< Colossians 1 >
1 Paul an Apostle of Iesus Christ, by the will of God, and Timotheus our brother,
Bulus udura uyeso vana Ugomo Asere usuro ubasa Asere nan uhenu uru Timoti.
2 To them which are at Colosse, Saintes and faithfull brethren in Christ: Grace bee with you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Iesus Christ.
Uhana ahira an de be sa wa hem nan anu henu ahuma anyimo avana Asere sa wa rani Ukolosi. Ca ubura nan ticukum timan usuro ahira Asere acoo aru ucukum nan shi.
3 We giue thankes to God euen ye Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, alway praying for you:
Ti zin in napuru arum in na Asere acoo a Yeso vanaa Asere nan konde uya uwui ti zin biringira barki shi.
4 Since wee heard of your faith in Christ Iesus, and of your loue toward all Saintes,
Ta kunna uhem ushi me anyimo avana Asere Yeso nan nu hem andesa azauka barki Asere.
5 For the hopes sake, which is laide vp for you in heauen, whereof yee haue heard before by the word of trueth, which is the Gospel,
Izin nu hem ugeme barki u'inko iriba inka dundure imum me sa a inko shini asesere yamu kunna u'inko iriba ika dundure nan tize tikadura nan tize ta Asere.
6 Which is come vnto you, eue as it is vnto al the world, and is fruitful, as it is also amog you, from ye day that ye heard and truely knew ye grace of God,
Tige sa ta aye shi. Tize ta Asere sa nyinza ahana, ti kuri ti yozo nan ti uza anyimo unee uzini wuza ani me datti rono me sa ya kunna uni nan imanza ubura Asere akadundure.
7 As yee also learned of Epaphras our deare fellowe seruaunt, which is for you a faithfull minister of Christ:
Agino me ani tize ta Asere kasi umanza sa ya wuzi ahira Abafaras, uroni ukatuma karu kahuma de sa mazin katuma kahuma ka vana Asere anyo aru.
8 Who hath also declared vnto vs your loue in the Spirit.
Abafara maa bukin duru uhem uweme anyimo abibe.
9 For this cause wee also, since the day wee heard of it, cease not to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be fulfilled with knowledge of his will in all wisdome, and spirituall vnderstanding,
Barki uguna uhem me, datti uwui me sa taa kunna ani me, daki taa ceki uwuza ushi biringira ba. Ti zin unu tira utari bati amyinca unu rusa ume me anyimo urusa nan unu tinka a bibe.
10 That ye might walke worthy of the Lord, and please him in all things, being fruitefull in all good workes, and increasing in the knowledge of God,
Ti zin biringira bati i wuzi tanu me sa ta wuna Asere rep a konde uya una sa iriba ime me idi rummi. Tizin biringira inya ahana anyimo akonde ka ya katuma kuri vi'u una rusa Asere.
11 Strengthened with all might through his glorious power, vnto all patience, and long suffering with ioyfulnesse,
Ti zin biringira unu gunna isoki nice anyimo konde uya urusa barki ubara uhana utira iriba ikang nan unata iriba.
12 Giuing thankes vnto the Father, which hath made vs meete to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saintes in light,
Tizin biringira idi acoo iriba irum nan apuru arum, de sa ma wuna shi ya kem ukalum anyimo uharu wanu re imum ya Asere yanu hem anyimo ama saa.
13 Who hath deliuered vs from the power of darkenesse, and hath translated vs into the kingdome of his deare Sonne,
Ma buran duru anyimo atigomo timareu ma kurzon duru ti iri tigomo ti huma ti vana ume me.
14 In whome we haue redemption through his blood, that is, the forgiuenesse of sinnes,
Ahira usam me ta kem uburan, uvete ucara abanga.
15 Who is the image of the inuisible God, the first begotten of euery creature.
Usam me mani muhenu ma Asere sa adake iri ba. Me mani utuba anyimo abi barabara ba Asere.
16 For by him were all things created, which are in heauen, and which are in earth, thinges visible and inuisible: whether they be Thrones or Dominions, or Principalities, or Powers, all things were created by him, and for him,
Barki ahira ame me ani abari vat timum me mani ma bari tini barki me.
17 And hee is before all things, and in him all things consist.
Maa rani aje uvat uti mum, anyimo ame me ani vat ti mum ta kuri ta gurna.
18 And hee is the head of the body of the Church: he is the beginning, and the first begotten of the dead, that in all thinges hee might haue the preeminence.
Me mani nice nini pum, anu tarsa Asere me mani utuba nan vana utuba anyimo ani wono, barki anime mazi na hira utuba anyimo atimum vat.
19 For it pleased the Father, that in him should all fulnesse dwell,
Barki sa Asere ma wuzi puru arum ugunna vat ubari ume me ucukuno anyimo ame.
20 And through peace made by that blood of that his crosse, to reconcile to himselfe through him, through him, I say, all thinges, both which are in earth, and which are in heauen.
Ma kuri ma barka konde iya imum uhana ahira ame usuro usam me. Asere ayen ticukum turunta ahira ama ye mu gankirka ume. Asere abarka vat uhana ahira ame, nani ti mum me ti rani asesere.
21 And you which were in times past strangers and enemies, because your mindes were set in euill workes, hath he nowe also reconciled,
Barki sa unu tuba shi agenu wani ahira Asere, anu eru ume amuriba nan anyimo akatuma kaburi.
22 In that body of his flesh through death, to make you holy, and vnblameable and without fault in his sight,
Ana me, ma barka shi ahira iwono ime me ini pum. Ma wuza ani me bati ma witi shi lau, anu zatu umadini nan uzatu imum iti zogo aje ame.
23 If ye continue, grounded and stablished in the faith, and be not moued away from the hope of the Gospel, whereof ye haue heard, and which hath bene preached to euery creature which is vnder heauen, whereof I Paul am a minister.
Inge yare aje anyimo uhem, uturi ahira a'inde, anu zatu seserke ahira u'inko iriba ikadura nan tize ta Asere sa awuzi barki konde vi sa ma rani unee. Tine tini tizi ta Asere sa mi Bulus ma cukuno urere.
24 Now reioyce I in my suffrings for you, and fulfill the rest of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh, for his bodies sake, which is the Church,
Ana me izin niriba irum ini jassi im barki shi. Ani pum num ma myincika ukasu ijasi ivana Asere barki nipum ni meme nini anu tarsa Asere.
25 Whereof I am a minister, according to the dispensation of God, which is giuen mee vnto you ward, to fulfill the word of God,
Barki anu tarsa Asere agino me, ma cukuno urere nan unu gittak sa Asere acanum barki wa anu umyinca ukadura ka Asere.
26 Which is the mysterie hid since the world began, and from all ages, but nowe is made manifest to his Saintes, (aiōn )
Ane ani nizunzi nikadura sa a hunze tiwe nan ticara gbardang. Ani me apoko ande sa wa hem in me ini. (aiōn )
27 To whome God woulde make knowen what is the riches of his glorious mysterie among the Gentiles, which riches is Christ in you, the hope of glory,
Ahira awe me ani Asere a hem upoko ugbardang uhunze me ni anyimo anu zatu tarsa Asere. Maa bezi vana Asere mani anyimo ashi, ugbardang ukatuma sa ka aze.
28 Whome we preache, admonishing euery man, and teaching euery man in all wisdome, that we may present euery man perfect in Christ Iesus,
Me mani de sa tizin unu boo me, tizin unu gbara ukonde uya unu, ti zin unu dugura ukonde uya unu nigoo me nan konde uya urusa, bati ti witi konde uya unu anyimo avana Asere gbem.
29 Whereunto I also labour and striue, according to his working which worketh in me mightily.
Barki nikara ni meme nan ubari ume me sa urani anyimo am unee uni wa wunam izinin katuma in nu inko iriba.