< Daniel 2 >

1 And in the seconde yeere of the raygne of Nebuchad-nezzar, Nebuchad-nezzar dreamed dreames wherewith his spirite was troubled, and his sleepe was vpon him.
A druge godine carovanja Navuhodonosorova usni Navuhodonosor san, i uznemiri mu se duh i san ga proðe.
2 Then the King commanded to call the inchanters, and the astrologians and the sorcerers, and the Caldeans for to shewe the King his dreames: so they came and stoode before the King.
I reèe car da dozovu vraèe i zvjezdare i gatare i Haldeje da kažu caru san njegov. I doðoše i staše pred carem.
3 And the King sayde vnto them, I haue dreamed a dreame, and my spirite was troubled to knowe the dreame.
I reèe im car: usnih san, i uznemiri mi se duh kako bih doznao što sam snio.
4 Then spake the Caldeans to the King in the Aramites language, O King, liue for euer: shewe thy seruants thy dreame, and wee shall shewe the interpretation.
A Haldeji rekoše caru Sirski: care, da si živ dovijeka! pripovjedi san slugama svojim, pa æemo ti kazati što znaèi.
5 And the King answered and sayd to the Caldeans, The thing is gone from me. If ye will not make me vnderstande the dreame with the interpretation thereof, ye shall be drawen in pieces, and your houses shall be made a iakes.
A car odgovori i reèe Haldejima: zaboravio sam; ako mi ne kažete što sam snio i što znaèi, biæete isjeèeni i kuæe æe vaše biti buništa.
6 But if yee declare the dreame and the interpretation thereof, ye shall receyue of me gifts and rewardes, and great honour: therefore shewe me the dreame and the interpretation of it.
Ako li mi kažete što sam snio i što znaèi, dobiæete od mene dare i poklone i veliku èast; kažite mi dakle što sam snio i što znaèi.
7 They answered againe, and sayde, Let the King shewe his seruantes the dreame, and wee will declare the interpretation thereof.
Odgovoriše opet i rekoše: neka car pripovjedi san slugama svojim, pa æemo kazati što znaèi.
8 Then the King answered, and sayd, I knowe certeinly that ye would gaine the time, because ye see the thing is gone from me.
Car odgovori i reèe: doista vidim da hoæete vremena da dobijete; jer vidite da sam zaboravio.
9 But if ye will not declare mee the dreame, there is but one iudgement for you: for ye haue prepared lying and corrupt wordes, to speake before me till the time bee changed: therefore tell me the dreame, that I may knowe, if yee can declare me the interpretation thereof.
Ali ako mi ne kažete što sam snio i što znaèi, jedan vam je sud; jer ste se dogovorili da kažete preda mnom laž i prijevaru dok se promijeni vrijeme; zato kažite mi san, pa æu vidjeti da mi možete kazati što znaèi.
10 Then the Caldeans answered before the King, and sayde, There is no man vpon earth that can declare the Kings matter: yea, there is neither king nor prince nor lorde that asked such things at an inchanter or astrologian or Caldean.
Odgovoriše Haldeji caru i rekoše: nema èovjeka na zemlji koji bi mogao kazati caru to što ište; zato nijedan car ni knez ni vlastelin nije nigda iskao tako što od vraèa ili zvjezdara ili Haldejca.
11 For it is a rare thing that the King requireth, and there is none other that can declare it before the King, except the gods whose dwelling is not with flesh.
I što car ište vrlo je teško; niti ima drugoga koji bi mogao kazati caru osim bogova, koji ne žive meðu ljudima.
12 For this cause the king was angrie and in great furie, and commanded to destroy all the wise men of Babel.
Zato se car razljuti i razgnjevi vrlo, i zapovjedi da se pogube svi mudarci Vavilonski.
13 And when sentence was giuen, the wise men were slayne: and they sought Daniel and his fellowes to be put to death.
I kad izide zapovijest, te ubijahu mudarce, tražahu i Danila i drugove njegove da ih ubiju.
14 Then Daniel answered with counsel and wisedome to Arioch the Kings chiefe stewarde, which was gone foorth to put to death the wise men of Babel.
Tada Danilo odgovori mudro i razumno Ariohu zapovjedniku stražarskom, koji bijaše izašao da ubija mudarce Vavilonske;
15 Yea, he answered and sayde vnto Arioch the kings captaine, Why is the sentence so hastie from the king? Then Arioch declared the thing to Daniel.
Odgovori i reèe Ariohu vlastelinu carevu: zašto je tako nagla zapovijest od cara? Tada Arioh kaza stvar Danilu.
16 So Daniel went and desired the king that he woulde giue him leasure and that he woulde shewe the king the interpretation thereof.
A Danilo otide i zamoli cara da mu ostavi vremena, pak æe kazati caru što san znaèi.
17 The Daniel went to his house and shewed the matter to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah his companions,
Potom otide Danilo kuæi svojoj, i kaza stvar Ananiji, Misailu i Azariji, drugovima svojim,
18 That they should beseech the God of heauen for grace in this secrete, that Daniel and his fellowes should not perish with the rest of ye wise men of Babel.
Da se mole za milost Bogu nebeskomu radi te tajne, da ne bi poginuli Danilo i drugovi mu s ostalijem mudarcima Vavilonskim.
19 Then was the secret reueiled vnto Daniel in a vision by night: therefore Daniel praysed the God of heauen.
I objavi se tajna Danilu u noænoj utvari; tada Danilo blagoslovi Boga nebeskoga.
20 And Daniel answered and sayde, The Name of God be praysed for euer and euer: for wisedome and strength are his,
Progovori Danilo i reèe: da je blagosloveno ime Gospodnje od vijeka do vijeka; jer je njegova mudrost i sila;
21 And hee changeth the times and seasons: he taketh away kings: he setteth vp kings: he giueth wisedome vnto the wise, and vnderstanding to those that vnderstand.
I on mijenja vremena i èase; smeæe careve, i postavlja careve; daje mudrost mudrima i razum razumnima.
22 Hee discouereth the deepe and secrete things: he knoweth what is in darkenes, and the light dwelleth with him.
On otkriva što je duboko i sakriveno, zna što je u mraku, i svjetlost kod njega stanuje.
23 I thanke thee and prayse thee, O thou God of my fathers, that thou hast giuen mee wisedome and strength, and hast shewed me nowe the thing that wee desired of thee: for thou hast declared vnto vs the kings matter.
Tebe, Bože otaca mojih, hvalim i slavim, što si mi dao mudrost i silu, i što si mi objavio za što te molismo objaviv nam stvar carevu.
24 Therefore Daniel went vnto Arioch, whome the King had ordeyned to destroy the wise men of Babel: he went and sayde thus vnto him, Destroy not the wise men of Babel, but bring me before the King, and I will declare vnto the King the interpretation.
Tada otide Danilo k Ariohu, kojega car bješe odredio da pogubi mudarce Vavilonske; i došav ovako mu reèe: ne gubi mudaraca Vavilonskih; izvedi me pred cara da kažem caru što san znaèi.
25 Then Arioch brought Daniel before the King in all haste, and sayd thus vnto him, I haue found a man of the children of Iudah that were brought captiues, that will declare vnto the King the interpretation.
Tada Arioh brže izvede Danila pred cara, i ovako mu reèe: naðoh èovjeka izmeðu roblja Judina, koji æe kazati caru što san znaèi.
26 Then answered the King, and sayde vnto Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, Art thou able to shew me the dreame, which I haue seene, and the interpretation thereof?
A car progovori i reèe Danilu, koji se zvaše Valtasar: možeš li mi kazati san koji sam snio i što znaèi?
27 Daniel answered in the presence of the King, and sayd, The secret which the King hath demanded, can neither the wise, the astrologians, the inchanters, nor the southsayers declare vnto the King.
Odgovori Danilo caru i reèe: tajne koje car ište ne mogu kazati caru mudarci ni zvjezdari ni vraèi ni gatari.
28 But there is a God in heauen that reueileth secrets, and sheweth the King Nebuchad-nezzar what shall bee in the latter dayes. Thy dreame, and the things which thou hast seene in thine heade vpon thy bed, is this.
Nego ima Bog na nebu koji otkriva tajne i javlja caru Navuhodonosoru što æe biti do pošljetka. San tvoj i što ti je vidjela glava na postelji tvojoj ovo je:
29 O King, when thou wast in thy bedde, thoughts came into thy mind, what should come to passe hereafter, and he that reueyleth secretes, telleth thee, what shall come.
Tebi, care, doðoše misli na postelji što æe biti poslije, i onaj koji objavljuje tajne pokaza ti što æe biti.
30 As for me, this secret is not shewed mee for any wisedome that I haue, more then any other liuing, but onely to shewe the King the interpretation, and that thou mightest knowe the thoughts of thine heart.
A meni se ova tajna nije objavila mudrošæu koja bi u mene bila mimo sve žive, nego zato da se javi caru što san znaèi i da doznaš misli srca svojega.
31 O King, thou sawest, and beholde, there was a great image: this great image whose glory was so excellent, stood before thee, and the forme thereof was terrible.
Ti, care, vidje a to lik velik; velik bijaše lik i svjetlost mu silna, i stajaše prema tebi, i strašan bijaše na oèima.
32 This images head was of fine golde, his breast and his armes of siluer, his bellie and his thighs of brasse,
Glava tome liku bijaše od èistoga zlata, prsi i mišice od srebra, trbuh i bedra od mjedi,
33 His legges of yron, and his feete were part of yron, and part of clay.
Golijeni mu od gvožða, a stopala koje od gvožða koje od zemlje.
34 Thou beheldest it til a stone was cut without hands, which smote the image vpon his feete, that were of yron and clay, and brake them to pieces.
Ti gledaše dokle se odvali kamen bez ruku, i udari lik u stopala mjedena i zemljana, i satr ih.
35 Then was the yron, the clay, the brasse, the siluer and the golde broken all together, and became like the chaffe of the sommer floures, and the winde caryed them away, that no place was founde for them: and the stone that smote the image, became a great mountaine, and filled the whole earth.
Tada se satr i gvožðe i zemlja i mjed i srebro i zlato, i posta kao pljeva na gumnu u ljeto, te odnese vjetar, i ne naðe mu se mjesto; a kamen, koji udari lik, posta gora velika i ispuni svu zemlju.
36 This is the dreame, and we will declare before the King the interpretation thereof.
To je san; a sada æemo kazati caru što znaèi.
37 O King, thou art a king of Kings: for the God of heauen hath giuen thee a kingdome, power, and strength, and glorie.
Ti si, care, car nad carevima, jer ti Bog nebeski dade carstvo, silu i krjepost i slavu;
38 And in all places where the children of men dwell, the beasts of the fielde, and the foules of the heauen hath he giuen into thine hand, and hath made thee ruler ouer them al: thou art this heade of golde.
I gdje god žive sinovi ljudski, zvijeri poljske i ptice nebeske, dao ti je u ruke, i postavio te gospodarem nad svijem tijem. Ti si ona glava zlatna.
39 And after thee shall rise another kingdome, inferiour to thee, of siluer, and another third kingdome shalbe of brasse, which shall beare rule ouer all the earth.
A nakon tebe nastaæe drugo carstvo, manje od tvojega; a potom treæe carstvo, mjedeno, koje æe vladati po svoj zemlji.
40 And the fourth kingdome shall be strong as yron: for as yron breaketh in pieces, and subdueth all things, and as yron bruiseth all these things, so shall it breake in pieces, and bruise all.
A èetvrto æe carstvo biti tvrdo kao gvožðe, jer gvožðe satire i troši sve, i kao gvožðe što sve lomi, tako æe satrti i polomiti.
41 Where as thou sawest the feete and toes, parte of potters clay, and part of yron: the kingdome shalbe deuided, but there shalbe in it of the strength of the yron, as thou sawest the yron mixt with the clay, and earth.
A što si vidio stopala i prste koje od kala lonèarskoga koje od gvožða, biæe carstvo razdijeljeno, ali æe biti u njemu tvrðe od gvožða, jer si vidio gvožðe pomiješano s kalom lonèarskim.
42 And as the toes of the feete were parte of yron, and parte of clay, so shall the kingdome be partly strong, and partly broken.
I što prsti u nogu bijahu koje od gvožða koje od kala, carstvo æe biti nešto jako a nešto trošno.
43 And where as thou sawest yron mixt with clay and earth, they shall mingle themselues with the seede of men: but they shall not ioyne one with another, as yron can not bee mixed with clay.
A što si vidio gvožðe pomiješano sa kalom lonèarskim, to æe se oni pomiješati sjemenom èovjeèijim, ali neæe prionuti jedan za drugoga kao što se gvožðe ne može smiješati s kalom.
44 And in the dayes of these Kings, shall the God of heauen set vp a kingdome, which shall neuer be destroyed: and this kingdome shall not be giuen to another people, but it shall breake, and destroy al these kingdomes, and it shall stand for euer.
A u vrijeme tijeh careva Bog æe nebeski podignuti carstvo koje se dovijeka neæe rasuti, i to se carstvo neæe ostaviti drugom narodu; ono æe satrti i ukinuti sva ta carstva, a samo æe stajati dovijeka,
45 Where as thou sawest, that the stone was cut of the mountaine without handes, and that it brake in pieces the yron, the brasse, the clay, the siluer, and the golde: so the great God hath shewed the King, what shall come to passe hereafter, and the dreame is true, and the interpretation thereof is sure.
Kako si vidio gdje se od gore odvali kamen bez ruku i satr gvožðe, mjed, kao, srebro i zlato. Bog veliki javi caru što æe biti poslije; san je istinit, i tumaèenje mu vjerno.
46 Then the King Nebuchad-nezzar fell vpon his face, and bowed himselfe vnto Daniel, and commanded that they should offer meate offrings, and sweete odours vnto him.
Tada car Navuhodonosor pade na lice svoje, i pokloni se Danilu, i zapovjedi da mu prinesu prinos i kad.
47 Also the King answered vnto Daniel, and said, I know of a trueth that your God is a God of gods, and the Lord of Kings, and the reueiler of secrets, seeing thou couldest open this secret.
Car progovori Danilu i reèe: doista, vaš je Bog Bog nad bogovima i gospodar nad carevima, i koji objavljuje tajne, kad si mogao otkriti ovu tajnu.
48 So the King made Daniel a great man, and gaue him many and great giftes. Hee made him gouernour ouer the whole prouince of Babel, and chiefe of the rulers, and aboue all the wise men of Babel.
Tada car uzvisi Danila, i dade mu mnoge velike darove i uèini ga gospodarem svoj zemlji Vavilonskoj i poglavarem nad svijem mudarcima Vavilonskim.
49 Then Daniel made request to the King, and hee set Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego ouer the charge of the prouince of Babel: but Daniel sate in the gate of the King.
I Danilo izmoli u cara, te postavi nad poslovima zemlje Vavilonske Sedraha, Misaha i Avdenaga, a Danilo osta na dvoru carevu.

< Daniel 2 >