< Amos 8 >

1 Thus hath the Lord God shewed vnto me, and behold, a basket of summer fruite.
haec ostendit mihi Dominus Deus et ecce uncinus pomorum
2 And he said, Amos, what seest thou? And I sayd, A basket of sommer fruite. Then sayd the Lord vnto me, The ende is come vpon my people of Israel, I wil passe by them no more.
et dixit quid tu vides Amos et dixi uncinum pomorum et dixit Dominus ad me venit finis super populum meum Israhel non adiciam ultra ut pertranseam eum
3 And the songs of the Temple shalbe howlings in that day, saith the Lord God: many dead bodies shalbe in euery place: they shall cast them forth with silence.
et stridebunt cardines templi in die illa dicit Dominus Deus multi morientur in omni loco proicietur silentium
4 Heare this, O yee that swallowe vp the poore, that ye may make the needie of the lande to fayle,
audite hoc qui conteritis pauperem et deficere facitis egenos terrae
5 Saying, When will the newe moneth bee gone, that we may sell corne? and the Sabbath, that we may set forth wheate, and make the Ephah small, and the shekel great, and falsifie the weights by deceit?
dicentes quando transibit mensis et venundabimus merces et sabbatum et aperiemus frumentum ut inminuamus mensuram et augeamus siclum et subponamus stateras dolosas
6 That we may buy the poore for siluer, and the needie for shooes: yea, and sell the refuse of the wheate.
ut possideamus in argento egenos et pauperes pro calciamentis et quisquilias frumenti vendamus
7 The Lord hath sworne by the excellencie of Iaakob, Surely I will neuer forget any of their workes.
iuravit Dominus in superbia Iacob si oblitus fuero usque ad finem omnia opera eorum
8 Shall not the lande tremble for this, and euery one mourne, that dwelleth therein? and it shall rise vp wholy as a flood, and it shall bee cast out, and drowned as by the flood of Egypt.
numquid super isto non commovebitur terra et lugebit omnis habitator eius et ascendet quasi fluvius universus et eicietur et defluet quasi rivus Aegypti
9 And in that day, saith the Lord God, I will euen cause the sunne to go downe at noone: and I will darken the earth in the cleare day.
et erit in die illa dicit Dominus occidet sol meridie et tenebrescere faciam terram in die luminis
10 And I will turne your feastes into mourning, and all your songs into lamentation: and I will bring sackcloth vpon all loynes, and baldnes vpon euery head: and I will make it as the mourning of an onely sonne, and the ende thereof as a bitter day.
et convertam festivitates vestras in luctum et omnia cantica vestra in planctum et inducam super omne dorsum vestrum saccum et super omne caput calvitium et ponam eam quasi luctum unigeniti et novissima eius quasi diem amarum
11 Beholde, the dayes come, sayeth the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the lande, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the word of the Lord.
ecce dies veniunt dicit Dominus et mittam famem in terram non famem panis neque sitim aquae sed audiendi verbum Domini
12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the North euen vnto the East shall they run to and from to seeke the worde of the Lord, and shall not finde it.
et commovebuntur a mari usque ad mare et ab aquilone usque ad orientem circumibunt quaerentes verbum Domini et non invenient
13 In that day shall the faire virgines and the yong men perish for thirst.
in die illa deficient virgines pulchrae et adulescentes in siti
14 They that sweare by the sinne of Samaria, and that say, Thy God, O Dan, liueth, and the maner of Beer-sheba liueth, euen they shall fall, and neuer rise vp againe.
qui iurant in delicto Samariae et dicunt vivit deus tuus Dan et vivit via Bersabee et cadent et non resurgent ultra

< Amos 8 >