariyus da kuma mulkin Sairus na Farisa.

< Daniel 6 >