< Daniel 11 >

1 Also I, in ye first yere of Darius of ye Medes, euen I stood to incourage and to strengthen him.
A shekara ta fari ta Dariyus mutumin Mede, na ɗauki matsayina domin in goyi baya in kuma kāre shi.)
2 And now wil I shew thee ye trueth, Behold, there shall stand vp yet three Kings in Persia, and the fourth shall be farre richer then they all: and by his strength, and by his riches he shall stirre vp all against the realme of Grecia.
“Yanzu dai, zan faɗa maka gaskiya. Sarakuna uku za su taso a Farisa, sa’an nan kuma na huɗu, wanda zai fi dukansu dukiya. Sa’ad da zai sami iko saboda dukiyarsa, zai zuga dukan kowane mutum yă yi gāba da masarautar Girka.
3 But a mightie King shall stand vp, that shall rule with great dominion, and doe according to his pleasure.
Sa’an nan wani babban sarki zai bayyana, wanda zai yi mulki da babban iko yă kuma yi abin da ya ga dama.
4 And when he shall stand vp, his kingdome shall be broken, and shall be deuided towarde the foure windes of heauen: and not to his posteritie, nor according to his dominion, which he ruled: for his kingdome shall be pluckt vp, euen to be for others besides those.
Bayan da ya bayyana, daularsa za tă wargaje za a rarraba ta zuwa kusurwoyi huɗu na duniya, a ba waɗansu waɗanda ba zuriyarsa ba, ba kuwa za su yi mulki da iko kamar yadda ya yi ba, gama za a tumɓuki daularsa a kuma ba wa waɗansu.
5 And ye King of ye South shalbe mightie, and one of his princes, and shall preuaile against him, and beare rule: his dominio shalbe a great dominion.
“Sai sarki Kudu zai yi ƙarfi ƙwarai, amma ɗaya daga cikin komandodinsa zai yi ƙarfi fiye da shi, zai kuma yi mulki masarautarsa da iko mai girma.
6 And in the ende of yeeres they shalbe ioyned together: for the Kings daughter of ye South shall come to the King of the North to make an agreement, but she shall not reteine the power of the arme, neither shall he continue, nor his arme: but she shall be deliuered to death, and they that brought her, and he that begate her, and he that comforted her in these times.
Bayan’yan shekaru, za su haɗa kai. Diyar sarkin Kudu za tă je wurin sarkin Arewa ta sada zumunci, amma ba za tă riƙe iko ba, shi kuwa da ikonsa ba za su daɗe ba. A waɗannan kwanaki za a bashe ta, da ita da masu rakiyarta da kuma mahaifinta da kuma wanda ya goyi bayanta.
7 But out of the bud of her rootes shall one stand vp in his stead, which shall come with an armie, and shall enter into the fortresse of the King of the North, and doe with them as he list, and shall preuaile,
“Wani daga cikin zuriyarta zai taso yă ɗauki matsayinta. Zai kai wa sojojin sarkin Arewa hari yă kuma shiga kagararsa; zai yi yaƙi da su yă kuma yi nasara.
8 And shall also carie captiues into Egypt their gods with their molten images, and with their precious vessels of siluer and of golde, and he shall continue more yeeres then the King of the North.
Zai ƙwace allolinsu, siffofinsu na ƙarfe da kuma kaya masu daraja na azurfa da na zinariya a kuma kai su Masar. Zai yi’yan shekaru bai kai wa sarkin Arewa yaƙi ba.
9 So the King of ye South shall come into his kingdome, and shall returne into his owne land.
Sa’an nan sarkin Arewa zai kai wa sarkin Kudu hari, amma zai janye, yă koma ƙasarsa.
10 Wherefore his sonnes shall be stirred vp, and shall assemble a mightie great armie: and one shall come, and ouerflowe, and passe through: then shall he returne, and be stirred vp at his fortresse.
’Ya’yansa maza za su yi shirin yaƙi za su kuma tattara babbar rundunar sojoji, waɗanda za su yi ta mamayewa kamar rigyawar da ba iya tarewa, kuma za su kai yaƙin har kagararsa.
11 And the King of the South shall be angrie, and shall come foorth, and fight with him, euen with the King of the North: for he shall set foorth a great multitude, and the multitude shall be giuen into his hand.
“Sa’an nan sai sarkin Kudu zai kama hanya da fushi zuwa yaƙi da sarkin Arewa, wanda zai tattara babbar rundunar yaƙi, amma za a ci shi da yaƙi.
12 Then the multitude shall be proude, and their heart shall be lifted vp: for hee shall cast downe thousands: but he shall not still preuaile.
Sa’ad da zai kawar da rundunar, sarkin Kudu zai cika da girman kai zai kuma kashe mutane dubbai, duk da haka ba zai kasance mai nasara ba.
13 For the King of the North shall returne, and shall set foorth a greater multitude then afore, and shall come foorth (after certeine yeeres) with a mightie armie, and great riches.
Sarki Arewa kuma zai ƙara tara babbar rundunar soja, wadda ta fi ta dā girma; bayan waɗansu shekaru kuma, zai tafi yaƙi da babbar rundunar mayaƙa cike da kayan yaƙi.
14 And at the same time there shall many stand vp against the King of the South: also the rebellious children of thy people shall exalt them selues to establish the vision, but they shall fall.
“A waɗannan lokutan mutane da yawa za su tashi gāba da sarkin Kudu. Amma waɗansu’yan kama-karya za su taso daga jama’arka da niyya su cika abin da wahayin ya ce, amma za a fatattake su.
15 So the King of the North shall come, and cast vp a mount, and take the strong citie: and the armes of the South shall not resist, neither his chosen people, neither shall there be any strength to withstand.
Sa’an nan sarkin arewa zai zo ya gina mahaurai a jikin katagar birni don yă ci birnin da yaƙi. Sojojin nan na Kudu kuwa ba za su iya tsayawa ba, ko zaɓaɓɓun jarumawansu ma, gama za su rasa ƙarfin tsayawa.
16 But he that shall come, shall doe vnto him as he list, and none shall stand against him: and he shall stand in the pleasant land, which by his hand shalbe consumed.
Wanda ya kai harin zai yi yadda ya ga dama, ba wanda zai iya ja da shi. Zai kafa kansa a Kyakkyawar Ƙasa zai kuma sami ikon da zai hallaka ta.
17 Againe he shall set his face to enter with the power of his whole kingdome, and his confederates with him: thus shall he doe, and he shall giue him the daughter of women, to destroy her: but she shall not stande on his side, neither bee for him.
Zai yunƙura yă zo da ƙarfin dukan masarautarsa zai kuma nemi haɗinkan sarkin Kudu. Zai kuma ba shi diyarsa yă aura don yă lalatar da mulkin, amma shirinsa ba zai yi nasara ba ko yă taimake shi ba.
18 After this shall he turne his face vnto the yles, and shall take many, but a prince shall cause his shame to light vpon him, beside that he shall cause his owne shame to turne vpon himselfe.
Sa’an nan zai mai da hankalinsa zuwa ƙasashe a bakin kogi, zai kuma kama da yawansu, amma wani komanda zai kawo ƙarshen faɗin ransa, zai kuma sa faɗin ransa yă koma masa.
19 For he shall turne his face toward the fortes of his owne land: but he shall be ouerthrowen and fall, and be no more founde.
Bayan wannan, zai juya ga kagarar ƙasarsa, amma zai yi tuntuɓe yă fāɗi, ba kuwa za a ƙara ganinsa ba.
20 Then shall stand vp in his place in the glorie of the kingdome, one that shall raise taxes: but after fewe dayes he shall be destroyed, neither in wrath, nor in battell.
“Magājinsa zai aiki mai karɓar haraji don darajar masarautarsa. Amma ba da daɗewa ba za a hallaka shi, duk da haka ba da fushi ko cikin yaƙi ba.
21 And in his place shall stand vp a vile person, to whom they shall not giue the honour of the kingdome: but he shall come in peaceably, and obteine the kingdome by flatteries.
“Magājin wannan sarki zai zama wani mutumin banza wanda ma bai fito daga gidan sarauta ba. Zai taso ba zato ba tsammani, yă ƙwace sarautar ta hanyar zamba.
22 And the armes shall be ouerthrowen with a flood before him, and shall be broken: and also the prince of the couenant.
Sa’an nan zai shafe mayaƙa masu yawa a gabansa; zai hallaka har da waɗanda suke mulki na alkawari.
23 And after the league made with him, he shall worke deceitfully: for he shall come vp, and ouercome with a small people.
Bayan ƙulla yarjejjeniya da shi, zai yi zamba cikin aminci, kuma zai sami damar hawan mulki da goyon baya mutane kaɗan.
24 He shall enter into the quiet and plentifull prouince, and he shall doe that which his fathers haue not done, nor his fathers fathers: he shall deuide among them the pray and the spoyle, and the substance, yea, and he shall forecast his deuises against the strong holdes, euen for a time.
Sa’ad da yankuna mafi arziki suke ji kome lafiya yake, zai kai musu hari kuma Zai aikata abin da kakanninsa ba su taɓa yi ba. Zai rarraba abin da aka kwaso daga yaƙi, da ganima, da dukiya ga dukan mabiyansa. Zai kuma yi shiri yă kai wa mafaka hari, amma na ɗan lokaci ne kawai.
25 Also he shall stirre vp his power and his courage against the King of the South with a great armie, and the King of the South shall be stirred vp to battell with a very great and mightie armie: but he shall not stand: for they shall forecast and practise against him.
“Tare da babbar rundunar mayaƙa zai yi ƙarfin hali yă far wa sarkin Kudu da yaƙi. Sarkin kudu zai haɗa babbar rundunar soja mai ƙarfi don yaƙin, amma ba zai iya karo da shi ba, domin za a shirya masa maƙarƙashiya.
26 Yea, they that feede of the portion of his meate, shall destroy him: and his armie shall ouerflowe: and many shall fall, and be slaine.
Waɗanda suke ci daga tanadin sarki za su yi ƙoƙari su hallaka shi; za a share mayaƙansa, kuma za a kashe mutane masu yawa a yaƙin.
27 And both these Kings hearts shall be to do mischiefe, and they shall talke of deceite at one table: but it shall not auaile: for yet the ende shall be at the time appointed.
Sarakunan nan biyu sun sa mugunta a ransu. Za su zauna a tebur guda su yi ta shara wa juna ƙarya, amma a banza, gama lokacin da aka ƙayyade bai yi ba tukuna.
28 Then shall he returne into his land with great substance: for his heart shall be against the holy couenant: so shall he doe and returne to his owne land.
“Sarkin Arewa zai koma ƙasarsa da dukiya mai girma, amma zuciyarsa za tă yi gāba da tsattsarkan alkawari. Zai ɗauki mataki a kan wannan abu sa’an nan yă koma ƙasarsa.
29 At the time appointed he shall returne, and come toward the South: but the last shall not be as the first.
“A ƙayyadadden lokaci zai sāke kai wa Kudu hari, amma a wannan karo abin da zai faru zai sha bamban daga abin da ya faru can baya.
30 For the shippes of Chittim shall come against him: therefore he shalbe sorie and returne, and freat against the holy couenant: so shall he doe, he shall euen returne and haue intelligence with them that forsake the holy couenant.
Jiragen ruwa yammancin bakin teku za su yi gāba da shi, zuciyarsa kuwa za tă yi sanyi. Sa’an nan zai juya ya huce haushinsa a kan tsattsarkan alkawari. Zai komo yă nuna jinƙai ga waɗanda suka juya wa tsattsarkan alkawari baya.
31 And armes shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the Sanctuarie of strength, and shall take away the dayly sacrifice, and they shall set vp the abominable desolation.
“Mayaƙansa za su taso su ƙazantar da kagarar haikali za su kuma kawar da hadaya ta kullum. Sa’an nan za su kafa abin banƙyama da yake lalatarwa.
32 And such as wickedly breake ye couenant, shall he cause to sinne by flatterie: but the people that do know their God, shall preuaile and prosper.
Ta wurin daɗin baki zai gurɓata waɗannan da suka karya alkawari, amma mutanen da suka san Allahnsu za su yi tsayin daka su yi jayayya da shi.
33 And they that vnderstand among the people, shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by sword, and by flame, by captiuitie and by spoile many dayes.
“Waɗanda suke da hikima za su wayar da kan mutane da yawa, duk da haka za a kashe su da takobi, waɗansu da wuta, a washe waɗansu a kai su bauta.
34 Nowe when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a litle helpe: but many shall cleaue vnto them fainedly.
Sa’ad da suka fāɗi, za su sami ɗan taimako, mutane da yawa za su haɗa kai da su, amma da munafunci.
35 And some of the of vnderstanding shall fall to trie them, and to purge, and to make them white, till the time be out: for there is a time appointed.
Waɗansu masu hikima za su yi tuntuɓe, don a tsabtacce su, a tsarkake su, su yi tsab, har matuƙar da aka ƙayyade ta yi.
36 And the King shall doe what him list: he shall exalt himselfe, and magnifie himselfe against all, that is God, and shall speake marueilous things against ye God of gods, and shall prosper, till ye wrath be accomplished: for ye determination is made.
“Sarkin zai yi abin da ya ga dama. Zai ɗaukaka yă kuma girmama kansa gaba da kowane allah zai kuma faɗa munanan abubuwa a kan Allahn alloli. Zai yi nasara har sai lokacin hukunci ya cika, gama abin da aka ƙaddara zai cika.
37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desires of women, nor care for any God: for he shall magnifie himselfe aboue all.
Ba zai kula da alloli iyayensa ba ko wanda mata suke sha’awa, balle ma yă ga darajar wani allah, amma zai ɗaukaka kansa gaba da su duka.
38 But in his place shall he honour the god Mauzzim, and the god whom his fathers knewe not, shall he honour with golde and with siluer, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
A maimakonsu, zai ɗaukaka allahn kagarai; allahn da kakanninsa ba su ko sani ba, shi ne zai miƙa masa zinariya, da azurfa, da duwatsu masu daraja, da abubuwa masu tsada.
39 Thus shall he do in the holdes of Mauzzim with a strange god whom he shall acknowledge: he shall increase his glory, and shall cause them to rule ouer many and shall deuide ye land for gaine.
Zai kai wa kagarai mafi ƙarfi hari da taimakon baƙon allah zai kuma girmama waɗanda suka yarda da shi zai ba su girma, ya kuma shugabantar da su a kan mutane da yawa, zai raba musu ƙasa ta zama ladansu.
40 And at ye end of time shall the King of the South push at him, and the king of the North shall come against him like a whirlewind with charets, and with horsemen, and with many ships, and he shall enter into ye countreis, and shall ouerflow and passe through.
“A lokaci ƙarshe sarkin Kudu zai tasar masa da yaƙi, sarkin Arewa kuwa zai tunzura, yă tasar masa da kekunan yaƙi da mahayan dawakai, da jiragen ruwa da yawa. Zai ratsa ƙasashe, yă ci su da yaƙi, yă wuce.
41 He shall enter also into the pleasant land, and many countreis shalbe ouerthrowen: but these shall escape out of his hand, euen Edom and Moab, and the chiefe of the children of Ammon.
Zai kuma mamaye Kyakkyawa Ƙasa. Ƙasashe masu yawa za su fāɗi, amma Edom, Mowab da kuma shugabannin Ammon za su kuɓuta daga hannunsa.
42 He shall stretch foorth his hands also vpon the countreis, and ye land of Egypt shall not escape.
Zai fadada mulkinsa har zuwa ƙasashe masu yawa; Masar ma ba za tă tsira ba.
43 But he shall haue power ouer the treasures of golde and of siluer, and ouer all the precious things of Egypt, and of the Lybians, and of the blacke Mores where he shall passe.
Zai mallaki dukiyoyi na zinariya, da na azurfa, da dukan abubuwa masu tsada na Masar. Zai kuma ci Libiyawa da Kush da yaƙi.
44 But the tidings out of the East and the North shall trouble him: therefore he shall goe foorth with great wrath to destroy and roote out many.
Amma labari daga gabas da arewa za su firgita shi, shi kuwa zai ci gaba da yin yaƙi da zafi, yă karkashe mutane da yawa, yă shafe su.
45 And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace betweene the seas in the glorious and holy mountaine, yet he shall come to his end, and none shall helpe him.
Zai kafa tentin mulkinsa tsakanin tekunan da suke a kyakkyawan tsauni mai tsarki. Duk da haka zai zo ga ƙarshensa, kuma babu wanda zai taimake shi.

< Daniel 11 >