< Colossians 2 >

1 For I woulde ye knewe what great fighting I haue for your sakes, and for them of Laodicea, and for as many as haue not seene my person in the flesh,
yu. smaaka. m laayadikeyaasthabhraat. r.naa nca k. rte yaavanto bhraatara"sca mama "saariirikamukha. m na d. r.s. tavantaste. saa. m k. rte mama kiyaan yatno bhavati tad yu. smaan j naapayitum icchaami|
2 That their heartes might be comforted, and they knit together in loue, and in all riches of the full assurance of vnderstanding, to know the mysterie of God, euen the Father, and of Christ:
phalata. h puur. nabuddhiruupadhanabhogaaya premnaa sa. myuktaanaa. m te. saa. m manaa. msi yat piturii"svarasya khrii. s.tasya ca niguu. dhavaakyasya j naanaartha. m saantvanaa. m praapnuyurityarthamaha. m yate|
3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge.
yato vidyaaj naanayo. h sarvve nidhaya. h khrii. s.te guptaa. h santi|
4 And this I say, lest any man shoulde beguile you with entising wordes:
ko. api yu. smaan vinayavaakyena yanna va ncayet tadartham etaani mayaa kathyante|
5 For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, reioycing and beholding your order, and your stedfast faith in Christ.
yu. smatsannidhau mama "sariire. avarttamaane. api mamaatmaa varttate tena yu. smaaka. m suriiti. m khrii. s.tavi"svaase sthiratva nca d. r.s. tvaaham aanandaami|
6 As ye haue therefore receiued Christ Iesus the Lord, so walke in him,
ato yuuya. m prabhu. m yii"sukhrii. s.ta. m yaad. rg g. rhiitavantastaad. rk tam anucarata|
7 Rooted and built in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye haue bene taught, abouding therein with thankesgiuing.
tasmin baddhamuulaa. h sthaapitaa"sca bhavata yaa ca "sik. saa yu. smaabhi rlabdhaa tadanusaaraad vi"svaase susthiraa. h santastenaiva nitya. m dhanyavaada. m kuruta|
8 Beware lest there be any man that spoile you through philosophie, and vaine deceit, through the traditions of men, according to the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
saavadhaanaa bhavata maanu. sika"sik. saata ihalokasya var. namaalaata"scotpannaa khrii. s.tasya vipak. saa yaa dar"sanavidyaa mithyaaprataara. naa ca tayaa ko. api yu. smaaka. m k. sati. m na janayatu|
9 For in him dwelleth all the fulnesse of the Godhead bodily.
yata ii"svarasya k. rtsnaa puur. nataa muurttimatii khrii. s.te vasati|
10 And yee are complete in him, which is the head of all principalitie and power.
yuuya nca tena puur. naa bhavatha yata. h sa sarvve. saa. m raajatvakartt. rtvapadaanaa. m muurddhaasti,
11 In whome also yee are circumcised with circumcision made without handes, by putting off the sinfull body of the flesh, through the circumcision of Christ,
tena ca yuuyam ahastak. rtatvakchedenaarthato yena "saariirapaapaanaa. m vigrasatyajyate tena khrii. s.tasya tvakchedena chinnatvaco jaataa
12 In that yee are buried with him through baptisme, in whome ye are also raised vp together through the faith of the operation of God, which raised him from the dead.
majjane ca tena saarddha. m "sma"saana. m praaptaa. h puna rm. rtaanaa. m madhyaat tasyotthaapayiturii"svarasya "sakte. h phala. m yo vi"svaasastadvaaraa tasminneva majjane tena saarddham utthaapitaa abhavata|
13 And you which were dead in sinnes, and in the vncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, forgiuing you all your trespasses,
sa ca yu. smaan aparaadhai. h "saariirikaatvakchedena ca m. rtaan d. r.s. tvaa tena saarddha. m jiivitavaan yu. smaaka. m sarvvaan aparaadhaan k. samitavaan,
14 And putting out the hand writing of ordinances that was against vs, which was contrarie to vs, hee euen tooke it out of the way, and fastened it vpon the crosse,
yacca da.n.daaj naaruupa.m.r.napatram asmaaka.m viruddham aasiit tat pramaarjjitavaan "salaakaabhi.h kru"se baddhvaa duuriik.rtavaa.m"sca|
15 And hath spoyled the Principalities, and Powers, and hath made a shew of them openly, and hath triumphed ouer them in the same crosse.
ki nca tena raajatvakartt. rtvapadaani nistejaa. msi k. rtvaa paraajitaan ripuuniva pragalbhatayaa sarvve. saa. m d. r.s. tigocare hrepitavaan|
16 Let no man therefore condemne you in meate and drinke, or in respect of an holy day, or of the newe moone, or of the Sabbath dayes,
ato heto. h khaadyaakhaadye peyaapeye utsava. h pratipad vi"sraamavaara"scaite. su sarvve. su yu. smaaka. m nyaayaadhipatiruupa. m kamapi maa g. rhliita|
17 Which are but a shadowe of thinges to come: but the body is in Christ.
yata etaani chaayaasvaruupaa. ni kintu satyaa muurtti. h khrii. s.ta. h|
18 Let no man at his pleasure beare rule ouer you by humblenesse of minde, and worshipping of Angels, aduauncing himselfe in those thinges which hee neuer sawe, rashly puft vp with his fleshly minde,
apara nca namrataa svargaduutaanaa. m sevaa caitaad. r"sam i. s.takarmmaacaran ya. h ka"scit parok. savi. sayaan pravi"sati svakiiya"saariirikabhaavena ca mudhaa garvvita. h san
19 And holdeth not the head, whereof all the body furnished and knit together by ioyntes and bands, increaseth with the increasing of God.
sandhibhi. h "siraabhi"scopak. rta. m sa. myukta nca k. rtsna. m "sariira. m yasmaat muurddhata ii"svariiyav. rddhi. m praapnoti ta. m muurddhaana. m na dhaarayati tena maanavena yu. smatta. h phalaapahara. na. m naanujaaniita|
20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the ordinances of the world, why, as though ye liued in ye world, are ye burdened with traditions?
yadi yuuya. m khrii. s.tena saarddha. m sa. msaarasya var. namaalaayai m. rtaa abhavata tarhi yai rdravyai rbhogena k. saya. m gantavya. m
21 As, Touch not, Taste not, Handle not.
taani maa sp. r"sa maa bhu. mk. sva maa g. rhaa. neti maanavairaadi. s.taan "sik. sitaa. m"sca vidhiin
22 Which al perish with the vsing, and are after the commandements and doctrines of men.
aacaranto yuuya. m kuta. h sa. msaare jiivanta iva bhavatha?
23 Which thinges haue in deede a shewe of wisdome, in voluntarie religion and humblenesse of minde, and in not sparing the body, which are thinges of no valewe, sith they perteine to the filling of the flesh.
te vidhaya. h svecchaabhaktyaa namratayaa "sariirakle"sanena ca j naanavidhivat prakaa"sante tathaapi te. aga. nyaa. h "saariirikabhaavavarddhakaa"sca santi|

< Colossians 2 >